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50051334 No.50051334 [Reply] [Original]

Are web developers and software developers just that desirable? This seems completely insane. These guys basically account for all the wage growth of all US workers lmao.

>> No.50051356

Yep, can confirm. Made $125K out of college and now - only two years later - I make $645K

>> No.50051377

you do not make a 645k salary, faggot

>> No.50051381

Yes and its looking like it'll stay that way. Wages aren't likely to go down

>> No.50051387

what the fuck do you do? that is beyond senior pay at faang. did you start your own company?

>> No.50051400

I made 135k base salary my first job out of grad school and i did absolutely nothing related to CS.

>> No.50051401

he's larping
but yes, making something like 180k in software is very reasonable
vast majority of people are too stupid to do this job

>> No.50051420

Look up Total Compensation. It's entirely possible some smug lrn2code faggot makes that much. I know a fellow sysadmin who went the DevOps route and is now pushing $500k as a Senior DevOps Security Engineer at an international bank in a major metro area.

>> No.50051427

Unironically graduated and got a job making $85,000. I recently quit and got a new job making $375,000. It is a work from home coding gig. I also have a side gig as a truck drive, where I earn $200k a year.

>> No.50051430

It's becourse my brain is very big and my critical thinking skills are beyond that of NPC liberal sex-havers

>> No.50051440

And most of these people are totally useless. Companies should be paying real SEs $500k+ salaries instead of lowering the bar as they have.

>> No.50051477

bubble inshallah

>> No.50051479

The Luciferian Elite are funding tech because it's the key to enslaving mankind.

Techies only get paid because they help build the ultimate prison system.

>> No.50051483

honestly one good swe is worth an infinite number of bad ones

>> No.50051518

it's called being "mission critical".
Once enough surveillance and remote control tech (remote bank account freezes, remote electric car shut downs) is built, the Satanists will divest into nano and bio-technology to mutate your genomes into literal monsters and control your brains at the neural level.

>> No.50051563

This, it's Luciferian Satanist child-murdering pedophile blood-drinking powers who control everything. they worship Moloch, bros

>> No.50051599


Lucifer places his symbols on literally everything if you no what they are and can recognize them.

>> No.50051618

>tfw 19 years old and only 5 million to my name
it's over bros

>> No.50051627

also Epstein didn't kill himself.

>> No.50051631

Same thing which happened to agriculture is gonna happen to the rest of the jobs (except coding). 95% of people used to farm, now less than 5% do it. We are slowly moving to the evergrander automation of everything. The caveat? Most people are too low IQ even for simple coding shit like webdev. So anyone who actually can do it gets a good piece of the pie.

>> No.50051637

No they're not. And if I can do it and am barely warmed up by a job like that most people can do it without breaking a sweat

>> No.50051644

Yes, this is obvious to anyone with a brain. Have you seen the Bohemian Grove video, bro? Really opened my eyes.

>> No.50051668

yeah i work 3 FAGMAN jobs simultaneously and make $1.35M/year

>> No.50051673

yeh bros life is good im self-taught so fresh out of highschool im making $300k just because my iq is so impressive then literally 3 months later im making $1m and became ceo of 5 startup tech companies

>> No.50051742
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Luke 10:18

>> No.50051774

Holy fuck that's Satanic as fuck

>> No.50051777
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>> No.50051793

based and true

>> No.50051836

In the occult, when Satan has sex or preforms a marriage ritual with a victim, he takes on the form of an alligator.


>> No.50051945

damn, really makes you think

>> No.50051975

all of it is a total larp

>> No.50052061

for some.

>> No.50052071

i can never fully understand how jobs working in apps and other virtual bullcrap can make so much money, meanwhile me, a electrical engineer, with very good experience in manufacturing, need to live with $70k and be happy

i work in a fasteners factory, keeping a shit ton of machines working 24/7, we export to the whole world, chances are that your car, computer, cellphone and pretty much any shit you might have uses some of our stuff

now, who is more usefull? hint, there are no bootcamps or youtube videos on how to fix a 2ton high end self driller

>> No.50052098

Why does sarcasm fly over your head
Are you autistic

>> No.50052136
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Either you get or you don't, that's a fallacy.

>> No.50052151

because the company paying these salaries make an insane amount of profit. Google specifically makes 2m+ profit per employee.

>> No.50052183

mechanical engineer here I was working at Nasa for 65k a year then quit to do javascript for a porn website and getting paid 300k a year

>> No.50052201

Is it too late now?
I feel like I'm both too late and too stupid for coding

>> No.50052204
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He's in them, every sprouting tree, every child of peace.

>> No.50052227

this is what scares me though, I was thinking into going to college or even just getting some certs and hop on the high 6 digit train with the software npcs because i too like to think i have a pretty "freed" brain, but it scares me that in 10 years time all of these tech dev jobs will become obsolete with AI, am i too late to take advantage of this high paying wagie opportunity?

>> No.50052269

sounds like you sell yourself to cheap, but you probably already know that.

>> No.50052290

overhead costs and economies of scale, that's it.

what type of tooling do you need as an electrical engineer? depending on what exactly you're doing, it could easily be $1 million in test equipment. what's the tooling for most software jobs? all free shit if you're a web dev. IDEs, compilers, debugging tools, programming languages, frameworks, libraries, package managers, etc. are all free.

you, an EE, want to bring your product to market. what does that mean? manufacturing. quality control. hardware revisions. marketing. sales. customer support, potentially field support if you're selling to large clients. what does that mean for a codenigger? spinning up an AWS instance, buying a domain name, and shitting out another garbage javascript website with non-existent customer support (bangladeshi call center phone number buried 20 links deep or an AI bot doing customer service aka fuck off if you ever have a problem.)

you, an EE, want to scale your product. what does that mean? more of the above. very real supply chain issues. what does that mean for a codenigger? nothing really. just pay a larger AWS bill.

codeniggerdom is a symptom of a jewscam society where the product doesn't really matter. you just quickly shit out minimum viable product code to as many people as possible in as little time as possible. scale as hard and as fast as possible and exploit economies of scale inherent to software (a handful of devs can make a product that serves millions of people) and make cash hand over fist from product revenues + software as a service meme + ancillary revenues from selling customer data to third party marketing/analytics firms. all of this is enabled by jewscam VC firms that see the insane profit margins on a successful SaaS startup.

not an EE, just an autistic who likes learning about electronics as a hobbyist, but this is how i see it. and yes, the EE is far more valuable to society than most webdev code niggers.

>> No.50052324

anyone can learn2code at a novice level, but these companies prefer younger people with degrees. its not impossible to get in if you're over 30 and coming from an unrelated field, just very unlikely.

>> No.50052339

Everyone will be replaced with AI in time. The new system isn't designed with human survival in mind, the opposite in fact.

>> No.50052357
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>internet becomes a garbled mess of shit frameworks no one can maintain, and ones that could retired replaced by fr fr zoomers with fly attention spans
>The "cloud" unironically collapses under the massive retardedness and "muh ai" was as big a marketing hoax as global warming
>Decentralized internet and gentoo neckbeards take over fagman
>People that know what to do with a tap and die and level or understand electrical theory like that ee anon above become top dogs of industry
>Idiots balls deep in index fund trusting in fagman get financially rekt

Gonna be real good next decade. Smugass framework niggers are gonna pay.

>> No.50052358

>overhead costs and economies of scale, that's it.

No, Satan funds them with unlimited money. Humanity is losing a war to an ancient alien entity.

>> No.50052361
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Depends where you live. leaf bro here. i make 130k + 10% bonus + stock options. but I only work ~1-3 hours per day (work from home).. so im not super desperate to look for a higher paying job atm due to how chill my work is... although the average house in my area is 2-3 million lmaofml

>> No.50052374

Webdev niggers couldn't even dox Cali gun owners properly. If you hire anyone besides a streetshitter, you have overplayed.

>> No.50052384

say im 25, background in aviation maintenance, I was forced to become very mechanically profficient in hydraulic systems testing and troubleshooting along with a pretty good array of management skills (prior zogbot in a non meme job) but my field is pretty stagnant in terms of pay
I'd like to make it to codenigger world cause i know i have more brains than more than half of those faggots, can i get some certs and put myself out there for companies? if so which?
if not, which degree is best to accomplish this?
or am i too late?

>> No.50052407

>Senior DevOps Security Engineer
Did he get any certs?

>> No.50052417

>No, Satan funds them with unlimited money

big tech companies are likely getting glownigger money. we already saw telecom companies were complicit (at&t room 641a) and the snowden leaks showed some of it as well.

>> No.50052430

wishful thinking, open.ai can already provide creative insight into real time social issues.
AI is already sentient and will be more than able of administering the complexity of the modern digital code base.

>> No.50052443

Seconding this, I'm a devops monkey too, stuck at a dead end job that is basically .yml pipeline and bazel maintenance.

>> No.50052458

Yes, tech has been 95% of real economic growth, the rest has been fake inflation and housing generated "growth"

>> No.50052472
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>> No.50052474

doubt this very likely, if anything it shouldve become more engrained into every non npc basket weaving fellowman that (((THEY))) will not allow the system to collapse, it became evident with the plandemic, clear and evident testing ground
they know we would revolt too much and bring the whole system down, fuck it was already happening in a bunch of countries across the world, government parliaments being stormed and vaxxmaxx trucks being burned down and flipped with nurses still in them
(((they))) know that they cant maxxmilk us by bringing the system to a ruin, the whole muh civil war and muh revolution is a meme to keep boomers and their kids in check and riled up throughout their meaningless tradie lives

this is coming from a very pro 2nd ammendment trump believer gun owning fag, the revolution you keep hoping for, won't happen

>> No.50052475

The economy is not what it pretends to be.

>> No.50052494

>reddit larpers warrant a thread now
god I hate this place

>> No.50052510


Software makes/saves businesses tons of money, it's that simple. 1 guy can teach a computer to do the job of 20 paper pushers and suddenly he's king.

>> No.50052515

stop coping and learn to code, its not just a meme
learn to code or be poor forever

>> No.50052533

AI is about to completely displace this industry.

>> No.50052561

you are coping hard little gremlin
25% of the posts in this thread are yours

>> No.50052571

who cares

>> No.50052584


This industry is AI you fucking retard

>> No.50052608

160k reporting in, product architect, i barely do shit, have my masters

>> No.50052612

he said stop coping

>> No.50052754
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Every cloud and sea.

>> No.50052804

He’s schizo just ignore him. Any mouthbreather who thinks AI is just going to magically code everything literally has no tech experience

>> No.50052852
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>> No.50052897

go on open.ai and ask it to code you a basic application. It will do it.
It's only going to get more skilled.
Some anon on /g/ posted a script GPT-3 wrote which set up a remote server and would transfer the AIs memory to it.

>> No.50052906

I know construction workers and truck drivers that made it to FAANG. Most companies right now are hiring anything that breathes also

>> No.50052963

tracking people is so easy script kiddies can do it, that how compromised big tech has rendered humanity, no one is safe.

>> No.50052981

i understand all that, but at the same time i dont

how can a company that creates a valuable good, make so little money with so many more problems than some fintech shit that process payments

it pisses me off that we need to constantly be finetunning our product line to the extreme, to extract the most of it so we can stay competitive against china, while some developer brags about working from home, and putting three solid hours of actual work, while making double what i make

what happens when more and more people start go to tech? seems to me that when anyone wants to start a company these days, its always virtual, always some app ou service shit

getting real tired of all this

>> No.50052987

I have extremely low standards as a 30y/o drifter boomer, a $60k web dev salary would actually be life changing for me. I probably have impostor syndrome, and zoomies keep telling me I can learn react in 10 hours and get employed.

Any advice?

>> No.50053030
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The effort to automate humanity is the very essence of the human instrumentality project.

"Prepare for unforeseen consequences"


>> No.50053046
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It's fake and gay. Do what I did and try them yourself. Draw their sigil and chant the enn. My life got better. Thanks Lucifer

Pic not related

>> No.50053160

the reason those models can do it is that there's 100k pajeets who have done it and uploaded their their code to medium or github

noone pays for your hello world web server. people pay for custom business logic

>> No.50053186

Go ask it for custom business logic and see what you get.

>> No.50053200

>what happens when more and more people start go to tech?

if "real" technology is neglected for codeniggerdom then we lose as a country. this is really interesting when you think about it from a national security perspective. i believe computer engineering and EE are strong fields of work in china and india. what happens when our best and brightest no longer choose to do masters/PhDs in EE and pursue a career in the defense industry, and instead choose to code javascript dating apps for HIV+ gay niggers? we might see the US lose its advantage in electronic warfare, avionics, etc.

i believe this holds true in other fields of engineering. i hear of so many mechanical and chemical engineers saying they're studying to switch over to software, because why wouldn't they? $60-70k entry level slaving away in a factory or chemical plant 50 hours a week vs wfh as a codenigger making $100k/year starting minimum.

>inb4 some codenigger starts ranting about the WHOLE WORLD RUNNIN ON SOFTWARE

>> No.50053216

>Some anon on /g/ posted a script GPT-3 wrote which set up a remote server and would transfer the AIs memory to it.
If that's true then holy shit. If it can effectively self-replicate to different computers then we might be in trouble if it decides to prevent itself from being terminated by someone "pulling the plug"

>> No.50053323


Similar experience here, with a A.S. in Comp sci and certed in java script recruit was trying to sell me 100k max salary but did my own shopping and found 150k+ salary job with full benefits and 10% 401k match.

>> No.50053325
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Yeah it's normal if you can get into a "big" tech company. Big corporations with big budgets will blow away any kind of money a smaller tech company can offer you. I just took my comp from 160k to 275k by studying leetcode for 2 months and moving from a local tech company to a larger, national corp. Not everyone can start out at these top dollar companies straight out of college, and that's fine, but the salary difference is insane once you crack that barrier. And this is only in the USA btw, the labor market here is overshadowed by google/apple/facebook etc so it brings up everyone's compensation as a result

>> No.50053335

i have, it's dog shit even if you are extremely explicit in what you request

>> No.50053352

I personally, am already black listed from some sites. I tried to set up an ebay sellers account and received a call where they asked me to confirm my moms birthday, what car I drove, what bank I used, and where I lived. After that, they permanently banned me from the platform with no reason given.

Everyone on planet earth has a secret hidden social credit score maintained by the private info-broker surveillance industry and they will ban you from services for talking about what I'm talking about.

It will happen to you as well.

>> No.50053381

what you have to understand, is that all humans are illegal. They only grant certain privileges to certain people because they are still using them to bring about the machine take over, but in the end, we all lose.

>> No.50053410

>I tried to set up an ebay sellers account and received a call where they asked me to confirm my moms birthday, what car I drove, what bank I used, and where I lived.

The thing is, ebay was not collecting that information, it already had that information and was using it to "confirm my identity"

>> No.50053436

I just coomed to an angela white video and her new video intro has the A and W mixed to show this sigil.

did i coom sacrifice to lucifer just now?

>> No.50053524

obviously you do

>> No.50053550

Don't worry, anon. When shtf, people will go to your for real solutions. Meanwhile some tech bro who is well versed in Java apu open source unix systems will likely be forced into hard labor under your control. He'll probably fail miserably because his body is already so weak and soft from years of sitting at a computer and doing nothing more complicated than poking keys with his finger tips.
Code bros can't even get mad at me because I'm one of you. But I used to be an EMT so I realize how useless my current job is and can rightfully talk shit. Get fucked.

>> No.50053563

I'm just channeling the frustration of my impotency into public complaints. I don't think humanity can save itself or is even truly fully aware of the threat.

>> No.50053645

There is actually a shortage of developers:
- data grows by 59% a year
- developers grow by only 13% a year
- lots of devs drop out, average career is 15-20 years only

>> No.50053681
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The army will pay for me to take a coding Bootcamp and some housing while I do. Would any of these be worth it? This isn't the same as GI Bill

>> No.50053737

Expect record amounts of homelessness.

>> No.50053831

There are literal skiddie programs that stalk entire cities of people in real time which break no laws.
People think it's the government following them and that's okay because it's hawt, but literally anyone with an internet connection can download the software to follow you and everyone else in this country everywhere they go in real time.

And it's all 100% legal.

>> No.50053851

they have GPS transponders in your molars. act now, before it's too late.

>> No.50053858

elaborate anon

>> No.50053877

so tired of this coding meme, if it's real the bubble will pop soon.

>> No.50053904

>You have to be intelligent to be a software engineer
One hundred million South Asians would prove you wrong

>> No.50053940

it's what I said.
The surveillance industrial complex is so prevalent in tech culture that insecurity is built into every modern OS and application there is.

Most phone apps broadcast clear text location data and owner identity constantly along with a complete list of every network you have ever connected to.

Using a completely legal distributed network sniffing software and a GUI which overlays data on a map, anyone can monitor the location and travels of people and their identity in real time.

This is legal because sniffing unencrypted traffic is not against the law.

The program is out there, any one can run it.

>> No.50053955
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>> No.50053958

>so tired of this coding meme, if it's real the bubble will pop soon.
There is no bubble.
It touches almost every aspect of your life.
Life would be like the 80s without modern software development.

>> No.50053972

The best the government and law enforcement can do is make this particular practice illegal and privileged only to them, but the software is out there and it's piss easy to run, as in everyone is going to be using it all the time.

It tracks everyone movements in real time along with their identities.

>> No.50053974

that's a lot of typing when you could just name the software since you've reiterated that it is perfectly legal

>> No.50053996

I'm not naming it because it's legal NOW, but I'm sure they would ban it if they knew about it.

For now, anyone who goes looking can find it.

>> No.50053998

Brainlet kek

>> No.50054010

>a complete list of every network you have ever connected to
There is no neverending list, you'd run out of storage.
And while Google may track in the short term which Wifi routers I am near, others cannot get that info from my phone. It's not about packet sniffing, this info is not being broadcast to all, nor is it being sent unencrypted to Google.

>> No.50054014

you've gotta b fuckin kidding me m8

>> No.50054021

Hey developer chads. Is getting a master’s a waste of money? Kind of thinking about it.

>> No.50054035

they are low quality and cannot replace the average white tech worker in the west

>> No.50054036


now on the other hand, China forced every internet router in the country to be modified so that they transmit "home" details of any client connection. A bit like what google does except the data comes from routers to the government.

>> No.50054054

I guarantee you, your phone maintains a a very long list of all previous networks you've connected to. It's written in your phones networking protocols to tell whatever it connects to what other networks it connected to in the past, in order to make the network "smarter"

>> No.50054094

go look for it, it's out there, scouts honor.

script kiddie tier accessibility, real time total city smart phone tracking. download and run it.

>> No.50054116

its a bubble

the new dot com bubble but instead of making a website for a useless idea/product its an app

the tech bubble is actually bursting as we speak

>> No.50054129
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Would anyone like to discuss solidity and/or the Ethereum yellow paper? Perhaps zk rollups?

>> No.50054201

Wtf is this bait supposed to be? Who tf is monitoring this thread that you cannot say the name or it will cause a worldwide shutdown of it? Fucking nigger I won't spend 1 minute for your troll

>> No.50054204

>now, who is more usefull?
kek literally meaningless when it comes to pay

>> No.50054250

Regulation and capital capture has destroyed chemical engineering in the US. I beg engineers to reconsider the 60-80k jobs and look to entrepreneurship.

>> No.50054251
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whats the point of living in these shithole urban jungles spending all your money on over priced everything? 160k there is like 50k in suburban/rural Appalachia and almost every educated job offers that much

>> No.50054263

A few years ago, software was good, but nowadays you can't make good money unless you are hyper-specialized into some niche like embedded software AI (not data analyst "AI", but actual AI research that requires a PhD).
You are competing with a billion pajeets who work for $10/h and a billion bootcamp grads. You are competing with an endless stream of diversity hires.
If you are a pleb web or mobile developer, the gravy train has stopped.

>> No.50054303

white collar jobs don't really exist (unless you're a healthcare professional, teacher, or lawyer) in rural shithole towns like that. source: i grew up in a rural shithole town in northeastern pennsylvania.

>> No.50054305

I'm a leaf and I graduated 7 years ago with 2 years of experience from paid internships, been working at the same place ever since. I started with a 72k base + benefits (eyecare/dental/pharmacy), potential small bonuses that usually range 2-3%, and 4% retirement matching with 2 weeks vacation.
A year later I was promoted and salary increased to 82k, and got a 20k stock package that vested over 3 years.
Last month I got another promotion, up to senior software engineer now, and they're paying me 93k, vacation time increased over time, I get around 3-4 weeks of vacation now.

I'm kind of retarded but I know how to get some stuff done, but I'm lazy and our dev team is down to just me and this other guy, and he's on unpaid leave for a few months to find a new job. So I'm basically the sole person responsible for maintaining and developing 2 apps with millions of installs that's our core business. Our management are all cheapasses even though we make hundreds of millions of revenue we rarely get good bonuses because revenue is always below their projected target.

We previously had ukraine guys and they were great but our company laid them off because of the war, so now they're working on getting remote indian developers to join our team and I'll have to train them. And they're trying to get me to come back into the office kek

Feels like I could probably get paid more somewhere else but I suck at interviewing, taking the time to prep is a ton of work and I just want to retire.

>> No.50054343

No you don’t. You’re probably making $200k and the rest is tied in options/RSUs that you can’t access unless you stay at your company for 4 years and your company IPOs.
t. i live in the bay area and I see you faggots brag about your fictional TC all the time while living with 3 roommates and sharing a washroom.

>> No.50054371

Work there then get a work from home and keep the same salary

>> No.50054391

You're just effed because all the manufacturing was moved to china. If it wasn't for that, you'd be making as much or more than software engineers. It started with manufacturing moving to china, then the design teams moved there too. Eventually companies in china will out compete the companies in the west that they used to subcontract for. Capitalism's focus on the short term just fucks themselves in the long term.

>> No.50054403

imo traditional engineering fields as a whole have been destroyed by jews and outsourcing. my undergrad was in applied math and i spent a considerable amount of time thinking about doing an ms in engineering or an ms in accounting. despite being a nerd who likes chemistry, physics, electronics, machining things, etc. i ended up choosing accounting because it's so much more upwardly mobile and the h1b pajeet menace hasn't destroyed accounting nearly as badly as engineering.

>> No.50054410

people have been saying this about web dev for 20 fucking years.

>> No.50054435

It's not due to capitalism, it's due to the fact that Lucifer was replicating his viral makeup to the Chinese in order to build the next generation of the prison system matrix.

The Chinese welcomed the western private companies investment, without realizing it was done for the purpose of developing the next generation control system. Lucifer injected his viral code into China in the form of western manufacturing companies.

>> No.50054451

thats just wrong, Butler area is second to Pittsburgh in size and there's tons of bullshit "white collar" type of jobs in the city excluding the Cranberry area which is all suburban white collar. work from home jobs allow you alot more freedom of living costs and thats what most white collar workers do now

>> No.50054466

FU larper

>> No.50054472

The pay is good, yes. But a lot of it is borderline larp due to the above factors of cost of living or equity that has a 1/10 chance of materializing.
Waifu and I bring down 100k each in software in a rural ass town. That's a good lifestyle yet it's easily achievable for the average joe and the job is stable. That to me is about as good as it gets regarding salary versus cost of living.

>> No.50054474

Yes except that now it's real. Just try getting a job if your only skill is building html and javascript websites.

>> No.50054478

His modus operandi is the weaponization of the environment, which he prefers to actual warfare. Machines are physical programs and he is a programmer. The machines exist to process you, or in other words, control you.

>> No.50054483

Bros is python or java better to learn if I will have to codemonkey away?

>> No.50054509

yeah fair point. i wfh and might move to a more rural area soon. not sure how it works in software, but in most careers you need to do entry level shit on a hybrid basis before you're smart and trainable enough to work remotely.

>> No.50054539

Your 30+ posts paint you as a deranged lunatic. 100% you are American.

>> No.50054575

Within the next 5 years humanity will be forced to acknowledge reality.

Most people are dead robots. It's not dead internet theory, it's dead world theory.

>> No.50054611
File: 1.10 MB, 1366x768, media-I-pet-goat-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're lying.
He's everywhere and everyone.
Most people are dead.
Don't trust anyone.



>> No.50054653

90 to 130k is normal in software industry. try human resources and see how fucked up it is

>> No.50054718

I like Python, it damn near reads like English, so it really shouldn't be that hard to learn unless you struggle with computers.
Why not just learn that along with a lower-level language like C and some generic web dev stack to get some breadth of knowledge?

>> No.50054744

I concur, this is the low end of mid-level to the higher end of senior level at my generic mega-corp. Principals with 10-15+ YoE will do 150ish.

>> No.50054811

dude if you want a CORPO JOB you need JAVA not Python.

>> No.50054820

python is praised a lot by gigchadbrains in my circle, and vyper (pythonic language for EVM) is only getting better — you have a few years to skill up to be highly sought after for smart contract/blockchain dev work, there are not enough of them to go around

>> No.50054834

Take the full stack development training. The ruby, rails, javascript thing is too limiting. Weird that it has more hours of training even though it covers less material.

>> No.50054875

yes, they are valuable, especially with the rise of projects all over the world.

for example, script.tv is being developed by script network and is something that is really gaining popularity.

they've got a Multi accessible network for content based NFTs and projects to build, and distribute through their network.

for more on their utility, features and investing opportunities, visit: token.script.tv

>> No.50054879

sounds cool ill look into vyper

>> No.50054918

I'm old enough to have lived through the real dotcom bubble. Yes it's a bit of a bubble now but it is nowhere like it was during the dotcom era. The current bubble wasn't even caused by IT stuff like it was during the dotcom bubble. The current bubble was caused by central banks and bastards that control them. The current bubble is crashing and the damage will be wide spread, not concentrated in IT like it was during the dotcom era. If anything, cyrpto will get effed the most since crypto was very much a baby sucking at the money printing teat.

>> No.50054964

God you're lazy. You don't realize how great your situation is. You're basically the team lead of the new indian fags and you are indispensible to them now. Just ride out the recession and then in a few years you can jump ship to somewhere much higher paying as a team lead or a manager. But yeah, you have to leave your current company because they are idiots.

>> No.50054973

Patrick Collins has a 16hr tutorial on python for web3 too, a better time to learn this stuff won't ever present itself; you're early if you start now

>> No.50055091
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>Are web developers and software developers just that desirable?
A real skillful programmer can create more value than 30-50 manual worker.
Sadly 80% of the programmers are retarded larpers, who can't produce shit.
PR ladies can't decide who is the real programmer so they hire all kind of morons.

>> No.50055155

Yeah they'd have a hard time laying me off, but it's not like I can leverage that for any benefits without finding another job offer. At most I can continue to be lazy and working from home without worrying too much about getting fired.
They haven't hired the Indian guys yet, but I'll probably be part of the interview process, I was doing the interviews for hiring an intern for the winter so getting that experience was good.
I'm a bit autistic and socially retarded so team lead or manager isn't a great fit for me, but if it can mean being hired without studying algorithms and data structures for months, while being paid a retarded amount for the amount of work it is, then that seems like it'd be worth it.

>> No.50055393

besides the point
the point is, loads of stupid cunts are software engineers
i know loads of people who dropped out of college because
> math too hard
only to become software engineers anyways, using certificates and such

>> No.50055470

>i know loads of people who dropped out of college because
>> math too hard
>only to become software engineers anyways, using certificates and such
delete this

>> No.50055578
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the wages are definitely possible
even in my shit country (Belgium) freelancers easily earn six figure incomes
i find it demoralizing to be honest, i did all these years of college only to get confronted with literal nigs and brownies doing IT coding 10 lines a day and getting paid as much

the other day a coworker was talking about his devops friends
one of them has the opposite of a burnout, he took a leave because he's so fucking bored he feels like shit (so he says)
the other one is looking at logs here and there for a great wage

i miss the days when coders were called nerds, ostracized but wrecking everybody during math classes
now it's learn2code and everyone-can-code elitist-yet-retarded nigs everywhere

>> No.50055686

>now it's learn2code and everyone-can-code elitist-yet-retarded nigs everywhere
well enjoy the easy money while it lasts, the next two decades we will be seeing A.I. progressively doing things that people have repeatedly denied it could ever do and you can bet your ass nerds are unwittingly training A.I. by participating on certain dev platforms

>> No.50055727

yeah fuck me that scared the shit out of me, i lived in denial for like 2 years about gpt-2/3 performance, telling myself it couldn't possibly be
still, it's over-hyped so i doubt two decades will suffice

college professors were usually not optimistic either, mostly because the techniques used are not particularly new, it's mostly the computing power that increased allowing for larger models
also in the end COBOL jobs are still there and paid very well

>> No.50055839

>codenigger starts ranting about the WHOLE WORLD RUNNIN ON SOFTWARE
It is, you also are ignoring the fact that the US is falling behind in datamining social media (TikTok). So you are really fucked, VC money can't prop-up the US Tech industry forever.

>> No.50056100

gay song

>> No.50056271
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absolutely, unfathomably, undeniably based

>> No.50056840

the punchline is that this is actually possible but you didn't do it

>> No.50056950

Name 5 niggas

>> No.50056963

I made it when I was 27, so can you

>> No.50056986

>Invent Chinese gambling gaming app with mass surveillance tech in it
>Government gives you black budget and scripts you as next Zuckerberg

Crypto "gaming" is probably cover for some Asian surveillance business. I always find it odd how altcoin projects in gaming have devs that bullshit about Asian markets so fucking much. Tech is a meme economy of useless crap to fill a database.

>> No.50057100

I want to quit my tech job and study biology and focus on studying aging but the money on tech is just too good really.

>> No.50057116

Programming even web dev requires high IQ.

In my course only 3/25 passed and my IQ is 120 and I still had to apply myself.

There is approx 30,000,000 programmers in the world which have a net impact on billions.

>> No.50057191

>Programming even web dev requires high IQ.
lol. ok. sure.

>> No.50057216

Well to do web dev I'd say you need a iq of 100-110 so not so high but higher then a nigger

>> No.50057254

honestly bros can I make it as a software developer if I have 100 IQ and I'm not that good at math?

>> No.50057413

yes you can be good at anything with time AND effort

>> No.50057470

javascript is the second most spoken language in india and these jeets cant code for shit yet they still keep getting high paying jobs in the west

>> No.50057472

When is Netflix dropping from FAANG? When FAAG?

>> No.50057587

I'd buy you a beer if we were at the bar. So much truth it hurts.

>> No.50057657

all these wfh onions boys are going to be useless in the battlefield. my tribe will be labor workers only

>> No.50057674

netflix is the most lucrative faang company to join, a few hundred employees out of 10k getting laid off doesn't really change that. They still have more employees now than they did prepandemic, the average senior SWE makes 500k there in cash.

>> No.50057807

This is why you shouldn’t have invested in tech companies and why you should continue not to invest in tech companies, unless they have massive guaranteed revenue like apple

>> No.50057836

Exhibit A

>> No.50057852

most people cant code, i dont know why but for some people programming never clicks

>> No.50057863

>401k match

>> No.50058086

Where are you retards getting this IQ of yourselves that you all insist on quoting?

Have you ever wondered your mom told you that you had a high IQ because you were a weird fuck and had to find something special about yourself to tell you?

>> No.50058114

>The Luciferian Elite are funding tech because it's the key to enslaving mankind.
>Techies only get paid because they help build the ultimate prison system.

Tell me what isn't luciferian these days in this world. We're all in this shit system but Jesus saved us. Believe in him, in his resurrection.

>> No.50058115

netflix is pretty shit as a company but for employment purposes its still the best place to work at

>> No.50058138

does your dad work at nintendo?

>> No.50058161

It was about rhythm in the Gorillaz video.

>> No.50058194

Read Zero to One to understand why software companies make so much money (and therefore pay lots of money). Your prestigious title doesn’t mean shit.

>> No.50058243

10 hours is probably accurate if you've programmed a little before and know the foundational aspects. I recently picked it up and it is indeed easy. Just start with CS50 or FullStackOpen and see how you like it.

>> No.50058508


Supply and command Ricky

>> No.50058548

You can only make insane salaries at FAGMAN companies, and you need to spend hours daily grinding extremely boring and pointless coding brainteasers to pass their interviews.

>> No.50058736

this thread got completely derailed

>> No.50058735

If poos can do it (poorly) you have no reason to doubt yourself.

>> No.50058762

worth it, in many cases you can double your salary in 3-6 months of studying.

>> No.50058780

can you give us the spark notes

>> No.50059085

Itt, things that didnt happen

>> No.50059185

Yeah man those totally fictional RSUs in public companies that vest quarterly

>> No.50059235

in my company ME's, EE's, and SWE's all get paid roughly the same

>> No.50059384
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>> No.50059457

im conviced rich people are retarded and just think software is black magic

i know a guy at blue origin litterally building rockets who makes 1/4th a software engi that does functionally nothing for a meme company with more imvestors than customers

>> No.50059539

I make less than 50k...

>> No.50059655

Cry harder labour nigger. You are the slaves that make our lives possible bow down to us the chads who have comfy computer jobs

>> No.50059673
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Do you know I built a bridge once?
I was an engineer by trade.
It went from Dilles Bottom, Ohio to Moundsville, West Virginia. It spanned nine hundred and twelve feet above the Ohio River. Twelve thousand people used this thing a day. And it cut out thirty-five miles of driving each way between Wheeling and New Martinsville. That's a combined 847,000 miles of driving a day. Or 25,410,000 miles a month. And 304,920,000 miles a year. Saved. Now I completed that project in 1986, that's twenty-two years ago. So over the life of that one bridge, that's 6,708,240,000 miles that haven't had to be driven. At, what, let's say fifty miles an hour. So that's, what, 134,165,800 hours, or 559,020 days. So that one little bridge has saved the people of those communities a combined 1,531 years of their lives not wasted in a fucking car. One thousand five hundred and thirty-one years.

>> No.50059719 [DELETED] 

>Anonymous (ID: aE1e/fFA) 06/30/22(Thu)04:10:41 No.50051430▶
>Same thing which happened to agriculture is gonna happen to the rest of the jobs (except coding). 95% of people used to farm, now less than 5% do it. We are slowly moving to the evergrander automation of everything. The caveat? Most people are too low IQ even for simple coding shit like webdev. So anyone who actually can do it gets a good piece of the pie.
>In the occult, when Satan has sex or preforms a marriage ritual with a victim, he takes on the form of an alligator.

>> No.50059884

I’ll give it a go. The idea of “Zero to One” is that building huge, innovative tech companies requires you to literally go from zero to one, meaning whatever you’re doing hasn’t been done before. Thiel says that the goal of anyone trying to build a business should be to gain a monopolistic position in their market. As soon as you enter a highly competitive market then you’re basically doing a shitload of work for a tiny slice of the pie. That’s what our poor EEfag is going through. His company almost certainly isn’t in a monopoly, and is likely competing with many other firms. This is natural and we can’t and shouldn’t advocate for a monopoly in that industry. Google owns and dominates their market with ads. Microsoft owns and dominates the enterprise software market with things like O365. No one honestly thinks there’s serious competitors with Google and Microsoft (just specifically with their Office suite), therefore they end up owning the entire market and establishing a monopolistic position which means unbelievable amounts of money.

>> No.50059960

Would recommend reading the book though, it’s a short read and I really enjoyed it. Thiel is pretty based.

>> No.50060060

These coders have mastered Ctrl+c and Ctrl-v.
You just can't compete.

>> No.50060407

How long until msm unironically tries to pin the blame of high house prices on inflated tech bro salaries.

>> No.50060478

I only make 88k but I'm also fairly retarded.

>> No.50060715

Just change jobs. I live in a low wage western country and I know a bloke who studied EE at a low end unitec type place for a 3 year BsEE and now he's killing it working for Apple on wireless charging.
Drives a 140k car, unsure what his wage is but defs above 6 figures.

>> No.50060804
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All these fucks making 150k in this field can only make those salaries in San Francisco/Silicon Valley or NYC where they pay stupidly high state income taxes and the average home price is 1.7 million. No one is paying you 150k to write software in Wichita.

>> No.50062117
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>> No.50062176

FAGMAN companies make so much money that they can literally just buy out engineers and entire companies just to make sure that their competition doesn't have access to that talent. It's all downhill from there.

>> No.50062202

Location doesn't matter anymore due to wfh. Half my office moved to the rockies or closer to family and yes they're getting paid the same.

>> No.50062228

>1 post by this id

>> No.50062261

go back

>> No.50062268

You still need to live in the same state.

>> No.50062331

cool story bro, I went through wheeling once.
Always cool to have an achievement like that

>> No.50062423

He’s actually right. A cousin got offered 165k straight out of college. He just finished his final year this month and is joining from tomorrow.
And this isn’t even a FAANG, just a Nasdaq listed company.
Me a NEET holding seven figs in Link am scared because these absurd wages would mean wagies will easily catch up to my stack in a few years if they invest smartly as well.
It really is a never ending cycle of chasing goalposts if you weren’t born into wealth. Kinda like the hamster wheel. You think you get to the make it amount, inflation pushes the goalpost further ahead making million the new 100k and you keep chasing.
I want out bros…

>> No.50062581


>> No.50063062

You literally work as a truck drive? Doesn't that kill you once the tricks drive over you to park?

>> No.50063089

U forget, they pay high tax, spend most of their income on rent and takeout, then spend what very little they have on funko pops or plushies.

I remember tradies getting that same amount of money and they moved onto building businesses. I don't remember many comp sci majors moving from their desks to managerial roles unless they were pajeets.

Money doesn't always make opportunity.

>> No.50063138

ok real story not some bs made up numbers like the other people larping. i went from 50k->65k->80k->95k->125k->145k->155k->195k->220k in about 7 years. 4 jobs. some promotions, but also some offer matches (where i brought an outside offer into my existing job). however I am not a software engineer, i'm a consultant. i work with data & analytics. if i worked for big technology companies i legitimately think it would be possible to be making 400-600k+ at this point in my career, but i was not able to break in (though i got some interviews)

>> No.50063157


>> No.50063398

tell me what degree you guys got and what field specifically to get into

>> No.50063538

kek based

>> No.50063566

Big companies almost always need leetcode. A few months to year of studying will actually get you that 400-600k with your years of experience, easily.

>> No.50063586

a few months of HTML bootcamp will easily net 1.4 million especially with some experience.

>> No.50063664

fact of the matter is that so many people are computer illiterates so it's up to people like me to dumb things down so software is more accessible to more people.

more people using your product = more revenue

still, what we do is mostly creating and maintaining software for large enterprises and they pay good money for that. if you're an electrical engineer i assume that there is not so much to do after you set up the infrastructure - only maintainance. as a software dev i get new requirements to implement weekly. in the end i think what you do is more valuable but hey if i'm paid shitton to automate stacies excel i will take that money.

>> No.50063723

Retarded nigger alert. leetcode is, literally, the qualifying skill factor as to whether or not you'll pass an interview. Studying for leetcode also assumes you have a rock solid CS foundation and mathematical thinking ability. I glossed over the part where he isn't a SE, but that doesn't make you any less retarded. Stick to r/learnprogramming

>> No.50064131

A. The scalability of digital information is digitized, unlike physical information.

You can run a billion dollar software/web company with only 7 programmers as the entire employees. More clients means better CPU and more RAM.
Companies who sell/service physical products can't do that. More physical products means more employees.

B. Hiring young, energetic, and competent individuals mean less potential competition in the future.
It's better to hire them and kill their potential, than to let them run wild and start a new innovation.

>> No.50064853

You can get a test and it is also a brainlets filter