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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50042302 No.50042302 [Reply] [Original]

So where are we at deobres

>> No.50042392

dog batt

>> No.50042404

>crypto currency discussion
The whole board is crypto discussion, retard.

>> No.50042415
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Doubling my stack from 50B to 100B. Crypto going to shit has been a blessing in disguise as I have been able to get way more coins than I originally anticipated. I thought I'd be lucky to get 30B D0B0 when it was hovering around 20M market cap.

>> No.50042474
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No, this is the only thread that discussed dorgbroug, a.k.a. crypto currency.
I had 300b, and doubled my stack during the bear. I'm all-in and feeling comfy.

>> No.50042495

Went from 500b to 800b. Want 1.5tril before next run

>> No.50042523

Do you keep up with the tg? It's too fast for me. I know we're in the depths of the bear, and that there's not much to do other than wait for the bull run, but still. Did the (alleged) "dev" drama get cleared up? (I put "dev" in quotes because it's fortunately an ownership-renounced coin.

>> No.50042603

People seemed to stop caring after like 1 or 2 weeks. People were turning into shizos because the bear market was fucking with their heads, but the chat is pretty normal now.

>> No.50042752
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these dubs say we eat a zero by the end of July.

>> No.50043502


>> No.50044787


>> No.50045006


>> No.50045281


How's that going for you..?

>> No.50045332
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>> No.50045339

How's it going for literally everyone else, retard? Bitcoin is shit and it's fucking the whole market up. Not just dogbat

>> No.50045354

You didn't sell in November, dude.

It isn't "soon", it's "late"

>> No.50045378

Oh, wow, such small dick hostility. Maybe keep your scam shit off our boards then if you have nothing to show for it

>> No.50045406

What the flying fuck does any of this have to do with what I said? Learn how to make coherent responses, retard. Try again.

>> No.50045438

Listen, micropeen, I made more money than you ever will of dogbat. Who the fuck are you, pissant? Go scream at a cloud, loser

>> No.50045469

Why are you fixated with small penises? What a fucking faggot. Stop projecting your problems in bed unto others.

>> No.50045484

Just your typical plankton IQ d0baggie who can't back up their coin when FUD arises. Just petty, childish insults. Go fuck yourself with a rusty pole, cunt, you got nothing

>> No.50045508

>back up their coin when FUD arises
I literally did here: >>50045339
Absolute BTFO
Are you a third worlder? Still taking ESL classes? Retard, kek

>> No.50045525 [DELETED] 

Irrelevent at this point. No utility no nothing. How is a useless memecoin who's hype died out supposed to compete with a powerhouse like ETH or Polygon? wrong investment bros

>> No.50045540

lol someone's projecting. "ABSOLUTELY BTFO" yeah fucking right, you are a barely glorified scam artist and you do it for free

>> No.50045558

>like ETH or Polygon
It's a lowcap memecoin, retard. Not "the next eth!". You dumb monkeys don't comprehend meme seasons work in cycles meaning it will be back in the next bullrun. Memetools is utility too, dumbfuck.

>> No.50045583

I literally destroyed you, but because you can't read, you don't even realize it. Get fucked.

>> No.50045597

Imagine having the d0b0 dev's balls pressed this firmly against your asscheeks. It's hilarious. You do it for free!

>> No.50045615

So I btfo you and now you just spout random shit from your mouth as your sad attempt at fud? LMFAO

>> No.50045633
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>small dick [noun]
onions-fed "metrosexual" detected. opinion discarded.

>> No.50045634

You didn't do shit other than bend over for clowns who care nothing about you, for free at that. You are literally nothing. Go cry more

>> No.50045641

Added more to my stack, feeling pretty comfy holding this

>> No.50045695

If you're talking about coins besides Bitcoin, nothing besides monero has any utility at all. In terms of being useful, eth is no more likely to be successful than the funny dog with the funny wood.

>> No.50045718

I did. I even reposted it, but you are an illiterate retard. I can't fix your retardation, sorry

>> No.50045959

What is the utility of usd? Nothing. It's a means of exchange and a store of value you can speculate on. It runs on the bank network just as dergbrah runs on the BSC. The difference is usd is inflationary and propped up by a waning military power, and derbre is strongly deflationary and excellent for speculation.

>> No.50046419

Degenerates left and followed that colossal no-talent faggot Gh0stbro to an alt TG where he proceeded to contribute absolutely nothing except random maxcringeposts and simping over Amy

The official TG is better off now that all the gay bots, cock sucking stickers and footposters are contained within gh0sts tg

>> No.50046592

>my community is in shambles
>this is good
d0bo was a once in a lifetime opportunity to dump on /pol/fags AND redditors at the same time, glad I sold in november.

>> No.50046853

The TG exodus and following purge was necessary in the end.
I sold all coins except this one and had enough profit from shib and nuBTC to pay my mortgage for the next 10 years of globohomo shit. My d0bag isn't going anywhere

>> No.50048828
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They're befriending my blue dog pal, here's why
Stop bonking, start mooning

>> No.50048956

>here's why

Fuck off and go back

>> No.50049004

fucking GOOK

>> No.50049938
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>> No.50051459
File: 288 KB, 820x675, that fucking dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard something is going to happen in two weeks

>> No.50051613

jannies don't think that retard
try making you a regular shitcoin scam shill thread but using dog with a bat instead of something worthless and see how fast the subhumans ban you

>> No.50051670

No one is actually buying this coin dont fall for this low level marketing scehme

>> No.50051787

squidgrow is catching up on us. is it over bros?

>> No.50051878
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You heard right

>> No.50052198

So how long do you think this Bear will last anyway? I'll lose myself to despair if it takes years.

>> No.50052278

If we don't heat up by this fall I'm thinking 2024/25 desu

>> No.50052314

Isn’t it impossible for this thing to get listed on bigger exchanges because of the high buy/sell taxes?

>> No.50052556

There's no reason to assume that. Safemoon v1 got listed on major exchanges without an issue and this is a 1:1 fork of that

>> No.50052907

It's like buying bnb with 10x leverage without the liquidation but a group of hardcore fans that won't sell for peanuts

>> No.50053247
File: 167 KB, 1035x938, 1656525567404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brace yourself as we are yet to see the bottom. Stake your alts for passive income and get your stables ready for the next narrative that will lead us into the next bull run. I believe data indexing will be part of the narratives with web3 still gaining traction and the unleashing of the FireSquid by Subsquid project piques my interest as it will improve users' and developers' experience.

>> No.50053387

Since it's a reflection token, just like of all the extra you'll be getting

>> No.50054097

Dobros gon make it