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50046716 No.50046716 [Reply] [Original]

powell kino is back on the menu

>> No.50046781

>in the labor market
that's a cute euphemism for being a wagenigger to a jew overlord

>> No.50046953

jpow betrayed us, we were supposed to be in this together

>> No.50047004

be in what together

>> No.50047044

the inflatiorinos

>> No.50047054

Just pamp it already

>> No.50047427
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>> No.50047673

not untill we start deflating
$1 == $100
few understand

>> No.50048084
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Get the printer Jerome

>> No.50048147

what happens if he pulls a Volcker and raises the fed interest rate to 15% by 2024? how many bullshit jobs would disappear overnight?

>> No.50048254

He will get killaried. Simple as.

>> No.50048315

Who dis, the only non jewish full shabbos goy golem irish basterd?

>> No.50048350

All the fed chairs dumped their bags at the top, remember?

>> No.50048454

how much dollarinos would they have to send to a burn address for that?

>> No.50048819

>being surprised that a jew betrayed you

>> No.50048963
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He's an ETH whale, isn't he...

>> No.50048992

>the work industry

>> No.50049503

This. Can you not read?

>> No.50049547
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Not his problem

>> No.50049548

just as I thought, the inflation of rent gas and food is just to get the wagies back to work

>> No.50050129

He can't. It will implode the US and global economy. There is no upside to raising rates like that.

>> No.50050239
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Yeah dude, that's totally possible with $ 30.5 trillion in debt

>> No.50050402

>it’s a good time to be in the labor market
Translation: you aren’t going to be able to coast off of the easy QE gains anymore so better go get a McJob or a raise while you still can,

>> No.50050431

Of course it is. The money isn’t even real

>> No.50050499

what if thats his masterplan, to crash the economy with no survivors so that it may be born anew from the ashes?

>> No.50050530

Why does anyone listen to this gay retard? He comes out with new "long term" plans every 2 weeks. He should just say "for the next 2 weeks we will do this"

>> No.50050578

Interest rates don't apply retroactively to treasury bonds.

>> No.50050619

>I am going to continue to crab the market so we do not crash
This seems like his only option at this point

>> No.50050624

>what happens if he pulls a Volcker and raises the fed interest rate to 15% by 2024? how many bullshit jobs would disappear overnight?
all of them, inshallah brother powell may the divine hand guide yours

>> No.50050724

That's not how economies work. If the US economy crashes, China takes (almost) everything. The country will be picked apart.

>> No.50050831

but what if Powell has Chinese roots? It would catapult his extended family into extreme wealth because Xi is known to reward his dogs.

>> No.50050851

Most of the debt is done on a year to year basis. It very much does affect the US government. At current rates over 1/3 of taxes are being spent on just servicing government debt by the end of the year. Either taxes will be doubled to cover the short-fall (which will cause mass civil unrest and compound the cost of living crisis), the US government defaults and becomes a 3rd world shithole in nukes (which it is well on its way to becoming anyway) or the money printer is turned back on and the can is kicked down the road for another few years and they tell their troons in the media to make it look like inflation is a good thing (muh wages are at ATH etc).

>> No.50050852

Retard, if USA crashes china crashes twice as hard

>> No.50050877

The us economy is literally just fake and gay it already doesn’t produce anything outside of financial products and military equipment. The whole business model is to just buy its own shit with debt, never pay it back, force other people to use the same fake and gay currency so they can buy dollars and offset inflation somewhat, and threaten countries if they don’t comply with their bloated military.

>> No.50050904

Why would China crash? They have all the resources and productive capacity. China is the world's factory and research lab.
The US has... what? Consooomers? Debt? "Intellectual property" laws that China ignores daily?
Fiat doesn't mean anything. JPow can conjure up all the fiat he wants, but it won't fix the real economy.

>> No.50050926

>how many bullshit jobs would disappear overnight
100% of them
Also about 95% of the not bullshit jobs

>> No.50050927

Wrong. China control its means of production and it's economy isn't 66% paper debt being passed around with nothing backing it. China is well on its way to becoming the worlds top super power and the yuan will be the worlds reserve currency within our life time. The US is in a worse place than the bongs were post ww2.

>> No.50050955
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>Why would China crash? They have all the resources and productive capacity. China is the world's factory and research lab.
lmao, lol

>> No.50050963

China has tons of bad debt. Look at evergrande.

>> No.50050973

kek get real fags, china has 0 natural resources, their demographics are collapsing hard af, the discrepancy between real non discretionary amd debt economy is 51% for china (32% for usa)

>> No.50051031

Wtf are you talking about. US's real economy is only 33% of it's GDP. There are twice as many claims on assets than exist. The US is one bankrun away from total collapse hence why the money printer will be back on asap to kick the can down the road. How the fuck else do you think this ends?

>> No.50051061

And most importantly, china has ZERO stomach to incur the costs of being the worlds base currency.

Pol niggers and yellow hand niggers are dumb af.

>> No.50051134

It's not a conscious decision to become the worlds reserve currency retard. Do you think the IMF go and give out a fucking sticker to the country who is most powerful? It becomes the reserve currency when the wealth transfers from one place to another just like how post ww2 when a large chunk of money and means of production left the UK and went to America and people stopped accepting the GBP and wanted dollars instead. A falling power will lose its reserve status over time and the rising power will take it. China is the rising power, the US the falling power.

>> No.50051166

God damn you're one retarded slit eyed crusty midget. I'm telling you both usa and china will eventually implode you dumb fuck. They both operate on the same debt economy principles. In some regards the us is worse and in some it'd china. After us cracks there will be no "world police state" anymore because china and anyone else can't handle that shit. Not even russia which is surprisingly self reliant will get away unscathed by usa imploding.

>> No.50051263

Of course retard. What do you think China will rise forever and fall forever? What fucking world are you in? It's the story of every empire over and over. America is the old, decadent, divided and debt riddled empire that is unable to innovate and compete anymore due to it's inefficiencies and insane debt burden . China is the rising empire who is producing all the goods, has the lion share of technological advancements being made, has the most modern military which is also growing the fastest and will soon be the strongest, it's the country most able to invest in infrastructure and education while having the easiest debt burden as guess what? It fucking makes everything and the one innovating the most. But go wave your flag and eat some burgers to help you cope. America is declining, china is rising and it will decline one day in the future as well.

>> No.50051272

this is a textbook boom n bust cycle creation
literally princes of the yen but with dollar thus it's global
the main takeaway from princes of the yen is central bank deliberately creates bubble then pop it to induce recession, TO FURTHER PUSH POLITICAL AGENDA OF CONTROL
this time it will be to implement CBDCs and one world cryptocurrency
this is esoterism, alien, illuminati, economy all play into one big tapestry of happening for the duration of 7 years trial and tribulation
if you know you know

>> No.50051319
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>China is the rising empire who is producing all the goods, has the lion share of technological advancements being made, has the most modern military which is also growing the fastest and will soon be the strongest, it's the country most able to invest in infrastructure and education while having the easiest debt burden as guess what?

>> No.50051323

China is nothing like post-WW2 America. China has been synonymous with scam for a century now. Nobody is going to send their gold and silver to Xi for Yuan.

>> No.50051404

>march 10, 2025
>6 years after covid crash
shiggy my diggy

>> No.50051463

Why do you think China controls the means of production? They didn't just pull the wealth needed to build what they have out of their ass. Just like the US soaked up the wealth from the UK China is currently soaking up the wealth from the US.

I accept your concession.

>> No.50052221

Debt isn't real. Fiat isn't real.
The only thing that matters is actual production.

>> No.50052631

Who do you think has emitted more new public debt in 2022 USA or China?

>> No.50054352
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