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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50045994 No.50045994 [Reply] [Original]

Ever since I bought my house my gf has been a huge bitch, literally starting the day I closed. Never touches me, rejects my advances, doesn't stay long, no interest in helping move or explore the new place, just sits on her phone or with some stupid puzzle book
Her lease is up in 2 weeks and she was going to move in with me and she has taken zero interest in doing anything with my house like moving her stuff over or helping the setup nor moving herself out.
WTF bros I just wanted someone to share this with and keep me on my grind (wanted us both to learn web3). I own outright and have an easy job so wanted to explore more side ventures.
Instead she just acts like a huge cunt and doesn't have any attraction for me. I'd dump her now except she owes me $1000 for a trip we have planned to visit my sister and I already bought the tickets. So I'll go just to spite her

>> No.50046045

Yeah it's over


>> No.50046090

go have sex with other women

>> No.50046102

ditch the bitch and go bang your sister imo

>> No.50046104

>I'd dump her now except she owes me $1000 for a trip we have planned to visit my sister and I already bought the tickets. So I'll go just to spite her
My ex-highschool sweetheart got into alcohol and MDMA and then completely changed from the person who I had been with for several years. I ended up letting a $5k debt go, though her based brother ended up collecting $3k of it for me, unfortunately he killed himself with drugs (miss you bro).
Anyway, it sounds like it is over. Her outward action and spoken words are a reflection of her inner state, and so consider the simulation of you she carries in her head that she thinks about when she is this way.
If your relationship with her were a cryptocurrency, I'd be shorting it with at least 5x leverage this very moment. Best of luck OP! Women are mostly not worth it, the few who are worth it are so scarce and rare. Even vetted women fuck up.

>> No.50046130

Try telling her everything you typed here and see if something else is going on in her life to cause this change in behavior.

>> No.50046188

Thing was she's practically autistic so I know she'd never cheat and wasn't constantly going out with friends.

>talk about it
HA! Get a load of this goy!
Ok it's probably good advice
Idk if she's jealous or feels bad because she has a huge student loan and shit job

>> No.50046235

>Idk if she's jealous or feels bad because she has a huge student loan and shit job
To add, but I didn't think girls were that interested in that and I am trying to take her into my life where it wouldn't matter and she's rejecting that.

>> No.50046293

Is she "very online"

>> No.50046298

yep, based

>> No.50046330

No she just has tiktok scroooooling addiction

>> No.50046387

If she’s legit an aspiechan and not another homads, talk to her. Like this shit depends on a lot of factors, typically I would kick her ass to the curb and thank her for riding The Anon Express (an LT of Pepe Industries), but if she’s just jealous and autistic you could get her to move in and live with you.

>> No.50046446

>if she’s just jealous and autistic you could get her to move in and live with you
At this point it's not even about convincing her but if she's never going to touch me then I'm not trying to enter a sexless marriage with a 25 yo and not even being married

>legit aspiechan
imo probably but girls channel it differently
instead of inventing ethereum she does word games for hours

>> No.50046779

>Wanted us both to learn web3

I'd cheat on and leave you too, fag.

>> No.50046817

>puzzle book
are you dating a middle schooler

>> No.50046954

>not even married
>having her move into the house you own
Literal retard, m8

>> No.50047055

Retard and autist like ying and yang

>> No.50047075


feels like it desu

>getting married
>have to sell house and move into shittier one
>have to pay her debts
>have to pay alimony
retard take anon

>> No.50047175

she thinks she has you on lock now that you have tied yourself down with a permanent house that she will be moving into. so she is revealing her true colors. sex was just something she used to trap you but it looks like she is playing her cards too soon and that is an amateur move by her. most women wait until after marriage to do so

>> No.50047183 [DELETED] 

Looks like you're doing it solo king. on the bright side you can live in a nice ass house like a king and buy some HBAR. out here.

>> No.50047201

>wanted us both to learn web3

That's it. She realized you are either schizphrenic or downright retarded.

>> No.50047231
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>calling someone retarded

>> No.50047234

Obvious mental deficiency is obvious
Marriage wasn't even suggested. Go ahead and have her move in with you. She can receive mail and keep up the charade of a relationship with you. Good luck when she claims half your property with a defense of (((common-law marriage)))

>> No.50047238
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Are you in good shape with decent muscle mass, and low fat? If not, it is your own damn fault.

>> No.50047250

not even married and you already have divorced dad energy

>> No.50047260

She's seeing another dude

>> No.50047265

>Own a house
>Can't dump my gf because she owes he $1k
Nice larp dumbass.

>> No.50047276

>not even wife
>whining about a random woman
why are whites so fucking pathetic?
Extinction is imminent for you but this will result in the collapse of the west itself before that

>> No.50047289
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Dump her NOW. $1000 in airfare (you may even be able to get one ticket back on credit?) is a cheap price to pay to avoid even common law divorce rape.

>> No.50047292

Buy her a rubrics cube she be busy for a few weeks

>> No.50047326

Smell her butthole. If it smells differently, ditch her.

>> No.50047350

I would bet this.
Men are often oblivious and will rationalize anything including, and especially in this day and age, autism

>> No.50047353

Sorry OP but she's been busy getting fucked hard by me, so she doesn't want anything to do with you anymore.
Sorry you had to find out this way but it's for the best.

>> No.50047421

She wants married you absolute mong.

>> No.50047442
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Have you ever sensed that the ghost of your late wife is telling you this chick ain’t your speed?

>> No.50047455

Yep its this.
If you arent fucking her then someone else is.
She doesnt touch OP because she isnt attracted to him anymore.
The other guy is fucking her and she is sad she is losing her apartment because now she cant fuck the other guy without it being obvious.
Now the roastie has to decide, take the autist and his house or continue fucking chad whos probably broke.

>> No.50047458

she’s never gonna pay you back that $1000

>> No.50047494

I don't think she even wants to move in or she'd make some effort to stay here. There's also no common law where I live.


>> No.50047530

Well, regardless, dump her ass and take the L from the tickets. This IS financial advice.

>> No.50047540

I had a good friend who basically did the following:
>got a gf with huge debts (20k+)
>let her live with him for free
>he wagecucked and paid off her debt but also paid for her school because she wanted to learn something else
>guy would do anything for the bitch and he did for 10 years even paid for all the vacations
>one day she finishes her studies, gets a really good job
>like in the timeframe of around 2 or 3 weeks she hooked up with a coworker and dumped my friend basically over night
>he turned to alcohol and drugs

I always thought they were perfect for each other since they were both a bit autistic and even had very similar interests.

>> No.50047604

Yeah it's just 1k

Many such stories.

>> No.50047695

Then dump her now, you dumb nigger. Have her out of your house by TONIGHT. Stop wasting everyone's time with your useless bargaining and coping about your dead-end parasite. Get rid of it now.

>> No.50049446
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>practically autistic
>more interested in puzzle book than sex

>> No.50049476

You need to start seeing your house as the backdrop for hardcore porn. Get rid of her, and begin to bang bitches who think it's rad you have a house.

>> No.50049620

kek I was playing with her tits and nipples and she just ignored me and kept crossing off stuff on the word search. Then I got up and went to bed and then she went home.
>brb going to kms

I live between 2 colleges it should be easy

>> No.50049626

>practically autistic
autistic people hate change, that’s probably why she isn’t into (You)r new house, yet.

>> No.50049719

$4.5 Billion flowed into the industry purely for building companies. There are jobs ahoy.

>> No.50049757

Consider that 1000$ a learning fee and get rid of her

>> No.50050162

>my gf
Don't get involved in serious financial decisions with someone as tenuous as a "girlfriend"

>> No.50050870

women are unironic chakra vampires that need human semen (soul energy) to survive, diagram of uterus is the image of apostelic baphomet, look it up, complete with horns and all

when you have sex, part of your soul is being lost on ejaculation, think about it, you cum inside and the cum never comes out, soon enough it is absorbed by the vagina (baphomet devouring soul fragments), but how? It has no mouths, yet it happens. Semen is the vagina's (aposthelic baphomet) preffered goyslop, without semen women (demonkind) dies of starvation, which is why women seek sex and always want you to cum inside for an 'unexplainable reason', part of the reason this happens is based on the fact there is no superior entity for them to rely on once their interior energy is depleted, think of it like a really big tank with only one mouth on it that slowly leaks out. They replenish their inner energy by absorbing it from men, because ultimately they have no souls which they can rely on to produce this energy themselves. If they do not get enough energy, they bleed. just look it up, pregnant women (women that have been cummed in and had their energy needs temporarily sated) do not have periods at all, nothing, blood simply does not come out. Yet a woman that does not have this 'suddenly' bleeds and feels ill for several days in a row with pain and weakness and bleeding. Normal?

>> No.50051144

People will tell you to take meds but they’re wrong and you’re right

>> No.50051161

>wanted us to both learn web3
nigga wtf cringe

>> No.50051253

Boomer take. Such a fucking boomer take Jesus Christ.
Why do all of you assume there’s a valid reason the women whom all of you prop up so high, are being bitches towards you? It’s so fucking pathetic but most of all ignorant to the female nature, at least in this scenario. I mean, how can you not tell she being fucked by somebody else? She didn’t just lose her libido due to being mad about not getting married.

>> No.50051295
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>can't dump a useless girl because $1000
>not married
>not living together
>what to do?

Bang a hot escort in front of her so she can fuck off. $1000 is not much desu

>> No.50051617

Man, im telling you this as a friend and a brother. Change the locks and dump her RIGHT NOW. Yes its cruel and mean, but its a dog eat dog world. The pleasure of the devourer is nothing compared to the pain of the devoured. If you move her in with you then she will screw you over big time. Everything you worked hard for will have been for nothing. Yeah it sucks because you have feelings for her, but just from what youve said, its over. She wont reciprocate your feelings and will only exploit them for her own benefit.
Please dont be a fool, ive seen many men who did everything for a woman and spent literally tens of thousands on them, and sometimes their children, only to get cheated on and dumped. Dont be like them man.
For the love of all things holy dont sell the farm. Your home is your foundation, your base, your safe zone, your secure shelter. Dont let a hole deprive you of that. Hell I just rent and even I refuse to let a hole co-habitate with me.
Man just do this for me, I dont want to see you become a pink wojack. Dont get screwed out of house and home because you wanted to be nice to someone. Ive learned from personal experience that being nice often gets you bitten in the ass. You cannot be nice to people anon, they will exploit it every time.

>> No.50051659

Just don't go on the trip

Enjoy your house, plant a garden. It's the cheapest $1000 you will ever spend

>> No.50051672

This. Cut your losses and know when to quit. That 1k can turn into 10k can turn into 100k real quick.

>> No.50051698
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There's so many stories like this including my own parents.
Men naturally exalt their wives. It's how we've evolved towards equality for tens of millions of years. In a world with lose communal laws, men are physically dominant and allowed to beat and keep their wives almost like property but not quite, and women are psychologically dominant both in their ability to manipulate the man's emotions and how the man sees them as above all else.
Now modern men lack the threat of violence and thus women have more power in the relationship.
The solution is moving out into the forest where you don't let her near your car keys, give her no access to your car and no internet access. She'll be happier too with a man she can respect for doing these things.

Islam is regressive but it's right about women

>> No.50051862

Run anon. My now wife used to fuck me like 2-3 times a day. Now that we’re married and I’m rich and let her sit around the fucking house all day she’s got complacent. I told her if she ever broke 125lbs I would leave her fatass. She’s like 145 now and I’m still trying to fuck and she’s never in the mood. Probably getting it somewhere else while I work all day. She’s the biggest fucking cunt in the world to me now. Marriage fucking sucks.

>> No.50052030

this is the real problem here tbqh\

>> No.50052153

Most probably jealous she's not a man but a dumb roastie who can't do anything except play games on her phone. If you care talk to her. If not, c'est la vie.

>> No.50052718

You aren't White.

>> No.50052837

This. I’m in the same boat except my wife looks better than she used to because she had two of my kids and my dna is strong and she’s lost a lot of weight and looks great and I never get to fuck her. At least I’m fairly certain she’s not cheating on me because I work from home and she stays home with the kids.

>> No.50052847

All of these posts have me questioning what the fuck you guys are thinking a relationship is supposed to be. if you have a girlfriend, put her to fucking work. If she is your wife, knock her the fuck up. Women need to be led and told what to do, if you just give them free reign to sit around the house all day of course they are going to be cunts.

>> No.50053615

Not dumping that crazy bitch because you think you will get that $1k back. Be free you retard. Cheapest escape from a woman ever.

>> No.50054476

Break up.
Take some other bitch.
You win!

>> No.50054541

Cut your $1000 loss anon. Kick that bitch out asap. Find a younger chick that is amazed that you own a house

>> No.50054550

Lel, is this what lol 50 wizard looks like. I like the analogy and you are probably right. That's why I use my sheep intestine pens sheath before penetrating satan

>> No.50054564
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dangerously based take

>> No.50054576

The based play is to get her renting from you on section 8 so the state pays lmao

>> No.50054578

She’s watching too much liberal girl power bullshit. Women love being alarmists and even more love listening to those alarmists. Tell her to stop being on tik tok or to gtfo out your house. My baby mama who I tried living with became insufferable because I wouldn’t outrage1!1!1!1 at this roe v wade shit. Women are stupid as fuck for the most part so don’t be surprised she’s being like this because she thinks she “deserves more/better” because of the tik toks she’s seeing.

>> No.50054662

>Ever since I bought my house my gf has been a huge bitch, literally starting the day I closed. Never touches me
Beta bucks.

>> No.50054688

I love being me and having a notch count and never having to deal with women.

>> No.50054758

wtf is this schizo copypasta kek

>> No.50054818

How is this thread still up? But office one Got pruned??

>> No.50054864
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>$1000 too high a cost for haooijess
kys you seem like a bitch

>> No.50054926

it's nu-biz, aka. /biz/ - Advice

>> No.50054928

radically based

>> No.50055215

>Idk if she's jealous or feels bad because she has a huge student loan and shit job
Moving is a major life stress. (((psychologists))) say it's basically as stressful as getting married or coping with loss. Personally I always tried to avoid actually packing and shit until the very last minute due to anxiety regarding the situation. It sounds like maybe she's freezing up due to anxiety/fear response. You need to do something to get her comfortable in the new space and make her feel like it's her territory. Tie her up and fuck her, then make her pee on the floor and force her to clean it up. The lingering pheromones will put her at ease.

>> No.50055366

>gets married
You did it to yourself. What did you gain from marriage that is better than just staying boyfriend and girlfriend? Less sex and she got fat. Ahahahhahahhaa! She will lose that weight the second you end the relationship to trick another retard, and because she has zero respect for you.

>> No.50055477

how have you not realized this is a huge advantage on your end and you hold all the power? Jesus Christ grow some balls and dump the stupid bitch which sounds like your dodging a bullet before it becomes permanent. You have a home to now bring in broads freely to bang anytime you want. You're lucky anon just man the fuck up.

>> No.50055643

>she was going to move in with me
She's upset that you didn't put her name on the house.

>> No.50055731

>she owes me $1000 for a trip we have planned
she's trying to take your home, be careful

>> No.50055808

>She's upset that you didn't put her name on the house.
ding ding ding. Also probably mad you haven't proposed to her. Dump her ass.

>> No.50056142

Or hear me out, exercise that cock holster below your nose. Tell her to communicate, if you're not satisfied with what she says, get rid of her. If you ARE satisfied with what she says, do your due diligence and make sure she wasn't lying/fucking around. Then and ONLY THEN address her concerns.

>> No.50056327

My gf that I met overseas moved to my country and lives with me. We used to fuck pretty often but now it's literally once a month or less and only if I can convince her. Then she doesn't enjoy it, says it hurts and we stop. Also she won't meet my friends or want to travel because it costs too much but he has plenty of money.

And no I highly doubt she is cheating on me because she is always at work or home. I have to drive us everywhere else.

>> No.50056361

>I bought a house

She's mad because she had no say so she doesn't feel like it's hers. She will try to force you to sell to get another place that's 'hers too', then leave you and take 'her' house. She could also just be a jelly poorfag.
In either case you can avoid problems by dumping her now, convincing her that 'it's her place too', or by putting your foot down and letting her know that her inclusion in your life is wanted but not necessary

>> No.50056942

baphomet is a knights templar diety that we really odnt know what he stood for so...

>> No.50057263

>She's mad because she had no say so she doesn't feel like it's hers.

>> No.50057387

She's an insecure whore like most women trying to project her delusion onto you and steal your energy. Don't let her. The more you will be condescending the more she will disrespect you.

>> No.50057412

she was waiting on you obtaining assets
now that you have she is going to cash in

>> No.50057812


>> No.50058116

you people are just constantly dealing with very low quality women lol holy shit. My gf is loyal and a wonderful person with morals, hell she's more moral then me in alot of respects. That being said i'm pretty sure we are both somewhat autistic so.. she's gorgeous too.

>> No.50058710

Communication. Trip with her and hash it out

>> No.50059891

Sounds like a fucking dumb worthless bitch

>> No.50060846
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>I know she'd never cheat

You lost right then and there buddy.

>> No.50061051

Don't let the sunken costs delay you. Leave now. If you have a child with her half your shit is hers.

>> No.50061566

>do your due diligence and make sure she wasn't lying/fucking around
how do you do that?

>> No.50061635

Someone else already said it but ill reiterate, cheat. It will step your game up to such a high level shell have to notice. Youll be more confident, happier, and shit that notmally bothers you wont cause youll be too happy. Finally, you might end up liking the new bitch more. So cheat for a healthy relationship

>> No.50061655
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>> No.50062316

same, i had a qt autist latina gf that would suck my dick every day

dump her and take the beanpill OP

>> No.50062677
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fake post, this isn't /adv/ (which is also a bot-infested demoralization board), but you shouldn't take the trip and just get out

>> No.50062722

>buys house
>wont dump gf until she repays $1k
Just cut her off and dump her. Your time is more valuable then that. Especially if she aint touching your penis

>> No.50062779

No, he’s saying don’t move in with someone you aren’t married to. I tend to agree though not in every situation.

>> No.50062787

Stop caring and focus on you. Soon as you stopping giving her so much focus and attention she will flip

>> No.50062844

>having gf
verification not required

>> No.50062874

bro youre being a major fag DUMP HER ASS

>> No.50062903

niggers itt need to take the rape pill. every time she rejects you for sex and you obey she grows more powerful

>> No.50064187

Fuck your sister in front of her

>> No.50064270

Bad advice. Latinas hit the wall hard. Especially their asses.

>> No.50064368

Dump her, date younger women.

>> No.50064382

'Most men only notice there's a problem when she can no longer bring herself to let him fuck her. By that time, it's already too late.'

Find a new girl OP.

>> No.50064387

the more time i spend on /biz/ the more I realize that this board is full of sociopathic misogynistic men who can only manage entering relationships with equally sociopathic, misandric women which fuels a cycle of mutual contempt.

t. my wife is my best friend, we are a great team and we are having our first child soon.

>> No.50064415
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seriously, very cringe OP

i wish you luck but ffs man quit being such a sperg

>> No.50064635

lol you fell victim to one of the three classic blunders
Never start a land war in asia.
Never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
And the lesser known, never date a degenerate hoe that feels ostracized by your attempts to improve your life.

>> No.50064667

>wanted us both to learn web3
What sort of gay beta male fantasy is this? You deserve this, and anyone who thinks that STEM nerds are intelligent deserves to have the same happen to them.

>> No.50064698
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>wanted us both to learn web3

>> No.50064973

OP is coping with the 1000 she owes....leave her and chuck it up as a loss, shes fucking someone else

>> No.50064997

>I'd dump her
You like abuse or you'd have already dumped up. You caused these problems, but letting the problem fester. just KYS.

>> No.50065024


Flirt with another woman to get her jelly. Not too much, you want it subtle. Just enough to make her worry.

>> No.50065166



Allready getting the preview. The moment youre drawing a line she'll turn 180 degrees and play the jealousy, insecurity card to keep the train rolling. Youll go 50/50, have kids and will roll onto the main film; a cold war which shell mentally endure a lot better than yourself. Untill you break and lose everything including a child youll have to fight in court for.

As allready stated here. Cheapest escape ever.

>> No.50065175

topkek, is your networth upwards of 2k? If affirmative, this is a bargain.

>> No.50065524

quality post

>> No.50066270

what a shit thread. biz is really dead rn

>> No.50066415

/biz/ is good again.

>> No.50066456


Why do you care so much about a retarded whore?

Just literally dump her she literally hates you/doesnt love and unironically has probably already cheated on you

Dont waste time with whores

>> No.50066478

>Thing was she's practically autistic so I know she'd never cheat

Trust me she was considered other options greatly, thats why she despices you

>> No.50066505

Also if you want women to love you in the future stop acting like a pussy

Be a man, stop giving a shit, specially about women and others

>> No.50066508

>cock holster
mate you dont use it to fucking talk.
are you dense? she no use the dick hole to put-a dick into.
this is the crux of the issue capiche?
giving positive reinforcement of undesirable behaviours is how you get anti-social animals that get the nap.
im saying, no cap fr on god.

>> No.50066531

shes never coming back anon.

you will give me $50 dollars if i guess her name.
its jessica isnt it?

>> No.50066534

Op your girlfriend is mad at you for not putting her name on the house with you. Women are always materialists.

>> No.50066546

thats super cheap, take the loss, it will only get more expensive.

>> No.50066563

Guess what, you’ve told her you’d dump her if she got fat, she did, and you didn’t dump her. You think she forgot about what you told her? Girls remember all of this shit.

>> No.50066593

Real. Read PIMP: The Story Of My Life by Iceberg Slim.

>> No.50066625
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>wanted us both to learn web3
your gf realized you were mentally retarded

>> No.50066649


I just adviced you give 0 fucks to women, thats unironically how they like it you omegaretard lol

>> No.50066663


>> No.50066668


Tbh maybe me hating women triggers you?

Ill give you advice one more time, you give 0 fucks, not only about women but people in general, they will like WAY more

This is just the truth faggot, one day youll see lol

>> No.50066684

like you*

>> No.50066817

it's the vulnerable part of me that wants to reach out.
i pity you
i want to tell you it'll be ok
but it wont