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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50037557 No.50037557 [Reply] [Original]

What are the economic implications of being considered a landwhale? Does it substantially increase your healthcare expenses?

>> No.50037611

what does the fact that twitterscreencap threads are a thing have to do with being a fatass though?

>> No.50037634

How can you even reach such a state.

Are you a burgerfag, by any chance? Do you faggots spend all your money on fast food and then surgeries heart surgeries because your veins are full of fat and grease all the time?

>> No.50037651

you'd be surprised at the amount of fat people there are in north america (counting canada and mexico as well since those countries also suffer from a lot of morbidly obese people)

>> No.50037661
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Leave me alone with my burgers...

>> No.50037662

>implying mexico which is a drug-cartel ridden shithole can be grouped with 2 white countries
Kill yourself, spic.

>> No.50037694
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>> No.50037703

Literally fucking nothing and yet here we are discussing "business and finance" on the biz board, home to off-topic greenfrog threads flooding the catalog on a daily basis and yet no one seems to give a single fuck about it so shut the fuck up and stick to the culture faggot.

>> No.50037713


how the fuck can someone even consider taking a bite outta this thing. i feel like vomitting just by looking at that fucking webm ffs

>> No.50037719

In terms of fat people, it certainly belongs there. And Canada is mostly Asian at this point.

>> No.50037728

I guess that this happens because of an inherent cultural connection between the 3 largest peoples in North America. And that cultural and gastronomic connection has the most evident characteristic of North American gastronomy and it is the consumption of excess calories.

>> No.50037731

what. the. fuck.

>> No.50037753


>> No.50037756

Motherfucker, I'm not that guy, but I'm really hungry

>> No.50037760


>> No.50037768


>> No.50037785

dude, something delicious

>> No.50037800

I see. Well that certainly explains it since all of those countries share gastronomies. You can find places to buy burgers in mexico and places to buy tacos in the US/Canada

>> No.50037828
File: 290 KB, 1280x720, 12y4gbv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start to jog a lot with stepn
>with the profits
>buy something like this
>do it again and your muscular mass will grow with no stop

>> No.50037834

I wonder how many times this webm has been posted with the exact same reactions all the time.

It's like this board is on a constant loop.

>> No.50037835

the other day I saw a thread about the price of meat... kys newfag

>> No.50037873

>when she says she only had 3 boy friends

>> No.50037901

stepn will never make you as strong as Senator Armstrong.

>> No.50037909

but it will make you fit, a bitch attracting machine.

>> No.50037911


>> No.50037918

sneakers are expensive, but I understand that they can be used in a variety of ways to earn money other than running.

>> No.50037934

>dies of kidney failure due to excess sodium in the blood
