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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50025951 No.50025951 [Reply] [Original]

mfw I scam crackers with shitcoins and prepaid cards and now have enough money for the bobs and vagena
keep investing in india sirs

>> No.50026052

there was this extremely funny shop in the town centre, i dont know if still exists but every time you passed by it you could help but burst in laughter. we are used to see here and there some kind of a dress or shoes that a retarded female will buy for 2000$ and ok. but this shop was selling like lamps and stools and mattresses, pillows for about the same price, like a stool would cost a thousand bucks. ordinary fucking stool. pillows for 500$

>> No.50026964

sir get out of my thread

>> No.50027032
File: 483 KB, 720x1380, Screenshot_20220628-134001-522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50027150

based small dickers. the smaller and harder it is the easier it is to sneak it in the pooss

>> No.50027210

Once I had to call tech support and this pajeets accent was so thick I had to mute myself while I laughed my ass off.

>> No.50027222

Why are Bollywood films so wholesome and lively? All we get in the West is Captain Capeshit Man #7648 and literally globohomo propaganda aimed at zoomers.

>> No.50027329

You aren't White

>> No.50027356

>yt bois gettin styled on by pajeets
holy shit it's just like /biz/

>> No.50027386

I'm whiter than you are, mutt. My parents are fucking 6'0'' blonde hair blue eyed Swedes and so am I. Lmao.

>> No.50027388
File: 2.93 MB, 282x500, 1656031086066.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet movies are nothing. Wait till you find out about pajeet tiktoks. They are unironically peak kino.
Also, this is now a pajeet kino tiktok thread.

>> No.50027453

Have you even watched this movie? The whole plot is about indians getting revenge on british colonizers

>> No.50027460


>> No.50027586
File: 2.74 MB, 412x716, Jokar_18.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50028279
