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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50016859 No.50016859 [Reply] [Original]

so you buy hundreds, thousands if possible, and stake, and when chainlink is $1000 your staking rewards will give you a comfortable salary for the rest of your life, allowing you to create businesses that will grow and create generational wealth and status? it's as simple as that? why isn't everyone doing this?

>> No.50016890

Yeah, staking with a supply cap is ingenious

>> No.50016894
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Because we don't tell them

>> No.50016898


>> No.50016906

18 decimals

>> No.50016907

>why isn't everyone doing this
they don't know about it, or if they do, they don't understand it, or if they do,
they know that staking hasn't actually fucking started yet

>> No.50016926

>why isn't everyone doing this?
fear uncertainty doubt
they can't afford it
they don't know
nexo is insolvent

>> No.50016984
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>why isn’t everyone doing this?

Because people are impatient, short sighted and stupid.
You could know for 100% certainty that Link will be $1000 in 2 years and people would still largely miss out.
Instead of showing any kind of financial discipline, they’d rather fuck their money off on stupid consoomer shit or dumbass pump and dump Ponzi schemes.

Link is a winner, and anyone with a brain knows it’s just a matter of time before it explodes.
Unfortunately it’ll take intense fomo before people start buying, but by then it’ll be too late.

I’ve got 10.5k link and I feel constantly panic that I don’t have enough. I’m doing all I can to buy as much as possible while it’s this cheap.

>> No.50016991

kek is this fud now

>> No.50017007

I was saying it really is ingenious, staking with a capped supply alone makes link the best asset in crypto

>> No.50017042

kek I thought you were taking the piss but turns out you are also enlightened. feels good man.

>> No.50017055

>Iphone faggot
Maybe they can track some more rain data for africans!

>> No.50018021
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>Capped supply
Whoever holds the longest without selling captures the most value of the network's current and future fees. The consolidation of this wealth is insane.
Link holders will siphon all the wealth of this world won't they.
There are only 1B LINK tokens.

Growth = Infinite (Value captured)
LINK? = Supply capped.

>> No.50018049

ultra sound money

>> No.50018062

Link will be $100 per token in 2026. This will be the ATH. It will never go higher than that.

>> No.50018100

really makes you think, only 7 link for each person roughly speaking, in an ideal world. of course this world is neither ideal nor fair, so it may very well be that one day, 1 chainlink will literally be a lifetimes worth of wealth.

>> No.50018133

More like 1.25 per person but I get what you mean.
Very likely the closest thing to an infinite money glitch in this base reality.

>> No.50018144

You idiots are speaking as if Chainlink is guaranteed to be the de-facto Oracle provider for whatever form online society will take in the next several years.

>> No.50018166
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>he doesn't know

>> No.50018191

i barely can buy 20 and don't know how to stake

>> No.50018209

LINKies are the cringiest part of crypto. Token dead, and you are all married to your bags missing out lifechanging gains on hopes of staking

You guys deserve what's coming to you, gg

>> No.50018264

Cubic coin ? Da fuq

>> No.50018273

kek, staking and CCIP confirmed coming in 2 weeks

>> No.50018284
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>> No.50018295
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I just wish it was reflected in the price
I'm so tired of waging bros

>> No.50018391

we're in a bear market right now retard there are no gains

>> No.50018970

>More like 1.25 per person but I get what you mean.
holy shit anon I literally did it the wrong way, already each person even under "ideal" equal distribution could get 1/7th of a link or less. wtf

>> No.50019140

how about investing in script tv?

Script TV is 24/7 television, on blockchain, for free. Watch thousands of hours of content, engage with the community, earn rewards and tokens, and benefit from live off chain opportunities. they are redefining television one step at a time.

for more just google script tv

>> No.50019159
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When will chainlink see $1k? Like many fucktards here, I'm not throwing money around; instead, I'm finding defi projects that will deliver.

>> No.50019180
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then to make gains, find a shitcoin that will 10x, buy say 100k of it, then when it reaches 10x dump it

>> No.50019197

Just two more weeks

>> No.50019220

probably 2024/25

>> No.50019255

End of year

>> No.50019389

So what's the fucking way out

>> No.50019401

Better if possible

>> No.50019425

For Chainlink to make sense you need useful applications on the blockchain. The only thing people have come up with is DeFi which are all ponzi schemes and NFTs which are useless.

>> No.50019512

the only thing worth staking at this moment is either ETH or stables. BTC is good too. But ETH might do a 15x. From where it is now

>> No.50019594

Oh, and btc allocation isn't a bad idea for secure gains, and I decide to stake it to be extra safe

>> No.50019853
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I stake btc too. but to a much lesser extent than ETH. I also stake BNB and FWT. I'm a huge staker

>> No.50020240

i’m doing the same with BitDAO right now and hoping for the best

>> No.50020259
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Doing it but for matic lmao. Just skip all that and get to the generational wealth part.

>> No.50020308

Yes but with ethereum. Dont be greedy anons and go for the ensured moon

>> No.50020341

okay fine i'll buy chainlink, what am I in for?

>> No.50020361

how is 10.5 mil not enough you faggot shit the fuck up

>> No.50022462

kek, I use this strategy but 100k is too much man, the risk is always high.

>> No.50022546

LINK is using one of the most environmentally friendly blockchains consensus mechanisms. Proof of Authority. At a time when people actually start making good decisions about the environment, LINK will be at the top.

>> No.50022572
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>tfw when .0000001 link will be considered wealthy in 10 years.

>> No.50022621
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>rest of your life
I see every crypto play as short or at maximum, medium term. Crypto will last, projects will not. Only long ETH BTC XMR.

>> No.50022703

I guess that's why new projects are adopting it, LOX for example. It's the most sustainable so far.

>> No.50022736

>why isn't everyone doing this?
They don't know about it, or they know about it and think it is risky and not worth it. Me, I like having a double digit pile of Bitcoin and $300k so I can buy something like a house and enjoy my life. I don't care about staking, and I think it is risky since it runs on Eth: governments can easily kill Chainlink in a way that is much harder to do with Bitcoin.

>> No.50022918
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Probably SOL should adopt it since they can't keep up with their uptime

>> No.50022951
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>your staking rewards will give you a comfortable salary for the rest of your life
if by "comfortable" you mean 200k+ every year (and thats for linklet stacks not even 10k + stacks) then yes

oh yeah by eoy 2026 as well. by 2030 and beyond who knows
in short 1k link = make it stack, 100 bag = suicide bag, 10k = fuck you money

>> No.50023149

is nexo insolvent?
I don't know but I've been seeing alot of posts saying they are.

>> No.50023318
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Why is LINK bros shitting all around Biz today.... Never gonna stake any alt shit, instead I resort to the stablecoins staking...

>> No.50023333

ls chainlink going to 1k feasible? can someone help a pessimist out?

>> No.50023424

Don't mind the confused OP. Where is this 200k gonna come from when LINK is a potential tank box?

Staking on yield generators or yield aggregator platforms isn't even guranteed for this.... looks like a thread under the influence of colostrum...

>> No.50023454
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>> No.50024473
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So many link schizos on this board. So obsessed with only one source of crypto forgetting abput others that as a result, will lead them to getting so damning REKT. If it is staking, scrt has the power to give me life time salary even if turns to 25 cents, that's its lowest price point that I've ever witness but I don't often brag about it. I'm staking too much in atom and osmo as well. It's about IBC Gang, faggots

>> No.50024519

It is not feasible at al. It's just a mere push without any back up. I'd see the scrt privacy coin at 100 faster than seeing link at 1000.

>> No.50024635

It’s common knowledge that 90% of LINK OG’s came from /pol/, and are thus unironic Nazis and extremely racist. This is evident when you look at the chats whenever Chainlink presents at conferences such as consensus or smartcon. It’s always N word this, N word that.

I personally don’t want to put my money into a project like that and keep that sort of company. Moreover, I question the intelligence of people who shill LINK given their backwards and racist political views.

>> No.50024688

They are all over the place today, I've no idea what their motive is. I'm not gonna stake any damn piece of link coin as well.

>> No.50024865
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The Top 3 Possible Chainlink-Staking Outcomes:

>staking finally arrives
>unstaking requires Level 70 VAXXPASS™

>mandatory staking
>lock-in period: 3 years
>may never unstake

>no staking ever comes
>the Great Reset is dead on arrival and Chainlink goes to zero

>> No.50025807

Niggers, Jews…BAD NEWS!

>> No.50027212

the power of capped supply, and 18 decimal places

>> No.50029128

recommended coins?

>> No.50029632
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Put your links in nexo platform for a juicy 7% apy frens! It is better then staking and platform is very reliable and verifiy

>> No.50029733

I unironically have 60k Link. What am i in for? I'm almost worried, desu

>> No.50029757

Kek imagine talking about link still

>> No.50029770
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consider yourself lucky if link is able to get back to $20

>> No.50029778

Well, you are too

>> No.50031738

Curry nigga knows nothing but shit posting. LINK is dead, accept it or suck my red dildo in consolation

>> No.50031903

Fucking brainlet indian pajeet in search of a 10x shitcoin to buy a bowl of rice.
Y'all keep becoming exit liquidity at all times. Only short-term interests are my concerns in this current market. KOLNET and CITI should sponsor my drug lifestyle

>> No.50032891

3% denominated in link u faggot.
oracle is a take all space. if its not chainlinked i will not be participating.
you don't get 3% on your dollars, you'd be getting 3% on your link. 3 link for every 100 link staked. 3 link assuming 1 link @ 81k = 240k USD. have fun, remember don't let the dopamine run low.

>> No.50034036

Nexo is insolvent

>> No.50035460
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What the hell are you talking about OP? For me it's shorting memecoins like Vita Inu kek

>> No.50035657

please accept the fact that link is dead this isn't good for your mental health, do the right thing by holding and staking matic instead, where at least you'll be making profits

>> No.50036021

1 mil link has always been suicide stack
10 mil link has always been make it stack.

Buying any less is pointless, anon

>> No.50036353

LINK > shitcoins (including magic)