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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50020617 No.50020617 [Reply] [Original]

24 y/o working my first corporate job and I’m incredibly amazed by how little work I have to do. Im currently an analyst at a large bank, and when I WFH Monday-Wednesday I log into my workplace virtual desktop and then spend the next 8 hours either studying Python, reading books , or playing video games, with the occasional email that I have to send here or there. On Thursday and Friday when I have to come into the office I spend 90% of my time shooting the shit with my coworkers, 5% of the time grabbing coffee and talking to the security guard at the office entrance, and another 5% sending emails.

I recently got a raise to $80,000, and my boss says that my productivity statistics are great.

Is this what most finance jobs are like???????? I honestly can’t believe that I’ve been able to do this for so long(I’ve been working here for 1.5 years) and if my stats are good with all the BS I do on a daily basis, WTF are my coworkers doing??? It looks like they’re stressed and working diligently, but I still rank in the top 5 in terms of productivity.

Should I quit this job? At first I felt like I was learning a lot, but after 3 months it became a very routine and mechanical position, so I don’t feel like I’m growing a lot outside of the studying I do on my own.

>> No.50020645

Nice repost

>> No.50020697

That's what corporate work is like, especially at the junior grade. I mostly spend my time on youtube.

>> No.50020712

Daily reminder that finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value and private property is theft. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, disease, pollution, slavery and wars are fundamental and necessary functions of it and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

>> No.50020803

Goddamn I am living the same fucking shit . Biggest insurance company of the country. All coworker are stressed out and im chilling all the time. All the time on the phone at home 3 days a weeks. And when I m in the office I dont do very much
... Im plan ing to get something else cuz its very boring.... Thinki g of starting a bizz on my own....

eurofag here i'm 30k per year in pure salary ( not inclunding all the extra I have)

>> No.50020880

Wish I was in that position. Possibly getting fired from my junior job atm and it feelslike shit.

Im going to be unemployed. Cant fookin believe it.

>> No.50020976

Mah man its my 4th job and Im 29years old dont worry. Opportunities come with time. Im stuck with this job. You have the chance to begin something new

>> No.50021011

Doing nothing is enough to coast but unless you think you can live on 80k until retirement you're going to need to take initiative to grow your career.

>> No.50021046

This is exactly the shilling that I’m talking about. SHUT THE FUCK UP FAGGOT

>> No.50022960


>> No.50023735
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yes, and communism has proven to work so well. Fuck you poorfag

>> No.50024207

Big business don't actually track people. Supposed to go into the office twice a week and I haven't been in months now. Recently got a raise for high productivity as well just do my work load when I wake up and the rest of the day I can fuck around with.

>> No.50024244

It's because you have no wife and kids.
That's why they're stressed and you're not.

>> No.50024280

i'm a senior accountant at a fortune 10 company. when it's not busy i do literally nothing. on average i work like 20-30 hours a week. the only people working hard are managers/directors.

>> No.50024495

Capitalism and communism both follow the same doctrine of materialism

Under this they will always fail to produce satisfying lives for most of their citizens as they cannot say "no" to a new system that will produce more material wealth at the cost of human dignity, beauty, community, or religion