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50017401 No.50017401 [Reply] [Original]

Was he based?

>> No.50017411

Anyone who thinks he's "based" is a fucking retard and/or underage.

He's a worthless conartist who gets glorified by morons

>> No.50017426

But he made the wall street kikes mad. So thats at least a lil based in my book.

>> No.50017443

How the fuck is he any better than the bankers on wall st? The only difference is that he got prosecuted.

Deluded /pol/cuck

>> No.50017446

This is true. He is basically a moron idol. Every normie "bro" thinks this is the coolest guy ever since they found out about him in Wolf of Wallstreet.

>> No.50017482

Tiny hat hands wrote this post

>> No.50017496

Its ironic that stormcucks go on about >muh jews when defending a literal conartist who stole millions

>> No.50017517

I never defended him. I think its ironic how when he pulls the same shit that that every banker, politician, wall St. type does he’s smited.

>> No.50017531


It's also ironic that they never checked the "Early life" section for Jordan Belfort on Wikipedia

>> No.50017600

>Waaaah I hate wall Street bankers
>Waaaah I love this guy who does the same stuff heckin ' based!

>> No.50017607

He’s a self admitted jew

>> No.50017636

The difference is he stole from other wall street Jews so that's pretty funny. He was unironically the second coming of christ

>> No.50017714

hes just a scammer, just like all modern "let me teach you how to be rich" gurus

>> No.50017847

is this acaramucci or the belfort guy?

>> No.50018103
File: 3 KB, 122x125, 1656344289825s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A literal conman, all i can remember from him was the time he said cardano was a rugpull project back when it was just starting, followed by his statement about lace being (another) cardano rugpull project, both turned out to be wrong, but people somehow have some sort of "respect" for his persona that i won't ever understand. You can make money by investing contrary to his calls

>> No.50018226

Grifter taking advantage of retards like you.

>> No.50018359

He has a net worth of negative 100 million.

He was never a big player on wall street

He owes his entire contemporary success to the Wolf of Wall Street movie

Every dollar he ever made was either stolen or handed to him by other rich people who totally outclassed him in every way.

>> No.50018382

he is a kike, retard

>> No.50018467

He's just a classic 80s sales-based conman. He convinced a bunch of ignorant, wishful and hard working Americans to part with their money on penny stocks which he then pump and dumped. He is no hero. In his book he makes many outrageous claims about the things he got up to much of which is not verified although some of which partially is. Some movie maker guy decided this would make a thrilling motion picture for the biomasses so made it into a film and now everyone loves someone who they objectively should detest. And thusly the moral fibre of America made another descent into decadence.

>> No.50018735

He’s a complete piece of shit. The only people who like him are brain dead losers who never graduated college.

>> No.50020418

He was good in The Office