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50016641 No.50016641 [Reply] [Original]

i was much happier when i was alone

>> No.50016654

>It's not you it's me
Easy bro

>> No.50016659
File: 64 KB, 650x472, 9E5E5655-BFBA-46A3-9133-D811A79C4C50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been alone all my life. Mostly because I distanced myself due to trauma. Swept away chances for a companion. Not a single day goes by where I don't want to rope. I hope I die soon. I have nothing left to live for.

>> No.50016684

Interesting. I hope the light finds you. Be well.

>> No.50016687

I've been alone for like 10 years. Recently got a hot amazing gf for some reason. She likes me for God knows why and i love everything about her. It's not over till it's over live gets better just gotta find a way to meet the one she's out there.

>> No.50016690
File: 87 KB, 650x507, D8E93324-410A-45A0-877D-9343E1DD451B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my life

>> No.50016701

Same. Now I'm married with kids. Cherish the neet life

t. former neet

>> No.50016705

I've been alone my entire adult life and it's been great. The only downside is the shit family and friends sometimes give you for being alone.

>> No.50016720

I love being alone
Every time I start dating, these women always want to push things to go too fast, and it always falls apart.
I don’t see why we can’t date and live apart for a few years before deciding to get married.

I have no problem cutting a woman off if she tries to move things too fast.
It’s probably because I had messed up stuff happen when I was a kid, but that’s just how I am.

>> No.50016722

Well you're a loser. It's the natural order for normies to prey on neets.

>> No.50016736

Ya women want to move fast for a reason. Date. Move in. Have baby. Move out. Collect child support. Repeat. This is the modern whore.

>> No.50016753

how did you meet her?

>> No.50016774
File: 75 KB, 843x753, 5DA9C093-94D7-47E4-9551-757AB42109B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be schizo /pol/ tard and just about everything 4chan wise mentally
>work with food
>co workers start talking about roe v wade
>“yeah it’s just so sad that a fundamental right is being taken away”
>“why making women rights harder to achieve than gun control haha”
>just standing there listening
>can’t give opinion since it would most likely get me fired
It’s all so tiresome

>> No.50016803
File: 1.21 MB, 4000x1800, 20220214_181745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 year relationship ending
>she is taking the dog we had for 5 years because it's hers
>I'm wfh programmer who played with the dog all day
>she has a hour commute and works long hours at a construction job. 5 until 6 or 7.
>dog will now sit alone inside 12 hours a day instead of running in the backyard and playing fetch with
>some wagie stranger will unlock the door to her house and walk the dog and not care about him at lunch
>he will literally stare out the window and wait for me to return.

I am a grown adult man, but this is the deepest pain I've ever felt in my life. Nothing will solve this. All I can do is throw money into learning trading options and futures to distract myself. I will continue to learn and become rich. Nothing will distract me now.

>> No.50016814

I'm so glad I lost my job. Coworkers talk so openly presuming literally everyone agrees with them IRL just because they eat sleep and breath their own social media echo chambers.

>> No.50016845

That would be true if I were a neet. I work and pay all my own bills.

>> No.50017718

imagine still posting pepe like a cringe reddit fucktard in 2022 .9

>> No.50017765

Yea women are niggers

>> No.50018131

you know it would be a pitty if someone broke into the house and left the fucking door open, but what do i know

>> No.50018352

so stay single