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50015155 No.50015155 [Reply] [Original]

How do I find my purpose?

>> No.50015188
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Look in your ass

>> No.50015211

clean your room

>> No.50015274
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>> No.50015291
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>in school until I was almost 30 to become a doctor
>don't really feel anything about the job

>> No.50015302

Ask God

>> No.50015350
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Wait a few years. You'll stop caring

>> No.50015945

You pass butter.

>> No.50015957

>Assuming you have one

>> No.50015961

its at the bottom of a deep, dark lake

>> No.50015962

You don't. And theres no such thing. There's a such thing as putting your talents and skill to good use though.

>> No.50015965

I can not defeat this logic.

>> No.50015975

just try new things
itll come, eventually

>> No.50015983
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Each person's path to finding their purpose is unique. However, there are some general tips that may be helpful in finding your purpose. First, it is important to be honest with yourself about what you want in life. Second, don't be afraid to explore different options and try new things. Third, pay attention to the things that make you feel most alive and passionate. Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help from others who may be more experienced in finding their purpose.

>> No.50015995


Quieting the monkey mind.

>> No.50016081


>> No.50016191

based and purpose-pilled

>> No.50016251

write down 10 interests you have
pick one at random if you have but pick one
for 30 days focus hard on trying to make money doing that thing or something related to that thing.
if you want to keep doing it keep doing it
if not just move on to another thing on the list
and repeat

>> No.50016268

>pick one at random if you have but pick one
I accidentally a word
it should read:
>pick one at random if you have to, but pick one

>> No.50016308
File: 191 KB, 958x715, bobo-pepe-sledding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think somethings wrong with your chihauhau bruv.

>> No.50016309

First you must establish a sound moral and ethical compass. Then you live your life by that compass. Simple as

>> No.50016320

You choose it and make it your life's obsession. Life isn't about finding oneself, it's about making oneself.

>> No.50016386

Life is about taking all the bullshit till you cannot physically and mentally take it any longer.

I know I've literally gone beyond that threshhold and my life has never gotten better just continuously worse, and after I bury my childhood friend (My lifelong cat) I will join him shortly after which will likely be taking place soon as he is the only thing I have left to do on this marble.

>> No.50016420


Lift. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

>> No.50016451

Based. It's not found. You must give it.

>> No.50016562

Alright larps aside, I struggled with this for ages, and since I'm stuck on the shitter, I've got time to answer this, whether OP's question is bullshit or not.


You know the boomer quote of "work is good for the soul" etc? Remove the retarded capitalist connotations and recognise that "work" actually means "value to the community".

Let me say it like this: if there were only a few seats on the sinking ship, what's your value that makes people want to give you a seat?

The benefit you bring will get the community/people to like you, and in return you will yourself feel valuable.

>but anon on the shitter, how do I know what valuable thing I can do that will be fulfilling?

That's the neat part; any value-creating role is likely going to leave you feeling fulfilled, even something "simplistic". And if it doesn't? Cross it off and do the next "jobs or roles THAT CREATE VALUE". You'll find the one you love, for sure.

>but anon, how do I know what creates value?

Value=service or produced item/thing that brings benefit to the end user or receiver.

Example: most trades (carpenter, electrical, plumbing, etc), service providers (helping grandma set up internet so they can see their kids), growing food, fixing things (by learning and knowing the technical requirements to do so, something that's not common knowledge etc), blah blah.

Things that create negative value= selling garbage products or services, scamming cunts, ripping people off, soulless busywork (a classic boomer job).

I'm all finished taking a dump, so best of luck to you anon.

>> No.50016582

Your purpose is to post on 4chan, and maybe one day something you post will have some impact on someone who was made to be a main character.

We are all fifth business anons.

>> No.50016590
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I live in a multicultural city and have no desire to add value to a community of non whites.

>> No.50016821

So move, duh.

Get yourself skilled to be able to provide value to the community you WANT to be in.

Get the skills to BE USEFUL, and then move somewhere that community exists, or create it

>> No.50016860

This. Have you tried searching inside yourself?

>> No.50016866

Know thyself

>> No.50017107

give yourself as broad list of experiences as you can and meet as many different people as you can. means working different jobs, volunteering, traveling, things you should have started to do as a teenager. then you will figure it out. as minimum you will at least find out the things you dislike like which is also progress

>> No.50017139

I would like/save the image if the wojack didn't look so edgy