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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50011187 No.50011187 [Reply] [Original]

Is opening a coffee shop a profitable business?

>> No.50011252


>> No.50011274
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coffee shops are not entirely good businesses to run, as you can see how starbucks is taking over every street corner
baristas in and out of starbucks are unionizing as well
the problem with opening up a burger shop, a coffee shop, or anything else that there's a massive global company that does the same thing is you're really just working on borrowed time

>> No.50011288

In a gentrified part of a major city? Maybe. Anywhere else? Probably not.

>> No.50011297

only if you manage to hire high quality brapistas

>> No.50011318

this and this

people only wana go to not-starbucks if it's trendy and full of attractive people or you tailor to some gimmick like cruelty free

>> No.50011336

She seems in her 30s, using a filter to cover up her wrinkles. Do not redeem.

>> No.50011340

Open up a gay sex and tranny coffee shop in some libshit place. That'd probably take off

>> No.50011344

They eat putzi before we gave them the gift of our cuisine.

>> No.50011346
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Jannies please take this shit down. I'm trying really hard to stop cooming

>> No.50011348

A bikini coffee shop

>> No.50011382

is this the zestimate girl?

>> No.50011393

You WILL jerk off
You WILL be happy

>> No.50011495

My parents ran small cafes for the longest time, its a tough fucking gig and I wouldn't recommend it unless you got a strong business plan.

But yes, it can be very profitable

>> No.50011576

You can only pick one of those

>> No.50011579

Even with wrinkles, I'd absolutely demolish her if given the chance.

>> No.50011710

It's kinda a dumb question, of course it can be profitable but it needs to be done exactly right. You're either going to go for a full blown cafe with hipster food and plants everywhere, or you're going to go for a clean coffee shop for business people that serves food that is easy to eat during work chats (banana bread, croissants, slices, sandwiches etc).
Having cute girls working the cafe is also important, you will want to make sure the coffee is fucking top notch and all your staff can bang out consistently high quality coffee very quickly.
If you fuck something minor up, even one coffee it means a long term loyal customer will walk across the road to the other shop. You also want beans that are somewhat milk chocolatey but still slightly bitter.

Generally banks won't give business loans to coffee shops beacuse they're classified high risk. You need to have a view on ever single aspect with a reason as to why you give that product, service, why you display that item vs another item etc.
I would also expect inflation to hit coffee shops quite hard.

>> No.50011731

>Relying on jannies

>> No.50011782

Out of sight out of mid. But yeah, janjan sux blackdick

>> No.50012077

What is this guys name

>> No.50012114

Why isn't she covered in cum? Fail

>> No.50012134

Who is this whore? I want to impregnate her.

>> No.50012149


>> No.50012173

Have some self control ffs

>> No.50012208

Think of how much coffee you have to sell to make 100k profit per year after you pay taxes, rent, and operating costs.

Most restaurants run on very thin margins. The most successful food industry businesses are just a front for money laundering and the goal of the business is to lose money. You pay yourself a 100k salary and bonuses and the business has a net operating loss of 300k per year

>> No.50012591

I am 7 days into nofap why can't I bang a girl like this? AHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.50012738

I opened one a few years back in a transit station. Dealt with nothing but tweakers, methadone junkies, gangbangers and assorted homeless trash. My advice: go ahead but stay out of shitty areas.

>> No.50012786

Have to sell more than coffee and maximize the amount of sales per customer. Location is super important. Owner of a busy shop who puts in 50 to 60 hours a week can make 100k a year.

>> No.50012811


>> No.50012851

if you want to make money just read a few marketing books and then sell overpriced coaching through a sales funnel. fuck startup expenses and sheeeeeeeeeeeit

>> No.50012852

It's probably more profitable to open a coffee kiosk, or a mobile coffee business.

>> No.50012855

That's a awfully hot coffee pot.

>> No.50012929

I own one
>roastie employees are drama and fucking them will only give you issues
>customers are faggots
>the only cunt profiting is the commercial landlord
Luckily in austfailure where nobody relevant goes to chain coffee shops but it's still a shit business to be in. Think how many $6.5 coffees you need to move in an hour to stay above water

>> No.50013353

It’s bizarre to see actual business advice on this board

>> No.50013422

Sauce me, brothers.

>> No.50013503

Prepare for walled disappointment

>> No.50013520

are you starbucks?

>> No.50013730

gonna cum to this

>> No.50013734

Very vague question, but nowadays opening a business is probably not good at all if you want to be making money.

>> No.50013853

Opening a coffee shop is my post-makeit dream. Not to make a profit or anything, just a chill place to hang out. I know a guy in my hometown who bought up a run-down building a few years back and made it into a coffee shop with a basement with pool tables and ping-pong and foosball and couches. I don't think he makes any money, but it's a chill place for him and his buds to hang out and smoke cigarettes out front. When he's running the register he'll take a smoke break and nobody can order for like 10min, he just tells them to fuck off. I can't imagine he makes any money but it seems pretty cozy, and less degenerate than running a bar.

>> No.50013950

If you live in Melbourne yeh

>> No.50013967

It's buying yourself a job. Not the worst thing in the world.

>> No.50014146

You would probably make more money owning a bunch of shitty vending coffee machines

>> No.50014382

>t’s bizarre to see actual business advice on this board

truly jarring

>> No.50014400

God that is fucking hot FUCK I want her so bad FUUUUUUUUCK

>> No.50014417

>Opening a coffee shop is my post-makeit dream. Not to make a profit or anything, just a chill place to hang out.

same, would like a coffee joint with killer stereo and listening room, clients vote for songs with some pay app, periodic poetry readings or book discussions

>> No.50014764


>> No.50014991

Her name is Erin Curtis aka GreenLemon2 (OnlyFans)

>> No.50015147

I used to go to a coffee shop in a medium-size midwestern town that was pretty much like that. Open until 11pm every night and would play chill music from a record player on really nice speakers, sometimes had poetry events or live acoustic music / open mic night. Had a loft-style second story that was a book nook with comfy couches and handmade bookshelves. Cozy as fuck, clientele was mostly cute nursing students studying.

>> No.50015149

Good advice anon

>> No.50015246

Maybe if you open one in the metaverse with nfts coffees
From that angle maybe lovelace wouldn't be such a bad idea.

>> No.50015288

Starcucks will fall.
cap it

>> No.50015380


>> No.50015769

>TFW you still hate your body
So sad bros...

>> No.50015787

Starbucks is not failing as long as women exist.

>> No.50015833

This, my stepmom will keep them in business by herself

>> No.50015973

post pics of your stepmom, Anon

>> No.50016001 [DELETED] 

Literally hand crafted by the divine powers of this world to receive enormous black cocks inside her vagina

>> No.50016304

i remember a coffee shop opened up in my neighborhood and somehow it became buzzin as fuck, i never went inside and i had since moved away, i wonder what their secret was

>> No.50016472

High end area or where customers can feel "safe", sure. Bring in dirt cheap coffee bean from huge resellers and market it as small farm, niche coffee. Its all drowned in condensed milk, cream, sugar and whatever sweetners like caramel, etc anyway. Plus, theres a thing in a luxury, high end setting that if it looks, sounds expensive, people will pay premium for it regardless what it really is. Thats why there's so much coffee companies that are flourishing. Its all marketing and hype. I went through the phase of premium/niche coffee thinking that it made a huge difference. Then one vacation, the resort we stayed at coffee shop is stupid busy so I made a cup with the cheapo hotel coffee pot. Now I buy foldgers metal can coffee and have no preference in coffee (cheaper the better). Think about it, out of all coffees expensive or cheap, I never not enjoyed it

>> No.50016499

Holy shit i went on a rant. Sorry

>> No.50016573

Syscon will never run into inordinate fees as experienced by others. A transaction that could cost 100 dollars on the ethereum platform under enough congestion would only be a fraction of a cent under the same conditions on the syscon platform.

>> No.50016626

Literal meatbag

>> No.50017602
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seems like such a lower middle class / upper working class thing to do
shit like a starbucks franchise is defo almost always profitable I guess, because normies love that, but noname coffee shop? probably no, and if it is, it's a lot of work and effort.

>> No.50017647

normals enjoy the no-surprises de-humanized standardized comfy experience

>> No.50017658

is even poster on tiktok a whore? what else do people use this platform for?

>> No.50018453

She needs black cock in her life

>> No.50018475

Profit margins of gastronomy business are miniscule

>> No.50018494
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No. Open a bar or lemonade stand that just serves alcohol.
A lot of people will be drinking when the economy will finally collapse under its own weight.

>> No.50018544
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>1PBTID coomer posts a thot pic/webm
>very vague question
how new are you?

>> No.50018792

you are absolutely bizcucked
I'm guessing you're a loser with bright ideas but someone else always built it first right?

>> No.50018903

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.50018926

>interest rates on the rise
>people behind on their rent
>liquidity drying up
>people cutting non-essentials and even streaming services to help make ends meet
>"is coffee good for your portfolio? should i open a coffee business?"

>> No.50018933

if wasn't for subhumans this slut would be on the streets sucking cocks

>> No.50020478


>> No.50020521

Sure bro. bitDAO is a better investment than fucking coffee though. Also that's a man btw.

>> No.50020643

Not really, but if you're going to do that anyway, add the option of crypto payments to lure all the crypto lovers in the city. You can integrate with Utrust for that.

>> No.50020684

Yes if your cafe has the hottest baristas

>> No.50020745
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Contemplate the aroma

>> No.50020858

Wouldn't you like that

>> No.50020894

I just want to order milk now

>> No.50021110

no cap fr fr

>> No.50021348


>> No.50021378

and they wonder why we banned abortion

>> No.50021630

Bot thread 1PBTID

>> No.50021663


I don't completely disagree, but coffee is just water and beans at the end of the day. Its something relatively easy to make, yet something that so many people are too lazy to make it and would rather spend
$5.60 at their local starbucks

>> No.50021735
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Do a market analysis or pay someone to do it for you.
Here's my professional guess: only if it's specialty coffee that's so special that Starbucks & Co. aren't your competitors.

>> No.50021778
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I remember when there used to be threads on here about starting all kinds of different businesses and anons would weigh in their knowledge and all in all they were mostly really fucking interesting reads.

But now all we got is bots posting tiktok roasties.

>> No.50021901

$6.50 for coffee but also you are paying for an acceptable reason to take a break from the wage cage and talk shit with your wagie bros
Also don't you sell overpriced muffins, croissant toasties etc

>> No.50021950

like beer coffee?

>> No.50022136

I actually follow this bitch on instagram. She feela completely mind broken now and just talks about her mental illnesses and leftist stuff. American women are fucked.