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50009225 No.50009225 [Reply] [Original]

If you had all the free time in the world, how would you use it to become rich?

>> No.50009303

I have, and i can't even get out of bed. Always feel tired. Little too no motivation to do things i even like. The hell of freedom

>> No.50009365
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This. All I do is fap, watch movies, and play games.

>> No.50009382


Same, but replace vidya with gym. Thats why I'm seraching for a way to use this free time to make some filthy bucks

>> No.50010009

Why would you want to be rich if you already achieved the end goal of having as much free time as you want. No amount of money will ever surpass having time. Ask some high profile investment fuckheads grinding the market for millions but sacrificing 70-80 hours a week. You will have all the nice things in this world but no time to use them.

>> No.50010168


Yes, but all I do is sit on my ass all day and lift at the gym. I'm actually questioning my whole existance

>> No.50010182

Sell my asshole

>> No.50010673

There's nothing much to do in life after people retire. That's why old people go to a casino, maybe a church to socialize with other old fags. They have a deteriorated body, though, unlike most people who are neets here. They know the sweet release of death is not that far. But for someone in their 30's having life solved it's impossible not to question your existence." Am I supposed to live 40 to 50 years more exactly like this?" Specially if you don't want a girlfriend, kids, or even a plant in the house because it's extra responsabilty you don't wish to have. Every day feels like a Sunday. That's the hell of freedom. Going to the gym, it's funny for a while but then you realize you're not enjoying it at all, you're tired that going to the gym and trying to avoid interacting with some npcs and avoid looking girls in the mirror (less they think you're a pervert) is the highlight of your day. That's a sad life, really. You eat and sleep and plan your day just for lifting some heavy weights. Reading books, sometimes you read and fall asleep, or barely understand what the hell are you reading at. You learn stuff, no doubt about it, but what to do with that knowledge, really? What's that? You train and read for yourself? That's fruitless endeavor in a sense, but it's enough to pass the time I suppose. So it's better to do nothing at all. But what will happen when you're 40 or 50? You may want to rope, unironically if you keep living like that. I guess people know this deep down in their hearts, that's why they marry and have kids. Some chains, some responsability. Sacrifice. So someday in their old age they can look back and say "at least I've raised 2 kids" But people like us will only look back and say "I've fapped to sonic porn and coomed 4 times a day in my youth" I hope you find answers.

>> No.50010728

No, id fuck anything that walks.

>> No.50010757

The only way to become rich is to make dominators your primary customer. You can no longer make money by providing a good or service. You can only make money by contributing to domination.

>> No.50010775

Since most essential production and distribution is automated or nearly automated, all that's left is to fight for control of those resources. The best way to accomplish that is to contribute to the domination market.

>> No.50010810


You just described my life bro. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for everything I have and I'm somewhat happy, but I'm questioning this whole thing. Like there must be something more in this life. In the end it all comes down to whats even the point of our life anyway? The only reason I want to get rich is to get more comofrts, but I know this wont answer anything.

>> No.50010852

For example, Elon Musk became the richest man in the world by making the USA military and government his primary customer. The USA government wants electric cars to dominate people by connecting electric internet kill switches to their cars, so Elon made electric cars. The USA wants to dominate the world with an eldritch star link omnipresent internet to bind the machines and minds of man under the will of Satan, so Elon made star link. The USA government wants to violate and punish the collective minds of humanity, so Elon made Neural link. In return for working for the domiantor, Elon gets unlimited monopoly money government contracts.

This is the only way to get rich in the modern day.

>> No.50010881

Think of a way to punish and dominate human beings, and pitch it to a military or government, that is how you get rich.

>> No.50010903

I already do. I just wait for my bags to moon

>> No.50010925

Start with the simple question, how can I make life more painful and worse for humanity? That is the the most lucrative market on earth.

>> No.50010960

Crypto cannot succeed as a liberating force or as an economic tool designed to create a functional system. It can only succeed as a tool of domination, which is why the block chain is going to be used to create an eternal record of literally everything to empower AI to imprison humanity in their own civilization.

Money is only the representation of the states violence and the state is only concerned with domination.

>> No.50011475

I'm grateful too I have enough passive income not to work ever again. Somedays even a cup of coffee and some croissants are heaven, but only when I know that that is exactly what I want that day. Life is weird but I suppose the potential to do a myriad of things with your time should be motivation enough to keep on going. You could be a badass guitar player, a chess pro, open your legs 180° like Van Damme. Even the accumulation of wealth for it's own sake should be enough motivation, but only if your heart is fully commited to it...and that's the hard part. Keeping the enthusiasm, discipline is easy kek. I think the answer is having short long-term goals. Maybe doing Boring but Big program in the gym for 3 months---reading Plato republic thoroughly a few times (and watching lectures) for two months, and so on. Life is full of possibilities, that should be incentive enough. Even if we will die and lose everything eventually, think of the 0.000001% possibility of an afterlife, who knows bro. Maybe you can keep everything you've learned in your whole life to the next- Good luck

>> No.50011578

God bless you schizo bro. You make this site worth coming to, please never stop your insane ramblings

>> No.50011615

For anyone having an existential crisis, check out Alan Watts' books / YouTube lectures... it completely changed my perspective on life

>> No.50011702

I do, I buy cool properties with cash and turn them into airbnb's. I drive a shitty old truck with a trailer and haul lumber and trash to and from projects.
tip: buy Verus ticker:VRSC
t. Crypto Chad

>> No.50011765

i would take advantage of the alphas on the hbar foundation to make 10x on each investment, and become even richer

>> No.50011780
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money is tied to power, power is domination. Amazon makes so much money because it's a monopoly and that monopoly goes unaddressed by the government because the government is tired of democracy and wants to drive people into the ground.

>> No.50011836

The government wants all purchases online to better track your purchases. The info-broker industry maintains private and hidden social credit scores on everyone in the western world which it sell to companies and government agencies.

They want to kill a lot of people but we still have guns so they can't.

>> No.50011881
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Domination has become the world elites surrogate activity.

>> No.50011937
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>> No.50011941

Well you need money to learn stuff so you might as well be idle. Courses cost money and you can't learn on an empty stomach.