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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 371 KB, 1024x716, funfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4994464 No.4994464 [Reply] [Original]

So will 2018 be the year of the alts?

>> No.4994570

Next year will always be the year of the alts. Stay poor, fag.

jk FUN will moon.

>> No.4994601

SALT, FUN and ARK baby

>> No.4994619

I think it probably will. They're doing all the right things and have all the right people. I don't know for sure, but it'd be surreal seeing the sort of post-moon hype that most coins get after the big day/week here on /biz/ and being one of the actual early adopters.

>> No.4994628

Also bluish ID master race ITT

>> No.4994719

shut the fuck up about this coin, I'm not done cumulating yet

>> No.4994751

I'm actually not either, but I don't have any more liquid assets atm so I figure fuck it. They're gonna put out a huge press release right before Christmas anyway.

>> No.4994783
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Just gonna leave this here

>> No.4994801

based. jealous

>> No.4994865


How high could this possibly go?

>> No.4994889

$1 Q1 Release hopefully and from there who knows.

>> No.4994913

The second they announce a casino partner, even a small, shitty one, this sleeping giant is hitting 20 cents—full stop.

>> No.4994974
File: 144 KB, 1217x736, alts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Yes it will.

>> No.4995180

>$1 Q1 Release hopefully and from there who knows.
Too high IMO, max supply is high

>> No.4995198

Anon, I want to have fun but I only have so much money how much money do I spend to have fun?

>> No.4995243

$350 and you'll have a nice chunk of change next year

>> No.4995306

I only got 50 D:

>> No.4995323

do it mang

>> No.4995427

Where can I buy this coin?

>> No.4995452

Crypto in general will be once the massive financial crisis kicks in

>> No.4995569

Get some Eth and then trade it on Binance. Easy

>> No.4995716


Nice, only got 3k, going to get more.

>> No.4995815
File: 314 KB, 512x512, 1512570446225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and get yourself atleast 20k whilst it's cheap dude

>> No.4996270

Do you think the 20th will have a large impact, or are you fully geared for late Q1?

>> No.4996424
File: 27 KB, 657x527, 808CFD0B-E39C-4E26-A8D3-354DEDD653F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck you’re gonna make it

>> No.4996783

So what's the use of this coin? From what I read it's about mobile casino games? I know those are extremely popular, but what's the purpose?

>> No.4997142
File: 143 KB, 720x960, 20597430_10213736736523219_2188662717851272697_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good question!

Now we see the shills try to explain.

>> No.4997189

Maybe ARK?

>> No.4997288

Decentralized gambling on the blockchain.

Traditional client/server architecture with casinos has a ton of opportunities to give the house an advantage and fuck players. It has been a really big problem in the online gambling industry - so FunFair is attempting to solve the problem by moving gambling results to the blockchain. Online casinos that use FunFair will be more trustworthy - and those that don't adopt it will seem like shit.

>> No.4997311
File: 24 KB, 724x424, allins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in faggots
Either I die poor or in a lambo

>> No.4997371

That sounds pretty good. What's your expectations for next year? I may put 50 dollars into it just for the novelty. But if it ends up going higher I'll buy more.

>> No.4997409

God damn
>tfw only 7K funfair

>> No.4997424

It depends on how many casinos get on board. I don't think 15 cents Q1 2018 would be too unreasonable if things go well for them.

>> No.4997426
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Forget Syscoin

>> No.4997547
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Both coins have potential. It's important to diversify

>> No.4997577
File: 1.90 MB, 1007x3568, bay vs sys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you're right.
I do think Bitbay is the better product though

>> No.4997617

OP, if you're going to keep shilling this coin, stop using that nasty as fuck old logo

>> No.4998050

That's a 400% growth, not bad at all.

>> No.4998292

Pretty much everything you need to know:

real gambling on the blockchain with a real product
consider that 99.99% of ICO/tokens/etc are just fucking NOTHING. consider how big etheroll is

now look at this fucking showcase


there's nothing else to be said honestly
just buy it and forget about it for 6 months and enjoy your wads of cash

>> No.4998661

I'm glad I'm learning about this now while it's still dirt cheap.
Looking forward to shit posting with you guys and making fun of the nofunners.

>> No.4999032

Godspeed and good luck to us all

>> No.4999413

I just find it hilarious how everyone goes from shitting on FUN to shilling FUN

>> No.4999470

I alternate between both depending on my mood and liquidity

>> No.4999480

Why wouldn't casinos just use ethereum or many other coins?

>> No.4999528

I have 400k tokens, god I believe in FUNFAIR so much I want 1 million

>> No.4999670

It burns tokens with gambling use though, realistically a "FUN" token could amount being worth 1 USD. Makes sense if you just insert casino chip for "FUN." Difference being the value hasn't been added yet.

>> No.4999956

I suppose that's true. What you're suggesting rides on a lot of conditions being met, though. >>4999528
lol this

>> No.5000187

why would it raise this month? no news coming.... and Q1 is big it can be 4 months without news

>> No.5000209

>no news coming
I can tell you don't pay attention anon

>> No.5000231


I think the point is supposed to be that FUN games are 'provably fair' - the RNG determining the outcome of the games is out of control of the casino as well as the player. In a world of shady online casinos, this could be a gamechanger for your everyday gambling addict.

>> No.5000271

literally receiving a 30k loan this friday and putting it all on fun , wish me luck boyoz

>> No.5000299

In preparation for the 20th?
Assuming you're not LARPing

>> No.5000327

please show me on the roadmap whats coming? cant see

>> No.5000360
File: 40 KB, 1127x400, syscompetition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think bay is better than syscoin because you are an idiot who didn't read shit about any of these two coins.

If you look at both coins you will see syscoin has many more features and real merchants behind them. Their product comes out in february after almost 4 years of hard work.

Saying bitbay is better, my fucking god. Just look at the goddamn price of the coins if you are that retarded. Put some time and effort in what you invest you fucking pajeetfaggot.

>> No.5000412

holy shit you're fucking dumb as fuck syscoin is shit in comparison to bitbay

>>4997577 has more overall positives than your stupid tiny graph faggot

>> No.5000433


Please god, don't be seirous

Never gamble with borrowed money you fucking retard. It's a quick way to ruin your entire fucking life.

>> No.5000458

I did it and now I have more money than I could have saved in years as a wage slave

>> No.5000534

I should note that 20% of $500 or whatever you NEETs can afford is $100

20% of $30k is $6k
You can be in an out in a single day with a loan like that and have $6k to invest in the future

>> No.5000548
File: 54 KB, 540x534, pepel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loool you fucking pajeet. you didn't spend 1 minute of research on your own and point at a chart which misses tons of functions and is mostly incorrect.

Why don't you put some time and effort in coins you invest?

>> No.5000609

Any recommendations other than BitBay? Which seems legit

>> No.5000663

whats happening on the 20th? Im just buying before it starts mooning 2018-2019

>> No.5000679

Nothing, just a minor company update. Just trying to find rationale in that guy's post

>> No.5000690

>he thinks the chart isn't true

stay poor retard

>> No.5000808

did you make it?

>> No.5001000
File: 36 KB, 334x323, wanting_intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold on, I'm a retard just now getting into this

So the incoming economic shitstorm will be a good thing for crypto? And I should probably hurry up and invest best I can ASAP?

>> No.5001041

This guy funs.

>> No.5001049

You already see what happened when the Chinese wanted to move out of fiat chinabux

>> No.5001097

I didn't actually. I kinda dropped off the face of the earth for a few years, and I missed a shit ton of development in the world of crypto.

>> No.5001177

I think they're largely responsible for much of the movement this year

>> No.5001259

>angry syscoin shills

>> No.5001426

what OS btw?

>> No.5001521

can I mine funfair or what?
I want in on this scam.

>> No.5001552


>> No.5001637


Get the fuck off this board with your reddit-isms. Fucking normie invasion REEEEEE

>> No.5001670

just upvote him bro!

>> No.5002267


>> No.5003193


Question for the FUN all-ins: how do you think taxes will work with FUN?

Currently, as we know, profits made through gambling are tax-free in almost all western jurisdictions. However, will this really be the case if FUN is the currency in question?
It seems to me that the government will have to tax FUN profits as capital gains. Otherwise, tax evasion and money laundering would become a piece of cake - just funnel your money through FUN and declare it as gambling profits. Online casinos currently have to abide by very strict regulations to fully verify the identities of their customers, and to only accept deposits/withdrawals from a bank account in the name of the verified user. These kinds of regulations are impossible to enforce when you're dealing with crypto-to-crypto conversions. There is no way that I can see how winnings from a FUN casino can be changed into fiat without being subjected to heavy tax rates.
This means that for the average joe gambler to play at a hypothetical FUN casino, he would have to pay some % of his winnings (if any) to the government upon cashing out.
Why would anybody ever choose to play at a FUN casino under such circumstances?

>> No.5003273

upvoted xD

>> No.5003302

>as we know, profits made through gambling are tax-free in almost all western

>> No.5003969

Poorfag on my first real moon mission here. Just dropped $60 into FUN. Wish me luck.

>> No.5004014
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1478670271180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know your reddit account
next i know your name