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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49999624 No.49999624 [Reply] [Original]

We are definitely running out of fit chicks.. I just launched a new kind of sport leggings, super cheap, solid quality, nice designs and spent about 15k in advertising. They is just one sized (S) because I can't handle overweight women and I fucking not going to support their way to big fat asses. Anyway, back to the problem, I get around 20-50 emails each day of + sized girls who are complaining why we don't sell bigger sizes. Fuck this shit.

>> No.49999652

Pol thread. If it was a real biz thread you'd know the answer. Reported.

>> No.49999653

What a narcissist OP.. It would be so easy if you add bigger sizes. Actually fuck you, you deserve to fall

>> No.49999675

>15k advertising
>no sales
LOL I'm glad I lose money in crypto, that's definitely easier

>> No.49999707

Solid m2e games would be so helpful, unfortunately we just got the ones which are shilled by pajeets

>> No.49999712


Possibly the most reddit start to a thread ever

>> No.49999724

You're fucking stupid if this is real. Why would you pass up on the extra money?

>> No.49999736

>won't make money because fat people make him sad

>> No.49999740

walking for some minutes a day will not turn a fat girl in a fit chick.

>> No.49999752

market to men. AIDS makes them skinny

>> No.49999758

yea but running for 1h with a runner shoe is definitely a bigger motivation if the profits are good

>> No.49999791

OP is an attention seeker, so yeah, agree the very start to the thread was as reddit as it gets.

>> No.49999795

Fat people are the people who buy most sports related stuff thinking today is the day I'm losing all my fat. Just do it!
Then it gets tossed in the closet. Only to buy size xxl next year when the xl doesn't fit any more.
Or they actually lose weight (very rare) amd they need size L and then M.
Meanwhile most normal people buy an item once and use it until it breaks or wears.

>> No.49999823

qt femboys are the new fit chicks, OP. You should know by now.

>> No.49999852

Do you work for lulu lemon or Abercrombie and Fitch

>> No.49999875

why don't you just go back? you clearly don't belong here. fuck niggers fuck kikes fuck women. you will never be a woman, we will never be reddit.

>> No.49999877
File: 320 KB, 546x399, 1359627312270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is you're exclusively serving fitness products to people who are already fit?

>> No.49999915

it's a retarded troll thread, as you can see, there's only 1 post

>> No.50000012


>> No.50000138
File: 1.44 MB, 2859x2044, main-qimg-f5760bae096823611f4956bcb98a308e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like sport leggings

>> No.50000146


>> No.50000233

so just produce 3 sizes.
1000x smalls (S)
10x fat (F)
2x fat cow (FC)

>> No.50000250

>whines about reddit
>mass replies
you will never fit here no matter how hard you try

>> No.50000317

fat women constantly complain to other people about being fat don't worry about it

>> No.50000420

the problem are the men. men are validating whales, and I can't understand why. why can't men stop being retarded

>> No.50000430


>> No.50001240
File: 108 KB, 108x90, coom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.50001375

kek shitty business skills but admire the commitment

>> No.50001448

What's unique about your leggings? It's a crowded market.

>> No.50001720


>> No.50001768

Your biz acumen is lacking.

Fat chicks are skinny chicks trying to get thin. Meanwhile you're targeting the 'influencers' who get all of their shit for free from your competitors.

The point is you make some properly human sized products, high quality shit. Give them away to pretty little waifs, while you cut every corner you possibly can to afford enough fabric to cover the fat assess of the waif's followers on your "plus" sizes.

Hope you make it. I like seeing tight assess packed into quality leggings.

>> No.50001893

you should be running for bigger size. It's america for fuck sake. if fatties wanna get fatties, it's their right

>> No.50001996


Yeah, this
Exercise is pretty overrated for fat loss anyway
I love getting jacked don't get me wrong, but I lose weight by being at a calorie deficit
I feel bad for fatties trying to lose weight by running, their poor knees, just don't eat like shit, fatties, put down the fork. Simple as.

>> No.50002063

You're trying way too hard to fit in.