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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4999167 No.4999167 [Reply] [Original]

guys, what should we do ,due to biz shills i went all in two months back, while all fucking coins did 5x-10x, our linkie lost 30%. now my mind got blank, hands got tired by holding. with sergey retard no light in tunnel any time soon. what should be do guys, is there any way out for us? how long we should wait ? does he deliver mainet q1?q2?q3? which year.

>> No.4999238

Sell link, put your money back in your bank, and relive your regular life.

You tried crypto, you failed.

That's what I did after this last pump. Links already bleeding back to 14 cents. Fuck this coin. By the time it moons the whole market would've been 100X

>> No.4999532

you weren't meant to go all in retard

anything past 10% isn't worth the risk

>> No.4999569

pretty depressing. why I choose this shitcoin, why I not put it in any fucking top 10 coins, they did 4x in last month. for now I dont see option, I need to let this bag hold for one more yr

>> No.4999570

Ignoring these people, I feel you man. It's been a tough ride, I've lost out on over 100k thus far by being in link.

Want to cry man

>> No.4999616

ppl told me in biz that , diversification is meme. so went all in due to shills. when this fucking shit will moon. for now I lost hope on sat recovery. looking for at least USD recovery. I want to go sergey sf office, fuck out of him .

>> No.4999674

there's lot's of advice on /biz/ pajeet, not all of it should be followed

>> No.4999676
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You put over 100k in a fucking ICO??????

Those ICO's which all turn out to be either bubbles or scams??

You deserve to lose money.

>> No.4999738

Sell, or buy. LINK will go either up, or down.

That's how this game works OP. Its not all green dildos mate.

>> No.4999741

How do you go all in on an ICO man? What is wrong with you. You go all in on a proper coin with some history, team, product and good community around it. I.E LTC, ZCASH, SYS, XRP, DASH etc.

>> No.4999810

i think biz overshilling is turning off lot of ppl. we linkies need to shut the fuck off , go back to work, back in q1 next yr. stop post any thing about link, ppl buy it by thinking they are early birds. becuase of this shills no one buying as they think it already know by many does not moon. this is what exactly happening with link. u retard link morons stop shills.

>> No.4999829

If youre looking to actually get out.

I have one safe recommendation.

XMR - thats right Monero. Just take a look at its history,
what the coin does, and its total market cap. This is due for some serious money to flow in very soon. Expect 10bil marketcap very very soon.

>> No.4999862

yes. I should not. but my mind fucked up, greedy to become rich quickly. but ended up pinkwajjoks.

>> No.4999900

Ill keep holding until I am the last marine standing

>> No.5000062

That sucks but just hold. Seriously.

>> No.5000119

Oh. You didnt hear that there's actually no SF office?

Some anon went there and took a photo

>> No.5000186
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>> No.5000672

Dear god some of you guys have attention span of a 5 year old. If you belive in the technology hold, if not sell. This is a high risk-high reward game and all the people claiming to know the future are plain wrong.
I was here when eth started and remember the panic when it fell from 2$ to 1$ and how everyone said that it\s dead. I didn't buy then because I went with the biz flow and look where we are now.
Link may never deliver, it may be the soft exit scam. Noone knows the future. If you however invest money that you don't mind losing you may just as well be watching the next ether here.

>> No.5000785


>> No.5000805

Everytime you retards cry or shill LINK will go down. Shill? It tanks, cry? It tanks. Literally shut the fuck up if you want to make money. You are making LINK look like a pajeet coin. LTC went $50-2$ and took 3 years to recover, be thankful its above 0.20. Shut the fuck up and HOLD. No need to make 10 shill threads nobody gives a fuck

>> No.5000875

Sergey is alternating between eating Big Macs and snorting cocaine off of black BBW booty cheeks while Rory is furiously stroking his pencil dick in the corner. That’s why all his “updates” trying to hide the fact that this project is a complete debacle are riddled with typos. Steve is the only one trying. He’s locked away in his moms basement trying to learn GO. It’s such an obscure and asinine language that he can’t find the documentation he needs. He’s about to snap. He keep frantically calling Sergey. Sergey only texts back, “new phone, who dis” and “32 million solves my oracle problem.” Get out.