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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49984531 No.49984531 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth getting married to a western woman in 2022?

>> No.49984567

All women are sex workers

>> No.49984611

i refuse to marry a woman

>> No.49984642

those are men

>> No.49984702
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>All women are sex workers

>> No.49984738

>getting married
>in 2022
anon I...

>> No.49984760

vitches in suicide watch, cause le recession meme is real

>> No.49984786

not necessarily

only two whites can make a while child, and the world is in desperate need of more of them.

>> No.49984796

I hate incels so much it's unreal

>> No.49984827

If you want to have kids that look like you then yes.

>> No.49985013

Only one who's genuinely religious

>> No.49985184

Absolutely not

>> No.49985236

Marriage is dead and women killed it

>> No.49985347
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lubricated hole constantly depreciates

>> No.49985617

you hate incels so much you come to where they congregate and participate willingly in their environment? youre a special kind of stupid, hey faggot

>> No.49985883


>> No.49986263

>their environment
/biz/ was never a incel board lol, no matter how many tourists like you come here you will never fit in

>> No.49986305
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-You can fuck me for 500$.
-Hmmm ok.

>> No.49986329

Yeah if you find a good one. They are out there despite what incels claim. The problem is that pussy deprived losers latch on to the first person who is nice to them and when they get rejected they think all women are whores and that democracy failed and end up wasting years of their life being mad and browsing /pol while larping as national socialists. That or they ignore blatant red flags and ruin their life to get their cummies.

>> No.49986541

seems like women want men to do something about their abortions but aren't willing to do anything themselves.

>> No.49986602

I am marrying my Syrian girlfriend. She’s crazy but she also hates feminism and is right winged.

>> No.49986689

i didn't want to believe this but every serious interaction i have with women makes it more and more undeniable.

>> No.49986722

democracy never worked once in history tho