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49980533 No.49980533 [Reply] [Original]

With XMR. It's officially over for bitcucks

>> No.49980541

what is your pedo friend buying ?

>> No.49980632
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Pizza, meth and crack

>> No.49981184

Monero will flip buttcoin, just you wait

>> No.49981493
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>Monero will flip buttcoin, just you wait

No shit, Sherlock, even YouTubers see it coming.

>> No.49981604

I got 10k usd to spend. All in on xmr?

>> No.49981783

2 more weeks/years/decades

>> No.49982162

Is two generals not enough? Your traceable bot mined privacy coin is a joke everywhere and to everyone except a cadre of feds infesting this board.

>> No.49982254
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looks like op hit a nerve

>> No.49982741

Never go all in on anything. Get some stocks, silver. The best crypto is xmr

>> No.49983873

30% XMR
30% Gold
30% Silver
10% physical cash

>> No.49983998

Yeah thats a genius move, infect so much hardware with xmr mining botnets and ransomware that every OS and ISP will automatically flag/block any activity that corresponds to your protocol, while also making it extremely unprofitable and dangerous for individuals to mine your coin. Monero feds are just feeding the Monero bros enough rope to hang themselves with. Exactly what retarded faggots deserve.

>> No.49984144

>every OS
What you define as an OS I define as malware. Free as in freedom nigger.
Onion nodes

>> No.49984168

Just DCA-in.

>> No.49984204

>onion nodes
fed confirmed,
we all know who the nigger is. you can larp as edgy all you want but when you leave the office everyone knows you're a basic bitch.

>> No.49984220

>getting a virus in 2022

>> No.49984316

Okay now explain how an ISP can stop me connecting to an onion node? You can't and are trying to sidetrack the conversation.

>> No.49984403

They dont stop you from doing anything. To re-iterate, The feds will provide you will all the rope you require to hang yourself. here's a basic bitch explanation. https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-TOR-The-Onion-Routing-exit-nodes-are-being-monitored-by-the-FBI

>> No.49984478

>The FBI and the NSA monitor a lot more than TOR exit nodes. In the FBI report GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity and the Mueller indictments the capability of the US government to capture internet traffic, particularly emails from foreign actors, was stunning. The FBI monitored the IP addresses Russians used to access the DNC emails.
Holy kek, stopped reading there.

>> No.49984521

thats some wise mix bro
most tards here dont understand to mix and go all in 1 asset
>mine is different but thaths ok

>> No.49984564

I hold both. 80% BTC, 20% XMR. I think BTC will capture an insane amount of value in the coming hyper-inflation of the dollar and XMR is the only alternative to BTC if you're looking for solid money. All proof of stake shit is a scam and no one will use it as it allows the dev teams and vcs to essentially hold your value hostage.

>> No.49985589

me when the mac and cheese powder gets on the counter

>> No.49986663

The point is if you are looking for financial privacy Monero has already been cracked by ciphertrace and there are more secure, and technically robust options. If you're looking to larp as some sort of darknet drug maven who gets put on a list, Monero is your ticket. Just use monero bro. maybe you'll just waste some taxpayer dollars without actually making anything on your bags. If you think the IRS doesn't have a big fat contract with ciphertrace tracking all your balances and ip's with which to drop the hammer if you actually make any gains, well you were never gonna make it anyway. Anyone with a shred of a clue knows sticking to one privacy protocol is retard tier opsec anyway. Just use Monero bro, never use anything else. please.

>> No.49986712

and you call him your friend?

>> No.49986929
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he said 10k$, not 8 figures

>> No.49986998
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Did I miss the sluurrrrp bros?

>> No.49987246
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>Yeah thats a genius move, infect so much hardware with btc mining botnets and ransomware that every OS and ISP will automatically flag/block any activity that corresponds to your protocol, while also making it extremely unprofitable and dangerous for individuals to mine your coin. Bitcoin feds are just feeding the Bitcoin bros enough rope to hang themselves with. Exactly what retarded faggots deserve.

>> No.49987378
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Bitcoin maxis are coping pretty hard over their loss of darknet markets. They're convincing themselves criminals will want to run their own lightning nodes.

>> No.49987438
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how does one acquire Monero in the US? BinanceUS is shit and Kraken is iffy.
The exchanges confuse me slightly.

>> No.49987645

while there have been some btc botnets. The vast majority use monero. https://therecord.media/a-malware-botnet-has-made-more-than-24-7-million-since-2019/

>> No.49987914


>However, with reported ransomware payments totaling USD 590m in the first half of 2021, ransomware payments where the attackers demanded either BTC or XMR made up just 5.7% (USD 34m) of all transactions, per the report. Meanwhile, payments where attackers demanded only XMR made up just 0.4% (USD 2.4m) of all reported ransomware-related transactions at this time.

>> No.49988480
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>They're convincing themselves criminals will want to run their own lightning nodes.

lol there is literally ZERO technical discussion about LN on darknet OpSec forums, it's all about going Monero-only now.

Delusion is a helluva drug.

>> No.49988683

4 more years of democrats and you'll be able to buy pizza openly
>t. I'm not advocating this at all, but it is where this is going, especially with the pizza king himself sitting on the throne.

>> No.49988758

Thank you sir, the aforementioned are the only real assets. Best portfolio to protect against the future worldwide fiat collapse.

I said percentages.

>> No.49988802

>I said percentages.
Except that when you have 10k$ you obviously don't allocate the same way than when you have 7 or 8 figs.
Imagine allocating more than half of your capital to defensive assets (pm) when you have 10k$, kek.

>> No.49988845

>already been cracked by ciphertrace and there are more secure, and technically robust options

Ok. So yout not a retard schizo. But a shill for something (bitcotn/ztras) we get.
Makr your own thread fag

>> No.49988947

>Monero has already been cracked by ciphertrace
This is a shameless lie that you won't provide proof for.
Kill yourself.

>> No.49989049

AB is poised to dominate the DMNs again
Same security decisions as WHM
XMR only

>> No.49989117

>no proof
>ciphertrace publicly markets and sells Monero tracing software
Your denial must be comforting anon.

>> No.49989267
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Do you fall for every marketing gimmick or only some?

>> No.49989344

I said so because since you cannot guess the market/fiat crashes. This'll happen within this decade, throughout history fiat has collapsed. The market right now is a bubble, that is why it's best to preserve wealth in the aforementioned assets.
You obviously allocate more when you have the money, thus the said percentages.

>> No.49989357

What kind of pizza?

>> No.49989368

they don't sell anything, because none of the shit they "discovered" works. how dumb are you parroting shit without checking yourself?

>> No.49989411

>still hasn't provided proof
kill yourself

>> No.49989462

If it's not real or doesn't work then they can easily be sued for false advertising or even fraud. Potentially even by monero holders. You think Mastercard is in the habit of giving free money to lawyers? The reason you ignore it is because you can't handle the truth, and you're in a cult.

>> No.49989626

How many to make it?

>> No.49990902

why do you need to order meth and crack? just buy from a gang member or lowlife like everybody else. it's a great way to network and make new friends.

>> No.49992529

these past couple of weeks I have been considering putting everything into xmr and not looking back for years. my main concern is how difficult it is to buy

>> No.49993430

This is fucking retarded. You are free to pay ciphertrace and they are free to give you the best service they are capable of. No laws are being broken by them offering to attempt to trace Monero for a fee.
Out with it. What should I use instead of Monero? Reveal yourself ztrash shill.

>> No.49993486

Delusional if you think the government would allow an untraceable decentralized currency to be widely used.

>> No.49993596

Is this 2011 bitcoin fud?

You must get paid for what you do, which is cool. I get that you don't trust the project. If Monero is compromised, they sure are taking their sweet time to bring down the big fish and utilize that capability. Everyone involved in XMR is aware that it could fail at any time. People who are Monero extremists do usually concede that they are with Monero until something better arrives. It is supported and has organic enthusiasts because it's interesting technology and so far it does what it says.

If some day they round up all the monero kingpins and the community is convinced it was not opsec but rather a protocol problem, I imagine the community would either update the protocol or migrate to other places. People use it because it works.

>> No.49993629
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>Delusional if you think the government would allow an untraceable decentralized currency to be widely used.

Something something permissionless.