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49978493 No.49978493 [Reply] [Original]

>rapidly balding day by day

do I just fly to Turkey or what how much does that shit even cost?

>> No.49978690

Start hatmaxxing if you can't pull off the bald look.

>> No.49978770

qrd on turkey

>> No.49978777
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Just shave your head and stop being a faggot.

>> No.49978785
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Benjamin Franklin wanted it to be the national bird of the USA.

>> No.49978789

Same but I'm 30
What do I do bros
What supplements can I giga maxx

>> No.49978820

Young man semen unironically. Google scholar prepubescent spermatozoa stem cell ingestion hair loss treatment

>> No.49978829

just get on fin

>> No.49978830

Based divine protein enjoyer

>> No.49978856

Just get hair surgery like Elon Musk you brainlet

>> No.49978858
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I'm balding but ONLY on my left side. It looks bad because it's not symmetrical (and no I'm not shaving off the other side).

Has this happened to someone else here? Pic rel. I got pruned real fast for asking about my hair here but it is business related if you think about it.

>> No.49978863

start with fin and min nigbomb, even if you get a hair tranny you'll be on fin at least

fin and min saved my shit AMA, can still bust multiple nuts within like 30 mins so don't worry about the fud

>> No.49978891


>> No.49978916

just become skrillex

>> No.49978956
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Minoxodil is extracted from peppercorns but it is a shitty, chemical ridden version that barely works and is too expensive. I'll only say this once because you will not find this anywhere else online, this is how you extract the highest quality minoxidil that works 10x better than that regaine crap.

2 tbsp organic black peppercorn
2 tbsp organic white peppercorn
85 grams rain water or distilled water in glass

Blend peppercorns as close to a powder as you can, add water, blend again for 2 minutes, sit in a glass jar and put it in a dark cupboard for 24 hours before using.
The water will extract pure, unadulterated 6-piperidin-1-ylpyrimidine-2,4-diamine 3-oxide. Apply the water only once every 3 days, then once your body gets used to it once every 2 days, then every day if you wish. It will have the texture of wet sand, make a little hole in the middle of the pile and let it sit for an hour so the liquid pools into the middle and remix it once you're done. Don't do too much at once or you will become very sick, especially at the start. I was knocked out with flu like symptoms for 4 days after doing too much.

Best of luck.

>> No.49978981

You’re mineral and vitamin deficient. You need to make some lifestyle changes.

>> No.49978994

Your skull cap is too tight from a magnesium deficiency. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yehk_h_Uj6k

>> No.49978997

Personally I've been eating a lot of salmon and nothing more really (besides some fruits and vegies here and there). What kind of foods would you recommend?

>> No.49978999
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It will just fall out again. We are being poisoned.

>> No.49979029

The mag should help your jaw too. Cows get all that shit when they are mag deficient. You’re probably eating food that leaches your nutrients. Mold in your house can do this too.

>> No.49979036

You either take the tranny pills or accept your fate. I’m going with option two personally. Yes, I am less attractive to females, but such is life. I refuse to be such an insecure faggot that I resort to hormone blockers.

>> No.49979067

I see. I'll def look more into foods that contain magnesium

>> No.49979081

How do i cope with/stop grey hair in my early 30s? It's only on the sides right now but at this rate i fear i'm gonna be full grey at 40. I heard copper deficiancy can cause it but i aleady eat meat, nuts and all.

>> No.49979095
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banana, tuna, and spinach it is. Probably will see a specialist too

>> No.49979105

Biotin shampoo and use T blockers in scalp before follicules die

>> No.49979122
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>> No.49979126

Is it wild caught salmon? Farm salmon is poison. You also have to pick a nice looking fillet, all the shrink wrap rots all the meat and fish these days. Try eliminating grains, pasteurized dairy, oils, and refined sugar for a while. Drink water that doesn’t have hidden fillers like evian or get a water filter that re-mineralizes the water. If your state allows raw milk drink a little every day. Take natural supplements that are derived from food. Don’t put product or conditioner in, it clogs up your pores. Avoid processed food. I know it sounds complicated but they’ve messed up food bad.

>> No.49979148

and say goodbye to your testosterone in 5 years

>> No.49979172

Saving this peppercorn recipe based anon

>> No.49979173

Yeah kinda but only because a cutie lg grabbed my hair and pulled on it till she ripped some of it. Worth it to be desu.

>> No.49979196

unironically eat more salt
a good amount from a vulcanic area so you can have all the magnesium
you are too manly stop the gym and roids or any testo booster
the problem is you may get addicted to tranny porn or even become gay, at least you will be a hairy faggot

>> No.49979202

Instead the bald nigga chose a bald eagle Lmaooo

>> No.49979211

Why do you care? Gray hair looks cool.

>> No.49979218

I take saw palmeto it can help if its DHT related but watch your dick function for good measure

you sound like you might need microneedling and minoxidil combo

some guys are predisposed genetically cant do much but preserve what you got if its just shedding off like that might as well just get a hairsystem or hair transplant if you can afford that

>> No.49979254

Interesting. Peppercorn has 12g of magnesium in it which relaxes to muscles and skin and allows the scalp room to grow. Topical recipes like this are probably even more direct.

>> No.49979256
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>losing your hair
>losing your virgin gf
>losing your wealth
Let's all laugh at the goyims

>> No.49979309

You also need potassium, sodium(sea salt, b6, zinc, copper, and a multi (not centrum which comes from mining). They all work together for absorption. You also need to eat animal fat for absorption too. Food and water used to have bountiful amounts of everything but it’s hard to get now that everything is industrialized.

>> No.49979324

i started taking fin about a month ago bc my hairline is receding and looks about like magnus carlsons but my balls ache sometimes and my nut is super watery. did this happen to any of u guys and did it ever stop?

>> No.49979330

I would avoid rice, the rest is good. There’s a reason why chinese people are crazy tranny bodied weirdos.

>> No.49979353

I just started shaving when I hit 27, cope haircuts look way worse than being bald.

>> No.49979356

Caffeine and alcohol leach your b12 a lot, which is where pigment comes from. Drink espresso if you can’t quite and take a b12 supplement from Garden of Life or a similar brand. The hair will turn dark again if you’re diligent.

>> No.49979376

Get a hair transplant

>> No.49979387

Hairline recession tends to be more prominent on one side, usually the right, but it can also be the left. Eventually the other side will start moving back a little too, but it will probably always look uneven. My hairline receded a whole cm on only one side before I got on fin.

>> No.49979411

Finasteride is basically feminising you by blocking DHT

>> No.49979523

yea but i need it or my hair will fall out

>> No.49979585

Mix a bit of finasteride on a biotin shampoo