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49972791 No.49972791 [Reply] [Original]

What is the economic incentive for trying to convince people to eat bugs?

>> No.49973459

Srs, it's so fucking dumb. If meat became too expensive I'd just stick to eggs, beans, nuts. If everything goes to shitter with prices just eat beans with brown rice, together they both cover all essential aminoacids and are cheap af. Who would want to eat bugs next to a delish rice & beans stew.

>> No.49973599

our leaders are all Freemasons and masons view the masses as unworthy idiots who must be corralled, distracted, and demoralized. eating bugs is an act of demoralization. just like the masks. covid isn't real, and most people who have a brain slowly realized that over the last couple years, so the masks were meant to be viewed as useless. it's all to break your spirit. like how a man in a dress with a bulging penis is a "woman." if they can make you follow along with absolute insanity, things that you know are utterly wrong and depraved, at the fear of reprisal, they have successfully broken you

>> No.49973702

Of all the things the bug shit is fine. You can make cheaper industrial protein powders or whatever using bugs. If you're going the industrial farming route then you get bug powder.

>> No.49975264

Some of the elites are just fucking weirdos with their own fucking weird religion and belief meat consumption is sacred and should be limited to special people like themselves. They fucking seethe when you eat a hamburger.

>> No.49975276
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>> No.49975315
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OK vitalik

>> No.49975317

it's more water and energy efficient by many orders of magnitude, much less pollution as well

>> No.49975377

it's just plain satanism, man. it's fun making inferior people eat bugs. I mean duh ...

>> No.49975404

The advantages of insects as food are obvious and attractive. The real question is why you are against it.

The answer to that is probably probably because of political brainwashing.

>> No.49975405
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>> No.49975410

This, plus the lolz
They're all laughing at us

>> No.49975449

This here; I believe this "eat the bugs" and a good hunk of the current environmental movement are an attempt to implement the modern day equivalent of sumptuary laws.

>> No.49975574

freemasonry is just judaism lite

>> No.49975577

Giant megacorps sell most of the food. What if they could sell you food that costs them less while continuing to charge you more. They could sell bugs but people dont want them or at the very least would not be willing to pay the same as foods they know cost more to make. So regulation can come in forcing the poors to eat bugs, and since they dominate the food supply they can all keep prices high. Probably double their profits at least. Well worth the cost of lobbying or bribes or propganada or whatever to the rich people who are in power and wont themselves be eating bugs so they dont care.

>> No.49975590


>> No.49975606

It’s actually healthier and better for you than animal meat. Plus it’s super cheap and more environmentally friendly.

>> No.49975619

shut the fuck up subhuman

>> No.49975632
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>It’s actually healthier and better for you than animal meat. Plus it’s super cheap and more environmentally friendly.

>> No.49975640

>It’s actually healthier and better for you than animal meat.
somehow i doubt there are even studies on this desu
>Plus it’s super cheap and more environmentally friendly.
and somehow i even doubt there is any truth to this part either. i think its much more likely globohomo authoritarians have just assumed these things to be true and are now plowing ahead on forcing everyone to submit because they know better

>> No.49975652

literally the least sustainable type of farming that requires %100 reliance on centralized sources for everything, the insane energy costs to operate a "farm" not to mention the hyper industrial processing to make them into something

>> No.49975653

if they want to conspicuously cons00m, they can already eat eggs squirted out of a sturgeon's ovary, grape juice that's been sitting for a decade in a moldy basement, and crusty bugs pulled off the sea floor

>> No.49975664

Personally id be willing to consider trying to eat bugs. Maybe some kind of cricket flour in a shake something processed. Not instead of meat, but in addition to, the choice to have a hamburger when i want one and not mandatory bugs or priced out of burgers. Id even be willing to consider living in a pod if it had a private door rather then being a bunkbed with a curtain i wont do that willingly (keyword).

But only if Im saving money. The politics of bugs and pods is that its not going to save me money and theyre not going to give me a choice, so im against it. Authoritarian nutjobs are the ones demanding we eat the bugs obviously i dont trust that.

>> No.49975718

Im also skeptical about the health of eating bugs. Science is pretty corrupt and thats assuming the studies have even been done. So i need to see a culture that eats a lot of bugs but have a long lifespan, trial and error is harder to fake then research. Assuming you can trust the statistics. Overcoming my skepticism would be a challenge

>> No.49975733

Live in the pod and eat the bugs, thats what they want you to do

>> No.49975799

He wants to decide for us rather then let us decide ourselves. Doesnt matter if hes right or not because it shouldnt be up to anyone but the individual how much they own and whether they eat bugs.

>> No.49975863

>if they can make you follow along with absolute insanity, things that you know are utterly wrong and depraved, at the fear of reprisal, they have successfully broken you

Brainwashing is easy. You can get them to think or believe anything...ANYTHING.

>> No.49975954
File: 47 KB, 468x248, Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 20-44-33 Insect protein is effective for muscle growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a quick search because if memory serves the amino acid chains between bug protons and aminal protons are not the same, and i presume this has consequences. i think its also not entirely unreasonable to conclude that it is likely that anything our ancestors did not eat is probably sub optimal in comparison to what they did eat.

>page 1 of google is all clearly propaganda dude just eat the bugs trust the science ok
>go deeper or search elsewhere and you will start to find evidence that it is not the same despite the claims that its the same or better
>cant any compelling reason to believe they've done alchemy here and can produce/manufacture these things into more calories/proton per less resources, doesn't even look like they've tried to measure this or show their work but say its real
>also pic related those bars are totally the same bro what do you mean why are we comparing this to whey protons and not beef or something similar? haha dont worry about it bro just eat them ok

>> No.49975997

No thats not his point. The point is they dont need to brainwash us to believe and think things because it doesnt matter what we think or believe, we will go along with things we know are wrong out of fear. And we will be silent and we will be demoralized feeling there is nothing we can do about it, we wont matter, they wont have to convince us or brainwash us. If we went along with drag queen storytime and mandatory eating bugs we will go along with anything whether we like it or not. So really they dont even want to convince us they want us to disagree and hate it and go along with it anyways. Brainwashing for those susceptible to it but no major effort needs to be taken to convince anyone else its better if they hate it.

>> No.49976073

bingo. this is why they intentionally amplify the anti-vaccine narratives and spread the awareness of the dangers of vaccines. it's because they want people to line up and get injected with known poison just to keep their job. they want you to know that vaccines are useless dangerous poison. they want you thinking about that while you're standing there because your employer is making you get it

>> No.49977160

insects breed like crazy so they are gonna be cheap to produce, the globohomo faggots just want to make easy money

>> No.49977179

Bugs are delicious. If you don't agree, it's your loss.

>> No.49977183

people don't understand jews because they assume they are motivated by money only

>> No.49977321

>i think its also not entirely unreasonable to conclude that it is likely that anything our ancestors did not eat is probably sub optimal in comparison to what they did eat.
worded better than i could and i agree.

>> No.49977402

>the only cost of feeding these things is the shipping charges of moving literal waste and compost to the insect facility
>packaging probably costs more than the food inside it
>demoralizes and shames poor people in the process
>will probably get government subsidies and tax incentives because its "green"
>plebs will gladly pay half the price of chicken per pound
>literally a 100x per package sold

>> No.49977456

Much lower costs and lower greenhouse emissions. Basically, the smaller the animal is, the less calories you have to feed it before it is ready for slaughter. Bugs have the added bonus of being cold blooded so they need even fewer calories of food.

>> No.49977668

Once bugs become mainstream humans will figure out all sorts of delicious recipes and combinations.

Our gastrointestinal tracts are evolved to digest insect chitin and proteins, it's literally just normal food from our physiology perspective. There's no reason they can't be made to taste delicious with the right preparation, seasoning, accoutrements, etc...just like every other food on the planet.

>> No.49977727

But lobster is delish—wait a minute.

>> No.49977730

The economic incentive of controlling the mass public to the extent you can get them to do things that 5 years ago would have been unthinkable like muzzling themselves with worthless pieces of cloth then injecting themselves with some mysterious and experimental mRNA science juice ("""100% safe and effective"""). Eating bugs is the next logical method of controlling the weak minded herd.

>> No.49977750

But why do these people want to demoralize the masses?

>> No.49977769
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>> No.49977797

I’m waiting for cockroach milk spirits like cockroach milk liqueur or vodka. Dat cockroach milk be fuckin something fierce.

>> No.49977830

Cockroach Cocktails be like Purple Drank no cap

>> No.49978428

I assume it will be a powder and added to food as "protein".

>> No.49978628

why do none of you retards understand how animal classification works?

>> No.49978648

lobster is pretty good I would assume some sort of giant monster cockroach could taste similar

>> No.49978672

>le lobster insect
Is this reddit meme or something?

>> No.49978705

you dont eat lobster?

>> No.49978727

I've had fried and seasoned grasshoppers in mexico before, they're actually not too bad. Other than that or lollipops with scorpions in them and other novelty shit along that vein, eating bugs is retarded and chimp-tier and I'd rather blow my head off and fuck shit up before that than have to do that.

>> No.49978791
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>Safe and Effective™

Dear Customer,
Your State-issued SARSport Freedom Access Gauge (FAG) has detected waning efficacy in your current Vaccination Status©. Expired Vaccination Status© will remain inactive until Two (2) Weeks after your Booster© is administered. Please be advised that you must schedule your Internationally approved and mandated Booster® within 48hrs to avoid penalties and/or d̶e̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ compulsory attendance at your local State Q̶u̶a̶r̶a̶n̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶F̶a̶c̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ Covid-19 Recovery Centre

Failure to comply with updating your Vaccination Status© may result in your Social Access™ being temporarily restricted indefinitely. Hospital Access and Voting Attendance may be temporarily restricted indefinitely. Social Gathering and Personal Contact may be temporarily restricted indefinitely. Travel Movement Restrictions (TMRs) will be restricted to the following locations:
>1: Home
>2: [null]

To autoschedule your Internationally approved and mandated Booster® appointment, please select from the following options:
>1: Instant™
>2: Special Unit #COVID-2030 Worldwide Home Delivery

Please keep the SARSport biodata app link open as the appointment is being processed, to ensure your current Health and Bio-Identity details are correctly submitted to the Chainlink Blockchain (ticker: LINK)

Thank you Global Citizen,

*no feedback

>> No.49978824
File: 115 KB, 631x704, sipping tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do vegans approve of this?

>> No.49979044

obviously ritualistic

>> No.49979238

