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49973221 No.49973221 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to give you a rundown of just how RETARDED I AM. None of this is a LARP. I truly am this dumb. I put a few hundred dollars into SHIB last year. I sell for $350k. I pay $115k in taxes to the IRS + federal. I am in college for an ENGLISH DEGREE...luckily I'm only going to be paying like $20k. I bought a $40k car and have already been in a minor accident. No, I'm not joking. I am retarded. I currently have $160k left in the bank. I can still sell the car for like $30-32k. Should I sell the car? I'm almost done with college. I could get a teaching job. These pay like $40k a year...I could also enlist...and not have to rent or worry about expenses. I also have the option of straight-up quitting school, and getting a place in North Dakota for like $80k and owning my nice car outright. Any options bros? I guess my main issue is that I'm retarded?? I don't know bros, I wanna die. If you guys don't believe me I will post images of shit....Idk bros I was thinking getting all of this money would help me live, but I'm just as miserable as ever.

>> No.49973244

Just to elaborate. I have ALREADY signed a lease for the next academic year. That's like $7600 in expenses. There's also like $10k in tuition for me to finish up this last year. Miscellaneous expenses like groceries, phone bills, and car expenses. Let's just assume 25k. $160k-25k = $135k. Should I even be this stressed out? I mean money goes quick. I do not have a job. I haven't even been able to GET a job. I'm tired bros. Also, I'm only 22 bros. Feels like it's over for me.

>> No.49973286

i'm 30 years old, am 40k in debt and have no money. I will never understand you kids with all this money in your pocket complaining about how fucked you are. my life is just fine and yours is better.

fuck some goddamn pussy you loser. you fuckin kids have no testosterone. grow up.

>> No.49973294

>Nice car

I bet it's something unfathomably cringe like a base model BMW or cuck hybrid

>> No.49973307

Tbh I massively overpaid because I'm a retard for a 2022 accord sport 2T. This is what I own. It is a "nice car" by my definition, but the fact that I was willing to pay so much is retarded on my end. I don't know. I can't really explain my mindset? I've been depressed for years and I almost don't care if I blow my money anymore? I have conflicting emotions.

>> No.49973344

I don't know bro. I wish I wasn't such a pussy. I hate myself.

>> No.49973542


>> No.49973597

Njgger don't feel bad about spending money on nice things. There's a difference between doing that and consooming all your money away. If you don't think you want the degree don't get it but then you should figure out what to do to increase your income.

>> No.49973622
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>Idk bros I was thinking getting all of this money would help me live, but I'm just as miserable as ever.
right... then give your money to me, someone who will appreciate it. Fucking worthless stupid faggot.

>> No.49973638

You're only a fag because you didn't get an older one with a manual but honestly the current accord is one of the nicest cars you can possibly buy. No shame. I'm worth 200k right now and trying to talk myself in or out of buying either a 10th gen or a 9th gen in manual with the top engine but they're still going for almost 30k for the 2T and the rare V6s are still mid 20s. Just take care if it and it'll probably last 20-30 years easily. Honestly a honda is the best new car you could have bought.

>> No.49973752

Yeah....literally ALL the damage it has is minor scuffs on the driver's side and it needs a new side mirror...let's not talk about that lol. Nobody will notice once these things are taken care of though. The thing still looks brand new. Just gotta be a smarter driver, I guess. I really just wanna move out to somewhere with next to no traffic. I currently live in Charlotte, North Carolina which has terrible fucking traffic.
Yeah, idk. I'm close enough to getting the degree. Everyone on 4chan says not to join the military, but it's something I'm seriously considering. I could also learn to weld or something. Welders make bank, especially underwater welders.

>> No.49973824


So all of that is fine. Obviously your degree is worthless unless you plan to go into law. There is also a field called copywriting or something where you check corporate lingo.

I think the biggest question for now is what you want out of life. You haven't fucked up badly at all.

>> No.49973860

demoralization posting. I'm the same age as you, $25k in debt and going to try to settle for $10k later this year when I get a small inheritance. and these (((kids))) make posts about how they turned $500 into $350k and then lost/spent $200k.

>> No.49973863

"I guess my main issue is that I'm retarded?"
YES, exactly bro, yes yes yes....

>> No.49973963

Thanks, man, this actually means a lot. I don't know bro. I think all I really want in life is a small place to live and an okay-paying job. I can work on shit like a girlfriend down the road.

>> No.49974028
File: 41 KB, 380x400, 1572355339786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even so bad. Where's the fuck up?
The only fuck up is that you're a whiny bitch. You're doing fine for a 22 year old.

>> No.49974623


>> No.49974724

Your situation is better than everyone else here.
Many here have lost everything and need to hit a memecoin to regain what they lost.

>> No.49974782

I live paycheck to paycheck with $40k in debt. Please kill yourself.

>> No.49974786

Go to the gym. Stop masturbating. Learn some dicipline. Stay out of the stock market/crypto/real estate markets until the Fed U turns on QE and rebalancing their sheet. Get a hobby. learn something you always wanted to do (guitar, skydiving, anything) and talk to women and learn what rejection is and live with it.

>> No.49975374

I'd genuinely be willing to life coach you bro

>> No.49975518

I do go to the gym. I've gained quite a bit of muscle in the past 5 months, but I've gotta work on other areas. I mainly focus arms lol. I've been trying to masturbate less and I have to admit that it does help. I've been staying out of stocks/crypto/investments in general because it's ass rn. I picked up guitar too and it's been fun. I have a girl I'm interested in and I wanna make things happen, but I think she's already interested in another guy, but that's it. She's just interested. I appreciate the advice and I'm definitely gonna take it.
I might email you later, we'll see.

>> No.49975676


No you are in a good spot. People coming out of school have debt and you have a good stack of cash to not starve.

Your problem is you are now about to be an adult and nobody is telling you what to do anymore. You need to make your own goals with your life and figure out how to get there. Basically, where do you want to be in 10/20 years?

Once you have a job and figure out what you'll be making, it'll be easier to plan. I would honestly try not to spend that cash you have unless its intention is to help get you to a job.

>> No.49976629

At least you were smart enough too sell, and not sell early or hold.

>> No.49979384

That's true, I use Utrust to do my payments where I get 1.5% cashbacks on all the purchases I do. I generally purchase groceries and other requirements with the online merchants accepting crypto payments which is cheaper than in-store merchants.

>> No.49979436

you have described yourself as retarded and rich, don't get scammed by a life coach in a 4chan thread lol

anyway if your story is real you're fine, just do whatever you want. put most of it into some safe long term investment, dont buy houses or cars cause those are traps for retards. Just stay alive and try to hit another lottery ticket with some of it.

>> No.49979525
File: 104 KB, 1200x676, nft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really a wise advise. But still if you >>49975518 wanna buy a house or a car use Utrust by staking utk in hold app you will get 1.5% cash back on the transactions we get to make. Just do the calculations you will have a considerable discount. I have bought Mobil phones with merchants and I have made the cashbacks.

>> No.49979677

love yourself faggot

>> No.49979734

Sell the car, buy a beater. Put $10k back in shib. Divide another $10k or $20k into ten or twenty other coins. Save the rest. Finish school. Make English classes on youtube and comodotize them. Start a private tutor business on the side. Get a well-paying office job and get on track to be a manager and get management certificates. Even if you go back to work in academia the management knowledge with be beneficial. Once you start making more money you can buy your fancy car again.

>> No.49979742

Just don’t spend it on retarded shit like a nice car. Honda fit is all you can afford.

>> No.49979751

>that’ll be $135k anon

>> No.49979769

You're not in debt so actually less retarded than most Americans.

>> No.49979860

What is the point of this?

>> No.49979922

>paid taxes
fed post

>> No.49979925

keep the car and finish your english degree. Once your done, sell the car and move over seas in SEA or japan/korea to teach english. Once you have a few years of experience open up a company teaching english. Eventually scale to teaching english online and hiring other teachers. Retire in 10 years while drowning in pussy and having a great life. If you dont like teaching english you can sell your company and do what you want. Whatever you do don't waste the rest of the money you have saved up. Most likely after your degree is done you can buy a condo in a place your teaching if you if you like it there. Also make sure once you start working to at least own one bitcoin and some eth. after (you buy your condo)

>> No.49980462

Lol ur crying about car ur stupid

>> No.49980476

Lol ur dumbass he wont be getting work Visa teaching English or learning Japanese or Korean

>> No.49980706
File: 105 KB, 1014x943, 16334674412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well buying some vinu might be a good start. You may be wondering why, but making it first might do you good psychologically speaking, and nowadays you don't get chances like this again

>> No.49981778


>> No.49982276


>> No.49982297

Never understood why you’d spend more than 10k on a car when still in School and getting experience driving.

You learn to replace parts yourself on a smaller cheaper car and its fun.

>> No.49982312

I mean I just did it because I could. I regret it a lot. I might be able to get $30k out of it if I sell it. Spent $40k though. Driving is pretty difficult for me, so I'm not sure why I did it.

>> No.49982405

finish college
buy a small ranch
wake up early every morning, milk a cow, collect chicken eggs
work some bullshit remote job doing editing or data entry
find a wife and raise a family
stop buying anything that doesnt make you life better

>> No.49983321


>> No.49984977

He gambled $300 into $350,000, a 1000x gain, and needs attention to validate it.

>> No.49985050

Sell the fucking car man, if you don’t even like driving why bother buying an expensive car? I similarly don’t much like driving and I’ve had a 2004 VW Golf for the last few years. I mostly walk/cycle everywhere and don’t give a shit if someone scratches my car, it’s liberating

>> No.49985187

>keep the car and finish your english degree. Once your done, sell the car and move over seas in SEA or
you already made it OP, now take it easy

>> No.49985427

no dumbass this is a larp it astonishes me that you kids actually are buying this

Last year shib bottomed out somewhere close to .0000058

Lets assume OP purchased the bottom PERFECTLY and got in around that price. He says he put in "a few hundred" OK.

Lets say he put in 300 dollars and he bought at $.0000058. He purchases approximately 5,172,413 SHIB in total (300/.0000058). He holds and sells at last years peak of .00008864 (.00008864 x 5,172,413) and ends up with $4584. 1500% profit, Impressive, but the math doesn't add up. OP did not invest "a couple hundred" and ended up with six figures more likely mommy and daddy gave him the money and hes on here larping that he made the money through speculation. As for the rest of you guys posting in this thread you guys are literally stupid.

>> No.49985470

correction i meant to type 51,172,413

everyone shut the fuck up and kys

>> No.49985954

Okay cool. But it's not a larp. Such a bizarre comment.

>> No.49986159

bro I have an English degree, just move to Asia and teach English. That money you have will go super far and if you pick the right country you will make 3-4x your living expenses teaching 25 hours a week. And sell the gay ass car too. And fuck the student loans, im just not paying mine. What are they gonna do, garnish my wages?

>> No.49986190

I bought 100 dollars worth of shib in January last year and it was worth 88k at the peak

>> No.49986230

Since making this post I've done some thinking and I'll probably just keep the car. It's incredibly nice, and the minor accident I got into realistically will not happen again. If I decide to move abroad, I'll just sell it then. I'm just trying to hit another gem like SHIB.

>> No.49986293

its gonna lose more value the longer you hold onto it, that just the nature of new cars.

>> No.49986322

>has 160k in savings
>ready to die
the brainworms this place gives its posters are very real

>> No.49986349

What the fuck absolute shithole country makes you pay nearly half of your gains in taxes? Wtf?

>> No.49986385

>I bought a $40k car and have already been in a minor accident. No, I'm not joking. I am retarded. I currently have $160k left in the bank. I can still sell the car for like $30-32k. Should I sell the car?
is this your firrst car?
your first car should be something cheap to repair and easy to work on, for retards first car, becuase most everyone fucks up their first car in some stupid way theyre ignorant about but is obvious to everyone else.
surely a 40k car has been made in the past ten years and has all sort of complex fuckery to go wrong, sir you need a 3k honda civic (now 6k)

wow, you paid a lot in taxes.

if your retarded, youre gonna fall into other scams as well and possibly not get out early. i would try and find an easy job with potential to grow. what kind of easy job? just some gopher monkey in a STEM field... yeah, you have a bunchh of college credits. take a few more and classes and get yourself some sort of engineering degree or something... though you say you are stupid. it will be difiicult if you truley are stupid. im sure theres some sorts of mechanical shit you could get into....

id at least buy some gold/silver to hedge inflation if youre gonna sit on some of that money.

be a hobo traveler. learn the ways of the road and being frugal. lots of hobo travelers i have met have moved onto farming a little plot of land in the middle of no where.... or became homebum street junkies

>> No.49986415

>Miscellaneous expenses like groceries, phone bills, and car expenses
if you wanna not work, you need to get these down under $1000mo, preferably down to $500/mo

that means conviences like letting your engine idle in the mc donalds drive thru to buy a bottle of water instead of walking inside mcdonalds and filling a canteen or cup with water for free.... coooking your own meals.
dealing with a cracked phone screen instead of just buying a new phone.

not having the latest tech, most expesnive computer gaming, but rather finding the best you can on sale and then being satisfied with it for at least a few years

>> No.49986476

Any tips on how to break out of this kind of loser mentality?

I believe it's possible to succed but i think deeper down i feel like im going keep fucking up because I've only ever tasted failure.

>> No.49986527

>wow, you paid a lot in taxes.
Yeah, I'm really curious as to why OP had to pay so much? Did he fuck something up somewhere?

>> No.49986590
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>student in school with a 40k car a 160k in his bank account
>"how can I fix my life"

What a shitty thread, can't believe you got that many (you)s

>> No.49986752

Bought shib in february. Sold in may. Short-term gains are taxed at an incredibly high rate. Pretty sure it was 30% capital gains tax + 5% federal. Something like that. If I had held until like august 2021 I would've made $800k but shib had an insanely big dip after May. Most people wouldn't have held that long.

>> No.49986803

>Any tips on how to break out of this kind of loser mentality?
when you get out of bed in the morning, dont open your phone and turn on computer. that is my weakeness