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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49965468 No.49965468 [Reply] [Original]

Are there no ethereum developer faggots up in this bitch or are you all just lapping poorfag millionaires pretending to invest while getting rekt

>> No.49965476

why would i want to be an ethereum developer i like sunlight, having muscles and socializing

>> No.49965537

Very funny anon. I suppose you enjoy all that chatting all day on a vietnamese snake farming forum.

>> No.49965542
File: 234 KB, 610x609, 4-colours-vortex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you called?

>> No.49965552

purchase my rug

t me/shinaprinter

>> No.49965562

Hey, i have a pending question on the stackexchange, can you help me out or should i just post it here?

>> No.49965592
File: 1.59 MB, 1366x5500, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the people on this board are morons who couldnt make a million dollars even if you gave them 10 to start with. You literally cant even dump money in their lap they are so retarded

>> No.49965610

yea sure, which one?

>> No.49965631

if you're upset about ethereum then try script network and their tokens, they're in their seeding phase and have a lot of investors onboard .

they're developing a new platform called script tv which is a watch to earn application which has huge potential compared to the other projects in the space.

you can visit their site for more: token.script.tv

>> No.49965633
File: 302 KB, 1919x1079, caw-dev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo bodhi,
we sig send orbit-db a crypto version of fediverse

>> No.49965640
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>> No.49965671


>> No.49965680

I'm looking to get into fx, do you have a discord or somewhere you provide this kinds of tips?

>> No.49965705

just looking quick

function getAmountsOut(uint256 amountIn, address[] memory path)

second argument is an array of addresses

is ---> 28 amount_out_min = contract.functions.getAmountOutMin(token_in, token_out, amount_in)

Token_out an array?

>> No.49965716

ah misread the plural, one sec

>> No.49965742

Path is an array of three addresses, one token, a stable coin and the pair address of both tokens

>> No.49965748

doesn't seem immediately obvious, is token_in and token_out addresses? solidity overloading functions makes function A(uint,address) and function A(uint,uint) different in abi

>> No.49965753
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>> No.49965769

latter bro

>> No.49965789

yes they are addresses of a token pair, i'm looking to swap them for the ftm token

>> No.49965814

I ask as with dynamic types sometimes its easy to accidentially put in a contract dict instead of the address itself

amount_out_min = contract.functions.getAmountOutMin(token_in, token_out, amount_in)

isn't something like

mount_out_min = contract.functions.getAmountOutMin(token_in.address, token_out.address, amount_in)

is it?

>> No.49965817

Does the function works on remix interface?

>> No.49965852

yes that's where i compiled it and copied the abi. For some reason, i couldn't find the abi in ftmscan.
i'm not sure why you are focusing on the function since it compiled well enough, the issue is the abi, web3 doesn't recognize it?

>> No.49965870

token_in and token_out are addresses, the 0x type

>> No.49965873

If token_in is a dict the python script will look in the abi for getAmountOutMin(TokenType,TokenType,uint256) no getAmountOutMin(address,address,uint256)

>> No.49965894

I meant if you try using the function in remix interface, does it works? Don't test your contracts on chain nigger, try a local blockchain first to see if your integration works. You won't find abis in ftmscan, you literally have to upload them to get your contract verified. Where's the python code? The bug is in your frontend, how are we helping you if we can't see the python code?

>> No.49965896

cool, and, double checking this amount_in = w3.toWei(input("How much to spend? "), 'ether')

i'm unfamiliar with input("str") fn, as long as this resolves to a string that is parsable as an integer should be fine

>> No.49965968
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>Don't test your contracts on chain nigger
waa you dont 'test in prod' bro?

>> No.49966013
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i don't mind. The fees in the fantom network are in cents. You can test hundreds of times before you spend $5.

>> No.49966020
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>> No.49966061
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We are both here whats the problem?

>> No.49966078

This is the problem with crypto

Everything they say about blockchain technology is true

But nobody is actually building anything on it. They just want number to go up

The number of people investing in it, vs amount of people using/building on it is an absolute joke

>> No.49966081

if you hardcode token_out and amount_in does it work?

part of me thinks input() is behaving asynchronously, so, while its waiting for your terminal input, it runs that function with undefines. I just dont know if input() is stalling the thread of execution or not

>> No.49966084

Also i tried getting the contract verified but there was a dialog where i had to fill some constructor details in which case i realized that the contract doesn't have a constructor?

>> No.49966100

the addresses i enter are displayed out before the next execution

>> No.49966101

Cronje doesn't know shit, literally had to do a lot of patches on the fly because he didn't knew how to account for the users (and hackers) mistakes
It's not about the fees, is about the isolation of your code so you know if something fucks up it's not some random shit the network came with
Wait a minute, my python is rusty

>> No.49966146

ah this contract is inheriting the abi from swapper_abi variable. Can you post full swapper_abi ? maybe there is a mismatch between the abi your using and the abi that the contract would compile to

>> No.49966209

the abi was generated in the remix compiler, its not inheriting it, the name of the contract is swapper.sol

>> No.49966211

He is parsing the abi manually right next to the definition (like a faggot)
You might be right in the asynchronous call, but not in the input ()
OP I'm on phone rn so can't look at it with my special autistic powers but from what I see (and this is a very stupid statement of mine as my python sucks) you would be better importing the abi as a dependency and have the python code just make the call (seems like the swapper_abi defined here >>49966013 is getting fucked while being parsed at interpretation time). This is python 3 I assume? A lot of fuckery unknown to me being done

>> No.49966295

No its 3.8. So how should i parse the abi?

>> No.49966302

I mean something like

Import json
With open(path/abi.json) as opIsAFaggot:
swapper_abi = json.load(opIsAFaggot)

Test-print it with
Print(swapper_abi) and check if its being imported correctly.

>> No.49966358

Yeah, the 3.x got specially cucked for the sake of high level faggotry. Not that I was any proficient with python, but 2 was easier to be read. For the record: never paste your abis in any frontend code, it's just a really sucky way to handle them (specially in python, that's gonna keep the whole abi in memory possibly tampering the execution time)

>> No.49966580

thanks it worked, but now i have to deal with this:
ValueError: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC'}. Maybe the fantom rpc i'm using is the problem?

>> No.49966607

>doesnt show all his failed calls

>> No.49966652

Could be. Take Andrejs cock out of your mouth and read >>49966101 carefully. Fantom was being bot spammed like a year ago and they could have messed up the rpcs to fix it.

What transaction is causing this behavior? Comment every blockchain call and print() each transactions result. Ideally, you don't just call the blockchain, you do something like this:
try: blockchain call
except: print the error you received

>> No.49966757

Google said declaring the chainId in your tx dict could work. Try declaring 'chainId': fantoms id. If it doesn't work, do 'chainId': fantomsId.someToHexMethodYouCanGoogleFor

>> No.49966929

yes the chainid idea worked. Now i transacted. Used the code to buy a usdc coin. amount to spend i entered is 1, so 1 ftm has been spent from my wallet. Now when you look at my address, the transaction says i sent the 1 ftm to a contract address that doesn't seem to have any bearing to usdc coin. token_in was ftm coin address and token_out was the usdc address, amount_in is one

>> No.49966962

Wait I didn't understand. The transaction went through, but the code didn't swapped the 1 ftm to the relative amount in usdc but instead you sent the 1 ftm to a random address? What's that second address? It's the uniswap router I guess

>> No.49966981

Paste the python code in some gist or a pastebin OP, do not be a bitch

>> No.49967032

It's completely random anon: 0xF48C48a93Ca7b3585Be98408fc629DEA5A769fa2

>> No.49967089

the getamounoutin function spat out 293202 as the amount_out_min

>> No.49967143

hey OP, I'm >>49966981 but got into my computer to help you out. I think the problem is in your swapping contract https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/130712/smart-contract-function-not-recognized).). Please check this swapper here and see how it handles the swap vs how you do it (obviously im not doing that for you) https://github.com/SpookySwap/spookyswap-xboo/blob/master/contracts/Swapper.sol

Seems to me like the problem is here:
//path is an array of addresses.
//this path array will have 3 addresses [tokenIn, WETH, tokenOut]
//the if statement below takes into account if token in or token out is WETH. then the path is only 2 addresses
address[] memory path;
if (_tokenIn == FTM || _tokenOut == FTM) {
path = new address[](2);
path[0] = _tokenIn;
path[1] = _tokenOut;
} else {
path = new address[](3);
path[0] = _tokenIn;
path[1] = FTM;
path[2] = _tokenOut;

you are creating a new address array instead of just pushing the addresses inside the already declared array

>> No.49967300

do i need to import the factory and router for this new one?

>> No.49967325

Also, will removing the new keyword work?

>> No.49967468

seems like the spooky code doesnt import the factory (dont even know why you import it in the first place but ok)
try it, im not that smart to know if it works, sorry :(

>> No.49968138

seems like OP died, bumping one last time

>> No.49968584

I'm stuck trying to import the iswapper, so i just copied the required raw files

>> No.49968596

EIP-155 did the separation of network_id and chain_id. Normally they are the same, but declare both


>> No.49968686

Wdym trying to import iswapper? Are you adjusting your contract for it? Don't be afraid to cut parts of your contract. If you can create a git for it do so, just so you don't fuck your OG code. Solidity development is a bitch. If you mean importing the rest stuff iswapper needs to run then create a dependencies.sol file and paste all the shit you need there, way more functional than pasting everything in the same file

>> No.49968848

This swap function is weird. I don't know what address the first argument refers to, the wallet or the ftm token?

>> No.49969023

function swap(
address fromToken,
IUniswapV2Pair pair,
uint256 amountIn
) external returns (uint256 amountOut) {

That one? The fromToken? It's the token you gonna swap. Say you trade ftm, the fromToken address would be wftm

>> No.49969365

compiler says function swap not recognized. I think the problem maybe the first lines
>swapper is iswapper, ownable,
because when i try to compile. the compiler has the contract list as ownable(ownable.sol), iswapper(iswapper.sol) is also in the list, but i chose swapper(swapper2.sol)

>> No.49969389

Paste the code bro, jfc

>> No.49969519

nothing's changed anon, its the same python code,plus you already have the solidity code
ABIFunctionNotFound: ("The function 'swap' was not found in this contract's abi. ", 'Are you sure you provided the correct contract abi?')

>> No.49969676

Share the ABI that you are using

>> No.49969699

You imported the new swap API? You should mix the contract you had with the one I provided to serve your needs, don't use both of them together. After you get the new mixed contract compiled and working, export the abi to your python code

>> No.49969751

[{'anonymous': False, 'inputs': [{'indexed': True, 'internalType': 'address', 'name': 'previousOwner', 'type': 'address'}, {'indexed': True, 'internalType': 'address', 'name': 'newOwner', 'type': 'address'}], 'name': 'OwnershipTransferred', 'type': 'event'}, {'inputs': [], 'name': 'owner', 'outputs': [{'internalType': 'address', 'name': '', 'type': 'address'}], 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'inputs': [], 'name': 'renounceOwnership', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'function'}, {'inputs': [{'internalType': 'address', 'name': 'newOwner', 'type': 'address'}], 'name': 'transferOwnership', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'function'}]
the script compiles well enough, however the python code produces an error

>> No.49969776

Kek, it doesn't contain 'getAmountOutMin'

>> No.49969792

This is the ABI for 'Ownable'

>> No.49969823

Produces this error >>49969519? Seems like you forgot to add the new ABI bro. Add another line like this one >>49966302 in the python code importing the spookyswap swapper

>> No.49969910

already did anon, i am surprised that they are very similar with the previous one too
i didn't call getamountmin since the new swap function doesn't need it as an argument.
no its the abi for the swapper2.sol contract i renamed from anon's github link

>> No.49969930

This anon is right >>49969792
Thats the abi of ownable

>> No.49970009
File: 331 KB, 1366x768, sol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why i'm telling you the first lines are problematic
see this screenshot and how the compiler has a list

>> No.49970056

1. Compile whatever the name of your contract is ('tokenSwap' on StackOverflow)
2. Deploy
3. Copy the ABI (should contain all the public and external methods of your contract)
4. Import only that ABI and use it for the Python web3 instance

>> No.49970058

Why are they problematic ? You are just pasting the wrong abi

>> No.49970246

How when i just click on the copy abi button below the 'compilation details' tab after compilation
anon i've already done all that, its not a new process

>> No.49970299

Oh it works now, but does the same thing as the last one, this is the new address i sent 0.1ftm to 0xd398436eB76298706cC0a7209Fd1cD54405F01e1

>> No.49970307

my wallet still doesn't have any new tokens

>> No.49970310

Go to files inside remix, there is a paste called artifacts inside the contracts paste. There's your abi (contract name.json)

>> No.49970319

and this is the token pair i was trying to swap: 0xe78fB59CD9Fc23A88accD9F4542F70A048E5744f

>> No.49970395

so the problem its within the python code. Paste the new version if you modified it. It looks like the python code is not sending the transaction to the deployed contract but instead sending the transaction to a random address

>> No.49970434
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You clearly haven't, but alright glhf

>> No.49970460

There's really not much change. I've just commented the getamountmin function and created a new contract address and abi i think the issue might be with the tx dictionary, i've not included a 'to' address? Or is it because some addresses are checksummed and others are not

>> No.49970570

checksum doesnt matter in this case. In the dict you are using a account_2, whats that address content? also, the transaction should be sent to the new contract address.

The problem seems, like I said the way you are calling doing the transaction in the python code. Remember, you should send the values TO THE DEPLOYED ADDRESS OF YOUR SWAPPER. Seems to me you are sending the transaction to no address at all

>> No.49970588

i also commented out the 'to' value in the tx dictionary since i don't know what it means, if you have 'from' as your wallet address, then what does 'to' mean?

>> No.49970610

yes that's what i realized, what is the deployed address of my swapper, thats the contract address, no?

>> No.49970766

yes, the deployed access of your swapper is the contract address you should be using in the >>49970588 TO argument.

Does the swapper contract works well? Did you tested it (as in made a sucessful transaction sending X FTM and receiving Y whatever token you were aiming for)?

>> No.49970961

ValueError: Cannot set 'to' field in contract call build transaction

>> No.49971076

Seems like you are parsing the contract call the wrong way. Try see if this helps https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69356197/where-to-get-the-buildtransaction-dictionary-web3-eth

This is as much as I can help you anon, my python ignorance wont let me be of more use. Maybe you should use the .transact using the tx dict as argument https://web3py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/contracts.html?highlight=buildTransaction#web3.contract.ContractFunction.transact

>> No.49971453

You've helped me out more than enough, thanks alot. I also wanted to ask, what if i wanted to sell, do i use the same swap function?

>> No.49971557

Yes friendo, swap doesn't care if you buy or sell, it just gets tokenFrom to whichever token you want. But be sure to integrate it correctly (maybe have some "menu" where you get asked if you want to buy or sell).

>> No.49971687

So i should switch fromToken with what i want to sell? What about the pair address? Say i have a token whose address is in fromtoken variable and i want to sell it for ftm, do i include the ftm address in the pair address variable?

>> No.49971926

I've been looking and i've actually not seen a tx dictionary with both to and from keys. It seems like only one is needed and the error it spits out is:

if self.address and 'to' in built_transaction:
-> 1069 raise ValueError("Cannot set 'to' field in contract call build transaction")
1071 if self.address:

ValueError: Cannot set 'to' field in contract call build transaction

>> No.49971974

kek fellow cross poster bro. I am also forex anon I just forgot to change my nae after positing on /sci/. Namaste bro, may you be blessed with massive gains

>> No.49972052
File: 2.20 MB, 1357x7498, forexanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are more than welcome to go through the archives and find them. I think in 4 years and 20 or so threads/tips, two of them didnt turn out favorably. A long on eurcad I suggested and a short on nzdusd. The fact remains if you took my tips over the last two years alone and it is the only "investing" you did, I made you a millionaire multiple times over already

>> No.49972219

interesting I will have a look see mate

>> No.49972241


>> No.49972338

the black chain is just a flat file database maintained by multiple nodes agreeing what to put into the database. It cracks me up how people think this is some kind of amazing and revolutionary technology. It is literally just json vars and the blockchain just a partitioned json/xml file. Databases have been able to export xml files with their entire contents to reload into other dbs for decades

>> No.49972359



>> No.49972405

What about Smart contract execution, faggot?
Ideally you should make a DB with the potential tokens you would need to buy and sell so the addresses and the pairs get automatically set. Maybe a dict in another file, imported to your main script

>> No.49972407


>be me
>get home from my vasectomy
>hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room
>must be Chad again
>know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer
>log onto 4fags and open /biz/
>read a funny post and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her
>think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext
>suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section
>"why would i want to be an ethereum developer i like sunlight, having muscles and socializing."
>giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment
>hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed
>it's been a good day
>i'll get lots of (You)'s for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough

>> No.49972431

>The number of people investing in it, vs amount of people using/building on it is an absolute joke
Investing into it is using it and building it you retard.
Holy fuck this site is dumb.

>> No.49972445

>>be me
>>get home from my vasectomy
>>hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room
>>must be Chad again
Americans are fucking faggots, stop posting.

>> No.49972453

uhhhhh what about them? An open ended contract, wow how revolutionary. rofl you have no idea how any of this works do you? wtf do you think is so great about a "smart contract?" it is just internet escrow mouth breather. People have been using escrows for 1000's of years. Perhaps you should business in the real world works before soi facing over what crypto is doing to copy it

>> No.49972460

Hahaha, lefty fags are so pissed they have to come here and greentext.

You know, cuckoldry is nasty and you’re right to admonish cuckolds. I hope none of the people you claim to be your “friends” doesn’t have a cuckoldry “kink” because that would be heckin’ uninclusive.

>> No.49972474

*Perhaps you should learn how business in the real world works before soi facing over what crypto is doing to copy it like it is some kind of

>> No.49972478

yes, what i'm asking is the ordering of the addresses in the swap function?

>> No.49972526
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>> No.49972799

Ah I see, you just want attention. Here, have a (You)
Check the code friendo

>> No.49972819
File: 1.79 MB, 355x343, joker6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make post @ someone saying some stupid shit while acting like you dunked on them
>get dunked on for doing it so immediately just insult them to deflect
tks for playing

>> No.49972949
File: 39 KB, 649x489, 1645485029714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coding thread
>this anon suddenly appears
>ranting about unrelated stuff
>'you have no arguments lololol XD I WIN'

>> No.49973008
File: 127 KB, 600x488, AreYouBeing Serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49973872

whats a good way to learn solidity? ive coded quite a bit in various languages in the past. is there money in it? im not interested in making shitcoins lol

>> No.49974128

Cryptozombies helped me a lot. Also the documentation and checking other projects code. Solidity it's actually pretty easy

>> No.49974416

The code we've been working with is for buying, i'm asking how the arguments should place for selling? Seems like you're out of steam anon

>> No.49974549

cool thanks. so are there actually gigs for eth developers? i imagine 'crypto developer' isnt a hot job market these last few months lol

>> No.49974626

then why are you on a malaysian shadow puppet forum right now?

>> No.49974667

anon thats the redditfag tendiebot greentext

>> No.49974691

>businees & finance
>literally off-topic

>> No.49975836

Yeah, sorry, spoonfeeding gets tiring. Its the same way friend, you are only swapping one token to another. Its the same operation. You should rework your buy code to make it operation agnostic. You just have to be able to pick the token you want to trade (via input or a menu, thats on you)

its not, but some companies are looking for "serious"devs. Maybe you can get a project yourself anon, maybe scam some people. Hope you dont do that
> Ethereum
> trade-related knowledge sharing is not biz
are you retarded anon?

>> No.49976776

well its something ive thought of doing just to learn more about the fundamentals of blockchains etc. it would be nice to know how to interact with a wallet or the blockchain without using third party software

>> No.49976834

you need a third party software to interact with it. Be it metamask, be it the command line client (like op here, doing scripts to interact directly with the contracts)

>> No.49977051

yes, i know i would need a command line. would i need an operating system too?

>> No.49977330

Well anon you see, this is the internet. We have both to assume we are both dumbasses. And you made a fairly ambiguous statement here >>49976776

Related to gigs: I got recently screwed by some developers. A new network trying to survive this bear market fucked me good. Be safe out there anon, even the most "serious" contractors can be fuckers

>> No.49978361

Wtf would someone be a Ethereum developer faggot. Actually with the current opportunities devs would rather become a developer with projects like Qanplatform where they can build dapps with any programming languages and get lifetime royalties for that. And desu no one getting rekt you moron.

>> No.49978524
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Hahaha anon that's not true, this is the time projects have ti build and get their basement stronger. And I strongly believe that. Once the QVM is out and when the mainnet is live the devs will get started. So we can use a variety of dapps to earn and make things easier.