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49971167 No.49971167 [Reply] [Original]

With new investors coming into new and old markets with lesser capital and looking for generational wealth in a single stroke, the lookout for moonshots to ape in and get rich quick is permanent.

In other days the mantra was to diversify your portfolio so as to minimize your risk, with today's retail investors a new phenomenon has catched on, in the crypto space they've started to call it 'being a maxi'.

All in on BTC, ETH or other lesser known coins seem to be the norm rather than the exception. Behavior that has crept into stock and precious metals investing too, with maxis being all in on meme stocks like GME or AMC or all into silver. Thing is, at one moment the price action is so hot that a lot of people think it'll keep going in so they FOMO in at the top, only to creep back to lower and lower prices.

The psychology is simple, since they've already spent all their funds in this particular stock or coin they can't average down, they can't sell either because this was their ticket out of the wage cage so they become baggies. But with every 50% drop, a 100% rise seems almost impossible, so a cult-like mentality starts to get a hold of the community.

Go to any general in this board and notice yourself how GME baggies will seem indistinguishable from LINK or ICP baggies even the PMG general has their own deranged schizos, they think anyone not agreeing 100% with them is either a paid shill or unironically some CIA or FBI agent. Lately I've been seeing the same behavior in normie BTC forums.

They're immune to fud, their paranoia and hope to get rich, or to at least recoup their losses means they will hold the bag no matter what. They'll rationalize anything to think

But the real question here is: How do we profit from this?

>> No.49971288
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DAO that funds marketing payments to shill normie influencers and call it a marketing business

>> No.49971473

>With new investors coming into new and old markets with lesser capital and looking for generational wealth in a single stroke, the lookout for moonshots to ape in and get rich quick is permanent.
What the fuck are you moaning about now?
I literally bought silver and hold it long term.

>> No.49972251

>with maxis being all in on meme stocks like GME or AMC
Anyone who is buying amc should just shoot themselves now. afaik gme is backed up by retards on reddit with so much autism it is astounding that someone just doesn't pass by to look at the information, but then bitches and complains in /smg/ because,
>i miss out man

>> No.49972316

Do what Dfinity and Ripple do, promise amazing happenings in 2 weeks and dump on retards for eternity.

>> No.49972372

>diversify your portfolio so as to minimize your risk
I bought 10 different small caps and they're all down 90%.

>> No.49972434

If they're all crypto you haven't diversified at all lmao

>> No.49972471

Putting all your money in one sector is not diversification.
I believe the buffet strategy is somewhere around 80% "safe" investments for slow consistent returns, and 20% high risk investments to grow your safe %. Buffet would also not go all in on tech, he'd put some in tech, some in medical, some in equity, some in consumer crap (think coke, nestle, etc).
That's actual diversification.

>> No.49972714

>But the real question here is: How do we profit from this?
you already see it on the live pairs on dextools

people write bots that release rug contracts and print money
99% of all smartcontract transactions are scams

crypto must be regulated

>> No.49973299

I am so thankful I got fully kadenapilled in 2018 during the bear market and when the signal-to-noise ratio was optimal. Constant 300+ replies threads exploring potential use cases and daily breadcrumbs research, it was biz at its peak and in these unique conditions, so many forged crazy dreams and iron convictions.

Today it's impossible for a newfag to get immersed in this deep level of conversation, and therefore to grasp the full reach of its potential. It so easily gets overlooked, ignored, disregarded, because so much of the noise in the space is meaningless, og's (enjoying their success or simply waiting patiently) have internalized their insights and ceased discussing as much, therefore exposure to spoonfeeding is minimal.

In 2018, partaking in babena threads was a genuinely surreal experience. A small autistic community had uncovered the opportunity of a lifetime, it wasn't just a "what if" possibility, but surrounded with absolute certitude, this was "the one". The most surreal aspect that if you did the research and understanding, you knew it was as real as it could get, but literally no one was talking about it anywhere else.

4 years later and all the og's just remain confident for the long term. All these countless hours digging into the oracle problem, smart contract use cases, understanding the implications of chain agnosticism, vapourware adoption, pumpenomics, etc. But for a casual observer, all they see is the weak short term price action, and it doesn't incentivize them to research further. "Oh, it's just another token like all the others, what's so different about this?". "Oracles and gnosticism? Sounds like techno babble, I don't get it, what does it do that monero can't do?".

With staking and CCP on the horizon, everything will change. Everything. The switch will be flipped, big time. No one will be able to keep ignoring it. Either start research right now, or you'll be late. It's inevitable

>> No.49973311


>> No.49973463

People, especially normies, are full of shit. When they go to shill their coins they lie and say theyre all in. Because that seems to them to be better marketing then saying "im 10% in" or whatever. Then there's the "community" aspect where they dont want to admit they sold because then the other normies in that "community" might hate them. So everyone is "diamond hands all in" in public but behind the scenes diversified and selling.

>> No.49973521
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I was only pretending.
But I really did do that, so yes.
I mean, I was pretending to not understand how that isn't diversification, but I am retarded.

>> No.49973790

Asset prices rise and fall. Goal is to get in at low prices