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49967921 No.49967921 [Reply] [Original]

SOON you will be able to transfer BTC natively. Yes SOON(Next Month)

>> No.49967955

I can already do that with Avalanche and they actually got some DeFi on it where you can use that BTC.b

>> No.49967966

its not naive though

>> No.49968066

Its a trustless Bridge, your keys your coins.
Also already proven to work.

>> No.49968081

ICP functions EXACTLY like a Kohler Tresham.
Some have compared it to a rat hole, but that's not exactly correct because it leaves out the "swirling" (called "cycles" in the ICP system) as your money goes away.

Now, some say that literally burning your money is more efficient, but this really depends on local burn ordinances, so I'm left to consider it as the best system for going poor that exists.
By 2030 there will be no money left on the planet for anyone.
It's that much of a game changer.

>> No.49968131

> bridge
no thanks lol

>> No.49968139

icp is bridgeless

>> No.49968154

Its a trustless Bridge using improved SGX technology and is already proven to work.
The AEB wasnt hacked even once and moved billions of dollars around and bridged dozens of tokens over to Avalanche.
Certainly much better than unreleased untested garbage that is coming from ICP.

>> No.49968178

ICP has no DeFi, literally zero TVL ghostchain without any dapps.

On Avalanche I got aave, curve, trader joe, yieldyak, vector, yeti finance, benqi etc. to name a few and there is literally hundreds more in the works.
Dunno how the ICP trash can compete with that. it probably wont and the baggies will all an hero.

>> No.49968186

> bridge
no but thanks anyway

>> No.49968244

shoo shoo poo don’t even have the decency to make your own thread

>> No.49968276

“avax can already move native bitcoin”
>is proven wrong
“well, your gay!”

the state of avax currys

>> No.49968287

Avalanche and its Bridges already work, ICP not needed.

>> No.49968295

no, they dont

>> No.49968305

> bridge
haha no thanks, also ICP has a trustless bridge as well in case you need speed and slow tx fee. But i'll just use the NATIVE btc because i'm old school

>> No.49968307

>is proven wrong
That only exists in your head, like ICPs DeFi ecosystem its also nonexistent.

Meanwhile Avalanche works TODAY.
The ecosystem already exists TODAY.
You got nothing but hopium and larp and bullshit.

>> No.49968336

Yes they do.
Here is on chain proof

Avax is faster and cheaper.
Also from the BTC side it will always be as slow as BTC is.

>> No.49968360

i said i prefer slow and costly (NATIVE) btc integration because i'm old school, you aren't even reading, no wonder you're an avax investor

>> No.49968398

your bridge is insecure.
icp has no bridge.
you are a shill and brown.

>> No.49968405

>i said i prefer slow and costly
So you admit to being retarded?
I prefer what works reliable TODAY and tech that can be trusted.
So far Avalanche delivered on everything.

>> No.49968441

>your bridge is insecure.
>icp has no bridge
And no DeFi, no TVL, no Users, no developers, no ecosystem etc.
>you are a shill and brown
I‘m white and you are the Brown shill.
Who else would shill a dead shitcoin like ICP that nobody uses?
Can only be a curry nigger.

>> No.49968443

thanks for coming to the ICP thread to offer your coin but i'll stick to the superior option

>> No.49968466

How is ICP superior with no defi, 0 TVL, no users etc.?
Maybe if they deliver an actual functioning product then it be worthy of discussion but they got nothing.

Meanwhile Avalanche has everything you are only dreaming about.

>> No.49968479
File: 59 KB, 960x532, 1650911815947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really trust a turkish shitcoin with ur btc
>bridge using trustees

kek enjoy the eventooal doomp

>> No.49968491

Post hand and time stamp faggot

>> No.49968510

I'll wait for ICP and the security of being on chain. Bridges can't be trusted.

>> No.49968547

you are very desperate and it's making me more confident in my initial assessment

>> No.49968608

A large DeFi ecosystem won't do you much good in a bear market. By the time we get out of this slump ICP will have caught up in terms of DeFi and will have BTC integration enabled and ETH integration at least close enough to create hype. Not sure what's in AVAX pipeline, but it better be something huge to stay relevant.

>> No.49968648

By the time we're out of this Amazon and other providers will have shut down their crypto services on order from the gov and Axax won't even exist. So best to wait for ICP.
Maybe Avax can live again on the IC though.

>> No.49968658

You meant SOON

>> No.49968731

Why is this coin still around?
Are they still trying to scam people even after being one of the biggest scams in crypto history?
Is it just bagholders?

>> No.49968792

we trying to scam bitcoin holders now

>> No.49968816

>a turkish shitcoin
Ava Labs is from the US.
You first poojeet
Keep waiting then
>Bridges can't be trusted.
The AVAX Bridges can, they are different from other Bridges.
How am I desperate? I‘m just pointing out that ICP has nothing which seems to trigger you.
>ICP will have caught up in terms of DeFi
Keep dreaming jeet, you will never catch up.
>BTC integration enabled and ETH integration
Avalanche has those already.

>> No.49968832

No reason for Bitcoin holders to bridge over to ICP since it has no defi, no usecase, NOTHING.
in other words: Dead ghostchain.

>> No.49968867
File: 1.27 MB, 1342x1369, Screenshot_20220615-154228_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the moon.

>> No.49968888


>> No.49968889

you're bad at psychology bro, your desperate demeanor really does produce the opposite effect that you want to achieve, it makes me want to ignore AVAX and stack more ICP

>> No.49968902

Wasted digits, but thanks for the bump.
Maybe anons will read my posts and make the right decision to come to Avalanche.

>> No.49968903

maybe sam will pay you more if you take a psych course to perfect your shilling

>> No.49968922

>it makes me
You are a bagholder with no money, I couldnt care less about you.

What I care about is the non ICP bagholders, the Bitcoin and Ethereum Bros and all the other DeFi chads like me.

>> No.49968941

stfu faggot no one cares about your turkish coin icp blows it out of the water with the bitcoin integration

>> No.49968958

>icp blows it out of the water with the bitcoin integration
That doesnt exist and is a product of your imagination.
Meanwhile the Avalanche Bridges to BTC and ETH are fully functional and real.
Keep seething baggie

>> No.49969135

shoo shoo poo
icp is better than any other coin out there
btc integration and sns will render everything else a joke. your coin (which I won’t bother to mention) is for indians. suck my huge cock

>> No.49969213

>icp is better than any other coin out there
again, that doesnt exist and is a product of your imagination.
They have NOTHING, no DeFi, no users, no TVL, no product.

But please keep seething baggie

>> No.49969250

i will remember your post when im fucking $10000 a hour hookers on my yacht baggie

>> No.49969317

Keep dreaming poojeet

>> No.49969446

lol the first fucking step is moving your BTC out of a BTC wallet into a fucking browser extension wallet to bridge
get the fuck out of here with this shit

>> No.49969453

icp is bridgeless

>> No.49969486
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17 posts by this id

>> No.49969490
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K your turn

>> No.49969499

Cant bitcoin just be wrapped

>> No.49969532
File: 3.03 MB, 3561x2160, hahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded curry fag. Brown internet people like you really think that Avax bridges are onchain.

>> No.49969590

Another 90% dump is a more realistic scenario
t. baggie

>> No.49969633
File: 25 KB, 720x710, 1581703829151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC integration

Jesus, wasn't this due in May?
What the fuck is their excuse?

>> No.49969656

no you can't, dumbfuck. all avax does is wrap your btc, you can't use native btc transacting on the btc blockchain to engage in smart contracts. avax's bridge is similar to ckBTC, not the direct btc integration.

>> No.49969660

back with a new ID

>> No.49969670

The fuck are you talking about?
Please answer my question:>>49969633

700 ICP stacklet BTW.

>> No.49969707

now you're doing the "answer my question" thing again
LOL. see ya

>> No.49969723


>> No.49969785

WTF is wrong with you people.

>> No.49969787
File: 140 KB, 600x400, HOLOCAUSTAIRDROP2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SOON you will be able to transfer BTC natively. Yes SOON(Next Month)

As someone with a make it st ack of ICP i have a question.

1. If they push back the BTC integration, for how long do you think until real integration?

2. Is it possible for them to integrate with bot BTC and ETH?

3. Will the price do anything with everything else tanking?

>> No.49969966

Price remained stable while btc/eth tanked 30% during the last dip. Make what you will with that info.

>> No.49969981

checked digits,

You're wrong there anon, that dip from 9.60 to 4.80 was definitely not stable

>> No.49969987

10k EOM frens

>> No.49969991

Last dip retard. Learn to read

>> No.49970040

>Learn to read
I got my education in the USA, i don't need to know how to read

>> No.49971731
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>> No.49972156

IC is gasless smooth brain

>> No.49972235

>brags about an Eth bridge which every EVM chain has

>> No.49972283
File: 275 KB, 2048x1542, FQPujwvVcAEuaGT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget what you're holding. The best tech in the game. No computer holders absolutely seethe at this chart. It infuriates them because they know their coin is about to be rendered completely useless.

>> No.49972354

I'm tax negative thanks to ICP, in fact I'm so poor, the government gives ME money! Suck on that, fat cats! Whole world is 'bout turn upside down y'all!

>> No.49972380

Trader Joes? Like I can buy organic produce on Avalanche?! Unironically that is literally a game changer!

>> No.49972425

Is the birb okay?

>> No.49973013

Why isn't matic on the list. Are you scared to show what matic can do?

>> No.49973127

That's the reason ICP is the only token I'm stacking from now on.

>> No.49973296


>> No.49973723

No you can't and ICP hosts apps & stores data on its own whereas AVAX is yet another EVM casino

>> No.49973735

It was due in May
I’m a baggie, I’m willing to give them more time, but nobody likes missed deadlines

>> No.49974040

Avax has so much more potential but they arent bright enough to make something other than an EVM subnet. There's no innovation past their consensus. EVM can suck my dick

>> No.49974118

17pbtid. this should tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.49974413

Avax best coin fag cry harder basterd bich

>> No.49974484
