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File: 126 KB, 730x411, Solana-surges-announces-own-android-phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49968430 No.49968430 [Reply] [Original]

I want Solana holders to try and explain how this isn't a blatant desperation move and isn't proof that the long-term prospects of the blockchain aren't good


>> No.49968455

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Solana phone
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Solana phone
I've got this feeling, so appealing
For us to Get together and sing. Sing!

>> No.49968486

Boop boop a doop a doop

>> No.49968795

You're right, trying to do something interesting in the blockchain space should be discouraged.

Instead, we should suck off Vitalik and hope that we get the merge/Eth 2.0/whatever they're calling it nowadays by 2025.

The more myopic and boring the space is the better.

Unironically, if you don't see this as a positive development (bringing web3/d'apps to a smartphone mobile environment) you should probably spend less time shitting on SOL and more time hawking the next L1-du jour.

>> No.49968828

Sol can't make a blockchain that stays online and instead of fixing it are pivoting to something not needed.

>> No.49968926

More tired FUD.

For a new chain working through the kinks it should be seen as growing pains. ETH has been around since 2015 and has had more runway to engineer around problems that could be lurking on the horizon. SOL is like ~2 years old.

Also, having downtime is a function of spamming, which is going to be fixed by localized fee markets and QUIC. The only reason ETH and similar L1s haven't had those sorts of issues because they have a free-market fee system. Instead of having a Cryopto-kitties disaster where no one can get their transactions through because of the cost prohibitive nature of the chain the chain takes a # of transactions that it can't support and hence downtime.

>> No.49969041

Avalanche works much better and is way waaaay more decentralized.
Also didnt have any problems or downtimes since launch.

>> No.49969176

>ETH has been around since 2015 and has had more runway to engineer around problems that could be lurking on the horizon.
You act as though it's impossible for people to think ETH is bad in its switch to PoS in addition to thinking Solana is a trashfire

>> No.49969280

What does a fucking Android phone has in it that can be interesting? Are you that cucked ?

>> No.49969321
File: 219 KB, 2048x1536, 1655590962700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy new solana phone
>pack of joggers approaches you in street
>they form an emergency DAO and vote to confiscate your phone

>> No.49969377

Now look at what KIN is doing on top of solana

>> No.49969414

Someone had to do it.
Apple and Google aren't going to budge and will continue to inhibit the crypto ecosystem on phones. They control the app stores so they can control who gets access.
If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself.
Even if you don't like Solana this is a net positive experiment for the crypto ecosystem. Mobile usage is the future of crypto and the only way to accelerate growth. Normies aren't going to be using metamask and fucking around on etherscan.

>> No.49969426
File: 259 KB, 593x635, 1517099947896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49969436

Htc also did a crypto phone, it was their last ditch attempt at reviving the dying company and it flopped bad. Now they are doing a metaverse phone. Kinda admire them for doubling down, they know their target audience well lol.

>> No.49969449

they're using android?

>> No.49969455

The only reason Avalanche has a slightly higher nakamoto coefficient over Solana is because Solana needs 66% to retain consensus over 50%. That means 34% attack over a 51%. You people sound like robots droning on and on about something you dont understand

>> No.49969462

>Solana Labs yesterday revealed the Solana Mobile Stack (SMS) software kit, which provides tools for developing native Android mobile apps, walls, and games, and also includes a decentralized app store. The company also revealed the Saga, a powerful Android smartphone that will be released in early 2023.

>> No.49969479

This isnt taking up resources though. Its literally just a collab phone. They are working on Solana mobile Stack and have already deployed fixes and are switching to quic and having fee isolation and prioritization

>> No.49969480

What’s the difference between wrapping bitcoin and ICP canisters?

>> No.49970582
File: 377 KB, 940x704, 1630772041794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a good one
won't be able to do anything if you get outvoted

>> No.49971270

shouldn't solana fix their shitty ass network before dropping a phone? if anything, matic should be the one launching a web3 phone since it has the best technology, security, privacy...

>> No.49971368

Thanks for the PSA, pajeet.

>> No.49971516
File: 42 KB, 380x458, 34534645756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
