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File: 251 KB, 681x511, amDOGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
499342 No.499342 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread on auto sage.

General Pandacoin(PND) Thread amDOGE Edition



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNBn5jPuyEA [Embed] [Embed]

amDOGE 1st female* cryptocoin developer

Current price 8 satoshi

China PND site is now live

>> No.499347

wew lad

>> No.499351

wew lad

>> No.499371

Nice to see 7 sat wall starting to build up

>> No.499373
File: 373 KB, 1049x778, 2014-09-30 07_27_45-PandaBank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the heck do I get interest? Do I get it now?

>> No.499377

green up arrow means ur gud, hover over it to see estimated time till reward

>> No.499378

Thanks, also: where is amdoge?

>> No.499380

Instead of mining, PND has you "staking". You have a weight (based on number of coins and coin age) that basically acts as your hashing power. When you win you get interest.

>> No.499384
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#pandacoinpnd on freenode IRC

>> No.499401

We 9 Satoshi Now. When will the madness end?

>> No.499412


I'm too weak for this crypto nonsense

I'm out at 11 satoshi

>> No.499413

how'd you get so much pnd?

>> No.499426

9 satoshi sellwall is crashing down

China is waking up

>> No.499526

Every day im wishing I bought more PND the day before

And every day I dont want to risk buying more

Is there a name for this?

Or is it just cowardice/stupidity

>> No.499555

every day I wish I bought the winning lottery ticket

>> No.499556

I mined 20mill in the beginning, sold 13mill back then at 2 satoshi. I should have held...

>> No.499558

lots of people have that, thats why you only invest money you can afford to lose. i bought most at 1-3 sat but keeping, this coin will not be big, it will not be huge, it will be wordlchanging

>> No.499559

isnt she in these threads anymore? Ive been here since the first doge /g/ threads

>> No.499560

Do you guys remember the initial release when it got put up on the markets? We went to 10 and then down to way below 1. If you had bought then we are talking 20+ x your investment.

I was there at the launch of the coin too, I mined several entire blocks myself; but I had my intensity set too high so they all got orphaned.

I know these feels all too well.

I wonder what happened to amdoge as well. I am still mining on her x11 multipool.

>> No.499562

I also was planning to buy in with .2btc more when doge was in the 20's but lost my nerve.

When does it end?

>> No.499569

amDoge is still around, and quite well.

She's on the IRC plenty.

webchat.freenode.net #pandacoinpnd

>> No.499580


>> No.499584

>amDOGE 1st female* cryptocoin developer

Is amDOGE a trap? ;_;

>> No.499665


No, she is a real human female.

>> No.499670

She's ON the IRC, but she never says anything.

>> No.499680



>> No.499688

She is busy doing what she can for the coin. Lurking and paying attention.

>> No.499765

we're in for a big crash, folks. a lot of selling pressure and very little buying support... whales are unloading...

>> No.499767

Try harder.

>> No.499773

you must be the @cointrades twitterfag that's trying hard to FUD but failing badly.

clench your butthole more, we're only going up when mintpalv2 enters free trading period

>> No.499776

There's a giant wall at 6 while 9-10 is pretty weak. We're going up.

>> No.499778

I'm like this since last year... I always fail to sell when its high hoping for more

>> No.499784


Guys, I'm a PND supporter. Didn't mean to rustle any jimmies. I'm just looking at the *depth* on MintPal.

>> No.499862

You're wrong.

>> No.499868

Yeah, but look at the actual orders.

>> No.499951

depth really gives a wrong idea since it calculates in BTC, count the PND, I count 1.5 billion buy pressure.
You have to remember that if you sell 10 mill at 2 satoshi it's a lot less btc than 10 mill at 10 satoshi. (5 times less) but still it's same amount of PND, so for dumping it's the same amount.
Depth chart looks very healthy.

>> No.499968

Anyone looking for a quick big profit -

LTCD devs just made a statement regarding the block-halving. Turns out it's not just a halving; They are personally going in and slashing al block rewards far more than half, saying possibly as high as 80%-90%.

While a halving typically averages a double in price, this could easily mean a +1000% jump in a 24-hour period. On top of that, they are in talks about making the swap to PoS thereafter, thus again meaning huge boost in value.

It's ~1300 satoshit now. Screencap this post for when it's 100,000+

>> No.499970

What the fuck is LTCD?

>> No.499973

what does that crapcoin have to do with PND? shill detected.
and FYI more often than not coin halvings have 0 influence on a coin. do some research.

>> No.499977

LitecoinDark - I.e. Litecoin except with all of the added perks from crypto's advancement over the last year.

>coin halvings have 0 influence on a coin
lol you cannot be serious

>> No.499980

Has nothing to do with PND. Keep it in the general thread or make your own.

>> No.500144
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>> No.500269

Chances are, this is just an attempt to pre-pump LTCD, because in reality, a reduction of blockchain payouts that large is much more likely to cause community abandonment, which means they just want external individuals to pre-pump to maximize their profits upon their exit.

Be wary.

>> No.500365

halvings can be used by whales for a reason to pump, but if its bunch of neets waiting for the price to go up, then you know...

>> No.500371

Exactly my point.

And LTCD has been pretty stagnant so I doubt there are whales waiting to profit off of it.

>> No.500451

Taking your LTCD shilling to another thread.

>> No.500452

Not shilling. I'm anti shilling. Read more closely.

>> No.500456
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then why post in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with your coin?

>> No.500458

Check the IDs, UlBP0Qt/ is not Tvj7AStd

>> No.500463
File: 8 KB, 262x192, pnd_saotome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, just realized my ID starts with amD(OGE). What sorcery is this?

>> No.500464

That wasn't me. READ MORE CLOSELY.

>> No.500631

Rumour on IRC is that Wolong is coming back and trying to pump PND.

>> No.500648

I'm a regular on IRC, this guy is full of horseshit

>> No.500651

Rumour with your parents neighbours is that your mother has a lot of sexual contact and is paid for it.

OT: support building on 7 sat!

>> No.500663

Bought 10 million at 25 litoshi and sold at 3 sat. I feel bad for selling though and not helping whale panda ;_;

>> No.500669

"amDOGE 1st female* cryptocoin developer"

What on earth does this mean and why is it in every thread?

>> No.500706


Its just a little claim to fame

If it helps adoption with the coin might as well mention it

>> No.500707

claim to fame of what?? wasnt amDoge the guy that kept the dogecoin threads on /g/ when the old ones reached bump limit?

>> No.500709

yea amDoge is a dude. I'm not sure why people keep referring to him as "she" just because he likes to dress in womens clothes

>> No.500801
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>he likes to dress in womens clothes

>> No.500809
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sweet sweet lies

>> No.500830


Is this true or some kind of rusemanship

>> No.500883


>> No.500899

It really doesnt

>> No.501207

>tfw bought only 1mil pnd at 5 satoshi
>tfw it's now twice the price

Should've bought more ;_;

>> No.501237

Alright, so, can someone explain to me this auxpow thing doge coin has now?

As I understand it supposedly I could mine another scrypt coin (like say PND or LTC) and receive doge as well.

However, solo mining is not really a good idea at this point; are there any pools doing this right now? Or have I just seriously misunderstood this?

>> No.501242

PND transitioned to a pure PoS coin. It can't actually be mined.

>> No.501363

i think doge pools mine ltc for you also, just put in your ltc address

>> No.501592

Auxpow basically means you can mine LTC and DOGE at the same time and get rewards for both with the same hashrate.

The multipool switches between a number of coins and mines the most profitable one, then auto exchanges it for either PND or DOGE which gets deposited directly into your address.


Solo mining in general has been dead for a while.

>> No.501606


>Buy my virtual shekels goy!!!

>I'm a grill btw :3

>> No.501662

you couldve mined them for 100 days if you knew any better :3

>> No.501748

>yfw reddit killed DOGE


Shibes are gonna be pissed. So glad I bet on PND.

>> No.501754

>tying share price to coin price
genius /sarcasm

>> No.501855

amDOGE is a girl and her pics were posted in the last thread.

>> No.501910

will you guys stop harassing her and posting her private pics out on the public domain. ffs

>> No.501969

She hasn't said anything herself. Stop white knighting.

>> No.502051

nope, she's too busy silently cashing out billions of her PND

>> No.502057

is the price going to skyrocket when MintPal goes back online or will it plummet?

>> No.502059

If your a trannie selling pandacoupons to the chinese theres going to be people talking about it

>> No.502152

Why would it even matter?
You're not investing in the coin
Why would you care if other people do?
The only reason you'd come into this thread and start talking shit would be fudding

>> No.502157

I have some PND I just don't like tranny talk clogging up actual discussion. If you want to talk about gay rights go somewhere else.

You know what they say about assuming.

>> No.502170


>> No.502183

I have 31.500 DOGE
should i buy pnd with DOGE?

>> No.502185

sounds good, be sure to rebuy some doge later tho it might do good in the future

>> No.502193

I'll buy pnd for 20k doge and keep 10k.
any good trading website for this?

>> No.502200

looking for best deal is part of crypto fun, try swisscex now or wait for mintpal to be online

>> No.502498


>> No.502504

greed is killing the E-coins, the whole ideal of a universal currency in Bitcoin is getting choked with dozens of worthless hype mints.

>> No.502513

>the whole ideal of a universal currency in Bitcoin

>worthless hype mints
Many alt coins have serious improvements over Bitcoin. The only thing Bitcoin really has going for it is first mover advantage.

>> No.502514
File: 45 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alt coins aren't killing crypto.
Bitcoin is dying on its own. It just has too many flaws.
Alt coins are like the heirs of a dying rich dad fighting over who gets to keep the house, the four cars and the beach house.
In crypto you bet on who's going to win.
And we're going to win.

>> No.502517


The one that wins is the one people can practically use for the purpose envisioned, those who are just hype and bits are worth exactly 0.

Have fun in your pyramid scheme.

>> No.502540

We will be the one people can use for the purposes envisioned ;)

>> No.502560
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Pandacoin is the most ridiculous of all of them, banking on the chinese totalitarian government that has its national currency on total lockdown not cracking down on this thing if it shows any signs of success is wishful thinking at best. For those at the top of the pyramid it is a straight up criminal enterprise, why e-coins have to be regional is frankly just another brainfart squeezed out to cash in on gullables such as yourself.


>> No.502563

>I don't actually know what PND is about
>muh single global currency
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8

>> No.502566


>betting on air

>> No.502567

It's not regional. PND also does not hinge it's success on acceptance in China.

You're a silly puppy.

>> No.502568

>no different from betting on bitcoin

>> No.502600

>why didnt i mine bitcoin since 2008 and wont have to work for the rest of my life
stay mad

>> No.502721

Don't let the shills slide this off the front page. amDOGE wouldn't.

>> No.502773

Bump for PND.

>> No.502783
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does anyone have any PND related content?
i'll dump what I have

>> No.502791
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>> No.502824
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>> No.502980

Just bought £200 worth of PND

How do people see the coin progressing in the next few weeks?

Incidentally how do people see BTC progressing in the next few weeks?

>> No.502990

coinmarketcap.com for instance.

>> No.503004

so, im using the panda miner, it says blocks have been accepted but i dont see anything going into my wallet. do i juts need a more powerful computer?

>> No.503011

It takes time for you to see the PND appearing in your wallet. 4 hours or so. 9 hours if this is your first time mining on the multipool.

Just relax and enjoy, and your PND will show up soon :)

>> No.503015

wow, that long?! so just to be clear, every time i see something accepted, i've got more PND?

>> No.503022


9 hours the first time and then every 4 hours

This was actually a benefit when I used to mine as it means instead of having hundreds of 10 PND transactions going in I only had a few transactions worth much more

It also means that you know exactly when PND is going in- if you havnt had a payment for 4 and a half hours you know something is wrong right away

>> No.503035

so i've got a nice chunk to look forward to. i was mining LTCD earlier with an amd 7800 and only managed to get 1.7 over two days. will i see better results?

>> No.503047

and is there a reward for every accepted block, or just some of them?

>> No.503049

You should read up on pooled mining on google.

>> No.503055

cool, thanks for the tip.

>> No.503189

why is bitcoin ded? Should i sell now /biz/ pls

>> No.503190


>Naming it Panda
>Largest growing market in the world

Sure, if you say it enough times it becomes true (in your mind).


I can buy breakfast, lunch, coffee,a car, and dinner with bitcoins.


>why didn't i buy gold in 2007
>why didn't i buy apple shares in 2004
>why didn't i buy Microsoft shares in 95
>etc. etc.

>> No.503197

hope yo bought a lot of your useful bitcoins at 1200 dollars.
you can do whatever you want, pandacoin will be huge, dont believe it, fine, leave the topic.

>> No.503199


It is my civic duty to warn as many as possible of this pyramid scheme

>> No.503203


I'm willing to send 250k PND for anyone who posts said pics.

Remember to include your wallet address.

>> No.503205


>> No.503217
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>> No.503253

lol stop being such a sore loser and join our irc to get some free PND, you really must have no life to post in threads of coins you dont like, i hate many coins and would never do that.

>> No.503260


Yeah always do pool mining unless you have a insane computer

If you use pandaminer you will get a reward every 4 hours (it automatically puts you in a a pool)

>> No.503318

Idk what this is but I just bought 94000 PND for £20 for a laugh. How much will I make in a month?

>> No.503320

nothing, you should of kept your bitcoin.

>> No.503322

A gorrilion.

>> No.503326

I don't have any bitcoins. I just spent 20 Great British Pounds on it as my first ever cryptocurrency to see how it worked etc.

>> No.503331

you mean 940k right?

>> No.503335

944k yes. Sorry.

>> No.503338

Congrats :)

As for how much you'll make, you might double your investment, you might multiply your investment by 10 or 100, or your investment might get cut in half, or into tenths. You never REALLY know.

One thing you can be sure of is that the developers and community members will stick by it, and will continue to make Pandacoin better. This will usually result in an ever growing community, an ever rising market cap, and a good long term investment.

My advice? Don't get scared by short term drops. People make more money off of panic sellers than anyone else. Just hold, and get involved in the community, and see how you get along :)

>> No.503344

good deal, welcome aboard

>> No.503353


I only put £20 into it. All you people acting like that's a lot of money have clearly never been part of a big movement. You're all victims of s pyramid scheme as people have said already.

Oh well, I'll join you in that pyramid scheme. I won't be angry at losing £20, but my cash out rate is £220 unless that happens quickly.

>> No.503361

we just respect small players

>> No.503363

Oh I see. Sorry for taking it a different way.


>> No.503371

Just bought 100M on buypnd holding till 50+ satoshi.

See ya guys in a month.

>> No.503378

I have 10BTC and considering altcoins. Is PND a safe investment?

I want to buy in with at least 8 BTC worth.

>> No.503382

It's grown by about 800% in the last couple of months and the devs are working their tails off.

That said, you shouldn't accept random advice.

Read up on what PND is doing, and decide for yourself if you like it.

Check out the BCT original post and the home page:



>> No.503387

If 8 BTC isn't a lot for you then why not. 8 BTC is a boatload for me so I would be careful where I invest it. PND has been rising for the past few weeks, but who knows if the trend will continue.

Yes, devs are based and actually deliver, which is more than can be said about 95% of other cryptos.

>> No.503409

PND is losing on 24 hr trades with obvious price slumps at certain time periods.
I think with 8btc you might as well 4btc day trade it if you're gonna do it at all, while holding 4 btc worth.

>> No.503415

>holding 4 btc worth
I wouldn't hold any amount of BTC right now. Its been dropping for months now.

>> No.503417


She said it wasn't her.. ;_;

Got any proofs?

>> No.503423

Holding 4 btc worth of PND...

>> No.503432

PND isn't losing anything. Mintpal is down and therefore 90% of our volume is currently frozen.

>> No.503440

Projected USD:PND by next week?

>> No.503480

Why do people ask that.

Let me get out my fucking crystal ball...

>> No.503510

Been following PND since before its inception. If you would have told me, back in February, it would hit over $1,000,000 in market cap I would have laughed at you. Keep up the work, devs!

>> No.503529

to sell out

>> No.503624

I would make some more gifs but PND doesn't tip well anymore compared to doge

>> No.503631

Mods permaban people for posting address

>> No.503642

This is wrong.

>> No.503643

maybe I'm spoiled from the early days when it was a fun coin.

>> No.503660

these fuds don't stop

>> No.503669

praying for a dump

>> No.503796

people badtalk a coin just for 2 reasons: or they support some crapcoin and are afraid of the competition, although obviously nothing can come even close with competing with PND.
Or because they missed the train and want to get in lower, which is also not going to happen.
So just let the babies try, ignore the trolls, don't feed them

>> No.503812


How do I buy this shit via a credit card? Or how do I buy bitshekels with credit card? I seen a link to some website a week ago but I forget what it was.

>> No.503814


Use credit card/paypal

>> No.503838

I'm guessing most Fudbabies never participate in trading at all and get upset when coins go up because they thought they could predict the bottom. It's all sour grapes from then on because they fail each time the coin cycles.

>> No.503860


Thanks. What happens if I buy them before my wallet syncs? I'm a newfag to crypto currencies.

>> No.503861

>What happens if I buy them before my wallet syncs?
nothing bad will happen, you'll just have to wait untill it syncs to see it in your wallet

>> No.503865


Okay, thanks.

>> No.503871


This guy is right>>503382 your own research is king

You never know if something will work but the PND devs are very good and the coin itself is the best ive ever worked with

If you want to invest in an altcoin I think youd struggle to find one more likely to succeed long term than PND

>> No.503936

So gentlemen, shall we discus why this alt coin has potential?

I keep hearing its going to be huge, but why? I spent 25 canadian shekels on them. It isn't that much of a loss if nothing good comes out of them.

>> No.503954

PND is just growing in the right direction. I cant tell you how it will be better, but once there is a way to make it better, devs will deliver.

>> No.504174

so mintpal went mt.gox? bttalk thinks the selloff in btc is caused by moolah, they are selling everything mintpal was holding and that's why those "delays" happened

there will be no more mintpal, i hope you had nothing left there

mintpal v2? more like mt.gox v2

>> No.504181

>i hope you had nothing left there
I had 3000 PND's there, lel

>> No.504182

wow this must be the worst attempt at fud ever :P

>> No.504222

mintpal is down for over two days now

go figure

>> No.504224


Really great devs

Really great community

Really well put-together coin that is perfect for the niche it aims to fill (mass market coin usable by all)

Pretty nice design and good futureproofing due to the massive amount of coins available preventing stupidly high prices that are difficult to trade with and an interest system that rewards people who invest heavily

The big factors for me are the design of the coin(inc. GUI) and the competence of the devs- PND`s pandabank is the best ive ever seen and the devs seem to be totally on top of everything

I honestly really like the coin but as a disclaimer before people call me a shill- DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH BEFORE YOU BUY THE COIN

>> No.504229

Mined 300K PND back in the day. When do I dump this bucketload of shit?

>> No.504236
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>thinks he's gonna make money
>thinks 30k is a lot
>thinks its shit

>> No.504240

Now is the time. Dump that huge amount.

>> No.504426

fuck you mintpal, you owe me 200k pnd and 90 xc

>> No.504553

>buy 25 dollars worth of PND
>wallet stops working 2 days later

This is just great... Reminds me of the time my password database vanished 12 hours after I created and populated it...

Its always after I put something valuable into something that it decides to fuck up.

It says Error loading blkindex.dat

What should I do? Copypasta wallet.dat and reinstall it? Will that save my coins?

>> No.504556

As long as you backup your wallet.dat your coins are safe.

Did you download Pandabank or are you running an old wallet?

>> No.504557


Panda bank.

I made 2 backups of my wallet.dat just to be safe.

I reinstalled it and copy and pasted my wallet.dat in there and hopefully it will retain my pandarian shekels

>> No.504562


how much to see her penis?

>> No.504563

it happened to me before
it'll still be there 100%
but it'll take time to load the chain completely

>> No.504790


>> No.504807


Pandabank is secure- your coins will be safe

Make sure you are installing the right version- the windows version wont work in linux and vice versa

>> No.504811

I bought 25k USD of PND.
That's my whole retirement fund.

Hope it goes well.

>> No.504814

i hope you didn't buy on mintpal.

>> No.504815

Only an idiot would keep any significant amount of coins on an exchange. That being said it's taking way too long. Day fucking 4 and still nothing.

>> No.504830

Where's the cheapest price for pnd now?
buypnd.com is expensive.

>> No.504847


6 million PND

>> No.504891

this is not amDOGE, is it?

>> No.504938

Theres no crypto general right now, so Ill just ask here: What the fuck is up with BitSwift on Bittrex? You'll know what Im talking about when you see it. It must be a glitch.

>> No.505055

PND is down right now. Reaction to the current Mintpal fiasco?

>> No.505058

PND is not down. PND/BTC conversion has remained constant. BTC, however, is down.

We'll see what happens when Mintpal comes up today.

>> No.505185
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>> No.505188

PND/BTC being constant and BTC/USD being down means PND is down (unless you're using BTC as your unit of account). That said, PND hasn't really had a chance to react to the changing prices in BTC because of the mintpal fiasco.

>> No.505191


>> No.505240


so you bought 724,637,681.16 PND?

calling bullshit.

>> No.505288
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> believing this for a single moment

8,000 users fucked so far. untold hell yet to explore. this has been a Veri long time coming.

>> No.505295
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>> No.505701

Just took out a $100,000 home equity loan to dump it all into BTC and other coins.

How much should I dump into PND?

>> No.505705

All of it, duh.

>> No.505707

My wife would kill me if she finds out but I need a safe bet.

90% BTC, 10% PND?

>> No.505710

Whatever suits you. If you're for real, check out their website and IRC channel first.

>> No.505879


>> No.505894

There are so much good coins around, don't put 10 % into PND.
More like 1 %.

>> No.505931

there really arent, maybe 3-4 good coins with a future

>> No.505966

how about invest 50% and wait
if all goes well get your capital back and play with the rest
if btc goes even lower then arent you glad that you didnt go all in

>> No.505993


Not sure if this is serious but all coins are a risk

Long term- PND and BTC are best bets I would say

But short term BTC is falling to pieces and you will lose maybe 20% of whatever you put in before the price rises again

PND IS the best coin out there as far as I can see but there is no guarantee it will actually take off

Also ripple seems to be doing well but crypto purests dont like it so that may damage it further along the line

I`d say put most in PND but first and foremost do your own research and see what YOU believe is the most likely to succeed - if you listen to some guys on the internet and end up losing money youll never forgive yorself

>> No.505995


Dont listen ot this guy - basically all coins will die within the next few months-years

Only 2-3 genuine cryptos will be around a few years from now

>> No.506015
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>mintpal, mt gox
>transaction malleability
>problem with missing accounts

>> No.506113

If you're serious about it, read the pandacoin BCT original post, check out the Homepage, and read some of the Crypto Crash Course.

This will give you some idea of what PND has done, what PND is doing, and what PND is going to do.


>> No.506116

Real talk: you should not be putting your life savings into any cryptocurrency (just on the off chance someone is actually considering that)

>> No.506163

yesterday i bought 4m pnd for about £60

now 4m pnd is £111

lmao people said this was a failed investment

>> No.506170
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>tfw I forgot to take my 17m pnd out of mintpal
Are the people saying mt.gox 2 over exaggerating or is that actually the most likely scenario

>> No.506171
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>> No.506189

Reading usually helps.

>> No.506190
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be sure to HODL&STAKE

>> No.506196

idk what that is, i just bought them for a laugh

>> No.506200

Not at all in this case. They havent followed through once

>> No.506201


1 Pnd = £0.00003

Will it ever be...

1 Pnd = £0.3


>> No.506202

people seriously buy some they are going up in price and dont sell them keep them and keep buyind put 100 USD into it just now

>> No.506203

made double money already today sooo dam awesum seriously people its the new bit coin invest before its too late

>> No.506228
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>1 Pnd = £0.3
dude there are tens of billions of the fuckers. NO chance.

>> No.506238

if everyone buys a bit they will rocket

>> No.506242

0.3 USD/PND probably isn't realistic. 0.1 USD/PND isn't beyond the realm of reality though.

>> No.506243

maybe in 3-5 years when USD goes to shit

>> No.506247

Big money won't let that happen

>> No.506248

>late 2015/16
>BTC settles at $450 for several months
>BTC/PND hits 0.001

How much will you be quids in, lads?

For me, I invested £25, it'd leave me with £563k.
>2252000% return

>> No.506249

No, it only has to approach the current BTC market cap to reach that level.

>> No.506250

at this point it sounds unrealistic, but wasnt that the same what people thought 4 years ago about btc? it all depends on the devs and the community.
create uses for PND, promote it to everyone you know and who knows!

>> No.506251
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>> No.506252

big money dont care about currencies, they own everything else. poor getting poorer, oh well more slaves for them.

>> No.506438

He means hold and stake. Staking just means having them in your wallet and leaving the wallet open. It gives you more coins.

>> No.506443


Id also recommend you visit the IRC

The devs sometimes go on there and the general knowlege of users is very good

>> No.506444


Theres a chance

But the point of PND was that it would be usable so it was designed so that an individual coin wouldnt be worth that much

For example a small purchase in btc might be 0.0000657- this is a hard number to deal with

Because PND is designed to have less value as individual coins the same transaction might be an even 10 PND- much easier to deal with

Some people think it could hit 10 cents though and that would be enough to make anyone who gets in now a millionaire anyway so anything more than is just greedy

>> No.506460

i updated the wallet to 1.2, should I delete the blockchain or is it usable as such? (seems OK, but don't send my coins into oblivion)

>> No.506658


Just backup your wallet.dat

>> No.507040

Guys I just heard on IRC that amDOGE isn't posting in these threads because people keep posting her pictures.

>> No.507056
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>Some people think it could hit 10 cents
some people know it will

>> No.507189

Anybody knows how does it go about receiving payments in PND in Germany?

I´m leeching off the state while my business starts generating proper benefits and I have to earn a minimum of 120 € a month in order to get the help money. I´ve seen bitcoin is accepted, but I have no idea how it would work with PND.

Any information helps

>> No.507203

As far as the legal issues are concerned, I don't know whether Germany treats all cryptos as having taxable value, or just bitcoins. If it is just bitcoins, technically PND wouldn't count as earned income, although you probably COULD report your PND earned in its BTC value and pay taxes on it anyway (I'm sure they wouldnt mind).

That said, I don't know enough. Seek legal council!

>> No.507231

when you sell crypto for fiat thats your income and since you are their slave and free lottery ticket, you owe them income tax.

>> No.507271

Guys I've pretty much doubled my investment since buying my PND 3 days ago, how do I sell my PND?

200% ROI

Sorry for noob.

>> No.507275

You sell it for BTC on an exchange, then exchange BTC for fiat.

>> No.507291
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>not hundredfolded revenue thorugh single digit LTC value days
Sorry noob

>> No.507368

Is Mintpal usable now?

>> No.507374

Am I correct that best way to buy PND is to buy BTC (where?) and then convert it to PND (where?) ?

>> No.507378

>to buy BTC (where?)
>convert it to PND (where?)
Any of the exchanges listed on their homepage, ideally where you find the right price and volume.

>> No.507415

best as in most easy? buypnd.com

>> No.507424

This. buypnd is run by a community leader, it's very reliable and you'll have your pnd quickly. If you have any questions you can join the IRC everybody would be willing to help out.

>> No.507428


I abandoned cryptocurrency back when I decided to invest in Vertcoin instead of Darkcoin, still made a profit but a marginal one compared to the possibilities I had with Darkcoin.

How do I get back to business?

>> No.507429

also look at the fucking buy volume on bittrex
>not adding us cause not enough volume

>> No.507430

you could also trade in exchanges if that's more your thing
mintpal is having a trading free period so no fee

>> No.507501

38 BTC 10 satoshi wall, rejoice pandas!

>> No.507514

The Android app stopped some days ago to show the conversion rates. I´ve tried resetting the block chain, but still nothing.

It just says "Could not load exchange rates".

What do?

>> No.507517

I think the app relied on mintpal which changed their API after their v2 fiasco.
But bittrex is the new home of PND anyway.

You have to wait for an update. Or use coinfinance.com like me

>> No.507524
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Mfw check hasn't arrived yet
Mfw waiting to buy more pnd

>> No.507529
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>mfw family and friends still don't want pandas

>> No.507532

What the weed is going on here? The coin is dead like 6 months for now but you still talk about it? What the hell?

>> No.507534

Buy buy buy

>> No.507535

24 on CMC, from 1 sat to 11 sat in a couple of weeks. yes very dead.

>> No.507536
File: 306 KB, 610x340, Futurama-Leela-Bender-Purpleberry-Pond-Saturday-Morning-Fun-Pit-610x340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy buy buy

>> No.507539


Are you retarded?

>> No.507541
File: 9 KB, 432x134, VOLUME_YOU_RETARDIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... I don't know what to say...

>> No.507544
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No need to say anything.

>> No.507547

learn how to FUD loser

>> No.507548

>10 BTC day volume
So? Is it a lot for you or what? It's 3.5k$

>> No.507549

So? It's 3.5k away from dead.

>> No.507552

Buy buy buy

>> No.507553
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>> No.507556

Get out.

>> No.507558
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OK you butthurted whatever wasn't the goal.

>> No.507559
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>$1.2 million market cap
>"coin is dead"


>> No.507561
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>> No.507562
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>doesn't know how market cap is being calculated
Yes, you're at orange level.

>> No.507563

PND will overtake Doge soon. Mark my words.

>> No.507624

Is there anyone in these threads that's human?

>> No.507646

what crypto do you support?

>> No.507649

tfw wallet is out of sync and requires 32 weeks to sync with the network


>> No.507682

you mean download blocks from last 32 weeks?

>> No.507686
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i dont know. it was a while ago

>> No.507709

you might want to download latest wallet version

>> No.507725

Get the newest version.

>> No.507750

How many PND does everyone have as of now?

5m here.

>> No.507769


>tfw only 22 million

>> No.507773


Bought 100m for uber cheap around sub 5 lit days thinking ill flip it for 100% profit if it ever gets pumped.

Then POS happened.

Then the dev team exploded and amDOGE got hold of professionals that changed PND

Then August 30th happened

Then 4400% profits were had by holding. So glad I didnt flip it for 100% profit.

Still holding and staking since POS happened

>> No.507779


In envy you sir

>> No.507805


how much did it cost

>> No.507807

>tfw only 2 million

I wanted to buy more, but was mega busy at work for like a week. By the time I got round to it, the price had nearly doubled.

I guess I'm waiting for it to decrease a bit so I can grab a few more. Either that or I sell the ounce of silver I have, and buy like 11 million this week before it reaches 20 satoshi on or around October 21st.

>> No.507808
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If my meth is correct 2btc

>> No.507825

once the rise stops there might be a whale going out, be sure to catch some of his PND
no idea where the peak will be tho

>> No.507845

I have around 1 million PND from around the time it was launched. Is it worth anything (i.e. both relative to current coin supply and to bitcoin/USD)? Should I hold out on it? How do I earn interest? How alive is PND today?

>> No.507846

>no idea where the peak will be tho
clearly at 1PND = $1

>> No.507855
File: 37 KB, 519x347, nagasaki-1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very alive
PND is like the Nagasaki Arch
>while crypto is getting fucked left and right
>PND survives

>> No.507857

i mean local peak, you know, the one after which people will dump and cry when we reach 1$ kek

>> No.507858


Hard to tell with the massive buy pressure on Bittrex.

Anything goes also if the devs releases new things in the coming weeks unannounced.

>> No.507866

Nice, thanks.
Also, what's this "august 30th" business I keep hearing about?

>> No.507868


1 million is worth about $40. PND is alive because of awesome dev team. Earn interest by downloading pandabank and staking. Yes, hold on to it.

>> No.507869


Aug 30th was when a slew of developments were released. ie pandabank, buypnd.com, etc. price shot up substantially at that point, then tapered for a bit

>> No.507870

So I take it interest isn't retroactive, then.
Is there any place I can read about this stacking thing?
139 days left to sync! hype!

>> No.507873

What IS pandabank anyway?

>> No.507874

No. It's an active process.
>where can I read about this

>> No.507875


No it is not retroactive, your wallet must be open.

Read about staking here: http://pandacoinpnd.org/2-5-annual-interest-staking-faq/

if your wallet is f'd up, backup wallet.dat, download pandabank, import wallet.

>> No.507878


Pandabank is a wallet geared more to look like a typical banking interface easier for the masses to use as their already accustomed to such things.

>> No.507881

Wallet seems to be fine, the transaction log is correct and my balance looks normal. We'll see once it's done syncing I suppose.

Oh I see.

>> No.507882
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pic related

>> No.507884

why dont you just visit our website faggot

>> No.507893

Because of the pand, pnd, panda, etc. attempt to fuck with wolong, I don't want to reach a site for another panda coin. The logo changed completely so it's hard to tell whether or not it's the same coin at a glance.

>> No.507899




>> No.507910

sigh you know the devs gave so much effort to create an appealing website and writing down all the info you need and people just don't give a fuck.


>> No.507960

and there are more developments to come
hype as fuck