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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49967302 No.49967302 [Reply] [Original]

What is a realistic salary for jannies? They're out here each and every day and night, making sure the posts on this board are on topic and we can have healthy and productive discussions about business and finance. However, in return, they are not compensated for their hard and very needed work, which is grossly unfair and downright unethical. So what should the realistic salary be for the jannies, and how do we make sure they get compensation and support they need?

>> No.49967322

I think because of rampant inflation, their pay should be doubled from it's current rate.

>> No.49967333

They do it for the power, not the money

>> No.49967335

great idea, maybe we also give them a christmas bonus valued at 20% of their salary

>> No.49967341
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>Value proposition

>> No.49967355

for blocking niggers I would give them 10% raise.

>> No.49967369
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>> No.49967376


>> No.49967385

>So called "bullshit jobs" generally pay somewhere between 2x to 4x what a "real job" does

>> No.49967394


sorry lad that was a lot more than 3 words, next time try "real jobs suck"

>> No.49967403

bullshit jobs are the first to go in a recession

>> No.49967410

$0 and 0/100 dollars per hour, and not a penny more.

>> No.49967417
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>mentally ill
If this describes (You) then I look forward to your inevitable suicide

>> No.49967453

I guess that's a pretty succinct way of putting it.

Recessions don't occur the majority of the time in an economic cycle. Assuming the majority of economic "time" is spent in steady growth or even boom time, you're financially better off having a bullshit skill even if it means you'll be unemployed for a year or two in a decade vs having a real job that pays peanuts and could be done by monkeys but is there all the time.

>> No.49967464

0 dollars, final offer.

>> No.49967481

It's just boomers seething that 'young people' are 'lazy and making money without working'.

>> No.49967520

They have very little power though, as is explained in the application the janitor level performs straightforward functions with very little discretion. This is a good thing really, I've seen so many forums get out of control incredibly quickly when you have mods with a lot of power. A lot of people can't handle even the tiniest bit of power without abusing it.

As it is I feel like 4chan jannies themselves are an exploited group. Apparently they get tons of applications and get to choose whoever they want. So you have people giving their time to do this and receiving nothing in return.

>> No.49967541

I honestly can't tell if that's real or not.

>> No.49967633

Those are men.

>> No.49967669

They're clearly women idiot.

>> No.49967690

Jannies don't do it for money

They do it for the sexual gratification that comes from deleting a wrong-think post

>> No.49967708
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Jannies belong in bodybags
There is no more of a pathetic creature than a janny and im taking failed troons in consideration

>> No.49967806
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>> No.49968042

I would be a janny for free but I am way too much of a loose cannon so why bother applying just to be a rulecuck

>> No.49968668

>le ukraine BAD thread deleted
>le communist spammer in every thread still here

Does it hurt having to opposing ideas in your head at the same time janny?

>> No.49968694

It should be MAGNITUDES higher than what it already is. One-hundred fold their current salary wouldn't even do it justice. I propose multiplying their salary by one-million times! It's just not good enough right now.

>> No.49968704

>What is a realistic salary for jannies

$0 and 00000000000000000000000 cents

>> No.49968709
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pretty sure they do it only to get early access to all the cunny threads.

>> No.49968757


>> No.49970814

Reddit is a far left SJW cesspool

>> No.49970848

Yeah and double pay for any overtime they work

>> No.49971147

4chan is only capable of losing money , so all the “work” that mods and jannies do is just preventing something catastrophic like an entire board being spammed with CP or another fappening leak

>> No.49971313

$900 a month

>> No.49971339


>> No.49971540

Bro, my job is pretty good.

>> No.49971729

>What is a realistic salary for jannies?
For shit like Facebook, there are actual paid jannies that go through and remove all the CP and gore that people report, I don't remember how much they're paid but probably not a lot because they were foreign labor. For a forum like our site or Reddit, having paid moderation is laughable.

>> No.49971787

>having paid moderation is laughable.
They dont even work.

>> No.49972174

>events that used to occur sitewide regularly

>> No.49972279

Two of those reduce to "I code programs", the last one reduces to "I observe numbers." These are bullshit people fluffing themselves.

>> No.49973687



>> No.49973794
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They should be paid in negative amounts, with no limit, like a bidding system. Highest bidder gets to be mod. If they're willing to do it for free, they're willing to pay to do it too.

>> No.49973816

They should pay for moderating platforms >>49973794 they're powertripping addicted faggots after all.