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49965945 No.49965945 [Reply] [Original]

Yea… i think it over.

>> No.49965967

Imagine being surpassed by a communist country with a free market because you like the symbols of liberty more than liberty itself.

>> No.49965977

that's... true.

>> No.49966002
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>> No.49966010

living in the US, it already feels like im dead. no community, strained family relationships, no gf (everyone is fat and ugly anyway). no reason to live, much less do any work

>> No.49966021

India sers...

>> No.49966028

You would be miserable wherever you live, the problem is yourself and everything you said is an excuse for that.

>> No.49966030

How the fuck am I supposed to invest in China though, imaginary stock market, they will just steal all my money

>> No.49966036 [DELETED] 

> if somebody wants to live in China, he must work
That's how you make a society nigger and kike proof, I have listened to many Hitler speeches, this is a thing he talks about again and again.

>> No.49966044

US is lost cause, save your soul.

He is right, Cope.

>> No.49966059

He's a loser who won't take responsibility for himself.

>> No.49966063

Most of those projections rely on China's growth remaining as solid as it was in the past and not stagnating. They're bullshit. China has a demographic crisis.

>> No.49966064

>Send all production to China and profit off the slave labor
>Enrich China to insane levels
>China takes over and owns the world
>"Dayum maybe Trump wasn't wrong with his protectionism after all lol"
>Chops off dick to appease angry feminist ovelord and takes a shot of heroin in a Michigan wasteland

>> No.49966105

people forget that the nazis also targeted the unemployed

>> No.49966111

I guess this projection was done pre-covid, and does not include the current initiative to move out of China, especially after their support of Russia and the shortages. Also, this prediction does not conceive a Taiwan invasion and the damage to China's economy. Also, SUPERPOWER 2020 GOOD MORNING SIRS

>> No.49966139

it is even worse if you adjust by purchasing power. china is completely burying us in every metric and instead of fixing the problem our elites are tripling down on their debauchery and frantically trying to debase everyone morally to make us too unsavory to conquer. they are completely resigned to turning us into saudi arabia 2.0 as long as they are the parasites on top.

>> No.49966143

Power always shift to new sides, that's benn the case since the beginning of civilization

>> No.49966160


You will die alone sad hated and in pain just like you deserve and want masochistic self loathing self hating insecure submissive compliant obedient boomer wannabe 4chan parasite

>> No.49966165


>> No.49966179
File: 35 KB, 800x702, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany is the only european country with a relevant economy in 2050. Eurobros how fucked are we?

>> No.49966196

> muh individualism
Kys lolbertard, modern US is the final form of lolbertism. People evolved in tribes, they like cohesive community and society. US never had any of those things.

Nothing will happen, nothing will change, America will keep rotting to the core and you can do nothing about it. Stop giving a fuck as if it matters.

>> No.49966212

Eurobros are terminal, as for muh Germany it's economy is already over thanks to chip and petroleum shortage.

>> No.49966217
File: 68 KB, 1222x453, true gdp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is adujsted to PPP. USA has still largest economy in unadjusted GDP.
Whats the problem with China having larger economy? It has 4 times larger population than USA. Call me when have higher GDP per capita

>> No.49966224

Nice propaganda video. Chinks should show their slavery work camps and their average wagecuck daily life.

Hint: It's WAY WAY worse than anything in EU/USA

>> No.49966227

what soul did the USA have?
their identity is predicated on individualism.
this is their fundamental weakness.
> state does something bad
> people 'protest'
> nobody acts collectively to ensure the greater good
things go to shit
to slowly go to shit in a dystopian, lonely, wealth obsessed nightmare *is* the usa

>> No.49966232

>fakes GDP
>ghost cities
>bridges falling apart
>le cheap country with slaves and ore ressources

just look at ukraine all these communist states are the biggest pretenders
Im typing this while hearing "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen

>> No.49966253

Lmao, ok, wait for big daddy government. See how that works out, retard.

>> No.49966256 [DELETED] 

china is not communist
They will never be communist in their current incarnation.

>> No.49966275

That’s the sad thing. They’re not on top. Ccp hate traitors more than they hate their adversary. Americans realize the politicians, esp democrats, are fucked up.

>> No.49966283

So we can ship all the liberals over there?

>> No.49966294

You burgers are mentally still living in 90s.

>> No.49966299

>If somebody wants to live in China, he must work
Then why would somebody want to live in China?

>> No.49966382

Funny how the retards making these predictions keep expected India to finally grow China style but it never happens for the same reason that Africa won't become developed.

>> No.49966486

>modern US is the final form of lolbertism
Keep living under a rock while ching chongs slaps you ass on a daily basis.

>> No.49966513

>muh projected numbers
You think the US will just roll over and let the chinks take over? You think covid was a joke? Ukraine is just for funsies? The military ops being run on Taiwan right now are a nothingburger?

>> No.49966518


>> No.49966667

>no kids playing
Wow it's almost like China I'd a dying nation who murdered a billion girls in the womb and even if a man found a woman he couldn't keep her because he doesn't own a family home. Lmao, lol even. Fuck chinks.

>> No.49966681

A wonderful summary of the current situation.

>> No.49966724

>chip and petroleum shortage

I know about the chip issues, but could you please elaborate on where in Germany petroleum is not available anymore?

>> No.49966825


>> No.49966864

kek, bug society full of worker bees, no thanks.

>> No.49966909

>a communist country
pick one

>> No.49967019
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>> No.49967050

germany and the netherlands will be fine. The rest will be fugged.

>> No.49967096

The Netherlands is irrelevant now, what is going to be different in 2050?

>> No.49967147

global super power 2050 sirs

>> No.49967160

>4x the population
>not already the biggest economy

>> No.49967201
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Always be skeptical of pushed narratives. Always look at the numbers.

>> No.49967205

It is the case, they went from being a poor country to a top 5 world power in a few years.

You underestimate India as you underestimated China in the 1950s. Today here is the result

>> No.49967254

It's available but at very expensive rates, this fucks up the the German chemical and Automobile industries, Russia is about to turn of Nordstream 1 btw.

>> No.49967263

>top 5 world power
By which metric is India a top 5 world power?

Also, it was not an underestimation to judge China as poor in the 1950s, it was correct. Predictions don't last forevermore retard, China only really got going in the 90s-00s. That's 40-50 years from the 1950s. If India becomes a superpower by 2070, I'm not wrong for mocking it now in 2022. If anything, India is behind their own schedule right now.

>> No.49967278

you stupid mutt fucker
listen to the lyrics of "Born in the USA" you utter fool.
I've removed the chorus for brevity.

> Born down in a dead man's town
> And the first kick I took was when I hit the ground
> You end up like a dog that's been beat too much
> 'Til you spend half your life just to cover up

> Got in a little hometown jam
> So they put a rifle in my hand
> Sent me off to a foreign land
> To go and kill the yellow man

> Come back home to the refinery
> Hiring man says, "Son, if it was up to me"
> I go down to see the V.A. man
> He said, "Son, don't you understand?"
> Had a brother at Khe Sahn
> Fighting off the Viet Cong
> They're still there, he's all gone
> He had a little girl in Saigon
> I got a picture of him in her arms
> Down in the shadow of the penitentiary
> Out by the gas fires of the refinery
> I'm ten years burning down the road
> I've got nowhere to run and nowhere to go

Couple of choice lines:
> You end up like a dog that's been beat too much
> I've got nowhere to run and nowhere to go

Imagine this being your favorite song because "patriotism" but you haven't been educated enough to listen to it a single time.

>> No.49967935

And foreigners can’t stop obsessing over us which is why you’re here telling Americans your opinions about America on an American website hosted in America.

>> No.49967962

>top 5 world power
>can’t even handle Pakistan

>> No.49968211

These are bugs. Look at their heads

>> No.49968230

Why resort to war what can be handled through diplomacy?
Pak is literally self imploding

>> No.49968259

>reading comprehension

>> No.49968513

do these graphs factor in yield returns, i.e. dividends and coupons?

>> No.49968576

you're fat

>> No.49969075

A little bit, yeah, what's your point?

>> No.49969293
File: 33 KB, 680x591, 1653973851651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>world super power by 2020.
oh no jeet bros...

>> No.49969409

Everybody works because nobody has kids. China has an enormous demographic crisis on their hands. They'll have to start immigrating 10 million third world young adults a year by 2030 to keep up their industrial output, and even if they keep that output, the burden of their aged population will be obscene. Chinese exports won't last much longer.

>> No.49969646

How'd they get this data?? It's like literallynot even 2023 yet?

>> No.49969687

He's not ENTIRELY wrong
There has to be a healthy balance between a productive economy and one that is sustainable.
Working 70 hour weeks is unsustainable and leaves no time or inclination to have children.
Too far the other way and people get fat and lazy and the debt fuelled Ponzi scheme that is the welfare state starts.

>> No.49969736

the netherlands is a major agricultural producer. in the end, we all must eat

>> No.49969738
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>> No.49969739

harry dent said china would never surpass us though and he was right about japan

>> No.49969772
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Defacto cope.

>> No.49969777
File: 54 KB, 725x417, Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-25 um 19.00.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The returns are not even close. Both in the chart are not paying divs.



>> No.49969807

What would happen if a chinese man wrote Born In The PRC?

>> No.49969843

not sure but I'd still call a person who'd listened to it hundreds of times and thought it was saying the opposite of what it was saying a fucking moron.

>> No.49969941

Well damn, Googled that and I had no idea. Given the size of the country I definitely did not expect it to be the second largest exporter of food in the world.

>> No.49969951

By 2030 China will not be run by the CCP. It's unfortunate.

>> No.49970590
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>communist country
if that was remotely true then they wouldn't need suicide nets around the child labor dildo factory

>> No.49971609

You can’t see young people in china cause there are no young people in china

Look at their population pyramid…its not even a pyramid anymore. Its a rhomboid with a tiny base