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49964021 No.49964021 [Reply] [Original]

As in what changes have occurred in the crypto market broadly?

For me it's the following:
Defi is something retail and institutional investors will onboard to, especially with things simplified to an interest rate product. Therefore structured products that offer a high % rate could become a thing.

NFTs are something consumer facing brands such as Nike see value in which is why they did the RTFKT purchase. Also gaming seems like a logical use for ownable in game cosmetics. So mass adoption will most likely occur through consumer goods and gaming, Axies proved this millions onboarded.

For the negatives this is still a hyper scam market and the purpose of NFTs and alts is still to capture new speculative inflows from other investors then store the profits into USD, BTC and ETH.

>> No.49964035

Simply to not ignore macro TA. I saw this coming. I saw the covid crash, may crash, and november crash coming. Not through news. 100% TA. Same fucking signal I kept ignoring over and over again. Never again.

>> No.49964038

Actual female, but probably of questionable age.

>> No.49964064
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Not a word.

>> No.49964066
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>Same fucking signal I kept ignoring over and over again. Never again.

Why though anon, you just got too into bull fomo?

I've started at least trimming positions based on indicators I have. Like if I get a sell but want to stay long I still sell half the position.

It saved me recently, I sold half a long on BTC via options that expires in September in the March pump before this mega nuke. Wish I sold it all of course.

>> No.49964073
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I actually posted the wrong image, I intended to post this fwiw.

>> No.49964082

>Why though anon, you just got too into bull fomo?
Yep. 100% greed. Long story short I ignored it because I kept telling myself "there's just no way in hell this is right. We can't be entering a bear market without a blowoff top first". Lesson learned.

>> No.49964092

>Therefore structured products that offer a high % rate could become a thing.

How do you think they can afford those high % rates? Celsius just pushed in too far. I'm sure it won't be the last until we have good regulation. Giving your money to companies that activity bet and trade against you is asinine.

>NFTs are something consumer facing brands such as Nike see value in

Just a money grab on the latest hype train. NFT in their current iteration are pure retardation.

>gaming seems like a logical use for ownable in game cosmetics

True, but the masses have been brainwashed by mainstream media to hate NFT's so good luck having any good studio adopt the model.

>store the profits into USD, BTC and ETH.

True, but ETH is a premined security token so good luck with the future regulation which will undoubtedly come.

If anyone thinks crypto markets are going to remain unregulated free for alls you're very naïve. If you think regulation will destroy crypto you're just stupid. Masses will not adopt BTC without it.

>> No.49964108


>> No.49964124
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>I kept telling myself "there's just no way in hell this is right. We can't be entering a bear market without a blowoff top first". Lesson learned.

Yeah, I had the same thing in my head "we haven't had a clear blow off top yet"
But we did El Salvador, Elon on SNL, Cumrocket etc.

Well it's good that your TA works well though.

>> No.49964161

It's disgusting that there are some pedos on this forum.

>> No.49964179

Not to buy near the end of the bull run when anyone smart is already taking profits

>> No.49964196
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>How do you think they can afford those high % rates? Celsius just pushed in too far. I'm sure it won't be the last until we have good regulation. Giving your money to companies that activity bet and trade against you is asinine.
Well they couldn't afford them in the end, kek
Structure products are huge in Asia and banks sell them. The yield usually comes from selling options positions. My guess is the same practice comes to crypto assets. With banks being the natural seller to existing customers.

> NFT in their current iteration are pure retardation.
Considering all this stuff is code and highly improvable it's kind of a pointless position to say what exists isn't useful. This sector is about what could be and everything trades on that speculation kind of like why OTM calls have a price. For example there a projects that use ZK tech to encrypt the media the NFT points to, so no more "right click save"

>good luck having any good studio adopt the model.
Ubisoft issued NFTs already my guess is others will follow over time.

>If you think regulation will destroy crypto you're just stupid. Masses will not adopt BTC without it.
My guess is retail will only get BTC exposure through ETFs and Funds etc. They will use crypto to "invest" in consumer goods.

>> No.49964237
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>can't tell the difference between russian and ukranian languages
I thought you guys were on the nazi side, what happened?

>> No.49964251

>What were your lessons this cycle?
Web3 is a joke
Bticoin is king
Continue stacking sats

>> No.49964267

It can in fact go lower
Place the stop loss when you enter the position
t. lost 600k on Luna at $2

>> No.49964283

>The yield usually comes from selling options positions. My guess is the same practice comes to crypto assets.
>Giving your money to companies that activity bet and trade against you is asinine

Why would you want to give a company your assets so that they can sell a short position on it?

>Ubisoft issued NFTs already my guess is others will follow over time.

Dumpster fire of a situation. It failed miserably. I do agree it's a good idea but I doubt it happens anytime soon.

>My guess is retail will only get BTC exposure through ETFs and Funds etc.

Yes, people are too stupid to hold their own tokens.

>> No.49964286

it really doesn't get much better than russian girls
peak femme kino

>> No.49964302

Bro axie wasn't a consumer good. It was played by millions of poor Asian to make money. They saw it as a job when in reality they were just relatively early to inflationary ponzi game

>> No.49964307

take profits
set stop loss
yes it was my first cycle
i bet on good horses i just bagheld until the races were over

>> No.49964310

Just SELL half of your portfolio once you‘re 20% over the previous ath
(Did that)
DON‘T buy back in with that money until people post threads about suicide on biz
(Fucked that up)

Sold eth at like 4k, then bought back in at 3k expecting a blow off top eventually.. i could have secured a MAKE IT STACK instead I lost 70% of my ducking value.

>> No.49964314
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>>Buy when:
I am fucking scared and everyone else is scared to buy "50 percent lower than here!" even after a goddam -66%+
>>Sell when:
I am euphoric, everyone is euphoric, I hear about it in real life circles, I amconsidering shit coins, making plans for the paper gains should it go up another 25-50%, etc

>> No.49964733

The hand gives her away and the height.
She is no less than 17

>> No.49964739

Selling is even more important than buying

>> No.49964772

she's 19 actually

>> No.49964915

>Ukrainian and 19

>> No.49965494

apply it to prior market cycles

Does it still tell you the same thing despite blow off tops? If it's inconsistent, then it likely only applies to 'mature' markets. In this case, crypto maturing. Maybe that makes it difficult to note when TA starts to apply, but it does give you an idea that it will creep into emerging markets sooner than later.

>> No.49965528

why don't you try investing in script network? it's a new developing watch to earn platform currently in it's seeding phase, and it has been predicted to have exponential growth over the next few years.

for more visit: https://token.script.tv/

>> No.49965545
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source u dirty hohol

>> No.49965588
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Why are young slavic women like this? Why does my peenus weenus react this way?

>> No.49965865

thats unreal

make more women look like this and we have world peace!

>> No.49966573

>In this case, crypto maturing
dangerous to assume that, most things still point to the china miner shoah at the most critical time in the fomo cycle to have caused most of the damage, in doing so they actually created a negative validation of the btc game theory regarding price
just don't self rope by selling too early next run

anyways what have we learned black swan macro events can fuck everything up
there don't exist safe haven assets other than usd's anymore
never panic sell into a capitulation, if the rsi is in the gutter and sell volume massive there will be a relief rally shortly afterwards

also don't fall for nft's, their tech isn't additive like say eth
you can buy eth and for every new thing (like nfts) build on top of it your stack will capture some of that value, nfts don't do this current crop doesnt do anything and none of the projects got anywhere near the lofty goals
if new projects show up and do get something real build the existing nfts will not benefit

>> No.49967889

>why penis
Because titties are nice to suckle and pussy feels awesome.

>> No.49968550
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Hmmm, you sounded wise until the last part

>> No.49968604

>FTs are something consumer facing brands such as Nike see value in which is why they did the RTFKT purchase
You blind or something? The value still exist and I bet Nike and other big brands are paying attention. Sports metaverse literally killed it after it got Sony, Playstation, Nvidia pushing for it. You gotta go back and check what the meaning of 'value' is

>> No.49968621

Haha, you posted an ass instead?

>> No.49968659
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>Web3 is a joke
It is not, It is only emerging, as well as metaverse and its potentials to connect people to their brands, especially in sports.

>Bitcoin is king
Then, it is a dying king and Ethereum is the emerging prince

>stacking sats
What the fuck is that

>> No.49968671

Jews control crypto just like Wall Street. Invest in fundamentals and hold.

>> No.49968708 [DELETED] 
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>What were your lessons this cycle?
When riding a bike, always were leather clothing, the 80's fags had it right, those asphalt burns are a bitch. And do where the whole leather boots as well, the feet is such a pussy that it's unreal, all those little bones, fuck me. Motorcycles are death machines, if they weren't so fucking cool they should have being outlawed decades ago.

>> No.49968741 [DELETED] 


>> No.49969168

Take profits, 7k --> 250k --> 30k. I was planning on being out by the end of December but got greedy and didn't want to miss out on it going up more. Looking back, even if it doubled from the peak it would have gone lower eventually and I would've been in a decent position to reach 7 figures next cycle.

I also ignored every top signal. My entire family talking about crypto at Thanksgiving should've been the sign to cash out but I ignored it.