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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49963171 No.49963171 [Reply] [Original]

Securing YOUR coin from doing same thing, ovation for best coin out here.

>> No.49963193

haha wow. i remember when this was $40 for a month after that 90% dump and i thought that had to be the bottom and bought. good thing i set stops at $38

>> No.49963211
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My shitcoin isn't being constantly dumped by VCs. ICP bagholders are a special kind of retard.

>> No.49963626
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12000s Projects forked from Ethereum including BNB, TRX, 12000 erc-20 derivatives that all claim to be the next Ethereum, next Uniswap, next link, all run through a 'company' called infura, 60% of their nodes are hosted on AWS. Decentralization on top of centralization is the way to go. We can trust Jeff Bezos, trust me, bro.

BNB, Near is fast bro, who cares about the 12 nodes on Binance and Near, we just need 1 node that is enough bro.

ICP is truly a scam, and Moonman is definitely a scammer. ERC20 tokens are better, invest in RLC, FLUX. Ethereum's State-bloat is sustainable and eth 2 will be released soon, two more weeks' bro.

Ethereum-Dfinity Integration that is just a myth. Dfinity didn't hire world-class academics to solve the hardest problems, it's all just photoshop. Google scholar is complicit in the scam. BTC-integration is a scam, world's largest crypto-liquidity pool is just marketing nonsense. We have wBTC, wETH, crosschain bridges, third party custodians are trustworthy bro SBF is our guy, who cares about peer to peer trustless bridges without middleman? Defi-bridges with middleman are more secure, 1.2 Billion stolen from Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche L2 Defi-bridges is FUD from Dfinity.

>> No.49963630

AWS outage, infura outage, users can't withdraw or access their wallets, it's all just FUD. Cloudfare didn't go offline on 21 June 2022, coinbase, coinmarketcap, and many Ethereum DeFi protocols and L1's like Solana, Avalanche didn't go offline when Cloudfare crashed, it's just FUD from salty ICP baggies.

Eth L2 scaling solution like polygon that run on traditional cloud are sustainable bro, the network went offline for 11 hours for ''maintenance'' bro not because of outages from AWS bro. There is no conspiracy to ruin the reputation of Dfinity. Building web3 blockchain on web2 legacy infrastructure is cheaper and more secure, bro. Future of e-commerce, bro.
ICP is not secure, bro, they have been hacked many times, 'source' trust me bro.

Exchanges should not be hosted on ICP or operate onchain, proof of reserves is a meme, fractional reserve lending offchain is more transparent. We don't have a liquidity crisis bro, Terra, Celsius, Bancor, 3AC are solvent, who needs onchain proof of reserves.

AWS won't raise their rates, no semi-conductor shortage and energy prices won't inflate. Yeah, Affordable web3 tokenized computation and hosting build on web3 infrastructure is just a dumb business model.

Yeah, ICP is super centralized, only 518 nodes. LOL, they had 138 nodes during genesis. AWS is not a node, decentralization on top of centralization (AWS) is nonsense.

>> No.49963659

Major Cloudfare on 21 June, didn't cripple Avax, Solana and many other L1's.... it's FUD from salty bag holders. https://status.avax.network/ Avax network didn't go offline, it's a smear campaign.

Don't let moonman the scammer convince you that we need to separate cloud from blockchain. AWS is cheaper and faster and resistant against network outages. Who cares about fundamentals, it's all hype bro, meme coins bro. Greater fool theory bro, no fundamentals bro it's for poor people.

>> No.49963909
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>Don't let moonman the scammer convince you that we need to separate cloud from blockchain
Is this a silent cere token shill?

>> No.49965363

Let her go m8. Your marriage didn't change her. She's just a coin. Here, let me talk you down.
>60% of [all other coins'] nodes are hosted on AWS
That's true, and it's not good, but there's a difference in the architecture of other networks and in that of ICP that is important. The nodes in other networks run on more-or-less powerful computers. Quite often quite powerful computers or VMs running in datacenters. The nodes in ICP run *on* datacenters; they *are* datacenters. It's dependent on massive computing power and ultra-fast connections between nodes to function. It's the same template that serves the internet. Lots of the stated advantages of ICP can be answered with: "well yes... it runs on entire datacenters...". Now okay, they're doing some novel things to full-stack-web-dev tooling, but the hardware-architecture isn't novel: it's a copy-paste of the internet. To me, that's a problem. There's a huge bar to entry (meaning potential for oligopoly). Also the whole thing could very easily get put under pressure by onerous regulation because a datacenter is not an easy thing to move. You complain about centralization on AWS, but it's much easier to move nodes of other networks: you just move to a different datacenter. With ICP, you have to move the datacenter. Finally, I think an actually novel hardware architecture is just more decentralized and robust. Something with lots of nodes, some latitude in connection speeds, low bar to entry, strong censorship resistance and high-throughput is where I hope the future goes. ICP's not that.