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49962410 No.49962410 [Reply] [Original]

with jpow and the fed officially looking at moving forward with a CBDC, what's the best way to profit off this? Do you think the digital dollar will be on Algorand, HBAR, Eth l2, something else?

Regardless I'm sure it will bring a lot of institutional money into the space and should be bullish for lending platoforms.

>> No.49962423

it won't be on your public shitchain lmfao

>> No.49962471

I could see it being on eth level 2 or at least being able to be bridged over, it will be a private version of HBAR or ALGO but if they were to select either of these technologies for their own chain it would be extremely bullish

>> No.49962505


You really think they would replace the US dollar with a fucking smart contract?


>> No.49963366
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because smart contract is all they are capable of, right? pic related is you

>> No.49964127

whatever they choose to do, it wont be making you any richer nufag

>> No.49964189

The ‘digital’ dollar is sitting in your bank account right now, retard
All they have to do is some branding / name change of whatever they use now to transfer money. So visa/Mastercard but 3% goes to Biden on each transaction

>> No.49966133

For me, it's Hedera Hashgraph. The best distributed ledger technology. I even ask for extra transactions per second and Leemon and Mance are so friendly and more than willing to oblige. One time I asked for 10000 transactions per second and they gave me three extra. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly Swirlds lady laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!". Now the company greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three extra transactions per second. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at Swirlds. Sometimes I use my hbar to pay at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs. I even tip the mcdonalds employees in hbar, it's so fast and resolves with finality in seconds! What a great crypto.

>> No.49966187

What a daring synthesis

>> No.49966234

All this talk coming out of the Boston Fed branch got me thinking it’s ALGO.

>> No.49966281

if they could create a tier of "money" that is above regular USD, which can be diluted by foreign eurodollar fucks, that might be a good thing.
They could give "USD" up as Bancor and then have a domestic currency the Fed can actually control issuance of.
They can tell the primary brokers to go fuck themselves, including JPMorgan, who would become intermediaries.

>> No.49966760
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Most likely hbar with military connections, Emtech whose CTO worked side by side with IBM hyperledger's CTO and started that her then boss was thinking about what chains to start developping on and in the end made a nobrainer decision to use Hedera over ETH. Hyperledger already users HCS.

They already have major banks on board that have been teating croas border payments for their CBDC programs. The guy in charge of Digital Assets program of Bidens new Exec order was in a meeting with Hbar foundation recently discussing Hedera as the choice for cbdc implementation. There is also Circle which will likely become the paypal of web 3 that has had their USDC on railed onto hederas network in order to take advantage.

Now with atma.io aka avery sticker people usecase going live, this will give Hedera a leg up as it will show how much better Hedera is than the rest.

Its the best for speed, efficiency, security and will make Larry the jew Fink cum in his pants due to it being the greenest tech in the world of finance. Companies looking to suck his dick for a higher ESG score will choose Hedera for this reason alone.

Go on hederas youtube, the last few interviews are enlightening. They only have 3k and under viees because ppl are still retarded.

The first thing Leemon did when moving from Hedera back to Swirlds was to create a relay allowing ETH devs to port their Dapps over to Hedera whilst allowing metamsk users to utilize Hederas network.

This nigga is already done with Hbar and is already working on the next major watershed in consumer tech, XR.

>> No.49966772

Kek eth fags please. You're useless.

>> No.49966789

Digital dollar will be on a private blockchain they control, not any of these retarded projects you've mentioned.

>> No.49966960


>> No.49967121

Ssshhhh, let the link, xrp, hedera and other shitcoinfags rope in unsuspecting dimwits and make some fortune on the backs of normies! will you please shut up?

>> No.49968049
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Wow nice post, thanks !
got some sources for lemon working on we and the meeting of Biden new exec and the Hbar foundation?

>> No.49968437
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the sources for Leemon working on XR can be seen here;


he mentions that in 10 years ppl will be looking into the void ahead of them rather then phones thanks to legit Google Glass style glasses with XR capabilities aka Pokemon GO + minority report aka no more cell phones, maybe just a smart watch. Also he explains Swirlds was his OG vision aka Shared Worlds aka the real metaverse aka XR. The Gaming industry will lead the adoption of this bs, and look at newest announcement with Lithios and having UBISOFT on board...

as for the Biden exec order, an anon had posted a screencap showing the lead of the white house "digital assets team" was present for a hedera event discussing alternatives to blockchains as they are looking for a coin that adheres to every aspect of the Executive order. here is link to PDF


>Government & regulatory (RegCom update)
"Jason B. shared that Hedera responded to a White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
request for information on ensuring responsible development of digital assets. The response included
input from the HBAR Foundation and focused on how DLT networks can be energy efficient and
used as a tool to build trusted sustainability markets.
Tom S. provided an update on the regulatory landscape."

then go back to Executive Order pdf and for every section ask yourself, "which crypto does (section X) the best". For the most part the answer always ends up being Hedera...

here's the Executive Order.

Also both Leemon and Mance have been at HIGH levels in the military for over 20+ years...

Regulations are coming, Watch John Wingates interview for these insights on why and how Hedera is the "best" choice.

>> No.49968520

oh and go look at Hederas youtube, their last 10 or so vids should help cement these notions... Each video has under 1k views... You're still early as it takes a bit of IQ to understand Hedera, its breadth and near infinite possibilities.


>> No.49968525


it's staring you in the face but you remain willfully blind

>> No.49968571

of course this thread is getting bombarded by an hbaggie shill.

Here's the reality of the situation -- it's not gonna be some no name project like hbar (NOOO MUHH COUNCIL) it's going to be something directly out of silicon valley. Googlecoin, Facebook coin, etc. it is going to be highly centralized and allow the US even more disgusting control over the monetary system. You should probably be afraid, not optimistic.

>> No.49968645


based 3-free guy

>> No.49968744

You are unbelievably retarded.

>> No.49969206

Thanks for the links, I had read them and I honestly think you are a bit more optimistic than you ought to be but I appreciate the sentiment. Truly think Hedera will help for cross border more than internally but your guess is as good as mine. Anyway

>> No.49969998

Optimism comes from the current state of crypto which is practically useless and bs filled and the fact that hedera is the most non bs coin on the market.

Nearly all iso20022 coins are similar in scope but none are as good as adaptable or as adoptable as Leemons math.

>> No.49970286
File: 134 KB, 705x397, D1AD71A4-D830-4C7E-9139-8B61F536D8F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CBDC thread
>no mention of XRP

>> No.49970865

the digital dollar will obviously be on hedera since its the network built to power worldwide adoption, and its defi and fintech ecosystems are growing thanks to the efforts of the hbar foundation

>> No.49970958

pathetic shill.. how heavy are your bags?

>> No.49971070

The vast majority of people who have bought HBAR do not fully understand or appreciate the impact Hedera will have in the next decade. Many are stuck in the crypto bubble mindset, and the few who dare venture outside of that are only seeing a fraction of what is going to happen.

HBAR is going to make a relatively small number of people extremely rich, and a large number of people rope for selling under $10.

>> No.49971161

Look the federal reserve is not using HBAR to roll out CBDC to make a bunch of investors rich. Even if they do (Big IF) it will be a clearly distinguished subset of Hedera on a private network. HBAR might enjoy a pump by association alone but if you think the Feds want to use Hedera and you will get rich from it.. well you will wake up from a dream sooner than later

>> No.49971196

The goal of any investment is to sell you a dream. Looks like it’s time for you to wake up

>> No.49971232

T. Baggie

>> No.49971299

Sounds like a job that only BSV can do.

>> No.49971366

Sounds like Red Belly Blockchain.

Unfortunately, poorfags not allowed into the current ongoing presale; accredited investors only.

Working with the Australian gov, 600,000 tps & extremely secure.

Launches Q1 2023. I can see UK gov getting involved with Rishi Sunaks CBDC obsession & close ties to Aus.

>> No.49971388

>Do you think the digital dollar will be on Algorand, HBAR, Eth l2, something else?

None of those. The Federal Reserve is the most powerful entity on planet earth. Their power comes from issuing debt using fiat currency. They are decidedly against cryptocurrency. They are not going to pick a cryptocurrency company for them to handle the most important transition - the digitized dollar. It will be something they work on the back end, on a private ledger, and it won’t make cryptocurrency investors rich. It’s nice to dream but it isn’t happening

>> No.49971546

this is the most bearish posting for hedera i have ever seen, you are inexhaustible and shitting up every single hedera thread with this hbar foundation nonsense even when it does make sense are you autistic and is this some odd meta fud or is the hbar foundation paying jeets i cant even tell but for the love of god STOP POSTING THIS NONSENSE

>> No.49971811
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Nah the dreams sell themselves. I listened to the man behind the algorithm and invested. Imo hedera at the this current price and at this current moment of time in the current state of our financial institutions, is one of the biggest opportunities. Invest in cumkoin if you wanna moon in 2 weeks.

You keep repeating the same platitudes, muh dreams muh not happening.

My research made my summize that hedera has the BEST chance to survive regulations and IF it is one of the few to survive, it also has the biggest growth potential due to HCS and HTS.

Cbdc is but one section of the infinite possibilities of hedera.

Just as certain as you are in hedera being shit, im certain that its the finest piece of shit out of all the turds. I came with links for my claims and assumptions whilst you came with nigger double talk.

>> No.49971890

It's meta fud

>> No.49972143

The whole point is that they steal all of your time and money and the future value of both. Why would you ever be allowed to profit?

>> No.49972578

t. bought months ago. How's that -80% going? getting a bit desperate are you? not buying your bags, sorry

>> No.49972591

Pretty much, most dollars are created on a computer

>> No.49972622
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They won't use any of your shit coins or chains you brainlet.

>> No.49972947

Stupidest thread on biz. Congrats Op.
The only likely outcome is hat CBDCs will be back by BTC, which will be the world treasury reserve asset.
If you disagree that’s a you problem

>> No.49973434

I bought in 2019 lol... im good. Low iq retorts are the best

>> No.49973506

was i speaking to you retard?

>> No.49973781

It was always obvious and I don't get why nobody sees it.

>> No.49973977

Your greatest profit will be in avoiding it entirely.

>> No.49974008

The Federal reserve will never willingly back the dollar with an asset it cannot create at will. More likely the BRICS will issue a commodity-backed trade currency and the Fed will be forced to follow suite. Not likely to be BTC.

>> No.49974717

>BRICS will issue a commodity-backed trade currency

China is the biggest importer of commodities. In the future India is going to be the biggest importer of commodities. They will never accept any commodity backed currency because that would hurt their national interests far more than USD.

And any currency basket is going to be a hard sell because nobody would accept the percentages of other countries. Then you might as well just accept CNY but China cannot run the deficits necessary to finance that. If India and China can come up with some scheme that would exploit Russian resources then they would go ahead in some form.

>> No.49974886
File: 251 KB, 1080x1073, here now shut up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these faggots saying alt coins wont be used by the fed are unknowingly explaining why they are valuable.

> I work for the second largest government payment processing firm. I will not be back to read your durhur responses

eat shit and die poor

>> No.49975197

This. The point is to be able to push interest rates well into negative territory, but stop you from being able to literally hoard physical cash. Instead you will take a haircut on your fed coin account every month. You must consooom, you must take debt, you must inflate asset prices.