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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49959872 No.49959872 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite /biz/ books. This one is mine, it’s a book about the Salomon Brothers trading floor in the early 80’s and Lewis Renire running it. Great book, really has made me love bonds ever since I read it.

>> No.49959975

random walk on wall street
misbehaving by thaler for behavioral
adaptive markets
i like business profiles and bios a lot too. The classics like business adventures, barbarians at the gate etc. are good. King of Capital is good. The one a few years ago about Renaissance is OK as well, but IMO not as good as the others even though the subject matter is more exciting.
I am reading Americana right now and it is OK, kind of boring

>> No.49959998

American Psycho

>> No.49960104

>business adventures, barbarians at the gate etc. are good. King of Capital is good.
I haven’t read either of those three actually rippen, I’ll check them out. Profiles and dramatic bios are my favorite

>> No.49960299

What are some good movies
So far I’ve got the big short, twows, margin call. Any others?

>> No.49960400
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>(((michael lewis)))
imagine the smell

>> No.49960432
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Someone posted pic rel a while back and I listened to the audiobook. Was quite good. I've been into audiobooks a lot lately. But more self help / spiritual line. Which I think pic rel is.

>> No.49960467
File: 44 KB, 444x640, Talmud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49960495

Aren't Napoleon Hill books necessary to be selected before a certain date to have unedited texts? Is it true his stuff got jannied?

>> No.49960502


>> No.49960541

I think that's the case with Think and Grow Rich. You can get the 1937 edition which might be the original? I'm not sure.

>> No.49960632

There was a whole chapter basically about nofap which is interesting given where we are today and who promotes that degeneracy/controls media.

>> No.49960730

Dude has an interesting book or more but he I had to put down one that mentioned how much naturally smarter a jew boy was than the rest of his French classmates.

>> No.49961926

If I had good Jewish connections I guarantee you I could write this book into a movie better than the big short. It’s a way more compelling story than the big short is in my opinion

>> No.49962362

i've never seen this book mentioned on /biz/

it's a nice fiction based on true story of a guy that worked his first job as a kid in a bucket shop then got gud enough that they kicked him out so he went into stock market as he got older. shows the evolution of stock market around the turn of the 20th century.

>> No.49962374
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>> No.49962500


Nike founder has a pretty good autobiography out, as does Starbucks founder
Mcdonalds founder one is not as good but a much quicker read

>> No.49962663

Based. What makes it so great is that even though it's set ~100 years ago, his experiences are still relevant.

>> No.49963116

When Genius Failed
Devil Takes the Hindmost
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

>> No.49963440

Everything Michael Lewis rights is good, I really recommend Boomerang for anyone who’s seen/read the Big Short, it’s essentially a sequel and he visits Iceland, Greece, Ireland, California and some other places to examine the ramifications of the GFC and why these places in particular felt the consequences of it the way they did.

>> No.49963554

the only acceptable answer

>> No.49963585
File: 42 KB, 751x267, E7BC3BA5-13DA-4C1C-8147-6B0C5A3D5220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t see this one coming.