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49960407 No.49960407 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking what are the best things to do or purchase to live through the US civil unrest. I’m a poor 20 year old college kid so my options are limited.

>> No.49960437

lmao if that happens you are gonna be conscripted don't worry, you'll worry about all that after ur service.

>> No.49960505

>lmao if that happens you are gonna be conscripted
This. Invest into a shovel to dig a large hidden cellar, then start buying food and water to hide there from the draft.

Or, if you are less retarded, invest into moving to another country. There is nothing good in a civil war, only misery and death.

>> No.49960545

This >>49960437
You better be out of the States when shit hits the fan.
On Yacht/boat/plane. Disappear and lay low.

>> No.49960599

Buy unregistered guns while it's still legal to then sell them to your neighbors when things start to kick off. Just general survival and medical supplies are good to, people will always want to buy these things. Invest in war corporations as well, especially Sig Sauer.

>> No.49960616

Financially speaking you should learn real world survival skills just in case

>> No.49960624

There is no price tag on knowledge/real world skills

>> No.49960639
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Glory to Diagolon!

>> No.49960640

>Get paid to shoot liberals

That's my dream.

>> No.49960646

These people won't last long. The Bezoses of the world think they're going to all go to NZ and bucket down but the ones who will truly survive the next 20 years will be those with community who money can't buy.

You're 20, you'll be fine. Treat it like a survival horror video game and slowly collect items along the way. You don't need to "buy" land in a collapse. In fact, known homesteads will be prime targets. During the Argentina collapse, farmowners we're tortured for days on end, entire families were raped by city folk.

>> No.49960650

>Buy unregistered guns while it's still legal to then sell them to your neighbors
You are new to this, ain't ya?
When shit pops off, there will be mysterious unclaimed crates of weapons and ammunition on every street corner, courtesy of the CIA/FBI.

>> No.49960653

I actually (seriously) served time in the armed forces a few years ago so that I could avoid a draft.
Highly recommend.

>> No.49960662

*Bunker down

>> No.49960681

You can't be with community when the community ceases to exist.
Just like what happened in Korea or Vietnam or Libya or Yugoslavia.
And if you are unlucky, out of the hundred people you know and met, you will be the only one left, the walking dead.

>> No.49960768

Balkanization is a serious possibility.

>> No.49960828

Buy guns and ammo, move to a small white town.
Alternatively get your passport in order and be prepared to flee to canada or europe.
You'll also want basic food prep but the biggest thing you can do to prepare yourself is either arm up or make plans to run away. Financially just stack XMR and trade for local currency wherever you wind up.

>> No.49960859

I say Canada, Europe is gunna be bad.
Maybe a farm in france but the locals are going to become pretty fucking napoleonic and start a racial war IMO.
t. A French person living in Canada.

Also, move to a part of Canada like Niagara or Quebec where the electricity is over 98% (Quebec is 99.8%) hydropower.
If lights are on, people have a better chance of acting human.

>> No.49960988
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It's gonna happen any day now!! 2 weeks!

You wish
If that were to happen a healthy end would be able to come out of it
Instead we'll just slowly become a little better than Brazil
America has a lot going for it, 2 oceans on either side for defensibility, hundreds and hundreds on either side of natural harbors, the largest tract of farmland in the world, we'll unfortunately be fine no matter how retarded the ruling jew elite wants to fuck with the rotting corpses of our former social institutions

All is replaced by capitalism, and this process is not simply the fault of "capitalism" as commies would tell you, but the result of the progress of technology itself
You and all your value as a human will be slowly stripped away, you won't see the day since you'll be dead just like our ancestors 10,000 years ago didn't expect that their 100x great grandchildren would lose a lemon's size amount of brain, or that they'd undergo the same processes seen in animal domestication show in themselves
And one day your pod will be turned off by the AI that just doesn't care anymore, like a kid who's done looking at an anthill

>> No.49961000


Move into remote towns

>> No.49961021


>treat it like a video game

yeah you're gonna last long

>> No.49961031

The issue isn't geography, it's people.

>> No.49961099

>Buy guns and ammo, move to a small white town.
That is the 1st place they look and the Boomers there will happily give away their children to be drafted into the meat grinder.

>> No.49961203

Civil conflict would involve many different factions. Who are they going to pool from?

Conservative white and black men who think they're being replaced and attacked?

Liberal whites and their diversity pets who think the government is nazi germany?

The lolbertarians that quickly pick a side when they realize fence sitting will make them an easy target?

The alt right and progressives that want the unrest so they can put their ideology in power?

That only really leaves you with some middle aged gen x and boomers who benefit from and support the current neoliberal system

>> No.49961253
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Yes the fat lazy placated American public, even the conservatives of which still believe in democracy, fundamental egalitarianism, and most tenets of the enlightenment, will RISE UP like the gamers despite how the military is already purging the right wing and is producing by tranny admirals
That trend has been going ever since 2009 btw

The American right, on top of having NO power represented in government, major corporations or financiers, the military, or the media, is so behind the curve is unfunny
The smartest ones on the right are just now discovering the likes of Carl Schmitt and James Burnham, let alone Evola, Guenon, Kaczynski
They're just figuring out "wait a minute if we play by the rules and our enemies don't play by the rules then we can't just play the game harder and win"

Let's skip whatever bullshit is in the middle between Reaganomics and the esoteric Kekist animist sun worshipping warrior cult, and just go straight to the holy war part (peaceful) [in Minecraft] {not shooting random innocents with weapons the cia wants to ban or blowing up govt buildings}

>> No.49961254

Eh it gets complicated depending on how you think the war will play out (state v state? outright race war? repubs v dems?) but if you're in a racially homogenous region you're generally going to be okay. Nobody ain't ever fought a civil war in Maine if you know what I mean. Or Montana. Urban warfare I expect to be like the Seattle Occupation. A few blocks of outright anarchy and a couple streets over business as usual, until one night the entire city burns down all at once. Best strat is to not be in Seattle at all.

>> No.49961294

If it's the gun-nut right vs the tranny left, the war will last about 15 minutes.
I don't think you need to be worried.

>> No.49961507
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The gun nut right like this fine gentleman?

Boomers may have the guns, but they don't have the nut