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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49960597 No.49960597 [Reply] [Original]

Any hidden gems that are still relatively unknown within the crypto industry? Most projects are probably waiting for the market to recover and I’m tired of always being a latefag so I’d like you shills to spoonfeed me something decent this time. Thank you.

>> No.49960643
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but yilcoin NOW!!! but you'd better hurry up.. you only have 1 (one) yil

>> No.49960644

>belle delphine is now doing interracial porn
It's over, isn't it?

>> No.49960672


quick rundown?

>> No.49960688

Nothing can be considered a hidden gem these days in the middle of a bear market you retarded newfag. You're just inviting fags to troll you with their worthless shitcoins lol.... actually, on second thought, maybe it's a good thing if you do end up buying a worthless token just so I can dab on you later so go ahead op buy everything that gets mentioned in this thread :^)

>> No.49960696
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not unkown but (You) definitely know you wanna buy it

>> No.49960712
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1526409301390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a ponzi

>> No.49960724

>hidden gems
Stop using this fucking term or else I'll crucify you faggot.

>> No.49960744
File: 32 KB, 500x500, artworks-ZnRGtife0eVuJhWZ-fOf3gQ-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have one yil

>> No.49960751

What? She didn't have a boyfriend?

>> No.49960758

>Any hidden gems that are still relatively unknown within the crypto industry?

>> No.49960769

all cryptos are shit rn, just cope

>> No.49960771

this term comes from the fucking telegram groups where a lot of ranjeets love to shill their shits

>> No.49960773

I don't care if this is a pajeet ponzi. I'm thinking based because fuck niggers, kikes and jannies. Goodnight

>> No.49960778


>> No.49960784

nothing is worth shit these days lol

>> No.49960792

Dumped him for a black. It's literally over.

>> No.49960801
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>> No.49960805

fr though if you own a computer and want to make money, all you have to do is host an illegitimate habbo server and charge for things like mod positions and whatnot. you gotta make credits (mostly) free though cause otherwise you won't get any users.

>> No.49960807

uncx. unlike dog coins you actually have to read things to understand the coin so spoonfeeding is pointless since /biz/ only buy dogcoins

>> No.49960846

LCX. 40m market cap and will rail binance and Coinbase since their regulations are pristine. Gem quality team and specifically mentioned in so many of the EU crypto regulation papers as an example of exactly what to do. they're gonna take over. Listed on kraken recently and phone app got released. Exchange revamp coming this week

>> No.49960854

A hidden gem? Well, wait for some months and buy some properties in propchain, I don't know if they are going to launch their own token to transact properties with that token or not.

I'm more interested in the fact of owning a percentage of the yield that a house that works on propchain could make, but I don't know if that's going to be a reality or not. I'm going to read the whitepaper to see if this is plausible or not

>> No.49960880

XLM (Known but few realize it is the CBDC chain)

>> No.49960887

And how can attract users to my Habbo server? And how can I get payments? Which payment methods should I use?

>> No.49960898
File: 168 KB, 750x747, 1651285472070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to be a Monero copy

>> No.49961108

You can pay a small fee to have your habbo server advertised on a "top site" (Google habbo retro top sites). You can also make or buy bots that will vote your habbo server up the list so more people can see it. You will take payments through PayPal.

>> No.49961230

Everest ID

>> No.49961246

Buy Bitcoin and Monero. They are the only crypto's that aren't speculative bullshit and can be called hard money. The end of fiat has begun and it will accelerate as the amount of QE required to prop the system up will exponentially increase. It's already beyond the point of no return; 3% rates planned for EOY will result in 33% of all taxes to be used to finance interest payments on government debt meaning the US will have to either let the already thin public services collapse or to turn the money printer on to meet the shortfall. The funny thing is this isn't even close to the rate needed to stop rampant inflation (around 10% rates needed which will result in interest payments larger than total taxes). The death spiral started in 1970 when the world reserve currency moved off being based on hard money and we are entering the end of that phase; it will get a lot worse at greater speed. You don't want to be holding fiat or shit that has no hope of being used when people start to realise the reality of the situation they find themselves in.