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File: 193 KB, 1020x655, 08232021_TZR-Federal-Reserve-Chair-Jerome-Powell_tz-1020x655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49960329 No.49960329 [Reply] [Original]

Are the stock and crypto markets going back up to ath's or is this a dead cat bounce?

>> No.49960334

Personally I think it's a dead cat bounce

>> No.49960342

Stock and crypto markets are going back to aths and that is an objective fact

>> No.49960683


>> No.49961038
File: 937 KB, 1280x692, 1656121790247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 days.
21 days since the start of the bear market

>> No.49961126

Crypto is gonna crab with daily fluctuations around 19000-2300 til mid July, stocks going to dead cat bounce as feds pump it with sheer delusional bullshit about the economy, both will crash together in late July or August btc to 12k s&p to 2900

>> No.49961153

>Are the stock and crypto markets going back up
Just cryptocurrency.

>> No.49961154

Shmita doesn't end until end of September this year.
It's going to get a lot worse.

>> No.49961165

FED increasing rates but also balance sheet.
This is most likely a dead cat bounce and will end when the FED begins selling.
Remember, there is no stopping inflation, and there is no stopping recession either, its all a facade

>> No.49961180

This. It’s a dead bear bounce.

>> No.49961260
File: 24 KB, 358x450, fredgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dead cat bounce. What has changed in our economic outlook? The Fed is raising rates as fast as they can without causing the stock market to implode, and it's still not fast enough. We are headed for a recession if not a depressing, and that's all there is too it. I will not be buying again unti I see the stock market has dropped by a similar amount as the number of dollars printed in the last two years.

>> No.49961280

Cause the economy is in the shitter bruv. Inflation rising and the fed has no control. And Brandon is sleepy. And our sanctions on other countries will catch up to us. And banks have been over leveraging. It'll get worse before it gets better

>> No.49961296

When inflation is taken into account BTC should be around 100k

>> No.49961605

What about midterms

>> No.49961634

idk bro I don't really follow politics like that. The economy getting railed is more than just midterms I think though

>> No.49961684

Why do you think RvW got repealed? They are using it to mobilize idiots to keep sleepyhead in power. We riding this train all the way to hell.

>> No.49961696

For stocks it is an obvious dead cat bounce.
For Crypto it is just the beginning

>> No.49961739

Every scam is dying. Only PoW will survive.

>> No.49961965

Insider here

This. Roe vs. Wade decision is a huge sell signal

>> No.49962037

The Fed will most likely look like retards, tuck their tale and announce we’re in a recession. After that they fire up the printers again

>> No.49962120

I still think btc is going to eventually pump to over $1m once hyperinflation starts in earnest.

Daily reminder: There will only ever be 21 million BTC until the end of time.

>> No.49963555

>end when the FED begins selling
why did the increase the balance sheet if selling is their intention?

>> No.49963582

Dead cat bounce no reason for it to go up

>> No.49963644

''Muh supply'' is a point shilled by kikes (( Saylor)) and retards ((you))

>> No.49963653

summer bounce
there will be no new highs

>> No.49963662

tell me who actually gives a real fuck about abortions?

>> No.49963982

>why did the increase the balance sheet if selling is their intention?

>> No.49964005

Personally I think you should shut the fuck up

>> No.49964009

Whores and fags.

>> No.49964040

whores and pimps

>> No.49964150
File: 595 KB, 498x498, 16352164445321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its obviously going up, we've had bear markets like these before, just stand back, buy some of your favorite memecoin and wait for the pump. It's all cheapsies, you can even go full on QOM (still pumping as we speak) and let it do it's thing

>> No.49964234

You make your possible best guess and see which is happening right now.

>> No.49964249

Then it will surely be a good time to increase my stocks buying and also crypto too but on low cap gems with fees reduction, voting rights and even governance tokens like TEAM and AxlToken.

>> No.49964271

Fuck your TA wagie.

>> No.49964464

RvW got repealed because Trump nominated 3 highly conservative judges to the Supreme Court and there’s been numerous trigger laws in place designed just to get the case reviewed for years. Not a faggot conspiracy. All studies show that abortion issues don’t change voting patterns or turnout in any meaningful capacity. Even the most whoring turbothots don’t actually care enough to vote over it.

>> No.49964481

Return to the mean on the meme graph

>> No.49964496

Lame bulltrap. even though MATIC pumping made me a very happy boy. This godamn network deserves respect on it's name.

>> No.49964502

> crypto VC firms broke and/or out of business
> biggest CeFi operators literally bankrupt
> regulators breathing down everyone’s necks after a $40B implosion
> crypto companies doing mass layoffs

Yeah sure anon. Crypto will totally make a new ath
Most of you are divorced from reality and deserve to go broke. You’ll fomo in with 100% of your capital the moment there’s even a remote hint of bullishness
And you’ll then lose it all

>> No.49964752


>> No.49964857

By the time that happens, miners won't have enough incentive to secure the network. Over time, btc security will become weaker.

>> No.49964928

People who were told it's important by kike media for dedades.

>> No.49965006


>> No.49965059

Biggest buy signal of the decause tbdesu