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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49952989 No.49952989 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that house prices will only go up no matter how much you fags keep desperately pushing the narrative that they’ll crash with this “upcoming recession”.

>> No.49953072


>> No.49953074

okay then

>> No.49953078

i mean i CAN DREAM

>> No.49953086

The number of homes in my city went up 10% in one week.

>> No.49953139

thats true everywhere except war affected places right?

>> No.49953146
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>> No.49953207
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This is how gay you are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm2arTAtKXg

>> No.49953210

what can we do to make it in this world now, bros?

hope to win the lottery to be able to buy a house now?

>> No.49953222

Eh we all end up dead anyway

>> No.49953266
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tfw they took everything from us except copium

where did we go so wrong bros

>> No.49953278

just rent

>> No.49953281

they do that already

>> No.49953289

that's been the situation for years

>> No.49953331

i don't WANT to rent
i don't WANT to live next to niggers and spics, been there done that
i don't WANT to throw a quarter of my paycheck down the drain every single month

i want to build equity and have my own land that i can pass on to my kids in the future

>> No.49953343

Where OP? in places like LATAM good properties worth 1/3rd of current market value related to Real State, are at its historical bottom idk wtf u talking

>> No.49953349

Anyone who thinks housing will get cheaper is a complete retard that knows nothing about the world.
t. high inflation 3rd world country "citizen"

>> No.49953360

that's what they said back in 2005-2007
then 2008 happened

>> No.49953366

First you would need to have kids, and since you're here that's kinda not happening

>> No.49953376

Then 2020-2022 happened

>> No.49953381

Why do you insist on posting demoralization posts op? We all know you just hate yourself and have no life.

>> No.49953386

I rather live comfy while I am alive than being a fucking hobo

>> No.49953399

me and my gf have been together for 5 years, gonna tie the knot soon.

and no, i'm not having kids until i can get a house. i refuse to raise kids around subhumans

>> No.49953449


>> No.49953506

Just get propchain and you should be able to get a house or something to rent wherever you want, and build a rent relation quick and easy, then you can stop bitching around not owning anything

>> No.49954641
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Kek, number only goes up.