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File: 1.39 MB, 1284x1088, 3ECEA4A1-8FFC-4B42-93A1-D4E18D9FAC4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49952577 No.49952577 [Reply] [Original]

how to invest in children?

>> No.49952658

one of the most retarded pics I have ever seen

>> No.49952668

kys tranny

>> No.49952704

back to /pol/ paranoid fuck

>> No.49952717

Keked and checked
Groomer get BTFO

>> No.49952757

>how to invest in children?
They are the future tax cattle

>> No.49952778


>> No.49952822

you're a spiritualised devastation of a sub-human. The plague, it's you.

>> No.49952850

ok groomer

>> No.49952891

Trump doesn't save kids and there are no tunnels you God sucking faggot

>> No.49952905

Damn…so deep…makes me want to vote for a retarded Cheeto

>> No.49952947


>> No.49953060
File: 266 KB, 360x450, AndrewYang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in human reproductive cloning instead and vote Yang

>> No.49953081

Actually it's a pretty funny picture. Don't let your political faggotry get in the way of a good meme.

>> No.49953179

It's not political, it's spiritual. People still believe in this utter complete nonsense. People believe all sort of retarded shit but this one is pretty heavy. And they get all mighty about it, fuck them and their beliefs

>> No.49953195

Have them. You're going to see the most generous family gibbs programs in the history of the world.

>> No.49953318

Hillary is a corrupt psychopathic war criminal. Yang will throw her into the recycling vats and she will become one with the people.

>> No.49953370

what's the joke?

>> No.49953431

Who said joke?

>> No.49953462

Invest in children by devesting in public education

>> No.49953483
File: 96 KB, 480x366, +_b6352a61062b11c9659721400b39e87a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex

>> No.49953508

Is this image a satire? Because Trump himself was a pedophile of flied so many times to Epstein island

>> No.49953582

no those girls had breasts

>> No.49953615

formula, diapers, and land.

>> No.49953657


demonstrably false. He flew on the lolita express plane, but never to epstein island, and after epstein was charged in 2008, he severed ties with him. Do you guys just post shit to make me respond? It's so easy to obliterate your bs with facts. Kneel.

>> No.49953680

Wow he severed ties. What a guy.
Not an argument

>> No.49953686
File: 150 KB, 962x696, arts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to invest in children?

Literally the most retarded trade ever. With more births, the supply of children will go through the roof. That is textbook inflation. The value of children will crash until we are using them as insulation in their walls and burning them for warmth.

>> No.49953716

we mandatory abortion

>> No.49953719

Oh he severed ties with him. So brave

>> No.49953735
File: 227 KB, 886x718, jeffrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49953738

rub test in their cocks so they won't suffer in adulthood

>> No.49953758

If you are sending your kid to public school than there is huge chance that he/she will get raped and beaten by niggers or get groomed by commie trannies.

>> No.49953795

No, you can't laugh at stuff. Everything is political and everything needs to be taken seriously. Stop trying to find humor in our current distopian hellscape

>> No.49954392


>> No.49955434

Ok doomer

>> No.49956049

kek. The OP's pic can be taken seriously or at second degree, I agree...

>> No.49956094

where are all u massive faggots flooding in from?

>> No.49956111

Trump works with the satanist jews that blood libel children you fucking faggot retard, he isn’t some based and redpilled anti-establishment super hero like you’ve been tricked into believing

>> No.49956228

Can Jannies do something about these loud ass mfs? Talking a whole lot of nothing and contributing nothing to the conversation

>> No.49956402
File: 40 KB, 500x375, rex-kwon-do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start your own dojo and teach them discipline