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49945138 No.49945138 [Reply] [Original]

I hate incels so much its unreal.

>> No.49945148
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>> No.49945154

the only group i hate is maybe 2% of jews. the real power players. so 2% of 2%.

>> No.49945214

What did incels do you? Incels are unironically the most discriminated against people in society with harder lives than anyone else.

>> No.49945231

Are incels even real? I thought it was a Jewish catchphrase.

>> No.49945250

have 41,153 updoots anon! Thank you for standing up against violent racists!

>> No.49945261

Incels are unironically keeping this society afloat
Hate it all you want, it's the average, sexless dudes that are working, paying taxes and supporting the civilization your roastie ass benefits from

>> No.49945354

>working, paying taxes and supporting the civilization
I refuse to do any of this and I’m not even an incel, do we live on the same planet?

>> No.49945377

Incels are sandbagging society

>> No.49945391

I am incel, but the definition seems to have changed.
I'm not some angry bitter ugly nerd, I'm just complete shit with women, who are to me an alien species and they have zero interest in being around me or interacting with me.

>> No.49945392

There's an easy fix for that. Every time you have sex with an incel one of them disappears off the face of the Earth so go out there and get rid of some incels.

>> No.49945404

If all men banded together and decided it, women's rights would be gone in an instant

>> No.49945406

kys incels
Incels are a scourge. They contribute nothing of value to society. They are ugly smelly disgusting unbreedable persons. Society has no use for them. Incels should be placed in interment camps, re-educated, and forced to perform slave labor no one else wants to do.

>> No.49945421
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>Incels are a scourge. They contribute nothing of value to society. They are ugly smelly disgusting unbreedable persons. Society has no use for them. Incels should be placed in interment camps, re-educated, and forced to perform slave labor no one else wants to do.

>> No.49945425

put an incel in a skirt. now hes a tranny, with full protection from the terror state. see how his accusers recoil

>> No.49945434

Incels are at fault for the way they are. They drag society down with their ugly personalities and refual to have sex.

>> No.49945474

I am fine with this. All incels could be rounded up. Half of them get forced to be trannys and the other half is forced to have sex with them. That would solve their sex problems at least.

>> No.49945569

>Incels are a scourge. They contribute nothing of value to society. They are ugly smelly disgusting unbreedable persons. Society has no use for them. Incels should be placed in interment camps, re-educated, and forced to perform slave labor no one else wants to do.
Replace incels with niggers and you're correct

>> No.49945592

Hate incels and I hate the opposite. hedonistic lifestyle and chasing putang is disgusting. bitDAO community is the balance of all worlds.

>> No.49945596

Exactly why I hate them, or rather, the cuck incels in denial