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49940384 No.49940384 [Reply] [Original]

LoL dumping relative to SOL and AVAX. Icp baggies will never make it.

>> No.49940503


>> No.49940575

I am an og link marine, I remember all the fud back in the day when link wasn’t pumping and other coins were, then out of nowhere link was the best performer. ICP will be the same

>> No.49940613


>> No.49940723

You can’t compare Segey to top level con artist..

>> No.49940800

ICP will melt faces, the tech is legit, it already has functional dapps that are entirely unique and can only work on the ICP blockchain.

In my time in crypto has taught me anything, is that the coins that do new things well always violently moons.

>> No.49940852

yep, it's so blatantly obvious

>> No.49940882
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And SOL and AVAX are dumping relative to MATIC lmaooo

>> No.49940912

Nothing new SOL is miles ahead of the tech and the pack. There will be only one winner Icp bagies can only speculate hahaha

>> No.49940933

KYs pajeet

>> No.49940992

This is like a copy pasta of what SOL is but not backed by the jews

>> No.49941023

>I am an og link marine
No you don't, post proof nigga

>> No.49941039

>SOL miles ahead
how many times has SOL gone down to network outtages?

>> No.49941222

SQL can somehow magically host content thats fully decentralized from cloud computing, cheaper than AWS, more secure, orthogonally persistent, while keeping fees relegated to the canister provider and providing a framework for a functional and anonymous DID.

Fuck outta here

>> No.49941342

the main issue ICP is running into is that it's competition seems to be against "ETH killers" but it's really in a class of its own.
1. BTC
2. ETH
3. ICP
ICP doesn't compete against SOL but SOL baggies will insist that it's inferior. Completely mindboggling. Time will eventually sort all of this out

>> No.49941398

ICP will flip ETH.

>> No.49941457

only thing that would melt faces about icp is dom's expensive cocaine habit

>> No.49941808

Yep. Saying ICP competes against ETH would be like saying HTTP competes against TCP/IP. It makes no sense. Rather, it works in tandem with ETH (and its clones, too) to expand the number of possible truly decentralized applications (i.e. no reliance on centralized cloud services) to infinity. Without ICP, ETH and all of its applications are decentralized services built on top of centralization -- so not truly decentralized and very vulnerable to attack.

>> No.49941992

Yes. But it's also the case that 10,000 shitcoins don't have to all run on the same, gigantic chain with all transactions competing for the same blocks.
Ethereum basically took the Bitcoin architecture and slapped scripts on top. Where BTC miners solve PoW challenges to win the right to execute the transactions in the next block (and reap the rewards) Ethereum miners solve challenges (still) to win the right to run a bunch of scripts that result in the transactions on the next block, but it's the same idea. For a settlement layer like BTC it's a great idea. For a smart contract platform, it's a terrible idea. Instead what you want is a truly decentralized architecture, with canisters that deal with different functions and different tokens run in parallel. Every miner shouldn't have to replicate the entire state of the entire smart contract platform, that's madness for everything except Bitcoin.
So once ICP starts gaining real traction, I expect it to kill even Ethereum, which when all is said and done is an amateur hour attempt at a smart contract platform.

>> No.49942145

Ethereum still has some advantages. Full transparency and full access to the history of all transactions and computations dating back to the genesis block. That's all abstracted and hidden on ICP. Also permanence, that is, if you don't keep topping up cycles, your canister is eventually deleted whereas smart contracts on ETH remain forever without the need to pay "maintenance" fees. Furthermore, Ethereum nodes are more decentralized (can be run by anyone, anywhere) and don't have hardware requirements, as long as you have the storage space to fully sync the chain.

Therefore, I expect there will still be plenty of applications that run their back-end as Ethereum smart contracts, and use ICP for the front-end. Not all applications as their users care about those advantages, but some do.

>> No.49942324

You are right on every point, but I would maintain all of those are exactly the properties you need for the settlement layer, i.e. Bitcoin, but aren't as interesting selling points for a smart contract layer. Simply put, we can't expect those properties to hold for a smart contract platform of any reasonable capacity. It's better to go whole hog in another direction, e.g. Dfinity, and design a platform with properties that make sense for running web scale smart contracts and dApps. But for this to work, it needs to be anchored in the true settlement layer, Bitcoin, luckily Dom is on it. That's basically Ethereum's problem, that because it can't integrate with Bitcoin it has to pretend to be a settlement layer as well as the smart contract layer, which is why it seems like it needs the properties you listed. In reality it shouldn't.

>> No.49942367

Smart anon. ICP is in another world compared to the rest of the pnd scams like sol, avax, matic etc.

>> No.49942452

Do you think this is likely to change with ETH 2.0? Bitcoin certainly has limitations as a settlement layer if it were used for that purpose at a global scale. Imagine millions of applications serving billions of users all using Bitcoin as a settlement layer, being limited to 1MB block size and ~10/min per block. The network would be completely overloaded and it would also be extremely energy inefficient. And it would also be extremely difficult to convince the Bitcoin network to make the necessary changes to the protocol that would allow it to scale. Given what ETH 2.0 is promising it might serve that purpose better.

>> No.49942659

Imagine, will be, future,
Nigger only scammers use these words. Five fucking years but nothing to show the progress. Only retarded shared web hosting service. Real Ponzi scheme

>> No.49942683

I wasn't talking to you, faggot. Go shill your dead Jew-controlled chain somewhere else.

>> No.49942774

Warning, don’t be a bag holder, you may lose all your shekels. You are not late to buy some SOL faggot.

>> No.49942796

I think Vitalik wishes it could change for 2.0, but I doubt it. I mean, does 2.0 even include sharding anymore, or would that be 3.0?
But I disagree Bitcoin has limitations as a settlement layer. The point of the settlement layer is exactly to compress millions of transactions on layers above into only a few transactions on the settlement layer.
For example, say that the customers of two banks send each other thousands of transactions per day. The banks would probably set it up so that they only send notes about the transactions to each other during the day, and at the end of the day they tally up which bank has to actually send a security van with cash to the other.
The bottom settlement layer has to be super robust, and it must not have to many transactions so that anyone can always verify it. It has to be that transparent to be ultimately trustable as the settlement ledger of humanity. And we won't use it to buy coffee. Smart contracts will start to work with wrapped BTC that settle to real BTC at intervals or on demand, other smart contracts work with tokens that derive their value from being directly swappable to BTC, i.e. you settle to BTC when you need it.

>> No.49942808
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>Warning, don’t be a bag holder, you may lose all your shekels. You are not late to buy some SOL faggot.

>> No.49942957
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You the same guy from yesterday? I find it amazing how some people dont get irony. Keep up the good work, fren.

>> No.49943100

Icp is a shitcoin until its not… thank you kevin traynor

>> No.49943323

12000s Projects forked from Ethereum including BNB, TRX, 12000 erc-20 derivatives that all claim to be the next Ethereum, next Uniswap, next link, all run through a 'company' called infura, 60% of their nodes are hosted on AWS. Decentralization on top of centralization is the way to go. We can trust Jeff Bezos, trust me, bro.

BNB, Near is fast bro, who cares about the 12 nodes on Binance and Near, we just need 1 node that is enough bro.

ICP is truly a scam, and Moonman is definitely a scammer. ERC20 tokens are better, invest in RLC, FLUX. Ethereum's State-bloat is sustainable and eth 2 will be released soon, two more weeks' bro.

Ethereum-Dfinity Integration that is just a myth. Dfinity didn't hire world-class academics to solve the hardest problems, it's all just photoshop. Google scholar is complicit in the scam. BTC-integration is a scam, world's largest crypto-liquidity pool is just marketing nonsense. We have wBTC, wETH, crosschain bridges, third party custodians are trustworthy bro, who cares about p2p. We need financial intermediaries, exchanges need to get paid too. Trust me, bro 'wrapped' ERC-20-ETH-KILLERS that literally run on Ethereum are the future bro.

AWS outage, infura outage, users can't withdraw or access their wallets, it's all just FUD. Cloudfare didn't go offline on 21 June 2022, coinbase, coinmarketcap, and many Ethereum DeFi protocols and L1's like Solana, Avalanche didn't go offline when Cloudfare crashed, it's just FUD from salty ICP baggies.

Eth L2 scaling solution like polygon that run on traditional cloud are sustainable bro, the network went offline for 11 hours for ''maintenance'' bro not because of outages from AWS bro. There is no conspiracy to ruin the reputation of Dfinity. Building web3 blockchain on web2 legacy infrastructure is cheaper and more secure, bro. Future of e-commerce, bro.

>> No.49943338


ICP is not secure, bro, they have been hacked many times, 'source' trust me bro.

Exchanges should not be hosted on ICP or operate onchain, proof of reserves is a meme, fractional reserve lending offchain is more transparent. We don't have a liquidity crisis bro, Terra, Celsius, Bancor, 3AC are solvent, who needs onchain proof of reserves.

AWS won't raise their rates, no semi-conductor shortage and energy prices won't inflate. Yeah, Affordable web3 tokenized computation and hosting build on web3 infrastructure is just a dumb business model.

Yeah, ICP is super centralized, only 518 nodes. LOL, they had 138 nodes during genesis. AWS is not a node, decentralization on top of centralization (AWS) is nonsense.
Major Cloudfare on 21 June, didn't cripple Avax, Solana and other L1's.... it's FUD from salty bag holders. https://status.avax.network/ Avax network didn't go offline, it's a smear campaign.

Don't let moonman the scammer convince you that we need to separate cloud from blockchain. AWS is cheaper and faster and resistant against network outages. Who cares about fundamentals, it's all hype bro, memes bro because wealthy people like myself we care about the meme factor, fundamentals don't mean shit bro

>> No.49943382

pfft, all of that technobabble fud, when all you need to do to scare /biz/ out of icp is go

>> No.49943817

VC 3 cents bro
is about all you need to FUD /biz/ out of this coin

>> No.49944247

>Icp baggies will never make it.

I agree oldfag, it is not even anywhere to be found atm; good I fuck with other based projects SOL, DOT, AVAX, TXA, RSR and couple of other popping alts

>> No.49944316

>the VC pnd scam I was caught by has slightly better tech than the other pnd scams
Bagholdies are tragic figures.

>> No.49944400

would buy SOL or DOT at all time

>> No.49944721

We should start fudding Bitcoin bro, it was free to mine. Fundamentals, who cares about them bro, we need memes made by 10 year olds

>> No.49944789

What can you do with your WBTC once you get it onto ICP? I get how the Bridgeless thing would be an innovation, but what reason would anyone have to move their BTC there? On other networks you can use it to generate yield and/or use it as collateral for loans, can you do that on ICP? Because nobody wants to use their BTC for gas.

>> No.49945129
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Let it slide, ICP is a dead shitcoin, hows that even hard to figure

>> No.49945190

Brown hands typed this.
It's hilarious how 99% of the ICP FUD on Twitter is posted by turks, arabs and pajeets (and the occasional angry chink).

>> No.49945389

Am fine staying in stablecoins than getting into some pajeet scam ICP.
You can do better>>49945190
when i can have my tether in spool and be earning passive yields .. hell would i bag shitcoins

>> No.49945395

If you were truly high IQ you'd still be in stables right now. Stop seething newfag, you got played.

>> No.49945505
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Go to bed Sam.

>> No.49945723

stables, is safest at the moment, with lots of fake-outs to drive volume.
Rather than risking all these, spool farming with stablecoins seems like a better option

>> No.49945770
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>Whoa. Did he just say sharting?
>hee hee. Yeah. Sharting. Hee hee hee. I need some TP for my shart hole.

>> No.49945924

you can go fuck yourself poorfag, you hold shitty icp that why you would never make it out of you shithole

>> No.49945957

Well, not a bad idea. if my stablecoins wont be in anyway exposed to some sort of risk.

>> No.49945962
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>> No.49946029

ICP is a joke at this point

>> No.49946132

sure it is

>> No.49946187

During the 2017 bitcoin mania transactions were stuck for up to six months, this already happened and after the crash all activity on bitcoin pretty much died. Current activity on the settlement layer of bitcoin is transactions near 1 million on average, everyone stopped using it minus the big money, this is something that is known, and why others keep trying to become settlement layers. ETH is one that got first mover advantage on smart contract layer, settlement was a extra part of it that's not good overall due to capacity it has, front-running, and having to use bridges. Now I see Dfinity is mentioned my the man you replied to, we all know it's the sister network of ETH, and is still a work in progress for trying to remove the wrapped/bridge asset problem that is currently in crypto, it's not trying to be a layer one, it's trying to be a layer zero. Layer zero wants to host the chains that can use the dapps on their end, and remove the hazard of aws/cloud from crypto itself, host actual websites that are within their own ecosystems, and create essentially the next godaddy website hoster with cryptography built in. The biggest personal draw for me is the fact cost doesn't scale in the sense of fiat price, it stays a fixed rate for data cost, and if you have something hosted that is accessed quite alot, the cost is much lower than aws in the long run once you get into terabyte measurements of access, popular sites cost get really cheap, and secure data canisters can exist instead of being spied on by outsiders as we know goes on. If people used their heads, icp is actually a tool for revolutions for it's canister system being built, as it can become a form of communication network for people willing to fight against their government as they cannot spy on the canister itself, and will be cells that do not communicate outside their cell canister information. Anyway, dfinity is my pick to help btc expand further and move away from wrapping and bridges.

>> No.49946296

ICP has always been a joke, it only took time before it was exposed

>> No.49946322

both are dead shitcoins

>> No.49946333

I just hope your stables doesn't end like the UST shit, DYOR

>> No.49946508

Which stable? USDD, I heard it started de-pegging to 0.94. Meanwhile, why don't you hold ANKR, it is the next train and a gateway to the decentralized era, web 3

>> No.49946613

Post hands and a time stamp

>> No.49946702

so many rug has been happening and one do not know which is next, I see need for investors to have custody of their funds at least to help reduce this loss; hopefully the Tacen hybrid dex will be up soon

>> No.49946941

Pajeets at work

>> No.49947567

Holy shit, I can smell the curry from here
You browns will never ever make it

>> No.49949014
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>Holy shit, I can smell the curry from here
>You browns will never ever make it