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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49919139 No.49919139 [Reply] [Original]

amazing decentralization but is awful at handing traffic

ultra fast TPS. Also has the most liquid foundation. Has a very fast growing ecosystem due to HBAR foundation allocating more than half a billion into developing new projects on the network
Best chain on the market so far

highest TPS on the market but is ironically of no use cause its always down

founded by a psychotic, insecure manchild and has a wasteland of an ecosystem

who is making it and who is going to zero?

>> No.49919155

What a subltle shill

>> No.49919206

seethe cardano faggot
OP is saying the truth

>> No.49919210


Others are not sneeded.

>> No.49919236

Sorry, wont buy your curry shitchain!

>> No.49919252

Not as big of a faggot as the guy who put Chia in the picture and tries to subtlety shill that scam, but still a massive faggot. HBAR is a piece of shit scam and not comparable to ETH at all.

>> No.49919273

non of these are jeet chains
why are you being such a biz fag

>> No.49919344

>not comparable to ETH at all
youre right. Ethereum is shitchain that cant operate without a fucking L2. it is extremely inefficient and unsustainable long term and the only thing keeping them alive is the fact that they started ahead of other chains so a lot of people have their money invested into it (even though they're not happy about this)

Hedera on the other hand is WAY more efficient and is extremely more sustainable long term. dont forget that HBAR foundation allocated more than $100 million solely for sustainable project development and this alone will bring in so many institutions (not mentioning the ones already on the council right now)

>> No.49919377

Why have there been multiple HBAR shill threads up constantly for the last few days? Did that shitcoin start paying shills again? You retards disappeared for awhile but now it's worse than ever.

>> No.49919391

Then just shill straight away instead of masking it as a discussion.

ETH will ETH and nothing will ever touch it.

>No word of ATOM and DOT

>> No.49919392


the most liquid ponzi

>> No.49919411
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>> No.49919463

Dot will melt faces next run

>> No.49919464

>the most liquid foundation.
You are doing this on purpose aren't you.

>> No.49919493

this is how biz has been its entire life
go back to your reddit cuck hut

>> No.49919500

They are so fucking obvious too.

>> No.49919538

but it is
is it not?

>> No.49919563

>Defending a rotten status quo instead of making biz great again

Just load up on DOT for 2024s run and you could turn your life around. 100$+ eo24

>> No.49919572
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The one ignored by /biz/ and less shilled is always the winner

>> No.49919638

not nearly as much as DOT shills

exhibit A

>> No.49919652

This but not Algorand

>> No.49919739
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>> No.49919762
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>> No.49919779

this guy gets it

>> No.49919781

>amazing decentralization

>> No.49919857

how is it rotten when they have faster cheaper and more consistent transactions

its very well known to have tons of funds available. they have tons of institutions funding it all the time

>> No.49920150


>> No.49920242
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POV: you dont hold HBARs

>> No.49920255

Fuck off mETH head troons. Hedera is a nothingburger and cardano is the cuck of all crypto.

>> No.49920480

>ardano is the cuck of all crypto.

>> No.49920604

To me it's boiling down to this:
Maximum security
Maximum performance
The best balance between performance/decentralisation, Ultimate flexibility
Best dev tooling, IBC
Robust network

imo those are the only ones still in the game with emphasis on Ethereum/Avalanche/Cosmos, Maybe excluding Cosmos long term as tendermint max participant is highly capped meaning it can't really scale sufficient security to 1B+ users, Cosmos will need to pivot to Snow family consensuses if they want to stay in the game

>> No.49921140
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>$3 by 2022

>> No.49921185
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>> No.49921202

And btc to 100K. We have a recession hurdle to get over first.

>> No.49921753

Why is Ethereum mined on GPUs instead of ASICs?

>> No.49921857

>3/4 of the tweet is legal ass covering
kek inspires confidence

>> No.49921909
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>> No.49922315

Any thought about Radix or other L1 projects I should be aware of ? (exclusing the top 150 on CMC)

>> No.49923059

Kek. No. All in Hbar. Love the way this coin makes everyone seethe. Can’t even have a thread without algo, eth, icp, ftm and other chuds shitting it up.

>> No.49924554
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This is gonna surprise everyone in the next bull run, it's my long term hold

Rdox and Sand box also great picks btw

>> No.49926730

>sub-second finality
>scalabale validator set
>1300 validators
>near-infinite horizontal scaling
>capped supply
>burned fees

The answer is Avalanche

>> No.49926771

Go away hbar, no one takes you seriously since lemon bird left

>> No.49926784

Literally all into HBAR. HBF is crushing it and the tech is unmatched when compared to anything we have right now.

>> No.49926886

All of them are VC scams designed to enrich the developers and initial investors. Keep that in mind when investing in them and plough all profits into BTC. If I was going to invest in a L1 right now it would probably be Near.
>Best tech
>Best team
>2nd most vc funding
>Hundreds of millions in ecosystem grants
>Connections to circle
>Highest rates of adoption
>Most original apps outside ETH.
Get in, get a 5-10x and get the fuck out before VCs start dumping massive bags. Look at what the foundation is doing and try to dump as they dump.

>> No.49926908

wtf is an HBAR?

>> No.49927942
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Name a single usecase where Avalanche is better than Hedera please.

>> No.49928011

>hes not excited about the blockchain borg
lame dude

>> No.49928374
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You only need BTC and ETH.
Everything else is unnecessary high risk

>> No.49929649

What's any of these blockchains search engine? Here's ICP's search engine https://kinic.io

>> No.49930142

Radix is a scam. Buy Kadena the discord mods are much nicer

>> No.49930279

Double spending

>> No.49930652

This. Nobody needs your psycho babble games you’re not fooling anyone anyway. Just hype hbar and be done with it and see if f you can elevate it above the FUD…I doubt it.

>> No.49932026

Can any of these projects run cryptokitties without crashing the network or $500 gas fees?

>Inb4 Soon™

>> No.49933450

HBAR shills remind me of Shibbaggies shills

>> No.49934147
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Agree. Leemon is love.

>> No.49934156

hbar is getting a video game

>> No.49934215
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Eventually you'll see HBAR occupy that #3 market cap position once held by XRP.

>> No.49934225
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>> No.49934477

Hedera - centralised

polygon only. chud pump today

>> No.49934596

Sell me on the Hedera idea.
What makes them so good?
Id like an objective opinion / rundown and not the shill copy pasta
I honestly have no idea what is supposed to make them great or at least better than their competition

>> No.49934701

2 people on team
Never released a game
Triple A
Fucking kek

>> No.49934883

>sell me hedera
there is nothing to sell its a shitcoin

>> No.49935058

If you are serious :
>Transactions on the network are paid in Hbar but are pegged to the USD : great for companies that want to plan their budget in USD, not in ALGO or ETH
>Governing council taking care of the network is known, not some obscure devs you never heard of hidden in Singapore. Those are solid entities (companies, universities, banks...) that you know will still be here in 100 years and more importantly are ACCOUNTABLE
>Instead of being based on ERC-20, the hashgraph is based on a mathematical marvel (litterally something thought to be unsolvable) which allows it to be the fastest, cleanest and safest DLT around

If you are serious about learning more, I discovered it through that video :

Good luck, Hbar is truly a haunting token

>> No.49935537

so people are willingly staying poor by not taking advantage of the alphas on the hbar foundation? damn couldn't be me honestly

>> No.49935763
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This. Never down, quietly having the best tech.

>> No.49936614

Humble shitfarm season is upon us, brothers and Vesties.

>> No.49936651

Are you one of those weirdo early Chia people who decided prior to mainnet to FUD the coin into the ground until adoption happened? Your absolute obsession with the coin is telling me this

>> No.49936757

No, I'm an ETH maxi, but one of the commonly posted L1 threads is essentially just a Chia shill in disguise, this one is similar in that it's an HBAR shill thread in disguise.

>> No.49936910

Don't worry you will stay poor as long as you hold hbar you dumb fucking shill. Hedera will never pay you enough rupees to convince anyone here

>> No.49936934
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>He isn’t collecting VEST and ALGO just for providing liquidity


>> No.49937089

>I'm an ETH maxi
But why? For all the time it's had as #1 is hasn't gotten shit for adoption within the real world. Nobody seems to want to build on it except for crypto scammers (yes making shitcoin ERC-20 tokens that have no purpose might as well be scamming) and individuals who want to sell their shitty jpegs to dumb people

>> No.49937113

#1 in relation to smart contract blockchains that is

>> No.49937372

kek true

>> No.49937419

My current L1 folio targets and why:
>BTC: 25%
Do I need to say why? it's fucking bitcoin. Fed can't really kill it but they could kill smart contract platforms
>ETH: 25%
No matter how you wanna sell it, all eyes are on ethereum. ETH 2.0 is where people want to be and so long as it goes smoothly, it will continue to grow. Because PoS is where the market wants to go. Gas fees suck but sharting + rollups are basically the only REAL solution we have to the blockchain trilemma.
>MATIC: 6.82%
This goes hand in hand with ETH 2.0. I just don't see any other platform really confident in dealing with ETH 2.0 rollups. It's functional, there's more development, has a decent ecosystem, not a lot to hate
>DOT: 6.82%
So this is where I get into a discussion aspect of what I think the future of defi is but to me it's painfully apparent that the future is multichain because nobody can solve the blockchain problem. It's the only one I know that seems to be doing interesting things as an L0. I know there's another but I just didn't see much that made me as optimistic. If DOT can really do what it's claiming, then there are huge gains to be made here
>AVAX: 5.68%
of the list, most functional project that gets close to solving the trilemma but like others, falls apart in cost and/or decentralization depending on how you evaluate it. Still though, it's more decentralized than a lot of competitors and it fUCKING WORKS so I think it has a bright future ahead
>BNB: 4.55%
It's BSC. It's the premier centralized shitcoin for scams. SOL is a fucking failure. It's not going anywhere
>ADA: 4.55%
legit one of the ones I hold and I don't know why, but if all the shit hasn't killed it yet, then I'll keep it in my folio. It probably has a future if it can scale up more and build a functioning ecosystem. Some of the tech Charles proposes I think is novel and nobody else is implementing. I think he has a good grasp on what the next gen of smart contracts look like, but I think he's also a fag


>> No.49937449

>awful at handing traffic
This stinky pajeet has no idea what’s going on kek. Back to the loo, ranjeesh.

>> No.49937459

Cardano because we live in a clown world

>> No.49937537

>HBAR: 4.55%
I think most hbaggies are fucking delusional faggots, but there's big names involved (but maybe not as much as people think). Unlike some of the others, this sacrifices decentralization for speed and cost. It's a hashgraph, it's just how it is. That's not a bad thing though, as the future is multichain and I think this will be around. However, the holders are insufferable faggots, it has no ecosystem, who even knows if this shit works. Muh corporations pump my bags is gay
>ALGO: 4.55%
Hidden gem imho, I think there's exciting things happening here but after the tinyman shit it all fell apart. I think it's one of the few that seem to have a good understanding of the academic legwork required to really support these platforms. Lot of good writing has come out of the algo team. Not sure where it stands these days but I'm still buying
>XTZ: 4.55%
While I'm not sure if the tech is superior, this one is an exciting project to me because of the focus on "tokenized assets." I think that's a huge thing in defi and one of the only projects out there that seems to want that future. Tokenized bond market will happen in our lifetime and you should pay attention to those who highlight this
>ONE: 2.27%
Really just a small pick for shits and kicks. Working ecosystem, supposedly some cool tech, but team has been really fucking sketchy. Proceed with caution
>ROSE 2.27%
"because /biz/ told me to buy it" but there seems to be some interesting things coming from ROSE but honestly I'm not sure if it does much worth discussing
>XPR 2.27%
I find it interesting that this is one of the only projects that really seems to want to bring crypto "into the mainspace" instead of little nerd cliques. Horrendous performance however. But everyone who uses it seems to sing its praise, so I think it will survive into the future if it expands its ecosystem

(one more post not like anybody gives a shit anyways)

>> No.49937540

We know you’re poor and are banking on a scam to make it out of your miserable situation but you’re too late. Merge is around the corner along with L2’s that actually work and offer the same security. I’m sorry you’re poor but you should stop being a faggot and wisen up a bit.

>> No.49937665

not mentioned and why

my largest holding actually kek but I am retardedly bullish on this project and think it has a perfect spot in this ecosystem war. (3x this portfolio split I just referenced). One of the most thriving ecosystems in defi, fast costs, doesn't go down. Why this shit is so low valued is beyond me. Andre fudders need not apply. Lot of exciting people are getting involved to implement FVM so I'm hyper bullish on this
Frankly, while I understand the problem it solves, I just don't fucking understand what's going on and the price has been ABYSSMAL. Even if it is the next web 3.0 I just don't see a point buying something this far down from ATH.
Total scamcoin. Do not fucking buy this trash. Why the fuck would you? BNB exists. Other things exist. Solves no problems, just an FTX cash grab. I could forgive a network halt once but this is getting ridiculous. Team also too grabby to halt wallets because shit's fucked. Maybe valuable to some, but not something I want to support
I have a bag. I wish I didn't. But it's a low cap yolo type shit
I've got a bag like above, but if this whole "solved proof of work" thing is legitimate then it could be huge because many people think proof of work is the gold standard of securing a protocol. (I don't but whatever)
Would be nice if CDC didn't seem so sketchy. Idk, dont' see a reason to use it when BNB exists but I have a bag because it does well during bullruns

To close this autistic drivel, I really firmly believe the future is multichain. Stop coping, nobody has solved the blockchain trilemma. nobody is even fucking close. But it all sacrifices one aspect in favor of others, and that's why I think tons of things will survive.
Anything else out there I just don't have a strong opinion on, so if it isn't in my percentage group or Fantom, I don't see it having a future. Thank you for having my ted talk.

>> No.49937737

Lamo literally the biz bagfolio

>> No.49937791

I can't help it that /biz/ shills this. It's why I limit shitcoins to ~50 percent of this folio though. It's more an experiment because I've kind of just wanted to be diverse and realized that I can't pick "the big winner" and I'm not really in the mood to get left holding the bag if any of this shit pulls a LUNA and dies. I've got serious money in the crypto space these days, so understandably I want to be a little more controlled. End of the day if bitcoin pumps though everything pumps sooner or later so I'm not super worried.

>> No.49938061

only ETH and ADA will make it
Solana is going to launch a fucking phone and Hedera a fucking game with ex-Sony employees

>> No.49938134

based analysis, thank you anon

>> No.49938484
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>ON... ONE
>R... RO... ROSE

>> No.49938538


No problem. I hope it's useful. It's obvious which project I'm a shill for I think so the rest are just what I've cut through from retards who are trying to become rich on their shit token.

>> No.49938837 [DELETED] 

I have confidence in the long term potentials of Dot and a lot of platforms are already building on the blockchain. Found out recently that Railgun would be deployed to the chain soon for privacy on assets and transactions. Looking forward to it

>> No.49938871

I have confidence in the long term potentials of Polkadot and a lot of platforms are already building on the blockchain. Found out recently that Railgun would be deployed to the chain soon for privacy on assets and transactions. Looking forward to it

>> No.49938894

Which coin gave you your biggest cash out in crypto

>> No.49938940
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Vechain will dominate
#1 blockchain for enterprise and governments

>> No.49938952

Fantom. So maybe it's why I'm still so bullish on it kek. I've been in fantom since 1c. UNFORTUNATELY greed clouded my judgement and I only cashed out ~200k (and a fat ass chunk of that went to the tax jew, but I haven't finished my taxes so I'll probably get some back). and some losses also piled up, but I've been using that money to fund some personal things + DCAing it into other parts. I really thought fantom would peak around 4-5 bucks so I guess I just fucked it. Andre being a fag didn't help either.

>> No.49938955
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hbar is literally a step down from bitcoin
it's a retarded scam

>> No.49938986

id like to add that OP is a huge faggot

>> No.49939313

Smartest poster in this thread

>> No.49939358

>hbar shill thread #18281
0 users
0 original dapps
0 enterprise utility

>> No.49940289


>> No.49940320
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but google sent a very senior intern to our Council Meeting, retard

>> No.49940390

Holy fucking kek that image

>> No.49940641

Look up how Solana calculates their tps and you'll realize it's not as fast as they say. Also, leader based consensus = ddos. Remember all those times Solana went down? Fun times.

>> No.49940763

Hedera is a permissioned network that anyone will be able to run a node for once that feature goes live. There is nothing about a hashgraph that requires centralization.

>> No.49941036

Hashgraph can NEVER run as many nodes as a network like ETH. aBFT is awesome in that you can achieve extremely high throughput but adding nodes doesn't strengthen the network at a certain point and can have performance losses.

This doesn't mean it's a bad thing, this just depends on your definition of decentralization. I think the ability to run a node no matter what is EXTREMELY powerful, but this is inherently a fact and a fault of anything based on aBFT.

>> No.49941400


Anon do you have chainlink in your portfolio? What about XRP and XLM? THETA?

>> No.49941452

I do, but only 1000 linkies. Rest I'm not super interested in. XRP maybe has a future but I think the government seeks to make an example out of it and nobody is gonna touch it with a tenfootpole. Unlike the rest of the schizos on this board though, they stay in their fucking circlejerk so they're alright, maybe worth picking up a stack.

>> No.49941471

Just a quick note that HBAR foundation actually allocated more funds towards expanding the Hedera ecosystem then all ETH foundation, Cardano Foundation, Polkadot Foundation combined

>> No.49941472

Polygon ecosystem is getting bigger. There are good projects released on the network: QUICK, POOL, KOL, ROLL etc. Polygon is not even on OP's title.

>> No.49941644

Polygon is low class.
Solana all in

>> No.49941736
File: 222 KB, 946x2048, 3AB78E4E-4BBD-4283-B8E5-DE38AEBE755D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALGO has been falling in price because of the bear market, but Algorand has more than recovered from the tinyman exploit. Yieldly is dead and Tinyman has tons of competition, NFTs refuse to acknowledge the bear market, and Algorand Inc/Foundation have been working their asses off to make the rest of this year Algorand’s time to shine. AlgoFi, Humble, AlgoxNFT, NFDs, Alloy, Nimble, Keon, etc. are just the tip of the iceberg, pic related. This coin glows like nothing else and the network can expand infinitely without diminishing returns on capacity. Look into how Pure Proof of Stake works, it turns the delegation model on its head by randomly choosing a large group of nodes to each quorum on each block. You won’t regret having this in your portfolio.

>> No.49941749 [DELETED] 

If it's a low class project, then why the hell did it reach to top 20? This baseless FUD is unworthy to reply. Besides projects on polygon are gaining its traction either on defi or nft gaming projects. It just needs a good marketing service.

>> No.49941771

If it's a low class project, then why the hell did it reach to top 20? This baseless FUD is unworthy to reply. Besides, projects on polygon are gaining its traction either on defi or nft gaming projects. It just needs a good marketing services.

>> No.49941799

I have XRP and THETA

>> No.49941805

Let's hope so it's what I've loaded up on and have stacking. Could set me up for life.

>> No.49942008

An L1 thread and you limit it to the four fucking shittiest ones on earth. Good job anon

>> No.49942448 [DELETED] 

No, your shitty company paid google to "partner" with them and google took the free money. You retards really need to understand that most of these crypto partnerships are paid for, that fat chainlink faggot is probably the worst offender of this.

>> No.49943176

>all shitcoins except eth (and its borderline a shitcoin)
Only L1s that matter are AVAX, FTM and Polygon. Everything else is a scam or inferioir

>> No.49943183

Say what you want about Polygon, at least it works SOL baggie

>> No.49943539

what about Constellation (DAG)?

>> No.49943578
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>Stop coping, nobody has solved the blockchain trilemma. nobody is even fucking close.
Explain to me why kadena hasn't

>> No.49944672

Polygon is the only L2 worth owning. Its the life support ETH needs to stay relevent. A good hedge to own while ppl figure out that Hedera does everything

>> No.49945087
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>> No.49945114


>> No.49945951

I can imagine your fat pockets anon, what did you Dca in? Do you think ftm still has a chance

>> No.49945989

We would see how good polkadot is doing in 2024

>> No.49946040
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A few points
>Do I need to say why? it's fucking bitcoin. Fed can't really kill it but they could kill smart contract platforms
BTC will have smart contracts capability through RGB.
LTC has smart contracts via Omnilite.
How can the feds kill smart contract platforms?
>No matter how you wanna sell it, all eyes are on ethereum. ETH 2.0 is where people want to be and so long as it goes smoothly, it will continue to grow. Because PoS is where the market wants to go. Gas fees suck but sharting + rollups are basically the only REAL solution we have to the blockchain trilemma.
Dydx just announced it was leaving Ethereum. The merge could also be catastrophic. Worst case scenario being a Luna-style event. PoS isn't without fault either but I'll tackle this point when I get to DOT
>This goes hand in hand with ETH 2.0. I just don't see any other platform really confident in dealing with ETH 2.0 rollups. It's functional, there's more development, has a decent ecosystem, not a lot to hate
The Polygon smart contract admin key is a multi-sig contract, a disaster waiting to happen.
>So this is where I get into a discussion aspect of what I think the future of defi is but to me it's painfully apparent that the future is multichain because nobody can solve the blockchain problem. It's the only one I know that seems to be doing interesting things as an L0. I know there's another but I just didn't see much that made me as optimistic. If DOT can really do what it's claiming, then there are huge gains to be made here
And this is where PoS (at least with Polkadot's style of governance fails)
An entity with sufficient DOT could freeze, seize, spend, etc. your cold hard assets even if they're sitting in a non-custodial wallet.

>> No.49946120

>Nfts refuse to acknowledge the bear market.
I'm guessing after the bear market we would be able to tell the strong projects from the weak ones. However, Nfts are another set of assets worth speculating. I know there's more to come.

>> No.49946161

Thanks for the hopium friend and a lot of good points. I think algo is definitely a gem right now and out of almost everything definitely has the most room to run. Too many interesting things going unappreciated.

I'll never give it a chance. Circa 2019 fantom was fudded by a gentlemen known as DAG schizo. The most autistic fudder I've seen on /biz/ but this is what gave me a really important rule I use to browse /biz/ -- posts here without a financial incentive. If someone I'd repeatedly fudding a project, a low cap shitcoin like fantom at that, then they probably have a reason. So it made me hold out of spite. Anyways maybe something cool is happening but I thought DAG was dead so if it isn't then maybe it can survive but I thought it seemed like vaporware.

Still no flourishing ecosystem so doesn't really matter.

Been in since 1c. Yeah I think it's undervalued as hell. For the ecosystem it has vs the rest, it shouldn't be this undervalued. Fair value of fantom to me is 2x what we are at now by mcap to tvl ratio. Hopefully fusd and FVM push this up.

Mobile posting since I just woke up but never underestimate retard politicians bought by Israeli bankers. I think the problem is things with a token since they can call it an unlicensed security and murder the market.

I think there is a chance the merge could be catastrophic but honestly I believe there's a lot of smart people involved and even if vitalik is an autist, it's got the best shot. If it fails then I think AVAX or ADA are gonna be the next hotness.

You think so on the matic side? Haven't heard this yet so I'll have to look into it. For me, matics value is only in eth 2.0 being successful.


>> No.49946223
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Here's the problem on why I don't agree that proof of stake is less secure than proof of work -- proof of stake requires you to put tons of cash in to exploit the platform you now have a significant investment in. I don't see any way you get out of an exploit like that with your hide because people will pick up on it instantly. Meanwhile, a proof of work exploit just requires investment in power and materials. If BTC goes to zero doesn't matter because then you can just sell off all the mining equipment + whatever you made from your attack. Network losijg confidence is of no concern. I don't think it's as secure as people make it out to be simply because China at one point accounted for a significantly large portion of hashing power. If it's that easy to concentrate so much hashing power in One country then I see zero reason to believe a 51% attack isn't possible and that it makes it more secure than proof of stake. You can't launch a proof of stake attack without totally nuking the underlying asset. I'm not sold that one is better than the other, but it's easier to bake in redunancies that make these exploits harder on newer pos chains while most proof of work is kind of just "what it is"

>> No.49946374

A 2x for fantom is not too bad but who would even spend money on anything right now

>> No.49946420

I'm just doing slow dcas into my spread for the reason above. Until the fed shows signs of slowing their rate hikes the bullrun can't continue. But they could be bluffing because the us government will default I believe if they get too crazy. Watch the 10yr yield, if that goes above 4% you're gonna see some serious shit and I doubt Biden or anybody else is really prepared for a crisis like this but they're too busy jerking off over Ukraine and guns to care.

>> No.49946437

Sure mention Cardano but not Algorand.
> also, hbar, sol
lmao. literally the stay poor folio

>> No.49946577

Tezos till we Bezos, the foundation will win

>> No.49946658

Algogems has a great future as well. They do marketplaces are a service now, so much fee revenue holy shit. AlgoxNFT is shit though

>> No.49946710

SOL and ETH have actual projects and users
ADA has actual users
HBAR gets shoe horned in after spending the bull market closed source and calling defi scams, there are no users and barely a dex

AVAX, FTM, BNB are bigger than HBAR. Stop shilling this shit.

>> No.49946999

I believe in DOT, many faggots will be surprised with it.

kek, DOT hater? buy now or you will regret it later.

>> No.49947013

Sol is a shitchain that’s down all the time.
Eth can’t scale and is only popular cuz it’s number 2
ADA is a scam toward redditors
AVAX is a roach scam
FTM is a tranny scam
All of them are shit compared to ICP. You have know search engine and every single one of the chains you mentioned run on centralized cloud providers. If you don’t understand the security risk that is related to that you’re a fucking retard

>> No.49947029

None of them have a search engine*

>> No.49947359

HBAR cannot scale its validator set without increasing latency massively so will always be centralised. Might as well use an AWS server.

Source: page 15 of its own fucking whitepaper.

>> No.49947495
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>the future is multichain

>> No.49947574

>I really firmly believe the future is multichain
Why not add ATOM? I hold both DOT and ATOM for this reason

>> No.49948069

kek, drop ATOM. DOT is going to explode soon.

>> No.49948837

Here is why I think it's less secure. The entire genesis supply is minted (out of thin air). A whale receives a large portion of the supply and splits it across several wallets. Whale starts multiple validator nodes and to an outsider it might look decentralized but we know behind the curtain there is only one validator (the whale). The protocol could be 99% centralized and nobody would know it.

>> No.49948885

>And this is where PoS (at least with Polkadot's style of governance fails)
That's not really an issue for the native chain/token, there is no admin account for Dot. They'd have to change the client, same as bitcoin.

>> No.49948913
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>HBAR holders predicted $50 in May 2021
>the members of the governing council don't have to use HBAR as a prerequisite for being on the council
>the members of the council all hate crypto and have not innovated in 10 or more years
>"enterprise solutions" in new fields, as which HBAR is marketed, have a consistent track record of failing.
>the founders, Mance and Leemon, have left
>the circulating supply is 18B, the total supply is 50B, with the non-circulating part held by Hedera
>Hedera WILL keep massively diluting existing holders by dumping literally billions of HBAR on them. The price has doubled over a 1-year horizon, while the market cap has QUINTUPLED.
>this is a 500% inflation rate, marketed as "distribution"
>this inflation will continue for years, according to the published distribution schedule
>HBAR has no functioning app ecosystem. You cannot even stake HBAR, making it worse than even than Cardano
>HBAR's fans keep fanning an idiotic and baseless feud with FTM, which used open source code for DAG consensus, yet they imagine that some lawsuit that nobody at Hedera is even talking about it coming

>> No.49948946
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> Lumping shitbar with eth and sol
Kys shill
About as real as the idea indians use toilets

>> No.49948981

I remember this thread 2 years ago except Polkadot was on it

>> No.49949019
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>> No.49949110

Craig isn't satoshi and bsv would do better to purge him from the organization

That is something I can agree with. I think there is no right answer there properly other than monitoring supply and setting up fail safes although I think the merge is the best way to do it. Although on fledgling networks, you can launch a 51 percent attack easier (like BSV kek)

>> No.49949185

They change it regularly though. And it is a problem if your DOT tokens are useless because someone ran a referendum that puts restrictions on your wallet. That's what happened.


Anything can change on Polkadot at any time. And I don't know about you but this worries me. Then again, I suppose it's a tad better than Ethereum forking and inflating the supply (ETH -> ETH & ETC) which can happen infinitely. I honestly don't know. What are your thoughts?

>> No.49949241

Aleph Zero

>> No.49949301

Dot is the only one that isn't a gamble. When your buying dot your betting on blockchains winning not a specific one and that just makes sense.

>> No.49949365
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True. But AVAX and HBAR. Waiting for the AllianceDEX on both networks. ICP isn't needed.

>> No.49949414

>Only L1s that matter are AVAX, FTM and Polygon. Everything else is a scam or inferioir
This, I feel sorry for all the newfags who fall for these shill threads.

>> No.49949726

What about DOT?

>> No.49949936

Right? It's particularly bad with shills from this chain, they must be getting increasingly desperate. But that's understandable, their whole project is as disingenuous as them, advertising "decentralization" when it's just a boring, permissioned DLT that doesn't solve any of the problems that people care about. Pretending to have a solution when they just ignore all the hard problems, how sad

>> No.49949982

>big names involved
I'm personally involved with google because I receive $0.01 a month in youtube ad revenue. We are strategic partners, actually. That's meaningless

>> No.49950103

Dot is a no brainer buy. Dot brings this all toghet.

>> No.49950326

Why dot > near? Near will bridge both DOT and Cosmos together.

>> No.49951459

Seeing a big fucking future with DOT, it's going to be where the most advanced defi platforms will be at.

>> No.49951593


>> No.49951630

that is fucking right anon, with Equilibrium being the first Defi 2.0 under Polkadot that is going to bring a big change to its ecosystem.

>> No.49951715

Major institutions are building on NFTs and I see them playing a major role in the sports metaverse which would give fans a place to belong.

>> No.49952137
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Charles Hoskinson seems like a charlatan. Should we judge Cardano having him in mind or not?

>> No.49952224

I'll be buying near as well. Any of these tokens with good staking at the best buys for a bear market. You just buy stake and buy more every pay check till the next bull run. Easy accumulating.

>> No.49952242

Are** not at

>> No.49953142

>Let me make a sad excuse of a thread so I can shill my hedera bags

No thanks retard

Cardano to 5 dollars in 2024 screencap this trannies