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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49936063 No.49936063 [Reply] [Original]

Onlyfans takes a huge percentage and the service is pretty bad and lacks a lot of features

Why haven't any good competitors come out?

>> No.49936090

Because most banks and financial institutions tend to drop sites like that, if they get too big.

You want to start a whore site, go for it. Good luck getting funding to grow it to where it makes any money.

>> No.49936129

Build a decentralized version and see how it goes.

>> No.49936132

Seems like investors would be lined up to back a cash cow like Onlyfans

>> No.49936183

It's sad. She worked too hard (being a club president is irrelevant garbage you shouldn't aspire to be). Got the grades and instead of making a meaningful career and benefited society. She just decided to say fuck it and whore herself.

>> No.49936205

She took the red pill

>> No.49936214

That woman belongs in a stall being milked all day.

>> No.49936303

that's what makes it hot man
even after all that effort she put in she's realized the best thing for her to do is serve as fap material
OF is teaching a whole generation of women (under the pretense of self-determination and liberation) that they're nothing more than objects for men to look at

>> No.49936323

I don't share your nigger brained sentiment though.

>> No.49936377

They didn't grow organically. They took the fetish/porn crowd away which Instagram kept kicking/banning for an instant group of content creators and customers.

Media also treated Onlyfans as a semi-respectable social media website at the start because they were retards caught up in the hype, when it always was 99% porn. I don't think a new competitor would be given the same treatment.

Very hard to compete against that, maybe if Instagram or Tiktok branched out into an adult sister website they could get traction quickly.

>> No.49936384

You are a libshit. The only sentiment you have is what you're told to have. This woman is a whore, and she knows it. She should be in the kitchen making food for children. Not in the lab, and certainly not getting naked for men to ogle over.
Bring back Jesus into every facet of our lives and anyone who disagrees gets killed. That's the way forward.

>> No.49936393

other competitors are actual escort sites you virgin

>> No.49936493

>women working hard for literally no reason and expecting some sort of payoff for no reason

many such cases. they don't get it

>> No.49936565

dead meme form 2020. ONLYFANs is cringe, going to wiped out in this recession, and no one will remember these whores.
Free porn exist and all the boner inducing porn from 90's to late 2010 is available on pronhub for hd full length for 9 bucks per month.

the novelty has worn off, except for some niche fetish niggers.

>> No.49936628

Based, Amen brother

>> No.49936822
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Onlyfans is the prototype of the autistic, /biz/-dwelling anarcho-capitalist’s wet dream. Every time some whore proclaims “sex work is real work” she is slowly eroding away the meaning of the act and devaluing her entire gender to nothing more than anatomical specifications mixed with a degree of acting talent.

The Commodification of human intimacy is the final frontier of the consumerist economic model. The most basic of biological motivations beside hunger and thirst can, just like a haircut, be described, priced and rendered at many convenient points of sale.

When sex from a woman is accepted as “real work” like a hairdresser or a welder’s service is “real work”, it becomes a product rather than truly intimate act between two souls. A partner is commodity. A body type, a hair color, a specific tone or inflection. Like a finely cooked meal or a freshly tailored suit a sexual partner is simply a carefully crafted, but fleeting purchase that will soon lose its luster after the appeal of something new urges you to consume once again.

I hope you get in early, friends.

>> No.49936862

Get in early to what?

>> No.49936869

Sorry anon but simpery is the natural state of most men. It’s not going away any time soon

>> No.49936883

There’s a lot of money to be made in this business. Pick the right horse early on and you’ll be a majority shareholder of a multinational megabrothel.

>> No.49936924

>is available
Was, purge made it sterile, it's basically reddit of porn now kek, tag filters, verified only, whatever else

>> No.49936970

>nooooooo goy what are you doing??? You have to get into a good 9-5 office job and be a contributing member of muh society and pay your taxes and buy a house on a 30 year mortgage and….

>> No.49937000

why does she have her head tilted back like that in the beginning?

>> No.49937136

please elaborate, I don't understand how you can become a shareholder from OF or related platforms.

>> No.49937278

t. stinky poor neet

>> No.49937300


>> No.49937433

Wherever there are hoes there will be pimps, even digital pimps.

>> No.49937597

i hate this too

>> No.49938521

I dont think the jesus thingbis gonna happen anytime soon, we need to figure out the solution without a 2000 year book from a bunch of goat herder fig eaters.

>> No.49938580

Sad state of our society. Just as sad are all the coomers in here who get off on it.

>> No.49938606

>CUM id
degenerate detected

>> No.49938612

Why the fuck do I hear so many stories about chemistry majors becoming drug dealers, etc because they can't find work? Don't we need people like that? Don't they contribute genuine value to society?

>> No.49938617

Very few companies want to be forced to work closely with authorities across the world monitor and properly the massive amounts of child pornography and other illegal content uploaded to porn sites on a daily basis.

>> No.49938654

Eh, they just make clot shots and other meth based drugs for billion dollar corporations. Society could do without.

>> No.49938679


What task requires a chem major outside making Designer drugs? I suppose you could jet set around the world and pitch industrial shit to developing countries.

>> No.49938715
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these women look psychotic

>> No.49938789
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So my ex is a silicon valley start-up type and she was actually trying to set up an OF competitor back when they were talking about getting rid of NSFW shit completely (not as a porn star but as the company CEO). She was even trading emails with people like Nikocado Avocado and was going to get funding by some kike porn producer in LA, but the two people she co-founded the company with were complete drama queens and were too lazy and incompetent to really go through with it. I wonder what's she up to now. I kind of miss her.

>> No.49938796

ok so im going to ask since this i dont want to start a thread about it
my wife is a counselor at an all woman rehab center.
ive been trying to push her into bringing girls to rooms and recording her abusing them, mostly tie them up and beat them softly, a little whipping. and then id come in and fuck my wife while making the girl stimulate her in ways. is this a good plan? do you think anyone would pay for it? shes on board to do it but i dont know how to advertise it. i need some good plans

>> No.49938829

also to clarify i dont want to put this shit on porn websites, the pay out would be far less. i think i have a niche money maker here any ideas would be great

>> No.49938967

come on coomers would any of you pay for this shit or should i not bother
i dont want her to lose her job but some of the girls there are attracted to her so i think this would be easy money with littke consequence, i know what happened go the girlsdoporn guys but they lied to them. i plan on being straight up front. maybe it is a bad idea
i dunno

>> No.49938996

You're a piece of shit

>> No.49939207
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yea and?
can you give me some insight here besides garbage i already know

>> No.49939273
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Wow, I get to be a shill for my bags for once. Pornrocket actually tried to do that with NSFW.app
I dumped about 3 grand on it back when Onlyfans did that retarded shit about banning their only appeal. One of my friends got really hyped about it and I fell for his shilling. I think my bag is worth $200 right now because I forgot about it.
The site still works, they roped some people into contracts, and sent some porn star's panties into space.

>> No.49939315
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>> No.49939463

The sole purpose of onlyfans was to serve as a stepping stone to get normie girls into porn. That’s why the media white washed it. The TikTok video is an attempt to convince normie women that smart girls are on onlyfans

>> No.49939533

Lol I used to beat off to some of Codi Vore's VR videos

>> No.49939617

i regret googling that
gnarly bitch. truly. how can you pleasure yourself to shit like that

>> No.49939730

The fact that whoring is more profitable than STEM careers speaks to a soviet-tier economic failure in the USA. One of the big reasons the USSR failed is that an educated researcher or other highly skilled professional effectively earned less than a guy cleaning toilets. In that environment the incentive to innovate or maintain society simply wasn't there and the USSR stagnated then collapsed.

>> No.49939739

well, I did say used to
not a lot of good vr content back then

>> No.49939757

Again it's because the upper 20% of researchers make only $80k and that number hasn't gone up for several decades. Whoring is much, much more profitable than actually working now, that is a huge problem.

>> No.49939845

brooo the jenna haze content was more than enough

>> No.49939911
File: 1.88 MB, 374x280, 1655604477773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it keep doing those weird motions with its eyes? why can't it just look at the fucking camera and say what it has to say? what fucking species is this thing?

>> No.49939988

Just think that in the future after the clown times and hard times pass this go around there will be highschool equivalent education teaching about the Coomer and Thot epidemic of the 20s and how the Simps and onions poisoning led to the downfall of multiple generations of humanity.

>> No.49940106

Come join our webdev team here at JustWhores, help in making a better simping experience: >

>> No.49940145

Great post.

>ass worms

>> No.49940248
File: 11 KB, 251x355, STOP USING SKIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could already have that if the sexdoll fags weren't obsessed with making uncanny valley monsters.

>> No.49940278

>onlyfans created by Tim Stokely
>75% stake bought out by (((Leonid Ravinsky)))
>(((Florida-based))) (((Ukrainian-American))) with investments in (((Anywhere Software)))
I think we have gathered enough clues why Onlyfans hasn't any competition.

>> No.49940417

The end result is fully automated. Women taken out of the game completely, replaced by a wide variety of AIs that serve the male consumer better than any female. The pinnacle of human thought and expression. Pygmalion's dream will soon be realized.

>> No.49940671

Onlyfans made me realize Jewish porn producers are a good thing
Self producing cam whores have zero understanding of how to make half way decent content from a guy's pov
Platform is complete garbage too

>> No.49940934

The only thing OF is good for is for full body scans for VR/AR models. That and voice samples.

>> No.49940966

Same post but if it would have ended with her getting pregnant it would have been a success