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49922228 No.49922228 [Reply] [Original]

Merge happening in September.

>> No.49922241


>> No.49922316
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Impossible due to how BTC is going to behave.

>> No.49922335


>> No.49922605

Unlikely. It would have a lot of work to do. Market is projecting to be really awful through the rest of 2022. And truthfully cryptocurrency has a lot of bad press at the moment. People are broadly not buying technology related derivatives. Any pumps and dumps are because whales actively trading.

I also think that the merge narrative is pretty sketchy to buy into. A lot of things can go dramatically wrong. Ethereum can go to zero as quickly as Luna if they fuck something up.

>> No.49922670

This year? Zero. 95% chance of reaching it in 2024/5. It isn't hitting 5-figures until the next bull run.

>> No.49922756

if we're talking a market where things go back to fundamentals and real value, ethereum is the definition of overvalued
overvalued transactions, overvalued revenue estimates, overvalued coin
expecting eth to hit $10k is like expecting dogecoin to hit $1
not saying it can't happen, just that the speculator interest needed to make this happen isn't reliable

>> No.49922784

Merge will be a sell the news event
There is even a nonzero chance that they fuck up
However, if what they say about emissions is true, 10k is a conservative value for the next bullrun

>> No.49922809

buy avax thank me later

>> No.49922811

You need to take a serious look at the DYDX news and what its implications are over the next year or two. Especially if you understand CCIP.

>> No.49922876
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pretty much guaranteed to happen, arthur predicted it and he literally has never been wrong with anything.

>> No.49922882

There are no implications, yet
Protocols moving on to make their own chain is not a new idea

>> No.49922940

Damn near 0
I say that as someone that holds 50 of it.

>> No.49922963

Near zero. Crabs are already digging in

>> No.49922998

This man must be at least 40 IQ points higher than his face suggests.

>> No.49923067

>beginning of bear market
>eth doing a 10x
how delusional are u?

>> No.49923090

When will newfags understand crypto is over for 2022?
Nothing will be rocketing in price, including this.

>> No.49923097

An application as large and important as DYDX moving from a rollup to a standalone chain is extremely important, especially their reasons for doing so. They don't like being tied to a vendor aka Starknet, they want full control. They don't like centralised sequencers, and who knows how far away FSS is. And the tooling/SDK on Cosmos is way, way better.

It's negligent to handwave this away. The main criticisms are that they lose composability and will have to rely on bridges, but presumably CCIP is going to fix that aspect anyway.

>> No.49923119

Likelihood of it hitting $200 this year is much, much greater.

>> No.49923130

You are aware that the current crash is because of eth right? People wont mine if they can't gain profit.

When eth goes pos, it will crash to sub 100 like all the other trash coins.

>> No.49923368

I dunno man, it could either be a for a technical reason or an attempt to make their token more valuable
Composability isnt the only thing thats put into question, chain security and overall loss of decentralization is really meh
Yes eth is more centralized that btc, but compared to any other L1, they have done a better job at spreading their coin around

>> No.49923395

it'll go to $10k at some point, but it could take 2-3 years

>> No.49924347

It's too early for high-throughput L2 rollups, but it's a matter of time. Technological ZK advancements move much faster than general tech advancements as zk-proofs are pretty much uncharted territory.

In 2023 or 2024 zkSync and Polygon will probably both have ZK SDKs similar to the Cosmos SDK. Polygon already has sth like that for simple sidechains. StarkWare offers sth like that as long as you comply with their license (vendor lock-in).

The ZK space is moving fast and this is to the benefit of all L1, but mostly Ethereum as there's little reason to settle on say Harmony / Fantom when you can settle tx on Eth

A year ago it took 2 minutes to generate a ZK proof for the Polygon Zero rollup, now it takes 0.2 seconds on a macbook.
ZCash which is not a rollup but was the first to use zk-snarks started at 2 minutes + 4gb ram to make a transaction now you can do it on a phone.

If you want to use a ZK SDK your only option is to use a centralized vendor - StarkWare. They have the most production ready tech right now but they're a VC-ruled dictatorship that will probably never be fully open sourced.

zkSync is a little behind but everything they build is MIT licensed. The Matter Labs CEO went on a twitter rant a few hours ago how StarkWare's licensing was probably one of the reasons for the DyDx move.

The Aztec team will probably take months to launch their ZK tech and they use the same license as StarkWare.

Polygon purchased a bunch of very competent teams - the ZK tech of Polygon Zero is the best out there (no trusted setup + low prover requirements) but they're far from production ready. Hermez is cool too but is also at least a year from mainnet.

Scroll is probably the furthest away from mainnet.

Centralized sequencers and provers are not too hard to solve, they're just not the focus right now as there's still a ton of ZK improvements that are being worked on. ZK L1s like aleo have working solutions for decentralized provers - they use PoW for proofs.

>> No.49924392

kek hit the char limit
I've been spending way too much time trying to understand ZK protocols

>> No.49924436

This year? 0%
Next bullrun, 95%

>> No.49924441

>Merge happening
things that will literally never happen

>> No.49924473
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>Ethereum can go to zero as quickly as Luna if they fuck something up.

>It isn't hitting 5-figures until the next bull run.

but also this.

>> No.49924671

>I also think that the merge narrative is pretty sketchy to buy into. A lot of things can go dramatically wrong. Ethereum can go to zero as quickly as Luna if they fuck something up.

Are you a boomer? This whole crypto ecosystem is the riskiest investment in the history. If you are scared you can't make money here.

>> No.49924990

Over 50% of DyDx tokens are held by insiders. When they move to dPOS they'll have full control over the tendermint consensus and will be free to censor or reorder transactions.

>> No.49926846
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First it goes down to 500. I'll slurp what I can.
It will be 10000-20000 in 3-4 years.
In next bullrun everything will be about Ethereum rollups. Other chains will die.

>> No.49926863

Based post, anon. Thanks for the insight.

>> No.49927298

I'm not discussing how I approach my investments. I'm simply talking about an incomplete project that wants to have a major pivot in its consensus mechanism while the network is still live...

The fortunate thing is that this merge will hopefully take place during a bear market. They can work the kinks out while there's very little attention on it at a lower price. If the update is smooth. Then everyone here could see at least 5x minimum on what they've invested.

>> No.49927362

>I'm simply talking about an incomplete project that wants to have a major pivot in its consensus mechanism while the network is still live...

Are we still talking about only Eth or the whole crypto ecosystem?

>> No.49927379

the bubble has popped, sorry

>> No.49927499

eth my guy. did you know that something very crazy is about to take place on ethereum? imagine updating from windows 11 to mac os x without rebooting your computer. the more simple example is changing your car's engine while you're driving on the highway

>> No.49927620

I think you doesn't understand the situation. The whole ecosystem is under development. Every project and all can collapse "if something happens".

>> No.49927647

Probability I will type the N word?

Low, but never zero

>> No.49928121
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What do you think of Loopring (LRC)? They're a zkrollup working on zkEVM capacity. I'm considering investing but you seem a bit more technically equipped with a better fundamental understanding of these things. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.49928164

More likely to go to $ 10 than to $ 10k

>> No.49928282

it already happened on multiple testnets

>> No.49928299

Any project that advertises heavily on reddit is a scam. I'm not joking.

>> No.49928303

Based post.
Starkware is VC "scam", the tech is on point but its furthest away from being decentralized
Without a doubt zksync will one of winners of the L2 wars, all the big brain devs are gravitating towards them.
They do have to be careful with their token however, they cant just give to devs

>> No.49928320

you sound like a boomer. you're talking about software and you don't know how it works.

>> No.49928397

Probably like, 2023 or 2024

>> No.49928509
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Thanks but I'm looking for actual insights.
They already have a functioning protocol on which the GME marketplace is structured with a functioning counterfactual wallet. It's definitively not a scam and already has the operating infrastructure and userbase. Not to mention all of the coins are already distributed so the devs can't print or dump on people scam style.

>> No.49928547

>>lagging indicator

>> No.49928565


>> No.49928989

I don't know. All I know is that they're working on it with people from the Ethereum foundation but I haven't seen any technical announcements or even blog posts about their work on zkEVM. I haven't been following them closely though, if you have any links to share I can give my opinion.

> Starkware is VC "scam", the tech is on point but its furthest away from being decentralized
Yeah that's the very sad reality, they got much more funding than zkSync and they're ran like a tech company that's very protective of their IP.
Licenses are one of the few things that makes them worse than zkSync.

The thing is, StarkWare is a bunch of very smart people, they realize that decentralization matters for Eth maxis so it'll be interesting to see whether they'll move to a more permissive license.

There are already very active discussions about that on their forum. I've personally asked them about that in a recent AMA and they said that they'll go with the opinion of the community.

It could be that they keep the Polaris license until launch so nobody can beat them to market, then move to open-source licenses to appease ETH maxis and release their own token.

They stand to earn a lot more from a successful $STARK token than from licensing their tech to others. The DyDx drama proves that this is a bad business model.

>> No.49929323

nobody is talking about other projects. we're talking about ethereum. you guys just come here to start fights and offer nothing constructive to the thread

>> No.49929472

also no one gives a fuck how ethereum or other crypto technologies works under the hood. it doesn't matter how much someone knows about this shit. you want normies to buy your bags. so what matters is the user experience, and people's investments into the network. and the narrative is that holding ethereum in particular is dangerous. you flex like you know software, or you're bringing up some random "who?" tokens in an ethereum thread.

>> No.49929532

>What's the probability that this will reach $10,000 end of the year?

>What's the probability that this will reach $10,000 end of 2025?

>> No.49929960

Not by the end of the year but maybe in a few years. I've been buying up ETH like crazy lately. Hoping to have 100 ETH sometime soon.

>> No.49930488

112 eth here and still accumulating, it doesn't stop at 100 anon, believe me.

>> No.49930497

I was about to say something similar. I don't see ETH reaching that amount this year or next. Probably in the next bull run. ETH is the greatest asset I have. I even use them to run liquidity on uniswap with many projects like Sylo, Uni etc. I am stacking up just like you.

>> No.49930536

For real?
What is your target?

>> No.49930674

ty based effort-poster

>> No.49930745

is 640 eth enough to make it?

>> No.49930822

Not by the end of the year, but eth is eth. With polygons scaling its going to flip BTC.

>> No.49931453

Eth could merge with Jesus Chrits' asshole and still not hit 5k.

>> No.49931800

Uhhh who is using defi right now?

>> No.49931948

I totally agree with you man. It has Zero % chances of during such this year. Maybe the next bull run. One of the reason I'm low key stockpiling it. Occasionally, might get some low caps projects like COTI, CSTI or AXL.

>> No.49931981

What DeFi project are you using or interacting with?

>> No.49932003

256. that’s 8 nodes… there is basically no way I can reach that but I’m living like a hobo to dump 75%+ of my incomes into eth. Good luck my dude

>> No.49932016

I'm storing half my money on Bancor. It used to be all my money.

>> No.49932128

Anything below 60 cents per is slurp as much as you can territory. I have about 10k loops myself and have gone out of my way to never ever mention it on 4chan because I do not want it getting real traction which would cause the price to increase to the point I cannot continue accoooomulating more at the rates I have thus far enjoyed. It had a huge round of speculation already that pushed it to a bit more than 4$ per, but that was due to people thinking the marketplace was about to launch before it got delayed. Launch for the market is either end of this month or end of next.

Get as much as you can. It's still very cheap now. I've already hit my goal for accoooomulation so I don't mind talking about it.
Jeets need not reply

>> No.49932554

If PoS is any good, then 20k or .25 BTC is possible.

>> No.49933153

pretty much same desu :) good rewards acoomumilating

>> No.49933165

retard alert...

>> No.49933655
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it was supposed to be a world computer with blockchain changing everything. Instead it's shitcoins and monkeys. It's failed bro

>> No.49934029

seems like i'd have to have a rethink on selling.

>> No.49934102

I never knew anyone is buying stuff in this market.

>> No.49934194

staking rewards ESL-kun, come on... keep up pls desu

>> No.49934256

50-50. When it hits 600 I slurp for a 16x.

>> No.49934302

The problem now is the asset you're staking, mine is stables and i stake them with Spool which charges me nothing on deposits and withdrawals, aside the normal gas fees and performance fees which i pay only when the withdrawal is greater than the deposits.

>> No.49934367

You post like a Bot and Pajeet and I am DISREGARD.

>> No.49934433

how does this look like a bot and pajeet.... if you're not a faggot.

>> No.49934454

Very unlikely though cos the market might just remain this bearish for a long time to come

>> No.49934552

Merge wont happen in september.

>> No.49934802

That's not gonna be an easy one on all of us. How are am I gonna make money by just sitting and watching the market this way.? And for how long?

>> No.49934876

pretty sure he revised his prediction given macro conditions

>> No.49934878

consider yourself lucky if ETH is $1000 end of year

>> No.49934903

this, it's all an attempt at creating a farce of decentralization. dydx will go bust like all the other shitters that have attempted to leave ETH, like that one shitcoin that went to DOT

>> No.49935106

You could invest into DeFi protocols fag. There are several things you could do from staking to farming to lending all for passive income.

>> No.49935254

next bull run for sure, need to slurp 1000 eth over the next 2 years

>> No.49935442

For suggestions, some good protocols for that would include Genshiro and Equilibrium if one is most concerned about Security of assets and Biswap if one is most interested in more quantity of token rewards.

>> No.49935829

Why do permabulls think only bearish information is priced in? The merge was priced in the entire bullrun which is the reason ETH almost hit 5k.

>> No.49935996
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>What's happening?
Here's the QRD people forget:
JP Morgan made a hard fork of ETH years ago and called it Quorum. They tried to set it up as an enterprise-only blockchain, but found progress slow. Because of this, they decided to try a different approach and bought out Joe Lubin's (Vitalik's partner) company ConsenSys. It turns out ConsenSys controls most of the patents that make ETH work. JP Morgan have affectively taken over the ETH back end, and once this was done they announced ETH 2.0
>What does this mean?
It means JP Morgan control ETH and they obviously have big plans for the blockchain. Most people don't realise, but almost all oil trading uses the Ethereum blockchain.
>Is ETH worth holding?
In terms of standard valuation metrics like Price/Earnings-ratio, ETH should be about $10K. The likelihood of a major price rise in ETH post merge is strong.

>> No.49936218

Fuck you. 10k is programmed in.

>> No.49936394

this is an amazing premise to a sequel of scanners. please go to hollywood with this

>> No.49937786

>Most people don't realise, but almost all oil trading uses the Ethereum blockchain.
more info on this?
was wondering to do research on that

>> No.49937951


>> No.49938897

based, ty

>> No.49939471

Welcome to 2022. Racism isn’t cool anymore

>> No.49939511

Very high. ETH whales are fucking relentless
BitDAO alone buys more than 380 ETH daily on average and has more than 200,000 ETH in its treasury as of now

>> No.49939555


Literally guaranteed. Stupid switch from POC will trigger next upward price action.

>> No.49939732
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Just sell hedge by selling calls on Deribit every week for the rest of the bear market, it's not that hard.

>> No.49939748

>Just sell hedge by selling calls
Just hedge by selling calls

>> No.49939914

When Syscon was at 0.075 I wasn't here and didn't hear, when Syscon was at 1.3 dollars I heard the news but wasn't privileged. Now that Syscon is at 0.13 dollars this is my miracle beckoning. When Syscon goes to 100 dollars I will testify how I moved from miry clay to mansion.

>> No.49939939

>he thinks anything other that a catastrophic collapse of this scam is possible

>> No.49939953

0 Unironically the same number it’s going too

>> No.49939978

No that’s what ICP is

>> No.49939993

It’s a lock
Btc 200k
Eth 10k
SHIB 100

>> No.49940643

I'll buy it at $400, the merge is a buy the rumour sell the news

>> No.49941295

depends of madam inflation in brussels and her bond buying program

>> No.49941454


>> No.49941511

The merge is a triple halving, for those who aren't aware. I'd say it will hit $10k by Q3 of 2023.

>> No.49942153


>> No.49942195
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I'd rather invest in the metaverse. Looks to have more potentials regarding the level of interests constantly growing around the sector. Take Sports metaverse for instance, that managed to seal the interest of EA sports, Nvidia, Sony etc. The space is rising and fuckin fast

>> No.49942210

You will wait for a long time, anon

>> No.49942504

I bagged 5ETH at 900. I don't think I will be topping my bag anytime soon until after July 4th. I will be staking it away alongside my RFOX and REEF bag. Whatever happens, I'm sure that these gems will survive the bear market.

>> No.49942549
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>front centre
every fucking time

>> No.49942788

absolute 0, we are in bear market which lasts longer time. You can chase moon boys to confirm your unrealistic beliefs all you want but it's not gonna happen. Wait for QE and at least 6 months and you will do good. Now you are just standing in line to get hit by a falling knife

>> No.49943022
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Same as QOM's 75%, considering everyone knows its big shit

>> No.49943072

Not even in the next lifetime of bull markets combined, not in 4 years not in fourteen not in forty. XRP literally will be running DeFi in a manner which no other asset could dream of. The BIS already layed it out this week to spoon feed late fags who aren’t retarded and might catch on, otherwise enjoy

>> No.49943092

Baggie cope, do you have any idea how many whales would dump ethereum to zero getting out if it even hit a retrace. You literally are shilling a coin made by a skeleton

>> No.49943121

Bullshit projects like this won't pump during the great deleveraging we're going through right now. These are bubble era projects. No your shitty flash game isn't worth billions or even millions.

>> No.49943286

Syscon bringing it's own L2. And it will be the gas fees for both L1 and L2. Optimism rollups for now and zkrollups will be implemented later.

>> No.49943362

70% premine spaghetti code

>> No.49943389
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what's the source on this painting? I like the art