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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49932058 No.49932058 [Reply] [Original]

Newton was a bull and he died broke. Bulltards are all on the same trajectory, except they have no world changing accomplishments to their name.

>> No.49932103

and therein he learned the principle of what goes up, must come down.

>> No.49932130

Genius in some area are usually retards in other

>> No.49932156
File: 106 KB, 532x572, SouthSea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom in.

>> No.49932181
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but what if he diamondhanded till next halving?

>> No.49932407

He didn't die broke, he did lose an absolute fortune from the South Sea bubble but still worked for as Master of the Mint (the head of the mint) until his death. He also died without a will and his successor to the Mint was married to his half niece and responsible for settling his estate, something he did poorly and the matter had to be brought before the courts as the most direct descendent was given an objectionable share of the estate. Which is where most the rumours that he died poor come from.

>> No.49932431

>worked as Master of the Mint
You wouldn't believe English was my first language, fuck.

>> No.49933202

What's extra amusing is that normally that mint job was supposed to be an easy sinecure, but Newton took it super seriously, doing hard crack downs on counterfeiters and coin shavers, rooted out corruption at the mint, and help improve the assay methods for coins.

>> No.49933742

One might say his handling of the position was masterful.

>> No.49934673

He honestly had a really interesting life all things considered.

>> No.49934786

Don’t know who that last bear is but he called the absolute top.

>> No.49935192

Based non worthless bureaucrat

>> No.49935261

Newton fucked up here by exiting 100% of his position, if he had got a simple 2-3x he could of pulled out the 2x and let the rest ride. But really this is /biz/ incarnate holding shitcoins through 10000x pump and back to 0 not understanding what happens.

>> No.49935358

lmao even the smartest of mans gets FOMO. He also unironically died a virgin.

>> No.49935551

Isaac newton was a closeted homosexual

>> No.49935563

you would know faggot