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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 84 KB, 818x390, 1655943596414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49925616 No.49925616 [Reply] [Original]

WAGMI bros

>> No.49925717

You gotta give the shills a few more minutes. They haven't done their morning dilation yet.

>> No.49925913

Finished. Feeling fresh now.

>> No.49925946
File: 711 KB, 1125x1553, brave-basic-attention-token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49926015

Brave just started advertising on Rogan. Feels good.

>> No.49927402

I thought that was organic shilling. Did they start running ads?

>> No.49927544

Yep. Saw my first one today on the Mike Judge episode

>> No.49927877

Checked and based. Finally some decent advertising

>> No.49927975

Checked right back friend. WAGMI

>> No.49928051

Holy fuck really? Did rogan do a good read?

>> No.49928167

Yeah he did. It came up on the first ad break and he stressed the search engine.

>> No.49928464

Based. How the rest of /biz/ is sleeping on this is beyond me.

>> No.49928568

And all after Annie was fired

>> No.49928986

It was her idea all along. They’re just now starting execute all of Annie’s ideas. That woman was a straight shooter with Fortune 500 CEO written all over her

>> No.49929896

So Annie was the mastermind of all of Brave's future success. Got it.

>> No.49930996

Brendan milked her for all her internal data she had from twitch. They stole her whole playbook and kicked her ass to the curb when they were done with her.

>> No.49932028

> I’m 15 years old

>> No.49932284

If Brave buys BAT for the Brave search users not opted in to ads it could create a virtual lockup.

>> No.49933340

I dont understand this shitcoin
The only thing it does is bouncing between 37-39 cents.

>> No.49933367

it will do that for the next 2.5 years. i've been in BAT since 2017.

>> No.49933410

Thats oddly specific, why 2,5 years?

>> No.49933439

Got a clip or time?

>> No.49933473

I also strongly believed that attention is worth alot in modern times and that BAT would fill this void. But they are not really opportunistic

>> No.49933494

past experience. Its swings are incredibly predictable.

>> No.49933506

You buy and sell when it breaks either trend. My next sell target is .42-.44 then I’ll start buying back again under .40 You can literally 100x your position if you stay on top of it. The Fed and MSM are consistently pumping market fear to price everyone out before the next bull run. Now is the perfect time to make money swanging thangs.

>> No.49934940

Thinking about creating some Brave posters to throw up around town for fun. My plan is just text:
faster than chrome
built in ad block
built in tracker block

>> No.49935133

You can’t just do that. It needs to approved.

>> No.49935205
File: 85 KB, 300x250, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approved ad right here

>> No.49935292

Dø it, it will be the most advertising Brave has ever received.

>> No.49935324

I'm still sad about the sticker campaign, it was a great idea and we had fantastic designs for it

>> No.49935349
File: 207 KB, 498x512, 1597082335502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros we only need a 30,000x from here to reach this. lfg.

>> No.49935426

If they are the stickers I'm thinking of they looked retarded. Why can't you faggots just come to terms with the fact that you will never have a product that gets 60M MAU. Stop pretending you're a fucking marketer and can grow a business.

>> No.49935455

At $10 I never have to work again. Let's start there.

>> No.49935467

Brave just needs to stop being cheap and pay for ads. Yes, there are devoted and loyal autist here but anything we do will be minuscule compared to an actual ad blitz.

>> No.49935489

how much bat do you have?

>> No.49935554


>> No.49935689

Damn bud. I thought I was bag holding with 50k.dywdm

>> No.49935751
File: 78 KB, 512x512, 1612839534549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brave is going to announce something big tomorrow

>> No.49935793

>Brendan milked her

>> No.49935949

550k here i feel nothing

>> No.49935955

This was actually looks along the lines of something Annie had lined up. You guys would’ve loved her pride month campaign

>> No.49936011

annie wanted to extend an olive branch to the gay community for brendans offense in the past. that was her goal.

>> No.49936100
File: 222 KB, 960x917, C319DFB4-D105-48BF-A68A-9747895AA5DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yasssssss kween

>> No.49936157

does this guy use brave? he looks mighty brave.

-posted from my motorola razr using Brave Browser for Android

>> No.49936313

Brendan is like all anti-gay catholics. Buying meth and getting fucked by a power top at a motel 6.

>> No.49936324


>> No.49936388

Why are we pamping?

>> No.49936423
File: 164 KB, 600x600, aa8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont know, but all i care is that i sold at the top, made about 4k USD

>> No.49936467
File: 64 KB, 1015x1024, 973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49936650

Aaaaaaand the pump is over

>> No.49936668

So, when are we buying back in?

>> No.49936743

We start back up at .37

>> No.49936793

No way its that simple

>> No.49936833

It literally is. BAT is the easiest swing in the biz. I made almost 200k last year on this token.

>> No.49937026

Passing Neo soon, fucking ghost chains.

>> No.49937251

#66. How many spots is that this month? 15 spots? 20 spots?

>> No.49937356

Are we preparing for PUMPA round 2?

>> No.49937547

lets murder NEO

>> No.49937900

I just gave them a thumbs down on CMC. They're fucked now

>> No.49938536

420 420 420 420

>> No.49938583
File: 1.94 MB, 1436x1500, INEVITABLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.49938584
File: 2.25 MB, 336x252, 8D500B04-0994-4D1B-A94A-5CF6762E2FC9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

420 420

>> No.49939220
File: 66 KB, 730x783, photo_2021-03-11_09-55-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets go boys

>> No.49939325
File: 208 KB, 600x446, 959EAE4B-6755-4041-B2EC-D4DCAD468911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll see you niggers up there

>> No.49939398
File: 689 KB, 1000x664, brave bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something stunningly beautiful about BAT's 1 day chart, it's picture perfect

>> No.49939405
File: 83 KB, 1406x719, batlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the 2018 LINK fractal from its pump in the bear market, i actually think we could outperform this. we'll see where it goes from here.

>> No.49939440
File: 87 KB, 1409x719, linkbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the LINK/BTC pair, we would be right here with BAT/BTC

>> No.49939488
File: 50 KB, 400x400, saint monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop. I can only get so erect.

>> No.49940619

lmao you could have posted this anytime in the last two years and you wouldve been wrong,, doesnt make it different this time

>> No.49940708

tell us you dont understand fractals without telling us

>> No.49940746

got 1200 bat is that enough? feels like this shit could go to 30$

>> No.49940881

How does ~50k sound to you?

>> No.49940899

Lads I need 30 cent bat to buy. Where are the fudders when you need them?

t.5.3k stacklet

>> No.49940951

i have literally earned 1,400 just from browsing. you need to pump those numbers up. Let me guess you also have some gay reddit bags full of DOT and Loopring and other reddit shit too?

>> No.49940981

I know breh. Was waiting for it to go down to .25 and it never quite reached there. Gotta hope the global macro outlook worsens so prices drop again.

>> No.49941001

told you the other day that swingies get the rope. Hope it pumps another $.40.

>> No.49941035

The best outcome for the next week or so is if bitcoin shits the bed one more time just to drive the rest of the market down. BAT has enough exposure and publicity to recover and most of the people who are in the crypto markets right now aren't shitcoin chasers.

>> No.49941051

I'm not swinging negro my cost basis in BAT is like .23 cents I've been holding this shit forever. Just happen to have more fiat on hand this time around.

>> No.49941123

50k is a suicide stack

>> No.49941173

Fuck bros I should have gone the fagman route just to have some more dry powder to buy. I'll just cope and seethe by shitposting about the tech crash that will happen soon.

>> No.49941305

What happens if i do it anyway

>> No.49941333


>> No.49941950 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 650x933, 58625699-41B8-4E72-B45A-640536C4E700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49942125

ahhh why is this shitcoin pumping???????
its literally worthless freeware token

>> No.49942470

about to knock neo and quant out. What is that like 15 rankings this month? 20?

>> No.49942520

got to 100k bat, 200k next dip

>> No.49942727

Lets design Brave posters to staple around town, bros. ill start

>> No.49942802 [DELETED] 

when search ads

I unironically think Brave Search will be Brave's most popular product in the future

It's also a proven business (Google)

>> No.49942813
File: 143 KB, 1920x1200, 1153664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feedback? Somebody with actual talent should make some of these and I'll print them out and spam them around town with proof tomorrow

>> No.49942814

when search ads

I unironically think Brave Search will be Brave's most popular product in the future

It's also a proven business model (Google)

>> No.49942858

Nice effort, but it's not looking good desu. Use the colors from Brave's website:

Font: white
Background: dark blue


Also the centered design is a bit boring visually

>> No.49943034
File: 71 KB, 300x250, 1qt9cxrrlcW6wF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah bro, use this one

>> No.49943048
File: 233 KB, 1920x1200, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much like brave, we took your feedback and came up with this:

>> No.49943060
File: 233 KB, 1920x1200, 2(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one is has off white text. Here's proper white, which one is best?

>> No.49943297 [DELETED] 

Put the logo on the right and move the "Brave Browser" headline below the logo

Put the sell pitch on the left and ditch the hyphens "-"

>> No.49943299

Staking is one of syscon's pillars that facilitate securing and smooth running of the blockchain especially as related to newer chains that work with PoS and this has yielded in faster transactions on the blockchain and passive income for stakers.

>> No.49943445

Put the logo on the right and move the "Brave Browser" headline below the logo

Put the sales pitch on the left and ditch the hyphens "-"

>> No.49943570

These are good suggestions.

>> No.49943588

i completely forgot i made that one kek

>> No.49943640
File: 81 KB, 1341x669, Screenshot (177).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so here it is, BAT about to break a 5 yr trendline

>> No.49943657

>so here it is, BAT is going to be worth 0.00000000 BTC by 2023

>> No.49943711
File: 42 KB, 300x250, 1h46gw5c0utBvW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got them all still

>> No.49943782

nice pump

>> No.49944025

Same, but I think BAT won't reach <$0.25 even if BTC dips to $12k. I'm starting to lose hope and to accept I will never have my 1.5 million batties. It seems people are waking up and realizing BAT will outperform 99% of altcoins in a bearmarket earlier than planned.

>> No.49944039
File: 107 KB, 512x526, 1607802896182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49944294

>woke up
>price is even higher
Bros, what do you think, do I sell or hold?

>> No.49944320

Wait to see what us burgers do when we wake up

>> No.49944522

Imports your bookmarks and passwords

>> No.49944549

The 20c dream is over.
Be patient they said.
Its gonna drop they said.
Its at fucking 40c already and everything points towards the value going up.

I lost 50% in all future profits because I invested 1 week too late...
How do I cope?

>> No.49944573

its still at the 2017 price. BAT is destined to become atleast 10-20 Billion market cap which would be $7-14.

>> No.49944575

You buy it in the .40 range and shut the fuck up. It’s still under most of our averages

>> No.49944595

Thanks Anon, knowing that there are people who are worse of than I am always makes me feel better.

>> No.49944642

>dude an ad read on a podcast! We’re totally going to the moon now in the middle of a fucking recession!

>> No.49944740

Bat? More like butt. Not only have they not paid out in 2 months but 7 of my unpaid batties have 'vanished'. What a bunch of absolute cunts.

>> No.49944944


Soon 0.5

What are you waiting for, batbro?

The goal is not to pick the perfect entry point, but to pick a good enough entry point

0.4 is good enough

>> No.49945719

Probably 4-5 more years until anyone actually notices Brave. They aren't making real money yet. Any crypto company that brings in significant revenue finds a way to make their token accrue value (BNB, FTX, CRO).

BUT BUT BUT token not needed. Yeah and iPads aren't needed because we have phones, laptops, and TV's. Strangely enough, super nerd faggots don't get to decide market trends.

>> No.49945861

There is no recession. Biden, Yellen and J Pow promised there’d be no recession and this time I take them at their word. What we’re witnessing is the collapse of the US dollar. People are gonna flood into crypto and stocks for protection against inflation. There’s only 4 ways out of fiat.
1. Outpace inflation with production
2. Austerity
3. Hard default
4. Soft default

Which option you think they’ll take?

>> No.49946030

My BATty boys... it's our time now

>> No.49947047

Bros is the suicide stack still 10k?

>> No.49947381

No its 100 bat

>> No.49947590

Let's do some Math, ok?

There are 1.5 billion BAT and 60 million users right now

That's 1'500'000'000 / 60'000'000 = 25 BAT per user

>> No.49947843

Seamlessly imports bookmarks and passwords from current browser

>> No.49948030

Thank you anon, lost them all a while ago. God bless

>> No.49948315

Only 10M opted into rewards.

>> No.49948470

Does it matter once search ads are implemented? The 10 million will just average 100+ BAT, right?

>> No.49949689
File: 72 KB, 300x250, kdtvnwedxzeqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this was the last one you made

>> No.49950564
File: 396 KB, 2896x2896, 20220415_185218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49950724


>> No.49950726
File: 213 KB, 1800x1080, IMG_1045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup BATtalion

1. Hypothetical situation: i'm browsing on my phone with Brave and earn tokens, i have, let's say, 10 BAT. One day my phone is broken, i buy a new one, install Brave and start over with 0 BAT.
What happens to those 10 BAT? Are they lost forever or are they still in circulation?

2. Why does Eich want me to use Uphold or Gemini (wich doesn't even work in Germany) while there i a wallet built in in browser?

3. How can i receive crypto in the brave wallet? (Brave for Android)

>> No.49950800

OK, I've figured out the receiving, but the other point remain.

>> No.49951011
File: 128 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220322-100449_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer me niggers

>> No.49951597

1) They are vBAT, not yet redeemed for real BAT. So if you're not verified with uphold or gemini they're gone forever

2) KYC requirements or whatnot, Brave being an american corporation.

3) You can't directly from Brave. You'd have to make an on-chain tx from uphold or gemini

>> No.49951900

>they're gone forever
They're gone for me, but they're still in circulation right and do not reduce the total supply right?
Doesn't it mean BAT is doomed to oscillate around $0.80 or so?

>> No.49951959

Does anyone know the highest market cap BAT has ever reached? In terms of placement in the top 100?

>> No.49953219

Every vbat is theoretically backed by bat, 1:1. So that bat is essentially out of circulation forever since it can never be sold

>> No.49953837

No, Brave keeps reserves on gemini & uphold. When you see an ad with an unverified account, Brave earmarks some BAT for you, an IOU, but the entirety of the USD/BAT they receive from advertisers remains with them. But if your account is lost, that IOU is lost, so they get to keep the extra amount that was earmarked for you. It doesn't get removed from their pool until you verify your account.

>> No.49954744

Ready for the next leg up. Ready to cuck neo

>> No.49954765
File: 7 KB, 216x233, 13084712341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. LFG

Also, these BAT threads are staying alive. Bullish af.

>> No.49954804

No what dummy. If you lose access to your unverified vbat, then the associated bat will never be sold. Get it?

>> No.49955489

Okay, hows this? Also, do your part lads, make some posters and I'll litter them around town with proof tomorrow (its raining today)

>> No.49955517
File: 179 KB, 1920x1200, brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49955527

Forgot your image, fajita

>> No.49955543
File: 182 KB, 1920x1200, brave2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, added "and bookmarks"

>> No.49955769

“Seamlessly” imports passwords and bookmarks

>> No.49955812

You might wanna put Brave.com somewhere too. There are insanely retarded sheeple roaming around outdoors

>> No.49955825
File: 175 KB, 383x504, theprophecy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want real prophecy with lottery low odds of getting check this

>> No.49955857
File: 190 KB, 1920x1200, MilkAbbysUdders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. hows this

>> No.49955859

what a fucking waste of digits

>> No.49956417

when search ads

>> No.49956463

Good shit. I’m gonna print and distribute some too

>> No.49956674 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 1920x1200, 1656104497724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The layout should look like this, Dinesh, but you should increase the text size on the left to make it look good

Go here:


>> No.49956699
File: 137 KB, 1920x1200, 1656104497724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The layout should look like this, Dinesh, but you should increase the text size on the left to make it look good

Go here:


>> No.49956706

this looks awful

>> No.49956726

this look awful as well

>> No.49956748

This is cluttered.

>> No.49956787

That is a complete lie. They don't have a wallet for every single unverified Brave account that says "do not spend if browser#285737483849 goes offline for 5 years". They pools of BAT on gemini and uphold that cover withdrawals. If withdrawals ramp up, they add more to the pools. But 1:1 backing of every vBAT with real BAT reserves would be inefficient and stupid from a business point of view. Until accounts are verified, they've zero obligation to pay out.

>> No.49956849

Indeed it looks awful

It's just the layout (where to put the elements on the design):

Text on the left
Lion + Brave on the right

Next step:

Play with different font sizes until it looks good

>> No.49956851

ok youre really dumb. ask luke on the call next week since you clearly have no idea what is what. Again - all the unverified vBat is backed 1:1. I'll let you make your own conclusion from that. dont forget to ask luke and report back to me stupid

>> No.49956857
File: 251 KB, 1920x1200, 1656107384393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed it so there's less cluttering and upped the text size

>> No.49956894

He's danced around the question. He said they can fully cover all withdrawals. That's not the same as having a 1:1 backing for every vBAT that gets effectively burned every time someone tries brave for a month and decides BAT rewards are not for them. I'm pretty sure even Eich has said they claw back unclaimed BAT. The guy is profit-minded and Brave was operating in the red for years, he's not going to throw away free money.

>> No.49956982

jeez youre dumb. every vBat is backed 1:1. already confirmed with brave personally but youre not getting it. yes UNCLAIMED bat can be but were talking about vBAT that has been claimed you moron. jeez i cant with you idiots. vBAT is backed 1:1 if you dont ask jeetfarmer9000 will do it for you pussy

>> No.49957007

If it's claimed, it's no longer vBAT, it's BAT inside their exchange accounts.

>> No.49957036


you can claim vBAT regardless whether youre account is verified or not.

seriously youre the dumbest retard in here. dumber than that guy yesterday saying non-BAT search ad revenue will be used to buy BAT hahahahaahahha. i cant.

>> No.49957093

If it's not sent to a verified uphold or gemini account, Brave has no obligation to pay. And 95% of the "pay with unverified BAT thing" is a larp, just like so many of the previous narratives shilled here.

>> No.49957101

Where is the advertising Luke? Billboards/radio/podcast/anything?

>> No.49957159

and ive confirmed that claimed vBAT is backed 1:1. dont know what to tell ya retard. some people

>> No.49957194

Details haven’t been finalized on search yet moron

>> No.49957241

this has been finalized. non-BAT search ad revenue will not be used to buy BAT. get it retard? have you asked the team yet or are you scared youre gonna look like a retard. dont be a pussy

>> No.49957295


>> No.49957312

Regardless of what Luke or anyone else says, there is no way that Brave is passing up a pool of free BAT that they have access to, when the associated account has died.

>> No.49957358

im going to dumb it down for you. there will be search ads that pay BAT and there will be search ads that dont. you with me so far?

>> No.49957393

>regardless of what any one says

believe what you want then ahahaehahahah. its not like you have enough bat where it'll matter one way or another

>> No.49957504


Which ones will pay BAT and which ones will not?

>> No.49957539

The entirety of your argument has been "hahaha retard, just trust me bro, I've got expert knowledge", despite the fact that it makes no sense. Plus, if Brave was effectively burning BAT at all, through any mechanism whatsoever, they would shill that shit hard, and let everyone know that BAT is deflationary.

>> No.49957564

do you know?

>> No.49957600

you are a retard tho although thats not my argument. my argument is ive confirmed its backed 1:1. you dont believe cuz youre a retard among other things. dont worry about it like i said. you wont make it with bat anyways with your stack

>> No.49957938


>> No.49958110

nah that was another anon at the same time. thanks for the memories tho anon. good comfy times :^)

>> No.49958958

No, I just confirmed my argument with myself. And since I'm not an incel my thinking actually matters. Sorry.

>> No.49958970
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, different.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we're going to 999999999999999999

>> No.49959325
File: 8 KB, 400x183, pay_with_bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, Luke just sent me this screenshot. Turns out you were right, despite being a total sperg.

>> No.49960174

Is there a bat holder rank list

>> No.49960793

Wasn't there just a rogan ad?