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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49922334 No.49922334 [Reply] [Original]

Am I gmi? 18 year old femanon here, waitress. Put all my tips into crypto.

>> No.49922393
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post bob and vagane and ill tell you.

>> No.49922415

I will put my tip in your vagina lol

>> No.49922458

unironically the next month worth of tips should go into LINK, that's where IU would diversify into next. You don't really have any web3 or defi representation in your portfolio

>> No.49922489


>> No.49922527

hmm probably not desu. BTC is a low alpha bet. L2s are a good bet imo. So is ETH and SOL. Also, holding through the bear market isn't what I'd personally do.

>> No.49922579

holy fuck please be a LARP

i miss 2017 /biz/ so bad man

>> No.49922597

Buy more BCH and XMR and dump ETH.

>> No.49922612

It’s gone forever fren. Just like 2012 /pol/.
Just like my gf from 2005…I miss her so much

>> No.49922629

I miss her too :(

>> No.49922637




>> No.49922673

>plebbit spacing

>> No.49922708

LTC lmao

>> No.49922719

No, but before i continue you're ahead of most people. However, when will you faggots learn that if you're less than ~300k you need to take a lot of risk. Even if ltc/btc/eth explode and 10x over the next 5 years (unlikely) you'll still be poor. I've seen so many of these shitfolios on biz it's frustrating, dont you get it?
Play the lp/yield farm game without getting rugged or gamble on small cap shitcoins. You got to take risk if you're poor and want to make it, there is no other way. And LTC is a complete shitcoin btw, it has no future

>> No.49922722

Nicely done for someone who is 18. Swap everything for BTC tho and only stack BTC from now on and YGMI. All the alt trash there doesn’t matter - yes, even ETH.

>> No.49922735

she was a hot piece all right

>> No.49922739


>> No.49922740






>> No.49922902

LTC isn’t a good bet, try putting it in BTC instead. We’re going over 100k next bull cycle.

>> No.49923353

Hello you fucking bigger you posted this yesterday nice shitcoins faggot kys.

>> No.49923432

30k in tips? How much are you skimming and not reporting to daddy govt?

>> No.49923885

Your XRP stack needs serious attention.

>> No.49923952
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>I made this thread again!
Kys virgin faggot.

>> No.49924137

solid choices, i'd trim BCH and CRO myself.
no need to diversify too much. it becomes hard to follow the news of all these cryptos and predict how it's going to affect the price

>> No.49924949

I just love your diversification, If truly you're 18 years, you started very well, and yagmi.

Personally, i'm 100% into solana and the Rfox ecosystem, i only regret not buying BTC when i had the opportunity to buy

>> No.49926797

It's normal to be a 18 year old femanon and a virgin. I'm saving it.

>> No.49926850

No HBAR? NGMI. The HBR is the most liquid foundation out there and the tech is unrivaled. Other than that your portfolio is solid.

>> No.49926875

Yep, that's taken me from $1,500 to $250,000 mainly on yield farming (thank you tomb fork season) and shitcoins.
Not gonna stop playing risky till at least $500k

>> No.49926917

you're an ugly fat fuck and if you're on here that means you're especially fucking ugly that you're 18 and haven't been approached or fucked silly yet you disgusting larping fat piece of shit, imagine being a f*male on 4chan holy shit you already failed at life if true

>> No.49926954

Dump all that shit for XRP and XMR

>> No.49927369

All those high caps won't build you a beach house and a Lambo

>> No.49927899 [DELETED] 

Oh look, it's this thread again.
Fucking jannies doing absolutely nothing about repeat threads. But if I say I'm saging the thread, I'll get the ban.
Look how backwards these fucking idiots are.
Fuck it, I'm saging this thread. All fields.
Fuck you OP, and fuck you jannies.

>> No.49928030

Sell LTC, like 5 eth, all your btc and bch.
Check out link, xlm, ftm, orn, Atom to name a few .
Bitcoin sucks, it’s super slow and inefficient and has no dapps or smart contracts

>> No.49928474

I would reduce the amount of huge caps and add up EQ and AAVE both are promising DeFi platforms

>> No.49928512

Hello? Based department?

This is the most based portfolio I seen a long time, yes you will make it.

Now show tetas please

>> No.49928544


>> No.49928852
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>> No.49929128

good folio

>> No.49929357

She's 18 you sick fuck

>> No.49929411
File: 6 KB, 250x194, 1654768649214s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAVE is a borrowing platform
Redpill me on EQ Anon

>> No.49929475

Geez your tip stash must have taken a huge hit in the recent months - you're doin good tho kid keep saving your money, and if you grease the wheels of trade in the process that's not bad either.
Must be a nice restaurant though for you to have deposited what I would assume was about 60k in USD in what must be no time at all, seeing as you're only 18

>> No.49929530

If you think that's sick you haven't been to Germany.

>> No.49929568

Unironically zero chance.

You should pull all that money out RIGHT NOW. Fucking put in cash. I would normally recommend you use it for tuition, but women tend to choose really stupid, useless degrees and end up poorer (women are fools in general), so just sit on it unless you intend to do engineering or can make it to med school/law school.

Next, I want you to hit the gym, work on your looks, and fornicate with rich, older men. Try to target the ones who are ALREADY rich. Ones who are born rich are the safest since you'll inherit their shit if they die. Do not go for guys who are successful, intelligent, going to make it, in school, etc. There's too many variables there. You want cold hard cash up front and guarantees.

I used to argue with my ex about how the smart girl will go further than the pretty or inherently rich girl: I was wrong.
Pretty and rich girls always go further.
If you keep gambling on crypto and don't play to one of your two win cons (men or STEM), then you're guaranteed to end up a wage slaving Leftist with dyed hair complaining about "rights", how your credit score sucks, and possibly trans.
Don't fuck up life. And don't listen to the Pajeets here as they want you to lose.

>> No.49929668

Of course it is 95 percent crypto traders are men

>> No.49929917

so it's better to sell now after everything's been down at least 70%? im debating whether to sell my bags now

>> No.49930017

are you saying the little flag should sell at this crazy prices
I can only advise him to find a way to a way to make money on the asset while the bear lasts, this is what ive been doing with my bags (eth, vet, link and rfox), and the rewards are cool enough.

>> No.49930059


>> No.49930134

at least XRP has schizos with a different market share

>> No.49930139
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yes, too old

>> No.49930159

>nu /biz/ falls for such obvious bait

>> No.49930183

I would get rid of everything except BTC, ETH and monero. If you want alts then there are better ones. I personally don't believe the rest have a future.

>> No.49930194

Why would you call others project shitcoins?
I like XRP fundamentals and I'm considering on getting some because of the recent partnership with FLUFWORLD. I learnt XRP, and Flufworld will use Sylo Smart wallet for its staking.

>> No.49930240

Equilibrium is a multi utility DeFi platform. It will include borrowing protocol as well and it's collateralizatiom will be lowest

>> No.49930297

For real? I like the fundamentals of those you mentioned especially ETH. But you can't say others don't have future. I personally believe some low caps projects will do well in the next bull run especially those in the Fluf ecosystem (ASTO, Seekers, Sylo) etc that would ensure decentralized Comms.

>> No.49930343

Honestly one of the best portfolio I’ve seen on biz in long time, personally I get rid of cro and xrp and stack up on more LTC and XMR. Your gonna make it good work on doing ur research just get rid of some of ur centralized shit coins

>> No.49930731

>For real? I like the fundamentals of those you mentioned especially ETH.

Same, which is why I mentioned that OP should keep BTC, ETH and monero.

>But you can't say others don't have future. I personally believe some low caps projects will do well in the next bull run especially those in the Fluf ecosystem (ASTO, Seekers, Sylo) etc that would ensure decentralized Comms.

Lots of lowcap stuff will do well, but none of those. They will likely not even perform as well as BTC

>> No.49930756

>doesn't hold shib
ngmi, sorry kiddo

>> No.49930829

300+ replies easy kek

>> No.49931621

I guess you should just do a research about those. As we speak I can confidently say Sylo is performing better than BTC. Check the chart of both before you reply.

>> No.49932704

plz be my gf

t. 50y/o with wife and 2 kids

>> No.49932851

You like my thread u basterd?

>> No.49932919

unironically the worst portfolio ive ever seen

>> No.49933350
File: 465 KB, 1400x788, $QOM - Shib Killer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking founder is busy trying to nuke it and you think a random larping fem anon should have it?

>> No.49933397

You're not even bagholding anything. You're doing better than %90 of /biz/

>> No.49934055

I'd keep the above mentioned and add RAILwhich has long term potential.

>> No.49935045

That's true. But finding potential low caps is hard

>> No.49935086

Based. Privacy coins are definitely going to be bullish in the long run.

>> No.49935114

What would you rather buy

It hurts but its true.

>> No.49935153

Op should dump all that for XMR

>> No.49935171

Buying shitty crypto will only get you rekt degen.If you are new here, always research and put your funds in already established crypto.My own initial investment was on btc eth ada sylo sand and mana. All well-established crypto.

>> No.49935200

Are you a waiter at femboy Hooters?

>> No.49935273

True, even decentralized projects like sylo are evolving despite tough market conditions.I'm already hodling it for long term , hope it pays out

>> No.49935294

Anon this is a solid portfolio. But you need a degen picks

>> No.49935409

Why is no one talking about the opportunities in the metaverse?

>> No.49935435

>sylo sand and mana
Relative to BTC, ETH, LTC, XMR what the FUCK are you talking about? Even XRP, BCH, CRO are more "established" than your literal who coins.

>> No.49935638

lol. Why dont you send out a seekers bot to check that out

>> No.49935672


>> No.49935700

since the metaverse is in the center of anything important in the crypto world ,sylo is doing something for the metverse . It will enable open access to a common communication layer for all metaverse projects, safeguarding metaverse becoming a walled garden.

>> No.49935732

lol not even one single (you)

i love how no one on biz is a simp

>> No.49935735

If you bought the bottom then you are on your way to the top. From the image, you bought the dip.
How do you get all these funds buddy?

>> No.49935770
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>femanon here

>> No.49935787

I only bought ANT and XPRESS. I don't have that much but these two will do. Now that CX banking has included retail services. XPRESS will be on the moon.

>> No.49935892

now is a great time to become a bitcoin maxi before all your shitcoins (except monero) die
also no way a femanon holds LTC

>> No.49935915

eww ugly bug

>> No.49935927

Why except monero? What good has ever come out of the project?

>> No.49935943

>this cope

>> No.49935952

I saw this image earlier, it's not your portfolio and YWNBAW. Stop LARPing faggot.

>> No.49936004

Privacy solutions are picking up and gaining more adoption in the space. I'm also seeing more innovation in the sector with Railgun being the first L1 privacy protocol I'm aware of to integrate with dapps and smart contracts for all round on chain privacy.

>> No.49936143

Best way to launder money. Smart move. I'm impressed most women just use their tip money for coke and shoes.

>> No.49936151

The metaverse is growing at a fast pace and gaining more adoption and interest from global hot shots. It was encouraging to find out that even Christiano Ronaldo is into NFTs and would be having his own web3 community.

>> No.49936159

Also this. And dot. Basically at these prices you can buy any project that's half ass decent and get a 4x though.