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File: 217 KB, 1622x1080, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49921510 No.49921510 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49921525

I ve been eating ze bugs. Difference is that water bugs are awesome. Land bugs are just dust flavored crispy shells.

>> No.49921530

False equivalency. Otherwise nice try Schwab.

>> No.49921536

>he doesn't buy cricket protein powder in the triple chocolate variety
it's cheaper than whey and has better macros

>> No.49921545
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>> No.49921558
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>> No.49921567

it's over

>> No.49921577
File: 137 KB, 1501x1176, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will eat ze oceanbugs AND the landbugs

>> No.49921602
File: 222 KB, 600x598, reddit guy (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro just eat the bugs trust me it's just like eating seafood bro come on just eat the bugs it's not that bad

>> No.49921623

>False equivalency

>> No.49921647

sea bugs have meat inside not goo

>> No.49921651

Thanks for proving insects and crustaceans are reparate categories kek

>> No.49921678
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>> No.49921698

>Being this low IQ
If we went by your definition, there would be no difference between a human and a cow and we should eat both the cows AND the humans.

>> No.49921722

Like that one false statement about the average person swallowing 8 spiders per year. You are a negro.

>> No.49921729

post body

>> No.49921749

Both are as disgusting, I can't understand why would anybody eat this shit.

>> No.49921777

>haha you ate so many bugs
>post maximum amount of roach food can contain before being declared toxic by the FDA
cool story pajeet

>> No.49921793

Because one of them is taking a giant arthropod, boiling it, cracking it open, and eating the meat that is actually really good.

The other is being a faggot who eats whole insects, exoskeleton, guts, head, and all! (to save muh planet or because poor)

>> No.49921802
File: 431 KB, 700x472, grub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't tried the australian wichetty grub

not going to lie, this stuff is pretty good

>> No.49921829

look at the size of that lad

>> No.49921856

>water bugs are awesome
only because our culture decided to. there is this famous story of inmates rioting because they were served lobster ("sea bugs"). back then it was considered absolutely disgusting

>> No.49921875

The aboriginies use the Witchetty Grub as a part of their everyday diet. Interestingly enough, the grub produces approximately 245cal per 100g of true meat (EcoTrainingAustralia, 2010). The grubs also have 15.1% protein, 19.2% fat, 100mgs thiamine, and 5mg vitamin C in the same 100g of true grub meat (Devanesen, 2000).

>> No.49921887

Lobsters have meat in a way bugs don't

>> No.49921890

Got any more details about that story? Like what country it happened in, or what time in history? Or is this just one of those 'trust me it totally happened' "stories?"

>> No.49921897

How many times is it going to take educating you fags.
Rotting lobster is disgusting. It's rotting.
Once people realized fresh boiled seafood was tasty it became a delicacy for a reason shut up.

>> No.49921903

this is basic american history you mong

>> No.49921910

Those look delicious. Can you farm them?

>> No.49921926

>and we should eat both the cows AND the humans.
We should unironically do this

>> No.49921931

>Basic American history
i.e. something only Americans will give a shit about. I'm not American, so I don't know or care about it.

>> No.49921935
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>> No.49921942

Ze day I eat ze bugs is ze day ze elites eat ze bugs.

Ze vant you to eat ze bugs so that zey can continue eating the meats that ze consider their birth right.

>> No.49921961

Did you find proof it was false?

>> No.49921987

The burden of proof rests with those who assert, not those who deny.

>> No.49921990

You should try the horse manure powder, it's even cheaper and I'm shredded now and the women know that I'm the stallion. Me and my bros usually get psyched on loganberry horse manure bars before we watch eachother flex out

>> No.49922001



>> No.49922004

burden of proof is on the retards making the claim. but you know it's just false if you have >80 IQ

>> No.49922039
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, E3313A84-FFCB-451B-98FE-3B221517B957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger hands wrote this

>> No.49922065
File: 79 KB, 736x736, 1654817385116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try Jew, nice try

>> No.49922066

Shredded gym Christian here. That's a false equivalency. Schwab is wearing subzero cosplay and Jesus is wearing a dress, you'd know that if you even knew anything about anything. I go to the gym

>> No.49922087

don’t eat sea bugs or land bugs. if it’s not beef, chicken, or pork, i don’t want it. go fuck yourself

>> No.49922102
File: 1.14 MB, 852x854, 1486754963530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you would eat myriapods and arachnids? After all, they are a separate categories to insects too.

>> No.49922109

you made this bait thread 2 days ago do you also make the landchad threads?

>> No.49922123
File: 220 KB, 446x500, N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you put it in your ass or your nose?

>> No.49922172

>words words words

>> No.49922207
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>> No.49922220

>So you would eat myriapods and arachnids?
Why are you putting words in ppl's mouths?

>> No.49922239

The burden of proof is on the denier

>> No.49922285

The aborigines also drink Methylated Spirits. They strain it through a loaf of bread to remove the bad juju just like they did back in the dreamtime. I've seen them performing their rituals before in the city, they'll drink it and then shout abuses at people who are on their way to work for the day

>> No.49922895

you will eat ze humans if you eat ze pigs or you're a nazi

>> No.49922980

Crustacean and insect are not the same thing.

>> No.49923018

You wanna eat woodlice then? They are crustaceans

>> No.49923074


>> No.49923106

Just eat the bugs you fricking cowards.

>> No.49923214


>> No.49923294

Just because I’ve inhaled microscopic flecks of feces floating in the air doesn’t mean I’m dropping to my hands and knees and eating cow patties in the middle of a field

>> No.49923360

>eating mammals :D
>eating humans >:(


>> No.49923376
File: 453 KB, 1080x1431, 3E4EE900-5C05-41F1-AC4F-762A7725C228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit

>> No.49923390

Are scorpions tasty?

>> No.49923410

Dust Flavor Crispy Bug Pringles coming soon consoomer!

>> No.49923613

That's a misquote about the locusts and honey. John the Baptist ate locusts and honey, but there's not verse in which God commands people to eat locusts and honey. As for the second quote, it was to a specific man who needed to do that, not a generalized thing where every single believed in the world must give up every single thing. A few may have that commandment from God, but not everyone does. Regardless, everyone must be generous with what they have and help those in need.

>> No.49923679

Sea arthropods usually have lots of fish-like flesh. Land bugs are disgusting trash filled with bug pus.

>> No.49923825

both are disgusting

>> No.49923910

So you're saying we should start eating ocean mammals?

>> No.49924110

The appeal of this meme format is that it's supposed to be relatable. If you just make up a bunch of insults no one is going to bother reading it.

>> No.49925093

>Business and Finance

>> No.49925237

you are a fucking retard

>> No.49925300
File: 30 KB, 676x676, 1634356840872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would unironically rather starve to death than eat bugs

>> No.49925389

from the survival shows i've watched, they all say they taste like ass. like literal farts

>> No.49925399


>not a single source on the webpage to back up ridiculous claim that is equivalent to feminists harpies screeching
Next you'll link me a kotaku article about womyn's righgs in video games

>> No.49925459
File: 447 KB, 1284x1786, 3B5A78E5-EAED-4FA1-882C-4133575ABD8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d be okay eating bugs if it was voluntary and not forced on us by globalist cunts like Klaus Schwab (who has a $1,000,000/year salary). Fuck him in his fucking face, he can eat the bugs.

>> No.49925985

oh but it will be voluntary, goy
you're free to choose, either eat the bugs or starve to death

>> No.49926057
File: 580 KB, 2000x1448, Riederer-Inky-the-Octopus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you call this a "bug"?

>> No.49926077

>Investing in shitcoins instead of investing in gang shit like MATIC that's baller

>> No.49926172

This place is rotten. Fuck you.

>> No.49926330

Post IQ and Nose.

>> No.49926508
File: 471 KB, 1284x2778, 38838060-5EBB-4C55-887B-6CEF0B43B138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going next year, hell or high water. I’m gonna shove a plate of bugs right into his fucking face.

>> No.49926634
File: 397 KB, 966x966, 1655418568107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49926678

Whats funny is lobster used to be viewed as low class garbage food, only fit for black slaves.
Then jews memed it into a luxury food

>> No.49926717

This is what I keep saying about the "bug" narritive. All they have to do is label it a "super food that prevents cancer" and Californians will fist fight each other in the street over it to serve at thier step kids dinner

>> No.49926969

>eating fist-sized chunks of pure sweet meat, plucked from seabeds and fed on phytoplankton, one of the most nutritious substances on earth
>eating the entire body - shell, organs, shit, and all- of creatures that live under rocks or grown in big teeming buckets, and fed on rotting fruit, meat, other bugs, etc