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File: 1.02 MB, 4140x1868, Landlords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49921091 No.49921091 [Reply] [Original]

>Landies will defend this

>> No.49921125

Sounds like cope. You will never be a landlord.

>> No.49921132

>another commie who doesn't know how to handle money and doesn't understand the concept of risk
Get off the board and get ready to pay rent next week

>> No.49921133

Daily reminder that every single finance asset like stocks,bonds,debt,crypto,money etc are all purely parasitical in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable,unsustainable and exploitative with a built in expiration date and private property is theft. Every financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite and you will all perish alongside your precious stock market and blockchain

Under capitalism parasites like landlords and financiers are incentivized and reinforced

>> No.49921176

as opposed to a perfect world under the dictatorship of the proletariat through one and only true party and ideology, right?

>> No.49921194

>Adam Smith was a commie

>> No.49921195

TIL funding r&d and enabling economies of scale so that society can benefit is parasitical.

>> No.49921217

the same could be said of 90% of government jobs, including beurocrats, teachers, and doctors

>> No.49921257

And the disabled aren't?

>> No.49921263

D...doctors? Xd

>> No.49921292

No of course not. To be a parasite you need to be active. To have the occupation of a parasite. A disabled person could also be compared to an unemployed person. Neither of which are parasites.

They only use THEIR body to perform basic and necessary functions such as eating or sleeping. A parasite however must use a HOST to perform these actions. A parasite doesnt use its own body. It must be constantly using the life force of other creatures ACTIVELY to operate. Not its own body

>> No.49921338

Based schizo incel parasite poster

>> No.49921352

>independant of any plan or project
so houses build and renovate themselves and land maintains itself aswell. why do i have to pay for my home improvements and reparations though? does this start only when i will buy my 2nd house?

>> No.49921370


>> No.49921387
File: 1014 KB, 640x480, 165595130236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adamn smith also said that divison of labor in it's purest form would turn men into "the dumbest of all dumb monsters"

He was actually super critical of capitalism, lol.

>> No.49921401

Not many landlords build houses or maintain land. And paying someone else to do it all for you still doesn't make you smarter.

>> No.49921408
File: 77 KB, 720x473, 1653964622566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qoutes the literal god father of liberal economics


>> No.49921535

it makes me smarter actually. i have to take financial risks to achieve this. from natural catastrophes to scumbag workers that bail or do shit jobs to govt regulations
i personally do most of my work except big masonry and roofing because its kinda hard (tiring) labor and not that expensive in europe compared to DIY. What if I do only some job, does this also make me a leech landlord because i didnt put in every single shingle on the roof and poured every single slab?

>> No.49921606

they are some of the worst parasites of them all, 90% of their treaments are garbage and they kill hundreds of thousands of americans every year

>> No.49921628

clown definition

>> No.49921644

>looks around

he was kinda right tho

>> No.49921671

very very nice bait, i almost believed a boomer posted this

>> No.49922023

cannot stop laughing at this post. The absolute cope kek

>> No.49922043


>> No.49922475

Don't rent then, buy your own house. No one is stopping you.

>> No.49922687

The quote in context says landlords shouldn't be listened to when it comes to regulating the market, Comrade.

>> No.49922816

rentoids coping by laughing, well known phenomenon

>> No.49922877

Spotted the jew

>> No.49922920

this goes to show how utterly stupid mutts are

>> No.49922942

Well that is actually wrong because they purposely push for more zoning laws and other regulation that benefits them. Always thought Adam Smith was smart, apparently not.

>> No.49922949
File: 1.83 MB, 1212x1600, henrygeorg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henry George looking up in surprise at being called a commie by a filthy mutt

>> No.49922975

I really enjoy watching these commie cucks get BTFO every time they post their cringe. Sorry, no one cares about what a drug addicted, soundcloud rap listening, purple hair having moron thinks about anything.

>> No.49923006

Spotted the WEF shill

>> No.49923060

That’s usually property developers, not landlords. Adam Smith would’ve classified them under the “merchant/entrepreneur” business class that used their application of mind to create projects

>> No.49923066

it's funny because commies have marx as their skydaddy/prophet
but they cannot comprehend the idea of people having independent opinions, shaped based on observations and personal beliefs
so they quote adam smith (but only the parts that suit them lmao) as if he was "le skydaddy of capitalism" and as if im committing heresy by deviating from his thoughts

"Marxism", "Leninism", "Stalinism", "Maoism", etc. Which cult of the commie religion will you join? Be careful not to change opinions later on throughout your life and join another cult or you will be purged for heres-, counter-revolutionary activity

>> No.49923108

Spotted the American. The absolute state of your countries education system. RIP

>> No.49923168

Kek another commie randomly seething about America
Some should make a bingo

>> No.49923235

>be commie
>seethe about america
every time

>> No.49923338

You are both trapped by your own stupidity. Nothing in this thread has argued for communism. You both bleat like brain dead sheep. Do yourselves a favour, pick up a copy of the book quoted in the picture and read it. It’s over 500 pages so I know this will be a struggle for you and your short attention spans. But you might accidentally learn something from it that will expand your intellect further than “capitalists vs commies”

>> No.49923344

everyone on this thread are arguing about stuff that fails to account for a term Smith used all the time: rentier.
If you are a landlord deriving value add free income you are a rentier. If you build a house on land and capture the profit from the value created you are *not* a rentier.
Mutts don't know about this word because they are thick as fuck.

>> No.49923375

Capitalism doesn't take into accounts its moral decay and increasing gini cooefficients. It's why true capitalism will never ever succeed and why USA will be democratic the next 100 years. (House and President)

>> No.49923379

THANK you. Someone in this thread understands it and is actually intelligent.

>> No.49923429

>Commie niggas be like "here's this random old guy from 300 years ago we cherrypicked to quote every other day you need to listen to him"


>> No.49923509


>> No.49923519

Landlords still capture economic rent though. The fact is Smith et. al couldn't even envision a world where all land was was spoken for.

>> No.49923614

Adam Smith was an Intelligent goyim, but a goyim after all.

>> No.49924016

Yes he could. He quotes that in a rude state of society nobody owns the land. But as soon as all the land becomes owned the rentiers extract all the value from it even when others do the work