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File: 1.09 MB, 638x844, dfsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49912956 No.49912956 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49912984

Just steal pussy bruh.

>> No.49912995

would walk her home gently

>> No.49913004


>> No.49913010

I wonder what he's looking at. Probably some nude woman down across the lake.

>> No.49913012

name now you fucking bastard

>> No.49913018
File: 107 KB, 593x517, 1655897081164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not with that attitude.

>> No.49913020

Same. Being a christian fucked my life up. Had chances early on. Missed out on teen love. Now they are all married and I'm all alone in my late 20s. Fuck god

>> No.49913022

And Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing

>> No.49913030

already got it nvm

>> No.49913050

reverse image search on google failed me

>> No.49913071

Bro just have sex, fagit lamao

>> No.49913076

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.49913088

God is not the problem. Its religion

>> No.49913089


>> No.49913094

Meh ... it’s kinda overrated desu

>> No.49913110

janny is going to delete the pussy

>> No.49913111

It's not lol, this is virgin cope

>> No.49913140

shopped af

look at her elbow area, her forearms would be more jacked than most men if this was real lol

>> No.49913142
File: 868 KB, 828x1011, 74B51A19-D517-4B5F-BC99-63F654315190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This female is too fat
Big boobs = Big nipples
Big nipples = Disgusting
Ass too wide = Stinky big shit

For me it’s pic related

>> No.49913181
File: 102 KB, 726x480, 1630792719464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn did it for me. I was so porn sick that I didn't care to have sex with actual girls that were interested in me in high school. I just couldn't wait to get home and jack it to some hentai and play Runescape. Still got laid though, but not as much as I could have.

>> No.49913196

Your taste is fucking garbage and you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.49913203

You have sex every day. You look at girls online and you coom. In many ways you have done the same thing as if there was a girl there doing it with you. It's not like she will actually reproduce.

Ok obviously I'm exaggerating. However there is a grass is greener element to it and an exclusivity part to it. If you had it available all the time, you would end up saying ok enough sex for today I have to do important work and shit, just the same as you probably do now with porn. The point is not to stop going for it, the point is to stop treating it as everything. If you genuinely never, ever, ever have sex you can still live a productive and enjoyable life.

>> No.49913206

stop simping over images then and go out and have sex
there's literally no point in women looking like this if you're not going to fuck them, pathetic faggot

>> No.49913229

god I hate fat pussy

>> No.49913228


>> No.49913236
File: 40 KB, 680x566, 1617215202633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49913238

I havent talked to my rs gf in a week she probably lost interest in me :(

>> No.49913240


>> No.49913253

This is cartoon body proportions

>> No.49913263

What are you waiting for? Some chick isn't going to roll up to your house and ask you. Take a fucking shower and get a hair cut then go out and talk to some women. It's just that easy.

>> No.49913266

it is overrated.
Blowjobs are amazing but getting them consistently is impossible afaik.
Touching a girls tits is nice but they usually have all sorts of dumb thoughts they like to share.

Porn unironically is better especially if you have a fetish. Getting a girl to indulge you in that way properly takes commitment and infatuation only lasts so long.
Love being chemicals released in the brain means they will get a tolerance and shit will go south.

>> No.49913282

Me neither, but I don't care that much, I care more about tfw no gf and a lack of good irl friends in general

>> No.49913290

They people that say it’s over rated are usually circumcised as they are missing 20,000 nerve endings that make the sex more enjoyable.

>> No.49913327

just be rich

>> No.49913362

Bro the girl in OPs photo would feel amazing to let off in. Not only would she be tight AF, but the amount of dopemine release in your brain would be incredible like nothing you have ever experienced. The reason is because she has perfect mating porportions. She could nurse a set of twins, and be bred with a low cooldown period. She was DESIGNED to breed. Like visually the vien and big nips arent ideal, but once you actually have unprotected sex with her with the means of procreation you will understand how not relevant that is.

>> No.49913403

She isn’t fat retards, she has wide hips which is optimal for breeding.

>> No.49913415

She's nice but big boobs doesn't equal big nipples. Some girls like in your pic have big take-your-eye-out nips that really suprise you