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49910494 No.49910494 [Reply] [Original]

hi fellow heroes that provide shelter -for a small fee how are y'all doing?
I have a black lesbian tenant that is ghost me and rent is due since may should I even waste time trying to negotiate or just start the eviction paperwork already?

>> No.49910559
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Just evict. Ghosting you means she is avoiding payment.

>> No.49910663

fill the apartment with carbon dioxide and report her to the green police

>> No.49910769

never waste time. Always nip problem tenants in the bud quickly

>> No.49910787

Better yet, fill it with carbon monoxide so she dies in her sleep

>> No.49911340

go through eviction, then turn management over to a property management agency and just add the extra costs onto rent
everyone wins

>> No.49911430

Lmao you guys mad when I stopped paying rent and you couldn’t evict me for a solid two years? I left the place a shit hole too, go head and sue, you won’t get a penny my friend

>> No.49911437
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Before this thread turns into a bunch of uneducated and seething leftypol manbabies crying over landlords. Everyone needs to watch these 3 videos.


>> No.49911451

Enjoy having your credit fucked forever and never owning a house.
Rentoids never learn.

>> No.49911491

You're fucking stupid.

>> No.49911495

The landlord is messed up for kicking his relatives out like that.

>> No.49911513

>Quick everyone before any one questions our narrative listen to this re-affirmation

Nothing is wrong nope.

>> No.49911548

this, OP why did you decide to rent to a black lesbian? thats 2 red flags already

>> No.49911585
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negotiate and start paperwork at the same time
>i have a black lesbian tenant

>> No.49911628

You're going to rent forever and it's your own fault.

>questions our narrative
What questioning? You have nothing but baseless seething and no economic theory.
I kind of hope they implement some of these retarded leftist policies so you failures cannot find housing.

>> No.49911646

Thank you for your service brave hero. Personally I just leave my properties empty.

>> No.49911718

Those rats aren't natural, wild rats aren't black with white spots like those ones are, only pet rats have that coloration.

>> No.49911855

going forward, if the revolution fails, life will be unbearable when they put china style social status point system into action.

>> No.49911925

evict with extreme prejudice mr landchad

>> No.49911952

If you are against renting housing, you are against renting money(loans).

Communists are retards.

>> No.49912060

That better be in the projects. Imagine letting them into the good white neighborhoods.

>> No.49912117

it's very clearly edited or ai generated.

embarrassing you're the only person to notice anything odd

>> No.49912131

How much do you fags make from renting? 6% a year? What atate/country/city? How do you find new affordable apartments, are you a construction worker?

Finally how is the housing market looking? I got to wait just like with GPUs to buy so it doesn't crash on me?

10 years ago I was thinking that rentals is the safest way to accrue money because the real estate prices double every 5 years.
Also do you pay taxes or try to hide your ass?

>> No.49912190

he's a rentoid, the idea of ever owning property has never crossed his tiny brain

>> No.49912216

Is AirBnb still a thing? How does it work?

Do you make more money by keeping the rooms free to rent for vacation in a mountain area or it's 50/50? I'd like to buy rental properties near mountain resorts with forests because unlike beach areas people want to go to the mountain any time of the year for hiking through the forests, not just for the sking. Meanwhile with the beach the season is only 3 months long.

>> No.49912285

Bro’s I found a really good life hack, if your landlord is a dick just start cooking bacon a lot and dump the grease down the drains, they’ll be clogged in no time and it costs them a ton to fix haha

>> No.49912390


Goal is 12% or more. Less than 10% is not acceptable for the ass-pain IMO.


Dude, you gotta screen those tenants a bit better. Better start paperwork now.

>> No.49912419

Most disgusting thing I ever had to do was dig a woman's hair out of the drain. A ton of it. This same dumb bitch just toweled up the leaking water for 1.5 years whenever she ran the dishwasher. Lots of rotted wood. Sad!

On the plus side, one renter couldn't afford rent so gave us a golf cart. It was fun while it lasted kek.

>> No.49912428

Depends on market and product but very much lucrative if you have the product for

>> No.49912487

Ehh, I would say break even cashflow is fine assuming you have other income sources. 12% rental was standard like a decade ago. It’s now near impossible to find unless you’re some flyover state, or you live in a really shitty neighborhood

>> No.49912492

You should have just poured some gasoline down there and lit it on fire.

>> No.49913028

Tell her you will waive a month of rent if she lets you do anything you want to her sexually every day

This is financial advice

>> No.49913144

>renting to blacks

>> No.49913388

>This same dumb bitch just toweled up the leaking water for 1.5 years whenever she ran the dishwasher

Good. Fuck all landlords. I dont rent either. I actually LIVE in my house. I hope you get fucked land baron, I'll never forget my student days in London, i trashed every property i rented, told the police I'd been burgaled then sued each landlord for an unsafe living environment whilst presenting all the things I'd requested but they never fixed.

Good times, i miss London, fuck all landlords

>> No.49913462
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>> No.49913633

Brad? How's the tattoo shop?

>> No.49913665

Go home george, your drunk

It's incredible that you leftist manchildren seethe uncontrollably at things you don't understand, pass retarded sociopathic laws and then wonder why rent is so high.

>> No.49913693

Btw I absolutely love being a landlord and hearing these larp stories.
Expensive rent is literally your fault.

>> No.49913699

HELLO LAND NIGGERS. Warning. I will water damage grease damage every. single. rental property that i live in. the methods will be obtuse and completely impossible to prove as intentional. i will fuck your properties up. fuck you landniggers, get a real job and not a jew larp

>> No.49913712

Your tears are delicious and rent is still due.

>> No.49913733

fuck you landnigger check my digits and pay for my damages bitch. you will never be a jew, faggot

>> No.49913832
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>> No.49913834

Haha the seethe is real.
Guess what. I'm retired at age 35 and YOU paid for it.
You mad?

>> No.49913860

Kill yourself you don't even know what rent seeking is.
Also Henry George wasn't anti landlord whatsoever. He just wanted a land value tax. All Georgists support the idea of someone owning a building and renting it to tenants.

>> No.49913918

>He just wanted a land value tax
what happens as the tax approaches 100% anon?

>> No.49913944

WhaT should I plant to destroy the rental property?

>> No.49914004

Land value isn't the same as property value, brainlet.
A 100% LVT could end up being like 5% or something.
Also Georgists want to abolish all taxes which means landchads could end up paying less.

>> No.49914027

Why do you redditors think this triggers us? Lol
At the end of the day, you will rent forever and we will keep making money.

>> No.49914033

so should i just be a maoist instead?

>> No.49914071

Yeah basically.
If you're already that much of a bitter anti-social parasite, you should switch to an ideology that would starve and kill you, or at least work you to the bone

>> No.49914103

I dont want landlords to suffer i want people to be able to build more houses and LVT seems like a good way to do it

>> No.49914126

t. homeless crackhead

>> No.49914173

Kicking my old tenant put this weekend. There's a broken door and has vines growing over the garage and he thinks he is getting his bond back while still owing me 2 water bills. The new tenants moving in will pay $520 cash every week I'll deposit $300 on their behalf and pocket the remaining hidden from the tax man I think the new arrangement will be way better than just a regular bank deposit

>> No.49914300

Then attack the real problem,
Zoning, regulations, and most importantly central banking/money printing which print trillions of dollars to pump up a housing bubble artificially.
It's so a silly to blame landlords instead of the real problem

>> No.49914303

How many nigs in your hood?
When shit hits the fan do you want your place to be a target? Get fire insurance and stay strapped

>> No.49914328

Can someone explain why renting/landlords are bad? I always lurk these threads and still don't understand the extreme hatred and desire to fuck up rental properties.

>> No.49914356

>Expensive rent
All rent is theft.

When the bombs drop watch your back. Live by the sword, die by the sword. It wont be me, but it will be someone like me.

See you on the battlefield

>> No.49914376

Fucking KING right here

>> No.49914395

That aren't bad, they're actually beneficial.
These threads are filled with butthurt leftists from reddit.
If you want technical explanations as to why landlords are based,
Watch these videos: >>49911437

>> No.49914403

>black lesbian tenant
>not section 8 for guaranteed rent
Anon you are a renter in a landlords body especially for asking if you should evict when rent is not being paid out

>> No.49914418

You have to experience it to understand. Landlords are deeply evil. They will cause unnecessary harm to the fanric of society. You can give them every penny you have and they will evict your children on Christmas morning.

Deeply evil fuckers, every ruined property is an act of rebellion

>> No.49914420

You pussies. Fill it with Zyklon B directly and show swastikas openly. When the police arrives on the scene, greet hem by masturbating with both hands.

>> No.49914432

>All rent is theft.
Hahaha economic illiterates are so fucking braindead and don't have an argument.
Go back to leftypol, parasite
Refute this video, you literally can't.
>See you on the battlefield
Lmao this is the only cope you have
I hope you leftists get slaughtered

>> No.49914433

Your first mistake was renting to niggers. I had a guy that just disappeared and the whole place was completely gutted. Rented to a nigress that claimed to live alone and didn't have friends but there were people over to her place every day and the walls were punched in, grease on the walls, and other shit after she left. Never again.

>> No.49914448

The only kings are landchads, not rentoid losers lmao

>> No.49914464

You anti social parasite communists get the bullet first.
You actively desire expensive housing while claiming to be against it.

>> No.49914492

>They will cause unnecessary harm to the fanric of society.
Imagine living in a world where you have to buy absolutely everything, even if you are going to use it for a short period of time.
You want people to suffer.

>> No.49914494

>live by the sword
don't sign the contract you dramatic retard

>> No.49914536

Do I really need permits if I just wanna buy some land and live in an RV? Until I can have a small house built.

Will cops come annoy me about it?

>> No.49914601
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Tenant couldn't afford rent this month so I took his stupid gaming chair while he was asleep

>> No.49914708


>> No.49914796

>this logic

Are they a union? Do you distrust every landlord like they are your worst landlord?

I've had my share, and probably more to come before my potato farm somewhere high up in the rocky mountains.

But this is just paranoid delusions of retribution to people that did you a favor...why?

>> No.49914959

Delicious tears, but I don't rent to poorfags. Only high end properties on long term leases, with tenants who have proof of long term employment with a respectable employer.
People like you can literally never rent from me.

>> No.49915030

how to fuck landlords:

plant invasive species in edge areas and sporadically where your neighbors properties meet, then liberally in your own yard, everywhere, a few months before lease ends

pour all kinds of grease in sink

leave meat and rotting food matter in the walls just before leaving so pests will go berserk before new tenants

literally breed roaches, termites, silverfish, and release everywhere before moving

place mite colonies in crevices in foundation

>> No.49915089

use very harsh cleaning chemicals on finished wood and other surfaces that will corrode over time but not in the immediate

put mold spores and scobies in a thin layer on bathroom carpet and in areas that wont be visible easily

etc etc. landniggers are completely defenseless and depend on their false authority (as evidenced by the faggots calling themselves heroes) to maintain order. just fuck their shit up, simple as

>> No.49915106

These things never affect us and 99% of the time you people are larping.
I'm curious though, why do you hate us? It's actually bizarre how much you irrationally hate people who provide housing for a fee. Do you hate farmers and restaurants too?
You don't hate landlords, you hate your parents.

>> No.49915152

Kek I can just take your deposit and make mexicans fix it for 1k. Literally nothing of value is lost. Except for your deposit of course.

>> No.49915157


loosen pipes just a bit in hard to see/reach areas to cause leaks that lead to damages over the course of a year

make minute fractures in windows or use other techniques to damage them invisibly

salt parts of the property slowly and methodically

loosen screws on door frames to lead to slow damage

loosen all screws and bolts

strip screws in critical areas

>> No.49915170

you will never know faggot, seethe landnigger. you are 100% defenseless. i own you landnigger. will it cost now? no. over time i will completely bleed your profits with my myriad ways to fuck your shit.

>> No.49915175

>no argument
Typical. Just pure larping rage.
And you're still seething lol

>> No.49915174

There is a bigger picture here and it probably invoves a CIA handbook and a bad morale code to operate correctly.

Any good landlord should just 'know' if the next will be the right ones for the spot and not basically worship the chaos gods while you earn.

I'm just saying, a home owner is skawy to big bwoda.

>> No.49915194

>i own you landnigger
This is like an ant talking shit to a human. Any minor thing you do is meaningless and you will get stomped on.
All you subhuman animals know is violence.
Go back to leftypol.

>> No.49915240

Kek.The cuck is calling the buck the cuck.

>> No.49915251

You're right that I don't have first hand experience with it, but I still don't understand where the hatred is coming from? Did that Christmas eviction happen to you personally or something? I'd understand being eternally pissed if so, but what even less to such a situation? Was it being poor and not being able to afford the rent?

>> No.49915280

They're just losers dude. And they blame the wrong people for the housing affordability crisis. It's the government that caused this shit, not landlords.
Watch the videos I linked

>> No.49915301


landniggers triggered and think everyone who hates landniggers is a leftist lmao. when shit gets bad you niggers are completely fucked. cope landnigger. i own you

>> No.49915316

Yeah I'm half asleep and don't wanna watch videos right now, but I will tomorrow. Besides, you're arguing for landlords/renting, which makes sense to me; I want the argument from the other side that isn't apparently just blind rage.

>> No.49915379

Thanks bro.
It's usually the side that isn't seething with uncontrollable rage that is the correct one.

>landniggers triggered
We're laughing at your broke ass lmao
>think everyone who hates landniggers is a leftist
You ABSOLUTELY fucking are a leftist.
If you're against landlords, you're against private property and someone owning the means of production and renting it out.
>when shit gets bad you niggers are completely fucked
Lmao I absolutely love this wishful thinking. You're just an incel loser in your parents basement.
Your suffering is your own fault.

>> No.49915397

Thanks bro.
It's usually the side that isn't seething with uncontrollable rage that is the correct one.

>> No.49915451

They always change the agreements. The never fix things. Rude. Aggressive. Liars. Will turf you out after you take care of the property with zero notice. Change the locks out of the blue. Raise rents above inflation. Hardly ever give you back a deposit. Never conduct repairs.

I also hate them on an ideological level. I was the model tenant and every single time I've been fucked over. I will never became a landlord lest their evil practices corrupt me. The human soul is weak, fragile and open to the ways of malevolence.

>> No.49915452

During the French Revolution, Landlords were actually the first class of people that were given a trip to the guillotine.

>> No.49915467
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>> No.49915482

>It's usually the side that isn't seething with uncontrollable rage that is the correct one.

You have spent this thread laughing at those less fortunate than yourself, gloating how you have power over them.

>> No.49915501

God bless those frenchies

>> No.49915505

>muh kikes
Lmao who didn't see that one coming.
You socialist manchildren are all the same.

>> No.49915520
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Socialist? No, I am a fellow landchad, as all Chosen ones should be! Just got a sizeable tip from a new tenant, as well as a 15% cash bonus!

>> No.49915575

>Everyone i dont like is a Socialist

I hope you live in existential fear, you absolute parasite.

>> No.49915577

>worshipping a period of death and destructions as ideal
You anti-landlord cuckolds deserve the absolute shitholes you worship. Go live in north korea. There are no landlords there.

>You have spent this thread laughing at those less fortunate than yourself
I'm laughing at you socialists for being authoritarian incel manchildren that want to make things much much worse for the poor and middle class.
>gloating how you have power over them.
You idiots larp and meme at us so we do the same back.
What a baby.

kek go live in a socialist shithole if you love slavery so much
the french revolution was a horrible thing for the people of france and radically decreased live expectancy and freedom

>They always change the agreements.
They sometimes do. If they do you can sue them like any other businesss.
>The never fix things.
They fix shit constantly. They only don't fix things in rent controlled areas.
You people and your policies are responsible for landlords not fixing things.
>Rude. Aggressive. Liars
No they aren't. Compare them to the violent manbabies in this thread.
>Will turf you out after you take care of the property with zero notice
Not if you have a lease you brainlet.
>Raise rents above inflation.
lmao housing inflation has nothing to do with regular inflation

>Socialist? No, I am a fellow landchad
nah you're a coping socialist lol
Jews are smarter and better than you and I love how they make you seethe with bloody rage.

>> No.49915595

If you are against property ownership and rentals you are a socialist.
Simple as.
Haha you statist bootlickers are the biggest parasites of them all

>> No.49915630

Housing is a right not a privilege. You can own your own home, fine. But leeching off the hard work of others is the definition of a parasite. No one will miss you when your tenants murder you. Infact we will post your demise on here and laugh.

>> No.49915679

>Housing is a right not a privilege.
Who are you going to enslave to provide this "right"?
Why don't you move to south Africa where housing is a right and hardly anyone has a home.
>But leeching off the hard work of others is the definition of a parasite.
You STILL don't understand what rent is and it's quite amusing how your ignorance makes you so upset.
You will never own a house.
You will continue to suffer in poverty for the rest of your pathetic angry life and it will be your fault.
Thanks for paying my mortgage.
Rents Due

>> No.49915695

18 pbtid
its over
we own you niggers and you VILL face ze guillotine

>> No.49915701

It's incredible how economic illiterates think providing housing for a fee is somehow magically theft.
Are restaurants stealing from you too by making you buy their food?

>> No.49915717

>we own you niggers and you VILL face ze guillotine
I never knew how angry your pathetic wastes of life are until now.

>> No.49915727

Also communists like yourself have been mass executed before.
I think this is much more likely.

>> No.49915751
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>seething rentcucks coping with murderous fantasies that will never happen

>> No.49915756

Here's how it works lads: you do the house up so you want to live in it and having to rent it out makes you sad. Then you choose a tenant who appreciates it like you do. And you keep the rent on the low side so they know how good they have it. And if anything breaks you fix it pronto.
And you can avoid problems.

If you own a shitbox you would never live in and rent it for greedy money you will have problems. And by trying to make more money you will actually lose money.

>> No.49915757


its over for you landniggers forever hanging out strawmen. EVERYONE hates you. you’re parasites kek

>> No.49915774

lmao this landcuck is seething

>> No.49915783

>EVERYONE hates you
Oh no.
Fat virgin nazi and tankie incels hate me, whatever shall I do?
Go outside, touch grass loser.

>> No.49915813

this landnigger calls people leftists but uses the typical leftist faggot arguments that everyone on 4chan who dislikes me is an incel/nazi/basement dweller kek. i own multiple properties. youre a faggot

>> No.49915815

>h-haha people pay your mortgage while you enjoy life

>> No.49915829

>this landnigger calls people leftists
Because you actually are and are repeating communist taking points about landlords and guillotines lmao
Even hitler didn't ban landlords
>i own multiple properties
Oh I'm sure you do lmao

>> No.49915845

>rentoids calling landchads "cucks"
What kind of mental gymnastics is this?
You're the cucks, you literally pay me.

>> No.49915894

theres nothing communist about thinking landlords are huge faggots…its a human thing

>> No.49915908


landcuck mad that people dont see his parasitism as heroically as he does lmao

>> No.49915915

>theres nothing communist about thinking landlords are huge faggots
Sure I guess.as long as you don't want to ban them and understand they serve a useful purpose

>> No.49915923

Lmao the mental gymnastics of calling a landlord a cuck
Hahaha rents due
You still don't understand the concept of rent or interest lmao

>> No.49915928

why are you so mad lol. we dont care about you landcuck. kys lmao

>> No.49916095

kek this thread went sideways for op

>> No.49916165
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Dear Landlord Chads:

Is it really worth it owning real state to rent?
I keep seeing posts of rentoids saying they regularly create hazardous conditions in the household before leaving, that they damage the walls with humidity, buy termites to spread around, ruin the pipes with grease, etc.
You go through all the hard work and sacrifice of buying a house, preparing it for renting, eat up all the costs, including opportunity cost of the capital you put down for the property, etc.
You have to deal with shitty tenants that go out of their way to destroy your property, or avoid paying rent, just because they are jealous, knowing deep down that they will never achieve financial freedom and own a home themselves.
How do you deal with so much stress and anxiety over tenants that act this way?, and what is even worse, the gov protects them against eviction often times.
Why do you decide to continue struggling and self-sacrificing to provide affordable quality housing, when your efforts often are ignored. What's more, not only you are doing a thankless job, but you have to deal with anger and jealousy from the very same people you are trying to help in the first place.

How do you do it bros?
I hope one day I have the capital and personal strength to become a landlord myself.

>> No.49916198


lmao little landcuck fears the grease army…you cant beat us

>> No.49916216

>be me, landlord supreme
>buy 2 million $ worth of property in 2008
>2022, now worth 10$
>sell them in Jan cuz master ta
>no income puts me in 0% tax bracket
>collect 8 million long term cap gains tax free

Kys retard commie zoomer fucks.

>> No.49916402

Please post some more landlord memes. Need to send more to my mumand sis who are dealing with an Arab bellend of a former tenant.

He even had a BBQ/Bonfire on the balcony despite being informed that the cladding is the same as Grenfell. While building had to be evacuated. Hopefully this ordeal will make my family low-key racist.

>> No.49916422

Buy in cash. However credit might affect your availability to get car insurance which is legally required in many states.

>> No.49916489

that's not how taxation works unless there is something else you are not telling us.
0% tax bracket is for your ordinary (wage) income.
capital gains still get taxed at LTCG rates, which is 0%, then 15%, and then most of $8mill gain will be 20%. plus NIIT and Obamacare taxes.

>> No.49916534

friend, did you remember to sell all appliances and furniture? the wires in the walls, pulled?

>> No.49916605

>was thinking that rentals is the safest way to accrue money
i take it you've never seen what heroin users, and their thirty closest bum friends from around town, do to a rental.

protip, it's a little more challenging than some oil down the sink. they also have your address via the paperwork but you won't have theirs when they disappear, so be careful how much pressure you try applying.

>> No.49916705
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>WhaT should I plant to destroy the rental property?
Japanese knotweed is an invasive species in europe, it takes years to begin getting rid of and will grow through tarmac / buildings. it's enough of a problem it's actually mentioned in surveys and has its own entry on the governments site, because it can also remain dormant for a decade plus underground and then reappear.

>> No.49916811

Nope fuck off. Owning a property to rent it should be illegal. The process of a qualified person being able to live in a home without being able to pay for it up front is covered by lending. Landlords mop up liquidity in a market without providing any benefit to it. It is purely a middleman behavior. Suck a dick.
t. Homeowner

>> No.49916850

why is that chair dabbing

>> No.49916868


>> No.49917344

>remain dormant for a decade plus underground

landcucks on suicide watch lmao

i WILL fuck your property over and you simply cannot stop me landnigger faggots. im going to play this shit deep as fuck lmaooooo. in the foundation lmao. im going to literally inject the seeds of this bitch into a moist crevices in your house and hang up small uv lights on that spot lmaooooo. then im gonna cover it back up lmao. HAHAHHHHHHAH LANDNIGGERS ARE FUCKED AND ABSOLUTELY NOT GOING TO MAKE IT AND THEY WILL BE GUILLOTINED HHAHHH. fuck landniggers

>> No.49917391

Being a landlord must suck. Low margins, high nigger risk. They all get the rope though obviously, but they get a final cigarette. One of those menthol nigger ones.

>> No.49917414

>Noooo not my gud goy buckerinooooossssss.

>> No.49917453
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>let someone live in your house for $400 a month
>reduce it to $200 a month when they cant pay
>they STILL dont pay you for 3 months
>finally confront them about it
>they push you down a flight of stairs and kill you
>commies on twitter laugh and make memes about it
I want all commies to die.

>> No.49917479

Assigned-risked pools exist, and there are companies that specialize in providing high risk insurance policies. You'll be paying out the ass compared to a normal policy, but it's basically impossible to get to the point of never being able to get car insurance.

>> No.49917510

They’ve been infiltrating America since the 60’s. And the internet empowers them.

>> No.49917518

haha get dunked on, COVID was the best thing to happen to landlords in a long time

>> No.49917582

Retarded LARPer.

>> No.49917593

I used to want to be a landlord, thought it was something cool and a nice way to create pasive income.
Turns out its just a lot of work for nothing, i think im going to settle for investing on lovelace or something on the lines of that

>> No.49917602

guch/pissed colored id
im going to piss in your grave landnigger

>> No.49918120

>I have a black tenant
There's your problem

>> No.49918134

>watch a youtube video with a poorly photoshopped NPC face over John Oliver
>libtard gets OWNED and DESTROYS himself

>> No.49918603

Liberals created all these problems with urban rental prices, by continually promoting the idea in the media that the only lifestyle that matters is living in an apartment in a metropolitan area. You wouldn't even think rural America exists watching American movies and TV.

>> No.49918669

Very interesting, I did not know about this.
What about a VHNWI who wants to check out of the credit system? There is probably not an assigned risk pool for umbrella insurance so "diverse people" can brake-check you and get a chunk of your Bitcoin.

>> No.49919074

Where are the jobs in rural America apart from working at the convenience store or smoking meth?

>> No.49919313

>the credit goy fears the unshackled rentGOD

>> No.49919527

Cooking meth

>> No.49920367

its in the name. landlording is a medieval idea that is celebrated by medieval people. they take something necessary for survival and happiness - a home - and turn it into a commodity to be traded around, bought and sold for the most exploitative price possible. it wouldnt be so bad if you could just go out a build your own house but all land worth living on on this planet already belongs to some faggot who thinks you should be grateful for the opportunity to live as a serf and pay off his boomer loans that crippled a generation beyond repair. its just absolute social cancer from top to bottom

>> No.49920498
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I don't get it why don't you people just buy a house then? It's your choice to rent

>> No.49920619
File: 5 KB, 120x131, cools.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you should be able to "own" land given to all of us by god
retarded take

>> No.49920686

How exactly is this supposed to work? Say you build a house and then some guy comes and build a giant factory next to it that farts sewers in your face. Nobody owns any land bro it's all good. Just move your house if you don't like it. This is the part where you say something retarded like "I'll singlehandedly blow up the factory", replace it with a military base if that's your argument

>> No.49920772

The eternal jew doesn't understand that. That's why they are kicked out once in a while. I'm from post soviet country, you wouldn't even believe the audacity od landkikes here. I'd understand charging much if you put some effort, but the flats here are absolute dogshit.

>> No.49920776

Wrong, because money is a man-made object and if retards start hoarding it, we can just print more to combat the deflation.
Land is given to us in a finite amount and there is no real cost effective way to make more of it.

Having an exclusive right to use a piece of land for a certain amount of time does not have to equal owning it.
Also, the person raising the factory would have to pay to the community for having depreciated the value of the land. Simple as.

>> No.49920786
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>> No.49920803
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Dangerously based

>> No.49920850
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>> No.49920870
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>> No.49920896
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>> No.49920944

Cope and seeth rentoid

The rent is due btw

>> No.49920987
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Dangerously based poster.
Fuck all kike wanna be landies you golems are the worst of scum.

>> No.49920995

I hope this thread is still alive and you guys from yesterday are still around. Anon, from what you're saying it sounda like your problem is with shitty landlords rather than with renting itself as a concept. I too would be pissed if every landlord I had was a shithead that kept screwing me over like you describe, especially when I was being a model tenant, but that sounds more like terrible luck on your end than anything else.

>> No.49921079

And it boosts the economy!

>> No.49921120

Is she late on rent yet?

>> No.49921219

Setting aside the government trying to bankrupt the small-time landlords during the pandemic.
Being a landlord is tough in normal times due to trashy tenants.
But landlords try to make it up by grifting the good tenants.
So everyone respectable hates landlords.
And everyone not respectable hates everyone.

>> No.49921278

the issue is that it costs 700k, decommidify housing with a public option for free housing accessible to all

>> No.49921424

>leasing to non-whites
>leasing to women
Worst landlord.

>> No.49921450

>black lesbian tenant that
kek, good luck evicting that piece of shieet

>> No.49921539

Oh hey the jew is back.

>> No.49921716
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You forgot to change Ids, how much time do you spend on these ebin bait quests pretending to be retarded?

>> No.49923208

>18 pbtid
u wot m8? bot detected

>> No.49924213

my landlord pays Mexicans to spray glyphosate based weed killer all around our building
I researched instructions for how you’re supposed to spray it and they are spraying way way too much and way too close to the ground

I’m really going to get cancer because some nigger landlord doesn’t know about glyphosate
I hate this gay world, he would probably laugh at me if I told him he was giving 100+ and the surround 3 miles pesticide poisoning equivalent/worse than DDT exposure

>> No.49924418

dude fuck off with your reddit reposts. You found that shit at the top of r/all and like the retards on reddit didn't notice it's faked and shopped.

>> No.49924796

Everytime I talk with my tenants I can't stop thinking about how superior I am to them and how I humiliate them by making them work their ass off to pay me every month while I spend most of my time masturbating on coke in my luxury condo.
You think they notice?

>> No.49925732
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The amount of seething redditards here is staggering.

>> No.49926081

it do be a bait thread what do you expect, also i want to sniff her butthole

>> No.49928696

no, you don't