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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4990947 No.4990947 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized that crypto currencies are banks that run themselves. No wonder bankers hate this shit, (((they))) are mad because their jobs are about to get automated

>coin can be programmed to have a set amount, some fixed amount, some inflationary, etc
>essentially the entire federal reserve and banking system that determines financial policy is replaced by the programming that goes into the coin
>crypto currency is literally money that prints and runs itself

at last I truly see

>> No.4991031


Why do you think we spam BTC being worth 1 million in a few decades? This shit will become reality and there's nothing bankers or kikes can do about it. They're fucked unless they blow up their world and send us back to the stone ages where we are unable to use crypto.

>> No.4991069

The finak redpill is realizing that there was never anything wrong with fiat money and that the gold standard is a meme.

The problem was that eventually people would try to middleman themselves inbetween the government and the money they printed. Did you know that for every one dollar that is printed, the United States owes a dollar ON TOP of that dollar? You can never pay it back by design.

I know this is /nu/biz but if anybody wants to learn something watch this video


P. S. This is why I am so excited for monero because it's a fixed amount and then has a very small percentage emissions when the total number is mined. It's the ultimate crypto imo

>> No.4991128

hmmm yeaaaahhh no. isn't there a brainlet normie 5 minute version?

>> No.4991319

That video will unironically change your life, watch it when you have some comfy downtime

I'll try to give a quick run down because I'm nice.

>fiat money is best but the following conditions MUST be met:

>1 the government must be able to print its own money without a middleman, like US did before federal reserve. Right now the federal reserve charges the US government a dollar on top of every dollar printed. This is unconstitutional btw because the constitution says the treasury has the power to Mont money

>2 the amount of money printed HAS to be reasonable to grow with the economy to make sure there's enough money in circulation to not cause a depression but also not printing too much

We're cucked because we don't do either. Crypto solves both because it prints itself and because there's no middleman to charge anyone debt each time a new coin is mined.

The end anon. There's also some other tidbits, like depressions being caused not because of the normie reasons you hear but because the central banks don't print enough money on purpose so they can then cause depressions and buy up everything for cheap. Also fun tip this strategy of printing less money is in the protocols of zion and that shit came out in 1905 many years before the depression. And it's true because if you look at the total dollars printed after the fed reserve was enacted they slowly printed less money per year. Reminds me of when my grandpa told me his depression stories and said "there literally wasn't enough money to go around son"

>> No.4991450


So what's stopping us from just holding all our wealth in crypto when the depression happens and buy up everything like the kikes do? The average anon on /biz/ now has 100k or more, we could certainly do this if we can all become millionaires. I feel like we could start a financial war against the greedy fucks if we can all work together. They still believe in fiat and they're getting in too late to make a difference.

>> No.4991669
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Thanks for the writing that out anon, I'll watch it once I'm done with finals.
>The average anon on /biz/ now has 100k or more
h-heh, yeah bro

>> No.4992219
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>bots outjew the jews